Murim Login Chapter 501

Chapter 501


On the way home after parting ways with Zhuge Feng, Qin Weiqing quietly answered my sudden question.

“After Dalpo. Songshan, Henan Province.”

“Song Sahn… … It is the very place where the Shaolin Temple, the North Head of Mount Tai in Murim, is located.

just three months ago. The Great Banquet of Seongra, which can be said to be the grand banquet of the world’s Murim, begins, and the new Murim League is born in the place where blood and wind were blown by the dark sky.

A place called Songshan. And considering the symbolism of Shaolin Temple, it is a suitable starting point for the Moorim League, which is reviving after 50 years.

Anyway, the fact that only Dalpo was left… … .

“It has already been decided. Ever since you came to Sichuan.”

Contrary to my expectations, however, Lord Qin Yue shook his head slightly.

“Isn’t it?”

“Why do you think Yu Peng was in Henan at the right time?”

“Then the reason for the Great Hyeop came… …

“Jinryongdae is the best elite of the head family. Bringing in half of them just to serve as porters is not allowed by the owner of the cow. Even if what you want to move is the royal seal of the emperor.”

“It’s earlier than expected.”

“Amcheon’s move was rougher and faster than I thought. The Sacheon blood affair was decisive.”

You have to run to catch up with the adversary ahead.

The bloody wind that raged on Shaolin Temple moved to Sacheon, and now it has reached Hubei. Hanam’s leadership had to make a choice.

“It is never easy to tie the world under one fence. But it seems like they’ve finally made up their minds.”

With a quiet voice, Qin Wei-gyeong, who was stunned, took out a sealed envelope from her bosom and held it out.

“This.” “It’s a letter that Yu Peng brought from Henan.” “If it’s Hanam, did you send it from the Moorim League?” “You guessed it.” “I thought so. I knew it when I saw that you gave it to Jegal Daehyeop earlier.” At first glance, it is different from ordinary letters in appearance.

However, what made this letter even more special was the three letters “Murimmaeng” written on the outside in a warrior-like handwriting.

“Maknae, read it for yourself.”

“I’m already reading, so don’t make me talk. I can’t concentrate.”

“… … Ah, yes.”

I quickly flipped through the opened letter, leaving behind the sullen Jin Wi-gyeong.

The content of the letter, which began with the sentence, “I declare to the world,” was short and intense. Maybe that’s why it was easy to summarize in three lines.

Yaya, unwind the dark stream. These are really crazy people, so listen carefully.

Do you know Jeongmadaejeon PTSD? Let’s stop this at all costs.

Is there any Hogu who doesn’t know where Sungsan is? Gather by several days of the month. Amcheon, the new kid who doesn’t come.

After summarizing the three lines, it doesn’t seem like much.

Of course, this was not written in the letter.

The handwriting, which was written by an unknown calligrapher without hesitation, was like a cloud, and each sentence and the emotions contained in it were solemn and touched my heart.

Personally, I want to show it to the Heavenly Lord of Darkness.

‘If I see this, I will join the Murim Alliance in Heaven and Earth.’

Everyone would be able to have a happy ending if Cheonju joins the Moorim Alliance, but it’s just unfortunate that the possibility doesn’t exist as much as Hyukmujin’s ears.

“Anyway, the Moorim Meng will be born soon.”

“After Dalpo. The Murim all over the world will gather under the banner of the Murim Alliance.”

After thinking for a while, Qin Yuqing added a word.

“It should be called the Murim of the Jungwon, not the Murim of the world.”

I already know the meaning of those words added by Qin Yuqing.

‘surely… … It’s unreasonable to say that a political faction is the world itself.’ Undoubtedly, the losers of Murim all over the world are the political factions, starting with the Old Families and the Five Greats.

However, it was not only the political faction that survived and became victors in the past Jeongma War.


Qin Wei-qing nodded at the muttering that escaped my lips.

“Yes, we shouldn’t rule them out.”

In a fishbowl, not only fish of one color live.

There is a sa faction that is weak compared to the right faction, but has built its own territory, and includes the dark sword that dominates the night streets.

‘At first, I wondered why they left such people while crying out for the extermination of sama.’ There’s a reason everything happens.

Sapa forces, which have continued their existence until now, were able to survive because they stood on the side of the political faction during the Jeongma War.

The problem is that their choice was not simple goodwill.

“Do you know why the Sapa forces in the central plains are on the side of the political faction Murim?”

“You haven’t forgotten who I’ve been with for the past year, have you?”

“Your enemy commander told you.”

“I picked up a lot of this and that.”

There is an old saying that green is the same color, and crayfish are crabs.

At the time of the Great War of Jeongma, when the Demonic Cult crossed the Qinghai and rushed toward Jungwon, Sapa quickly joined them, shouting, “Long live the cultist.”

There was a tremendous momentum of the Demonic Cult, but they wanted the Demonic Cult, which could be said to be of the same kind in their own way, to become the master of the world.

However, the situation was different for the Sapa Murim people, who were located in Jungwon, the center of the world.

‘If I don’t join the faction, I’ll be killed before I even get out of the midfield right away. What Jeokcheongang once said with a snort was a reality that was exactly true for the Sapa people in the Central Plains at the time.

“They say it was almost like eating dumplings while crying.”

“I didn’t live in that era either, but from what I’ve checked, it’s true.”

“check? ,,“After you left for Sacheon, I was able to find numerous records in the process of looking for old materials while remaining in Hanam. The record related to Sapa was one of them.” When peace came, the Murim Alliance was dissolved, but the memories of the people who went through the Great War and the records of the situation at the time remained.

If you think about it, it makes sense. In the history of the Janggu Han Moorim, 50 years is ‘only’ half a century.

“What was written on the record?”

“What do you think?”

“It’s expected to some extent, because there are stories I’ve heard.”

“I don’t know exactly what the enemy has told you, but it’s probably mostly true.”

“… … If that’s true, it’s a bit of a hit.”

From the beginning of the Jeongma War to the mid-to-late half, the Sapa Murim people who joined the political faction repeated endless betrayals.

Considering Jeokcheongang’s words that at the time, the leaders of the Murimmaeng even discussed saccharide removal (削草除根), which extracts all Sapa from inside the political faction, it seems certain that it was at a serious level.

“But what if you fought hard afterwards?”

“Because unlike the first time, I couldn’t tell whether I won or lost. There was an impenetrable surveillance by Eunyeonggak led by Cheonmyeonho-ri and Song Daehyeop, and there is a record that the Sapa Murim voluntarily cut off their tails when they sensed that the atmosphere of the leadership was unusual.”

A political faction is not unconditionally righteous, and a Sa faction is not a collection of very bad people.

However, unlike the political faction, Sapa had the power and cruelty to cut off its tail without hesitation.

The moment I suspected that he was the ganja of the Demonic Cult, I ruthlessly picked him from the neck.

“In the end, the body that had its tail cut off survived, and it cooperated with the political faction and became the victor.”

The remaining forces of Sapa were able to continue their lives in the shadow of the giant tree, but of course they could not show off their prestige as before.

The image was already messy, but it was because there were countless powers attached to the Demonic Cult.

At least, it was a shame because the leadership of the Moorim Maeng recognized his merits and rights to some extent, and the general consensus was that otherwise he would have been dragged out by bone marrow doctors who were crying out for cheating.

The gaze of hatred towards Sapa after the end of the war was still continuing like a long-standing tradition.

Up to this point, there had been no major problems, but from now on, things are different.

“You have to take them with you and fight.” “Yes. If it’s not the Moorim Meng, I’ll stand on the side of Amcheon.” “It’s embarrassing not to sleep in your arms.” “It’s an opponent I don’t want to leave my back on the battlefield. There’s a precedent, and there will be complaints about the meritorious deeds we’ve done since the end of the war that have been piling up for decades.” “If I were told to remain neutral…

“Let’s assume that the Murim Meng is losing. What would you do if you, the youngest member, were Sapa’s Murim people?” ? _

… mouth.

I have no words to say when you ask me so openly. After licking my lips, I opened my mouth.

“What am I saying here, but I have to stick to the cancer cloth.” “The reason is?” “If the Murim Meng wins, it will be a fair match, but as you said, the scales have already tilted and Amchun will become the owner of the midfield Murim.” “yes.” “What kind of people are Amcheon to leave Sapa alone?

Rather than praising them for maintaining neutrality, they are the ones who will just kill you for not helping you when it is more important.” “It was right. That is why Sapa is Gyereuk.” Gyereuk. It is a fairly appropriate expression.

It’s not very useful, but it’s a waste to throw it away. If you feel embarrassed to fight together and throw it away, Amcheon will pick it up and throw it at you.

No matter how soft the chicken bones are, they are bones after all. If you get hit, it will hurt quite a bit.

Then finally… … .

“Hanam must have already sent a letter there.” Qin Weiqing nodded slightly.

“It must be. If you have to choose between the two, Sapa Murim must be drawn to our side.” Sapa tends to have a lot of flesh attached to it.

As soon as the sun goes down, the black swordsmen who roam the back alleys belong to Sapa, but isn’t it time to feel sorry for a third-rate swordsman now?

Above all, it’s better to keep it close and snatch it by the leash, it’s too big a loss to stick to the darkness at all… … .

‘But wait. Black sword?’ I frowned at the sudden memory.


“No, I remember hearing it a while ago. Didn’t you blow away the black sword of Hubei Province with the beast of a beast this time about the water dragon?”

“It did.”

“… … Then I think the Sapa kids will be offended. After all, we accepted the government official’s proposal and became their own family members.”

The picture is not good. Perhaps because of this incident, Sapa could reject the offer to join the Murim Alliance.

However, Qin Weiqing’s complexion was extremely calm.

“Two things are wrong.”

,,yes? ,, “first. Since the end of the war, Sapa Murim has been divided into quarters. Rather than a family member, it would be more correct to see them as competitors.

We used this opportunity to uproot the black island of Hubei, which had an exceptionally large number, and another Sapa will fill the vacancy.

It’s a new opportunity.”

“Feed them enough, and they will be satisfied. Also, you will realize when you hear about the work of Hubei. This is a warning, “I threw food, put on a leash named fear.

That is how the Murim Meng tame the hunting dog Sapa Murim.

“And secondly, it was proposed by the government and not accepted by us.” Qin Weiqing spoke in a dry voice.

“we. No, I suggested it first.” “The government only accepted it. This difference is very large.” “… … Is the government official saying that easily?” “The governor Seungseonpo of Hubei Province is an important position that can influence a province.

However, people only know that the new Pojeongsasa served as the Sixth Chamjeong of Shanseo Province, and they didn’t even know that he was a hidden servant of King Sangsan.” Suddenly, memories of the first time he arrived in Hubei Province flashed through his mind.

The young gaze of the enemy of the people. And Jin Wi-gyeong, who led the officers and asked the officials who besieged Naruteo.

‘Ah, by the way, do you know someone who uses the pronoun Hongcheon?’ ‘That, he’s a newly appointed police officer. What kind of relationship do you have with Master Pojeong? … ?) ‘We met a few times and had a drink or two. He helped me when I needed it.’ Qin Yujing’s eyes staring straight at me were soft, but there was a cold blade lurking in them.

It was the look in the eyes of a bookkeeper and a politician, and as soon as he realized it, it melted away and disappeared.

“Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.” Tuk-tuk.

I feel the strength of the hand tapping on my shoulder. While staring at Jinwi-gyeong like that, I suddenly opened my mouth.

“house owner… … No, what kind of person was your father?”

The faint smile that had formed on Jin Wei-gyeong’s lips disappeared as if it had been washed away.

“No, the atmosphere was good, but why is that human story?”

“As you know, I hit my head then. I can’t remember.”

“You don’t have to remember! Just get it out of your head! I am your father!”

I knew it well, but it seems that there are not just one or two things that have accumulated so far.

Qin Yuqing even shook his fists as if he remembered the paperwork hell of the past.

“But why do you ask that?” “just. I feel very fortunate that my father is gone and my older brother is in charge of the family.” “… … I’m the youngest. Please do not cross the line.” I shrugged and turned around.

He answered without even turning his head to Jin Wi-gyeong’s question, “Where are you going?”

“They said they were behind Dalpo. I’m going to prepare to leave.” It was time to leave behind the work in Hubei.

With those who are with me and who want to be with me in the future.

“This seems like a fair amount of time… isn’t it?” The muttering that escaped from between the lips disappears without a trace, buried in the surrounding noise.

I scratched my chin as I gazed at the far-flung cliff.

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