Murim Login Chapter 450

Chapter 450

Dozens of people gathered near the edge of the island, near the sandy beach.

When the unmanned people who surrounded us opened the way to our appearance, we were finally able to find familiar faces.

“Uncle Hwang, how are you leaving behind your talent! How!”

Moosong wailing in a hoarse voice. Hyeon Gong Jin-in, a shamanist who watches him with a sad expression, and Waryong-gaek Je-poong, who has an incomprehensible deep look.

and… … .


Moon-kyung, who always seemed to be there or not, did not reveal his presence among people, and from the moment he realized that there was a change in Dong-dong-chae, he moved more astutely than anyone else.

As a medical student, not a murderer, he worked tirelessly to save even one person.

However, mocking Mungyeong’s efforts

As expected, no survivors survived.

The corpse that Musong hugged while shedding endless tears was also one of the many victims of the tragedy.

“Are you here?”

Jeokcheongang, who looked at Jegalpoong, who was talking to him, opened his mouth.

“Is that Jang Kang-il’s hwangchung?”

“It’s hard to tell, but from what we know, it’s for sure.”


Inappropriate word for the deceased

it may sound

However, if Jang Kang-il had seen Hwangchung’s body in person, he would not have raised any objections. I was the same.

‘What kind of crazy guy.’

The body was so badly mutilated that it was hard to believe it had once been a living person.

A face that was crushed as if it had been hit with a rock, and a body that did not exist below the chest.

The stench of rotting flesh and intestines stings your nostrils.

’ ‘Eup, woo-wook!”

He couldn’t blame Mujin Hyuk for taking a backward step with nausea.

Even I, who have witnessed countless horrendous sights and many corpses, feel sick to my stomach.

He is the sworn brother of the King of the Seas and an ultra-high master who commanded the vast Yangtze River with his powerful martial arts.

Jang Kang-il also looked more like a chunk of meat than a corpse.

“Beloved, this is… … .”

“It is terrible. What kind of wrathful bastard

do something like this.”

The blue wind and the archery room, whose complexions were pale, murmured.

While staring at the corpse with a stiff face, I suddenly felt strange and opened my mouth.

“What are those corpses?”

The island is full of corpses, so it’s no surprise that there are a few more.

However, the two corpses that my gaze reached were lying side by side next to Jang Kang-il and Hwang Chung.

‘That must mean that they are important people.’

Zhuge Poong, who followed my fingertips with his gaze, answered.

“Gwangsoo Ghost (狂水刀鬼) Hwangcheol.

“Gwangseokgwi, Blue Lake… …

It’s a name I’ve heard many times. It’s also relatively recent.

After a brief thought, I recalled the memory and raised my head.


“Right. They are the owners of Dangyang Chae and Hong Ho-chae, who are under the command of Dong Ho Dong.”

“After taking control of the maritime area,

Didn’t you say it disappeared without an enemy?”

“Yeah, it definitely was.”

Zhuge Feng stared at the corpses of the two Chaeju with deep eyes and continued.

“The Gwanghwasu Ghost had a raging temper, and the Blue Tiger was cunning. That’s why, when the events of the four quarters broke out the year before Dalpo, everyone had no choice but to doubt them.”

The gunggibang suddenly opened its mouth.

“Master once said something like that. There are only two people in the Yangtze River Channel that can control Gwangsoo Doug and Parang Lake.”

“That’s right. Apart from their temperament, they are equipped with that level of martial arts. Without a leash to control them, they are fierce dogs who would have run wild.”

In that sense, Jang Gangildo Hwangchung would have been perfect as a leash to control fierce dogs.

He must have been a master next to the King of the Seas in the Yangtze River Channel League and had excellent skills in handling people. However, the strong leash was broken, and two fierce dogs were also found dead.

Even the Yangtze River Waterway Alliance in Hubei Province, which had been in a long-standing conflict with the Maritime Bureau, was devastated.

And there is only one group that can do something like this without any reason or justification.

“Dark sky. Is it them again?”

Hyeon Gong-Jin’s sigh was filled with anger and sadness that could not be hidden.

Sacheon followed by Hanam. Finally, the shadow of Amcheon was cast even in Hubei Province.

No, perhaps from a very long time ago, Amcheon might have been standing on top of the world.

But it was a night without a single light

It’s just that I didn’t feel that shadow.

‘Like the long time ago, when the great master held hands with Amcheon.’

This wasn’t something that started in a day or two, it was a ruse that was born around the time of the Great War.

“Nansae (亂世). It’s going to be a chaotic world.”

Waryonggae Zhuge Pung, who was lowly engrossed, raised his head and looked around.

A pair of eyes that sparkle with an unknown light stare at the thick fog everywhere.

As if seeing through something crouching beyond.

* * *

Everyone, including me and my party, were busy moving.

However, they searched all over the surrounding cliffs, including the island, to find a single survivor or eyewitness, but no results were obtained.

Rather, the doubts and frustration only increased.

‘Apart from the fact that there are no survivors, I can’t even find a trace of the jinbeop.’

If Amcheon had entered this place through Idongjin without going through Cheonryeongpok, there must have been traces like those found in Sacheon somewhere here.

However, despite the efforts of members of the Jegal family, who are famous for their jinbeop and institutions, no significant results have been achieved.

It was to the extent that Zhuge Poong came to ask about it.

“Are you sure there is such a truth?”

“That’s right, after the work is done,

I couldn’t find it in Hanam because I left right away, but I saw it with my own two eyes during the Sacheon Blood History.”

“I also knew about it through the books, but such a strange method doesn’t even exist in the records of the head family.”

“Then, write a new one this time.”

“If you look for it, you will find it. We must find it.”

“I agree, but the number of people gathered here is not enough.”

The area of ​​the island that Dongdongchae used as a base is also an area, but the bigger problem is the surrounding environment.

Hundreds of long cliffs that cannot be accessed by land surround it on all sides, and there is a river that is even wider than that.

There was no choice but to limit the number of 4 ships and about 300 people.

“It was a mistake to select those who excelled in martial arts. I had to bring in family members who were well versed in the martial arts.”

What if I regret it?

Not only Zhuge Poong, but everyone here, including me, was concerned about bloodshed with the Yangtze River Channel Alliance, but never dreamed that such a situation would await.

“Then we will go to Jegal Sega and bring in the necessary talent.”

“I, the head of the household, would prefer to go myself, but for now, it seems to be the best. I’ll attach some of the family’s gasoline, so let’s go together.”

Jeokcheongang, who had been quietly listening to the story, suddenly opened his mouth to me.

“Could it be that the old lady is among those you mentioned?”

“Isn’t it obvious? That proverb

Are you Where the needle goes, the thread goes.”

“I see. Have you ever heard of this proverb?”

“If you talk nonsense, you lose.”

U. »

I flinched at the moment, Jeokcheongang rolled up his fist and threatened me.

“Nobu is not going.

“No, are you going to live here for the rest of your life? Are you going to stay forever?”

“Who says they live forever?

There is no need to run away, so even one old man should stay behind to help find the truth, so that the beast will be revealed and Hubei Province will be at peace.”

After his close friend, Beopwang Goengdo, was killed by Amcheon, Jeokcheongang gnashed his teeth whenever Amcheon’s hermitage came out, but his reaction this time is somewhat suspicious.

I thought for a moment and clapped my hands.

“ah. I get it now You’re in such a hurry because of the thunderstorm.”

U ≫

“Don’t go round and round for nothing, and talk a long time ago. I forgot to pay attention too.”

“Who cares about that water! Have you forgotten who the old lady is!”

“hmm. Creepy?”


F*ck! F*ck! baek!

After being hit seven times in the back of the head and escaping, I moved on to my next destination.

Familiar faces gathered together turn their heads in this direction.

“Chief. What are you going to do next?”

I replied by kicking Hyuk Moo-jin’s butt.

“I just came to talk. Get ready because you have to leave right away.”

“Leave, where are you going?”

“Jegalse. I think we need to bring in people who are proficient in jinbeop and institutions. If necessary, the non-partisan side also fills in. I heard there are a few masters with deep knowledge of the Jinbeop over there too?”

“Well, maybe the shamans are tough.”

I frowned at the words of the gunsmith who suddenly interrupted.

“What bullshit is that?”

“It wasn’t me, it was Hyeon Gong-jin who said it.”

“Hmm. Looking back, I think there must be a reason for that.”

“Okay, explain in detail. What are you talking about?”

“There seems to be a problem on the non-partisan side as well. Even before the Haebang incident, some crazy flesh demon has been killing people all over Hubei Province… … It seems like this has gotten bigger. Only those who died at his hands have already turned 30, so that’s understandable.”

“Live? Is he a Murim?”

“It seems certain that it is an unmanned person of a considerable level. Although most of the victims were civilians, a fairly well-known first-class ronin was asked by the government department to pursue him and was found dead.”

If you are a first-class ronin, you will hear the sound of a first-class drummer wherever you go.

If the flesh of the rumor really easily handled the first-class ronin and ran away, there was a good chance that he was a master at the peak.

‘But there’s no way that the entire non-partisan faction would rise up just to catch one of them.’

The doubts I heard at the moment disappeared cleanly with the words of the gunggi room that followed straight away.

“Three days ago? It is said that there was an incident where 20 true envoys were massacred while climbing Wudang Mountain. Among them were the children of high-ranking officials who were trying to enter as temporary disciples of the shaman faction.”


It is a tragedy that took place in Wudang Mountain, not anywhere else.

It was not enough that the worshipers were slaughtered in the front yard of the main mountain, and they touched the sons and daughters of the high official, so the anger of the shamans was natural.

‘He’s a F*cking madman. It’s bold, and the two words ‘Amcheon’ suddenly crossed my mind, but I shook my head.

This is Murim. There are a lot of crazy people who can’t even give a business card to the modern serial killer.

It is not surprising if a murder takes place on the main street in broad daylight with the sun rising in mid-sky.

‘If it had been an act of darkness, an incomparably greater incident would have occurred.’

Anyway, the situation of the non-partisans is like that, so it’s a matter to think again after arriving at Jegal Sega.

“Well, once you know, everyone pack their bags. They are preparing to take us outside as well.”

Jin Yu-gyeong has already decided to stay before going to see Zhuge Fung, and I only need to take the guys here.

However, one person, or one person, had a different idea.

“I will stay.”

“What kind of bastard… … ah. It’s Mungyeong.”

“Is there any reason why I should follow you?”

“No. stay, stay please stay


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