Murim Login Chapter 449

Episode 9

From the time they entered the realm of Dongdongchae beyond the bizarrely strong waters of Cheonryeongpok, Seonhwaa Musong’s heart was beating fast little by little.

‘Uncle Hwang. I have a knack for it.’ The owner of Dongdongchae, Janggangildo Hwangchung, was like a teacher to Fusong. No, maybe he is more than that.

Fusong’s real teacher, the King of the Sea, was not a very kind person, and their relationship was as rough as dry sand.

As a child, it was thanks to Hwangchung’s warm advice and consideration that Musong was able to withstand harsh criticism and training.

‘I believe in quality. That my uncle wouldn’t do that.’

A person who is more serious and thoughtful than anyone else in the Yangtze River Channel Alliance.

There is no way that such a hwangchung would have the worst handshake of removing Hae Sabang and Dongdong Eoong in the same way.

I had a strong belief in him

Musong also chose to come here in person.

However, apart from his belief, his anxiety was increasing in size every moment.

‘Why is it so quiet?’

He knows Jang Kang-il and Hwang Chung, who are thorough and prudent in everything. He could not neglect the defense of the sink, believing only in the heavenly spirit.

Dongdongchae is a heavenly fortress built on the Yangtze River.

If unauthorized intruders cross the Thousand Rim Width, they will soon see hundreds of long canyons and countless arrowheads greeting the intruders above them.

but… … .

‘It’s already in sight. Why is there no answer?’

Despite raising the flags of the Yangtze River Channel Alliance and sending out signals by beating drums, everything was as quiet as before.

Musong’s heart beat violently as he looked at the island shrouded in thick fog.

‘Something went wrong.’

A single thought running through my mind. he

The uneasiness I felt was soon revealed.

“It seems that there has been a change.”

“What is that… … !”

Moosong, who turned his head at the words of the young medical doctor Mungyeong, swallowed his breath without being able to continue.

Soon, commotion spread like wildfire among the people on board.

“I-that… …

“dead body! It is a corpse!”

Everyone in this place is a Murim person familiar with blood and death. They had seen them to the point of getting tired of corpses, but this time the situation was different.

This is sympathy. At present, when key figures in the maritime defense are wiped out and even Dongdongeoong is certain to die, it can be seen that there is no one in Hubei Province who can cross the wilder Cheonryeongpok and come this far.

But I’m a corpse out of nowhere.

The agitated people, Musong, who had been silent, squeezed out their voices.

“… … pull it up right now I’ll have to check it out.”

“Yes, yep!”

Before the bandits in the water dragon can move straight ahead, one person strides forward.

“Back off.”

Fire King Jeokcheongang, who had been running rampant until just before the fire, let out a calming voice and stretched out his hand.

The strong aerodynamic force shot through space pulled the corpse submerged in the water.

Shih, empty!

A corpse landed on the deck of a free ship with a dull noise.

Half of the upper body is missing and the face

Seeing this bloated corpse, Mu Song widened his eyes.

“This, interest… … .”

“Do you know someone?”

At Jin Tae-gyeong’s question, which approached him, Mu Song nodded with a puzzled expression.

“Little Zhao Ghost Wang Pi. Uncle Hwang’s right-hand man and Dong-chae’s debtor.”

It is Dongdongchae, which commands the Yangtze River in Hubei Province. As the debtor of such Dong Chae and the right hand man of Changgang Ildo Hwangchung, it is natural that his name and nickname are known.

Bullets exploding in the nickname of Sojogwi

After the ceremony, Jin Tae-gyeong stared at Musong with a stiff face.

“Debtors? Are you sure?”

“It must be. Although the body is severely mutilated, it is not so much that the face is unrecognizable.”

“… … Shit.”

Jin Tae-kyung’s face hardened. It wasn’t just him alone, but everyone who was aware of the situation was the same.

It’s an ominous thing even if it’s an ordinary number, much less the fan owner of Dongdongchae and the transcendent master of the Janggang Channel League, which is famous in the Hubei Murim.

The meaning of this series of circumstances was clear.

‘There is a change in sympathy.’

Jin Tae-kyung was the first to put into action the thoughts that flashed in everyone’s mind.


Arriving at the stern of the Kwajoon across the ship at blinding speed, he stretched out his arms with all his might.

Perong! Whoops!

The heat retainer carried on the flame kidney evaporates moisture and pushes the ship forward.

Only then did those who escaped the shock move along with Jin Tae-kyung.

“Seamen, hurry back to your seats and hold the oars! It’s an urgent situation!”

“We must inform the other ships of this! Come on, send a signal!”

Doong, Doo Dooung

Urgent shouts and drumming broke the silence.

In the midst of the dizzying confusion, Mu Song raised his head, feeling his heart beating louder and wilder than the sound of drums resounding everywhere.

and the next moment.

U ≫

He, no everyone could see.

Beyond the fog slowly dispersing along the prow of the ship, the wrecked ferry and countless bodies filling the river.

* * *

“Such a bastard… … !”

Unbeknownst to me, it came out with a loud voice

abuse. But no one noticed or blamed me.

Maybe it’s because they don’t have the time to do that, or maybe it’s because I did what they wanted to say.

The scene that unfolded before my eyes was truly horrifying.

“There is no other way to hell.”

“… … How could this be?”

Jeokcheongang muttered in a deep voice, and the always bright Cheongpung looked around with trembling eyes.

Wherever the guy’s gaze went, collapsed houses and dead bodies were lined up.

The bodies witnessed around Naruto were just a few of the countless deaths that landed on the island.

“Chief Joe. Over there…

“I know.”

I tried to ignore Hyukmu Jin who called me with a trembling voice.

It was because he had already seen what was in the direction he was pointing at. Unbeknownst to me, my teeth were grinding.

‘Children and civilians who have not learned martial arts.’

On the island, there are only a handful of enemies

it wasn’t

They brought their families and relatives to this safe, heavenly fortress, and the people who gathered like that formed a village.

and… … .

‘They’re all dead.’

Children who might have just been weaned, infirm old people and children. Even hundreds of enemies who have to risk their lives to protect them.

Death was met without a single exception.

Me and my companions, as well as non-partisans and

This is the result of the search of the island for over half a day by the warriors of the Jegal family and the bandits of the Suryongchae led by Musong.

And among those countless deaths, one person’s name was also included.

“Uncle Hwang!”

As the roar of the beast-like fusong resounded from afar, the gunsmith muttered in a mixed voice.

“Looks like you finally found it.”

someone says There is no weight in human life.

But clearly the weight is divided.

The weight varies depending on what kind of person the deceased was during his lifetime and what kind of relationship he had with me.

At least to Fusong, Jang Kang-il and Hwang Chung must have been such people.

“The head of the household told me to bring it quickly.”

Jin Wi-gyeong nodded at Mu-in’s words as Jegal Se rushed in.

“It must be something related to the Hwang Daehyup.”

“Yes. The body of Hwang Dae-hyeop was found just now. But…”

“Let’s go. I’ll listen to the rest directly from Jegal.

We moved on without saying a word.

It is not to commemorate his death, but because Hwangchung is as important as Jang Kang-il, who became the deceased.

The reason why the face of Cheon-gang, the only one in the party he knew, was hardened was not because of sadness.

– What do you guys think?

Suddenly, before the first note that pierced my ear, I slowed my steps and answered.

– Same idea as Noya.

– Do you know what the old lady is thinking?

– Same idea as me.

– It’s like flame extension.

– I’ve been needing to pee for a while now, but I’m holding back. Noya, be patient. Now that I’m sorting out what I’m going to say, I calmly let go of the thoughts I’ve been thinking about for the past half day.

– Dongdongchae is a heavenly fortress that can only be reached by crossing the Cheonryeongpok. Although I don’t know the details of the situation here, Jang Kang-il can’t even dream of defeating the super-skilled master named Hwangchung and his brute force.

– Even a mutt can eat a bite in my front yard], and I need overwhelming strength to deal with the thick-boned guys in the Yangtze River.

The electric sound of the Jeokcheon River continued.

– In particular, Jang Kang Il-do was like a water ghost who won a great victory against the Demonic Cao during the Great War, so it would have taken more than twice as much power to annihilate Dong Jeong-chae.

Twice as much sympathy… … .

I didn’t know this until I came here, but the size of Dongdongchae is incomparable to other sinks.

The number of corpses found so far exceeds one thousand, so it is not enough to call it a group.

‘Musong said something like that once. Dongdongchae is said to be the second most powerful riverside after the general of the Yangtze River Waterway Alliance.’ It was a fact that could be known just by looking around.

Although everything was shattered and destroyed now, a fleet of fifty or so ships was formed, and a residence was built with houses that could only be found in the downtown streets of the city.

Although not comparable to the prestigious factions such as the Gupaibang or the Five Greats, the enemies under Jang Kang Il-do must have been quite elite as well.

And there aren’t many groups that can put twice as much effort against these sympathizers. no, it’s in your hand

– Where can you mobilize that much power and ships??… ?.

– As far as Nobu knows, there are only four places in Hubei Province. It’s as if one of them is already gone.

– Non-partisans, Jegal Se, government officials. and the maritime chamber. Is that correct?

– Yes. However, most of the people who gathered for livelihood in Haesabang are so lacking in the number of masters, and the shaman faction and Zhuge Sega have power, but there is no reason or justification to strike Dongdongchae.

– I guess the same goes for the government department.

– Of course. Even Samcheok Dongja knows that Moorim and Gwan are in a mutually inviolable relationship. Even if the emperor had issued an imperial order to subdue it, he would not have been able to deceive the attention of the world and deal with it secretly like this.

Moorim is a tree rooted deep in the forest of Cheonhara.

It has already grown too high to prune, and I am concerned that the blade of the ax will be damaged if I do not hastily cut it down.

This is also the reason why Moorim has been able to survive even though the owner of the forest has changed several times.

It is such a huge tree that even a woodcutter named Son of Heaven cannot easily point an ax at it.

That is Moorim, and the numerous branches and leaves sprouting from this giant tree have grown by joining forces or sometimes breaking each other.

Among them, the Yangtze River Channel is a fairly thick tree branch.

If the watercolors from all over the world are gathered in one place, it is not inferior to being called a group, and the number of masters is also not far behind that of the Gupabang or the Five Greats.

However, the very branch of the Yangtze River Network was broken. By someone unknown – Noya is a shaman, Jegal, Gwanbu, and Haebangsu. Do you think you are one of these four places?

– It is a waterway where hundreds of ships come and go every day. Avoiding countless eyes and mobilizing that much power to overcome the width of the Heavenly Spirit, ?… It’s a very difficult job.

– It could be very easy.

I spat out a word that had been lingering on the tip of my tongue for a while.

– If it is dark weather.

-There is no need to cross the Cheonryeongbok with hundreds or thousands of troops on ships. If there is a 2L arithmetic called warp, no, Idongjin, hidden somewhere here, everything will be solved with it.

Amcheon has already proven it in Shaolin and Sichuan.

If my guess is true, it is enough to explain the lack of notice of the countless eyes going to and from the Yangtze River.

Jeokcheongang, who had been silent for a while, let out a small sob.

– It’s not just the old lady who thinks so.

– To exclude Amcheon from this… … It smells so bad.

– But, why do you mean the Yangtze River Channel?

– Well.

I’m far away, slowly getting closer

He looked at the familiar faces and continued talking.

– You should know that from now on.

sign in mutim


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not work with dark mode