Murim Login Chapter 392

Chapter 392

‘f*ck more, faster


Squeezing even the strength he had been sucking on, he performed a new method. Every time the surrounding landscape passed by, the city turned into ruins quickly drew closer.

However, the outcome of everything could be known even before arriving. No, I should have said that someone told me about it.


– [?? Giga accomplished its goal and disappeared.

– The sudden quest, [Unexpected Attack] has been cancelled.

– You did not complete the quest. As a failure penalty, random stats are reduced by 10.

– [Strength] decreases by 10,

The moment I heard the system notification, the tight tension was released.


It wasn’t because he failed the quest, or because his stats decreased. Because you know what this means.

And the more I got closer to the city, the more desolate I felt, and the scene unfolding in front of my eyes after a while turned my guess into certainty.

Blood everywhere and corpses horribly strewn about. Even I, who had gone through countless battles and got used to death, felt stiff for a moment.

‘Slaughter (屠戮)

yes, this is a slaughter burst, tear


It was messed up and crushed.

I choked at the traces of killing a living human like an ant.

If I were to be like this, as an outright foreigner and stranger, the sadness and anger felt by the hunters of the Ministry of Public Security and Armed Forces who arrived after them could not be expressed in words.

「Zhang Wei Lang Lang!」

“Oh, what kind of bastards! What babies… … Hehehe!”

“no! Aaaaaa!」

They were colleagues who had each other’s backs. Among those lying in the cold corpses were their brothers and lovers.


Amidst endless wails and shouts, a person who had stood tall and silent suddenly took a step forward.

jerk, jerk.

The reason why his empty steps were exceptionally loud was probably because of his insensitive expression, which, unlike his usual appearance, showed no emotion.

Choi, who was standing next to me, called me in a low voice.

“Jin Tae-kyung.”

“I know. Me too.”

There are things you have to do even if you don’t want to.


It was just now, and I struggled to keep my mouth shut.


“Xiao Shen!”

Jerk, jerk, jerk.

Xiao Shen’s footsteps did not stop despite the strong cry. He just walks to an unknown place in search of the beasts who killed his men.

In the end, I had to approach him and grab him by the shoulder.




A dull, lifeless voice came out.

“… … let go I have to go.”



Xiao Shen looked around with empty eyes and continued.

“I don’t know. But it will be there somewhere.”

“You have to chase it. I will do whatever it takes to find it and avenge it.”


I was speechless for a moment.

In my eyes now, he wasn’t Xiao Shen. That was me a few years ago.

That’s why I couldn’t easily get out what I had to say.

‘I know how you feel.’

I want to kill, I will want to die.

The emotions left by the death of loved ones are not only anger and sadness. For those who survive, a guilt that is heavier than the sum of the two awaits.

The guilt of a hundred lives left behind


It was too heavy a burden for a twenty-one-year-old young man to bear.

‘Damn it. ,

Swallowing the swear words that lingered on the tip of my tongue, I grabbed him by the shoulder.


“… … .”

“It’s already too late. I can’t find them right now. It’s not a guess, it’s a certainty.”

It must have been the fact that the system notification informed us. Facing my confident eyes, Xiao Shen muttered blankly.


“It is late. It’s really late.”

“I hate to admit it… but yes. That’s the reality.”

I knew how to vent the anger and sadness he had been enduring.

I knew how to cry out loud and smash anything in sight, just like I did years ago.

But it’s wrong. It wasn’t just monsters that Xiao Shen wanted to take revenge on.

drooling. thud.

Trams entering the city.


What had been a small dot grew bigger and bigger, and Xiao Shen’s eyes burned like fireworks as he watched the approaching march.

“In that case, I will have to kill him at least.”

It was clear who “that guy” was referring to.

Liao listed. The one who gave this dog-like order.

Hundreds of hunters and hundreds of soldiers were killed with one of his insignificant orders. Even in my opinion, it was clear that he had to pay the price.


but… … .

“f*ck, I’m sorry.”

Feeling miserable, I reached out my hand.

Feeling strange, Xiao Shen tried to avoid it, but my hand, which moved like a glide, had already grazed his bloodstream.

Took. Dududuk!

Ma-hyeol(麻穴), sub-hyeol(啞穴), and transfusion(睡穴).

What awaited Shao Shen, paralyzed and voiceless, was a deep sleepy demon.


His eyelids tremble as he struggles to hold back his drowsiness.

“now… … sleep well first Their deaths are not your fault.”


Eyelids that finally close tightly. The last thing he saw in Xiao Shen’s eyes was a clear question.

‘Why, why?’

And that question was not unique to Xiao Shen.

“Regimental commander!”


“Jin Tae-gyeong, you!”

Whoa! Shhh!

Along with a cry filled with anger, five lines of wave punches rose up.

Under Shao Shen, A-rank hunters called company commanders.

I shook my hand toward them rushing in unstoppably.


With the sound of compressed air exploding, the sergeant that was aiming at me hurriedly changed its direction.

The tension that hit the air and flew away


The company commanders’ new models, who barely blocked the attack, are pushed out.

Damn it because I controlled my strength.

“Everyone calm down. I didn’t want to go this far either.”


“What the hell is this?!”

“You dare to call the regiment commander… … ! j

“To repay the favor this way!”

In the hideous atmosphere, Team Leader Choi stepped forward with a low voice.


“Jin Tae-gyeong was just returning the favor.”

“What, what?”

“If left alone, the enraged Regimental Commander Shao would have killed Sergeant Liao.”

“… … Mr. Liao deserves to die. Even if it wasn’t for the regiment commander, we would have stepped forward ourselves.”

“I agree. But I don’t know what your Central Committee will think. Especially in the Crown Prince Party, where the Liao Listing belongs.”

“… … ! j


“The opponent is the supreme commander in charge of one front. If you kill him, he won’t end up with a personal problem.”

Team leader Choi attacked the hunters of the Ministry of Public Security and Armed Forces in turn.

It is a large army numbering a thousand. I didn’t count that far, but if they get involved in an incident like this, they too can’t avoid embarrassment.

“I’m not telling you to forget about today. It’s just that now is not the time.”

I could feel the gloomy atmosphere starting to subside.


In response to Team Leader Choi’s realistic yet emotional words, one of the company commanders who did not participate in the attack spoke up.

“Agree. It’s not my job to deal with him right now… … If you do, it will be difficult to handle the later work.”


“Remember. It’s not just because of the Liao Award that our brothers died.”

Looking around at the brutal bloodshed scene, he gritted his teeth.

“for a moment. Let’s wait just a moment.


The time will come soon.”


“… … What the hell!”

There are people who lament looking up at the sky, and there are people who cannot stand the rising sadness and anger. But it was clear that everyone tacitly agreed.

When the situation was finally settled, Team Leader Choi let out a sigh of relief.

“It’s been an hour. It’s good that Mr. Jin Tae-gyeong stopped Regimental Officer Xiao.”

“… … What.”


Relief. I’m glad, should I say this?

Even though I knew I couldn’t help it, the taste in my mouth was bitter. I know the anger and sadness Xiao Shen must have felt.

“There seemed to be more survivors than that.”

“A middle-aged couple and one child remained. He passed out due to extreme tension, so it seems that he is being moved to a separate place to rest.”

“What about the other survivors?”

“I will find you soon.”


Team leader Choi, frowning, looked over my shoulder and continued.

“On the orders of an incompetent commander.”


The armored car, which was advancing with a loud noise, stopped moving about 20 meters in front.

After a while, under strict escort, a plump Liao statue appeared.

“Hey, what the hell is this… … .”

Afraid of the horrific sight unfolding before my eyes


Even so, the white skin is pale.

Seeing him bend over and vomit for a long time, I suddenly felt disgust and at the same time thought that he was also a human.

‘pup. I guess I still feel guilty.’

Probably everyone here had the same idea as me.

But the next moment, a word from Mr. Liao that followed made me realize what I had forgotten.

That kind of person, always imagining


that transcend.

“Oh, no. It was an operation that shouldn’t have failed!」

The world seemed to slow down. As if in slow motion, you can see the astonishment and anger floating on people’s faces.

The movement of Team Leader Choi reaching out his hand towards me and his urgent shouts.

“Jin Tae-kyung!”

But it’s already too late.

When he shouted my name, I had already jumped over 20 meters and reached the front of the 24/33 Liao Award.

‘Operation. Operations… …

I couldn’t stand the laughter at all.

I reached out my hand toward the guy who was looking up at me with a blank face as if he were looking at a ghost.

Quadduk! Awesome!

It was truly a moment.

I broke both of his arms and crushed his knee bones with a force that didn’t contain any air power.

‘Consider it fortunate that the last reason remains.’


Open mouth, wide eyes. And then, the screams of a pig being pulled out from behind burst out.


I spit at the collapsed man, who was convulsing in pain with his eyes closed, and turned around.

I did not forget to say a word to the staff member who was looking at me with a face that had escaped the soul.

“If you feel like shit, report it to your superiors. You bastards.”

Team leader Choi shook his head and approached with an advanced potion.


* * *

The chair was huge and grotesque.

It was natural since it was a chair made from the bones of humans and monsters.

However, it was not as grotesque and fear-inducing as the owner of the chair.

right, right.

A finger that is not covered with flesh taps the skull that adorns the armrest.

With a tall height that easily exceeds 3 meters


skeleton. The black robe that covered it shook like fog.

It looked like a king sitting on a throne, and that wasn’t too far-fetched.

Arch Lich.

He was truly the lord of the undead and worthy of being called the king of death.

However, Akrich himself did not think so. There is no real king, and he was only a faithful servant of the king.

but… … .

‘Is it still early?’


Archrich suddenly felt regret.

He was indeed possessed of mighty magical power, but compared to the original power he possessed, it was still far short. In addition, the battle situation was not as easy as expected.

Akrich, who was silently thinking, opened his mouth.

– Are you listening? my son

The being prostrated in the darkness answered.

– Yes. Lord.

– bite the wire human army



– Obey the command.

– Go. Deliver orders to all armies within my power.

The black knight rose from his seat and slowly retreated.

At the last moment, the chair on which the Arch Lich was sitting was reflected in his burning red eyes.

Right. Tadak.

The skull decorated on the armrest was too small to be said to be that of an adult.


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not work with dark mode