Murim Login Chapter 376

Chapter 376

People’s mountains and people’s seas.

It was a sight that could only be described like that.

It was because people who heard the news of the departure of Shanseo Jamryong, or Yeolhwa God, Jin Tae-gyeong, and Hwasan God, Cheongpung, gathered like clouds.

Not only the Murim people, but also the fearless sheep people were added.

“Goodbye! Fire God Dragon!”

“The Sichuan Murim will not forget you!”

“It is a horned snake! The Volcano God Dragon has a horned snake!”

“Oops, the snake did somersault!”

“Fire King! The King of Fire is trying to catch the snake and burn it!”

The murmur of noise slowly recedes along the procession.

And on top of the hill no one is looking for,

The boy who had been sitting on a tree stump watching the whole scene suddenly opened his mouth.

“You have come a long way.”

“That’s right. It’s tough.”

The boy Mungyeong murmured at the sight of the old disciple sitting down on the grass with heavy breathing.

“… … I’ve come a long way indeed.’ I’m not talking about distance. Now, Mungyeong was talking about the past.

“Do you remember when we first met?”

“How could I forget?”

The old disciple wiped the sweat from his forehead. As if the hot sunlight of that day was beating down on him.

“One year of Hongwu. That summer that was exceptionally hot.”

It was the year that the new emperor ascended the throne after the civil war over the throne.

The young and ambitious emperor changed the name of the era and tried to reform, but the people, devastated by the long civil war, were too tired to follow the will of the Son of Heaven and participate in the reform.

“Rebellions break out all over the world,

Thieves were infested.”

“There was a drought and locusts swept across the plains. The corpses of government soldiers and rebels were everywhere, so a plague broke out.”

“Yes, it was truly a chaotic world.”

Death begets another death and engulfs this continent.

A young carpenter with the surname Dong could not escape the dark shadow cast over the world.

“I still think about that time sometimes.”

What has changed over the decades

It is not only strong acid. The young carpenter, who had to lose his two beloved children and his wife to the plague, had become an old doctor.

“If I had been a little bit faster, if I had found Master sooner, I would have been able to save my family.”

“Do you regret it?”


Sitting on a hill close to the sky and looking at the floating flakes, the old doctor’s eyes returned to those of the young carpenter before he knew it.

“As long as this breath exists, forever.”

It was only a day difference.

It was all too late when the carpenter brought an unknown old man who had been staying in the slash-and-burn village with his plagued body.

He cried all day and dug a hole to bury his family. And he asked the councilor he had brought with him one favor.

“Please bury me, that’s what I asked for.”

Mungyeong answered in a blunt voice.

“So I slapped you on the cheek.”

“It hurt a lot. To the point where I want to die.”

It hurt. More than the life-threatening pain of not being able to see his beloved wife and children anymore.

“Master raised me up like that.”

Mungyeong shook his head.

“I just reached out. It was your will that held that hand and rose up.”

“I had to live. Because I have work to do.”

As it is, the carpenter is also plagued

It was a body that should have died.

However, the doctor cured him with a medical technique he had never seen before, and the carpenter realized for the first time that even a mere human can change the life, old age, disease, and death determined by heaven.

“You are still good in front of me. The way you knelt down to accept her as your disciple.”

“It’s different from what this disciple remembers. I remember Master beckoning me to follow him.”

The young carpenter who lost his family like that found a new goal, and the old doctor who toured the world taking care of the poor and sick got a new disciple.

It was only after a long time had passed that carpenter Dongbong, now a doctor, learned the true identity of his teacher.

“Slayer… It’s a truly terrifying nickname. At that time, for the first time, I felt unfamiliar with Master.”

Mungyeong looked over there with an insensitive gaze.

What I am going to say now is something he had never asked his student.

“Why didn’t you leave?”

“Did you think I would leave Master?”

“I have taken countless lives thus far. It was just an ugly flesh demon that hid the past. I would have understood if you had left.”

“Maybe it really was. But I knew very well what kind of person Master was.”

The next moment, a low voice continued.

“God’s doctor. My teacher is a man called Shinui. He is not the kind of person who would kill without reason.”

il I»

Mungyeong’s eyes trembled. It was a fact that no one had ever told anyone about and no one wanted to admit.

He lived as a murderer and took countless lives directly, regardless of good, evil, or evil. And they all had a reason to die.

Daehyeop, a political faction known for fairness and fairness, had a hobby of slaughtering women, and a master of a Sa faction exterminated a village for fun.

If the army of the Demonic Cult that had invaded the central plains hadn’t killed and destroyed people at will, and hadn’t the best killer in the world stepping out and killing the notorious Madou, he wouldn’t have been called a slayer.

“If I hadn’t fought the Demonic Cult, the whole world would have pointed their fingers at me. Just like it has always been.”

The nickname “Salseong” was only an indulgence given to him by the political faction that became the master of the world’s Murim, and a tribute to the strong.

Even though Mungyeong was always Mungyeong, people

did not know the hidden truth behind it and did not even try to know it.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It’s all in the past. I wanted to leave Moorim, and I became a member of the council as I intended. And I will continue to do so.”

Mungyeong slowly stood up. The long procession that had passed through Sacheondangmun without realizing it had disappeared over there.

“Let’s go down. There are sick people waiting for us.”

It was the moment when I took off with a dry voice.

“Soon there will be a great war.”

Mungyeong’s footsteps stopped abruptly. Behind him, the voice of an old disciple continued.

“The same thing will happen again. Many people will die and be injured. People who have lost their parents and children will overflow, and there will be endless screams and deaths.”

“… … I’m going to be very busy. I need to get ready.”

Don’t you know what I’m about to say, Master?”

“I don’t want to know.”


“I am a member of the parliament. Even though I broke my promise and committed suicide, I will never make that mistake again.”

Mungyeong spoke slowly.

“It is their part to fight, and it is our part to heal the sick. I mean, it’s been a long time since I left Moorim.”

“Then why didn’t you let go of martial arts?”

U ≫

Mungyeong was speechless.

It was a question that had been on his mind for a long time. If he wanted to leave Moorim because he hated killing, then martial arts, a means of killing, had to be completely abolished.

But rather, his martial arts went one step further. It is proof that he has not let go of his attachment to martial arts.

‘Why is that?’

It was the old disciple’s voice that broke the short thought.

“Master can heal hundreds or thousands of sick people. He is also the one who can save tens of thousands of lives at the same time.”

“Please stop the war by using divine medicine instead of killing stars. This disciple will take care of the sick here.”

Mungyeong suddenly raised her head and looked up at the sky.

clear and blue The sky seven days and nights before the Sichuan Tang Gate was stained with blood was full of dark clouds.

“The sky is clear.”

Footsteps that had stopped with a blunt voice moved forward.

“I have to go see the sick. Come down slowly.”

Dongbong’s voice dissipated behind him as he descended the hill.

“Sulsi (戌時). They said they would depart from the western port of Chengdu.”

“A foolish thing. The place I should be is not Moorim.”

However, there was a faint smile on the lips of the old disciple as he watched the master gradually move away from him.

“please… … Goodbye.”


A gust of wind blew through the two of them.

“What are you looking at?”

At Hyuk Moo-jin’s question, I turned my head while looking at the crowds surrounding the port.

“Nothing. Just in case.”

“So what?”

“This bastard, why are you so inquisitive? If so, you know that.”

At my answer, Hyuk Moo-jin smiled meaningfully.

“Actually, I know everything. Why is the captain doing that?”

I paused for a moment. How does this kid know that? I couldn’t even hear the conversation between Shinui and I.

‘Is this guy so quick to notice?’

At that time, when I was wondering, the guy whispered in a small whisper.

“Aren’t you looking at Sojeo, who is standing fourth from the right in the front row over there?”

“It’s definitely pretty. It looks like a lady from a fairly well-to-do house. If the captain approves, I, the right-hand man, will sneak up and take a seat…

“Mujin-ah. ,,

“yes? Oh, are you looking for a natural encounter? then… …

“Do you want to sink to the bottom of the Yangtze River?”

M ?»

“Don’t bullshit and keep lying there. Don’t throw up later because you’re sick.”

“… … yep.”

The gunggibang giggled at Hyuk Moo-jin’s quietly distorted appearance.

“Like a stupid bastard. She is not the fourth woman from the right, but the third woman from the left. She is far more beautiful than anyone can see, but her eyes are twisted.”

“Can you make me pout?”

“… … sorry.”

“Let’s live like human beings. like a human being.”

Shaking my head with a sigh, I took a last look at the people gathered like a cloud.

I’m sure both are pretty, but the third one from the left is my style… … Oh, this is not it.

‘Oh, I keep looking at it for no reason because of what those children were talking about.’

While I was thinking about that, a giant with a bronze body approached me and started talking to me.

“Look, junior.

What is it, buffering?

I suggested a solution to Moosong, who changed his title like roasting beans with lightning.

“You just call me junior.”

“Keuhmm. That, can I do that?”

“What’s not going to happen? You were doing well before.”

“But, didn’t you do a great job?”

It is. It is because he has become a national celebrity from a local post-secondary index called Shanxi Jamlong.

“And I hope the enemy Grand Duke doesn’t like me too much…

“It’s okay, I didn’t drink much water in the first place.

Because you like it.”

Where Musong glanced at was Jeokcheongang with an angry face.

Right next to it, Jinwigyeong was looking at an unknown bamboo stick, and Cheongpung was practicing a new technique for Mimi.

“Mimi, ride the waves!”

Zwirik, Chow Aaaagh!

… … Was that a water snake?

Moosong, who had lost his gaze for a moment at the rare and rare sight, opened his mouth in a timid manner.

“Anyway, preparations for departure have already been completed. When should we depart?”

“Is it time now?”

“The drinking period you mentioned has passed. You better leave before it gets darker.”

… o.

“Is there anyone else coming?”

After pondering Moosong’s question for a while, I shook my head.

“no. no.”

“Then we may depart.”

“You do that.”


As Musong raised his hand, the bandits who had already completed all preparations moved in perfect order.

It was at that moment when the people gathered for the farewell waved their hands at us.

“Wait, wait!”

Stop, stop!”

The bow of the ship, which was about to leave the port, shook.

I noticed a boy approaching from far away, harming people, and smiled.

“I’ll take one more person and go.”

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not work with dark mode