Murim Login Chapter 354

Chapter 354

car window! Kagagagak!

“All the villains who won’t be satisfied even if you chew on them! Don’t keep matters in your hands!”

“God wants it! Destroy Tang Gate!”

Sword and sword collide. Heavy breathing and cracked cries. Hundreds of people were entangled together, and the smell of blood and blood flowed everywhere.

In the mist of dawn stained black with poisonous smoke, those who wanted to kill raised their weapons and charged at each other.


,,Ah! ,,

A scream escaped from the young man’s mouth.

He was born as a collaborator of the Great Sichuan Dynasty and reached the first-class level without difficulty. He received the expectations of his surroundings thanks to his considerable lack of talent and composure that was not befitting his age.

But now, the bright future of the youth

lost its light along with the black sword.

Shhh! Awesome!

The sword strikes down in an oblique line and cuts through the upper body, and that was it.

The man in black looked at the young man who collapsed, pouring out blood and organs, with a tired face.

‘Young bastard is terrible.’

A match that was split in just three moves.

However, the unnamed warrior of the Tang Dynasty attempted to devise a plan for both sides with his own death as collateral.

Dig below the black man’s collarbone

Gordon’s cow hair needle was the proof.

‘Is this because it’s also Sichuan Tang Gate?’

The black man clicked his tongue and pulled out the feather tip.

As you can tell by looking closely, the tip of the thin needle was discolored black. Needless to say, the poison was applied.


A person who becomes blurry at the moment] The miasma that started from the clavicle was rapidly spreading throughout the body.

As it is now, even at its peak history

The only thing left to do is to eat the liver.

Even more so, if he had been poisoned by the Sichuan Tang Gate in a chaotic battlefield like now, he would have already died.

But the black man was not taken aback. No, rather he smiled.

“God is great.”

A suppressed voice leaked from between the teeth.

In the mouth of the black man who opened for the first time, there was a small marble.

At the same time, the magical light flowing from the beads runs down the black man’s neck like river water.


The change was instantaneous. My blurry vision became clearer, and my lethargic body regained strength and vitality.

With all the poison in his body removed, the black seal trembled.

God, who is more dignified and greater than anyone else.

The life force bestowed by his god filled his whole body.

“God has come to me!”

It was the moment when the righteous man in black, who let out a cry full of joy, turned his head in search of another scapegoat.

“Wrong. It is evil that befalls you guys.”


A sack of rain that had flown from somewhere was lodged between his forehead.

The gong power carried on the Bido pierced the flesh and bones and turned the brains of black righteous people into mush. It’s a dead end with nothing to see.

thump, thump!

The marble that had fallen from the disintegrating black man’s mouth was sucked into someone’s hand.

Stare at the marble with old gray eyes

The old man who was watching mumbled.

“These guys… … You have the tools.”

Ordinary Murim people would have thought that the beads were blood poison wine.

However, the old man, Dang Jin-hu, is a direct descendant of the Sacheon Dang family, and Noh Kang-ho went through the Jeongma Daejeon. He instinctively realized that this orb was something different from blood poison wine.

‘What is this?’

Originally, poison wine has a clear color. Depending on the degree of transparency, the detoxification performance is high, so the value is also different. Nevertheless, the performance was excellent enough to decipher the reading of the text.

A bigger problem is…

‘To think that every single person has this level of equipment. If this is the case, isn’t the dragon poisoning of the head family and poisoning, which was installed in advance, useless?’

In addition to that, even the leather armor that could not be pierced by even a decent sword.

Dangjinhu seemed to know now why the Tangmungo rang. If this continues, bloodshed will be even more brutal than that day in the year of Gyeongwol.

“These guys… …


Dang Jin-hu, who broke the bead with strength, stretched out his arms with a lively face. The moment the silver thread wrapped around his wrist surged stiffly with energy, a white flash filled all directions.

Wedge aejue, perberbubuck!



Those who left even the last words were few and far between

It was only Death came equally to first-class masters and to top masters.

It was useless to try to stop it by lifting a weapon. The thread sent by Dang Jin-hu was cut and split, befitting the name Danhonsa (斷魂絲).

Blades, bones and flesh, and even the lives of enemies.

Dang Jin-hu, who defeated dozens of black righteous people in a single day, vomited Changryonghu.

“Don’t back down! Aim for the vitals with memorization and deal with them with combined effort!”

“The chieftain! The old lady is here too!”

“Did you see these f*cking bastards, how dare you invade the main house?

Dang Jin-hoo retired ten years ago and is the leader of the Presbyterian Church.

At the sight of the former masters joining the battlefield just in time, the faces of the dangmun warriors who were hesitant also turned bright.

“Joe, Grandpa!”

“The Elder is here! The elders have moved!”

But the joy was only fleeting.

Kaga-gagak, so-so!



“Son, do you have time to look away?”


“help… … Kuck!”

“Heaven Lord!”

“The great God is with us. Kill them all!”

The martial arts of the men in black surpassed that of the warriors of the Sichuan Dangmun, and their armor and bizarre blood poisoning made Tangmen’s boastful poison and memorization useless.

About a dozen elders, including Dang Jin-hoo.

In addition, dozens of top masters trained by Tang Mun with great care were fighting, but the limits were clear.

nettle liquid, purbuck

Dang Jin-hoo, who cut off the two men in black clothes who were rushing at him, gnashed his teeth.

“Where are these guys… … !”

The sight unfolding before his eyes was terrifying. There was no

As if possessed by something, they cried out to God and wielded weapons.

As they blocked swords and melee attacks with their armor, and continued to advance through poisonous smoke, blood splattered and corpses piled up.

In the empty eyes of the dead Dangmun Muin, red flames swelled up before anyone knew it. The hot flames and acrid smoke drove away the poisonous smoke and burned the fallen bodies.

Dang Jin-hu cried out with a voice vomiting blood.

“No, you bastards! How dare you, how dare you take the blood of the old woman!”

Even the mighty army of the Demonic Cult had to suffer over a thousand casualties in order to cross the gate.

Heck! Great, chieftain… … .”

“older brother!”


Even the elders who once dominated Murim could not escape death.

Although they did not reach the highest level of transcendence like Dangjinhu, they were masters of the previous generation who reached the end of the peak one by one.

However, if one was cut down, five would come, and if even five were cut down, ten would come.

Among the ten men in black who disregarded their lives and rushed at it, one top master was hiding.

clap, thump

The man in black who killed another elder by using dozens of his subordinates as a scapegoat smiled triumphantly.

“Even the elder of the party is no big deal.”


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Slap!

The situation did not improve despite the struggles after Dangjin, who had a strong sense of humor.

There are well over 100 singers before you know it

It was after this life was lost and half of the foreign party fell into the hands of the enemy.

“Whoop hook.”

On top of that, his air power and stamina were rapidly depleted.

Already, the war situation was not something that could be changed by the power of one decrepit superstar.

Realizing the truth, a lament flowed from Dang Jin-hu’s lips.

“What are you, Gaju, Tangmunsipgi doing!”

If they were there, things would have been different. Dangsa-dok, the head of the family and the best master. And if Tangwen ten flags join in, the war situation can be reversed.

however… … .

“Cluck. You should probably be busy by now.”

The next moment, at the sound of someone’s voice piercing his ears, Dang Jin-hoo felt his heart sink.

“Who are you!”

“Who the old lady is… Damn it. I can’t even see it. Get lost.”


Three or four people

The people in black were exhausted and bounced off.

An old man covered in blood walked out to the open front seat and grinned at Dang Jin-hu.

“You look better now.”

An old man with a short and ugly appearance. Dang Jin-hoo’s eyes looking at him trembled.

“You guys… …

“hmm? do you know me?”

“… … I didn’t know that Qinghaiseong’s demon was still alive.”

The old man, Ilgoe, who had been staring at Dangjinhu, suddenly opened his eyes wide.

“Aha, someone said it was that kid from the Tang family. Yes, have you improved how to write single words?”

“It’s enough to cut off your head.”

“Nobu thought that the Sichuan Dangmen were quite realistic for a political faction, but looking at you, it doesn’t seem like that. To see him immersed in such vain delusions.”

“Son. still haven’t caught on

It’s the same, so please tell me this old man himself.”

Ichigo giggled and continued.

“You, the head of the household, and those idiots who do something like ten flags will all die. I will kill and burn anyone who uses the surname of Tang or a bastard.”


“Don’t be too upset. Because the Heavenly Lord, who is equal to all people, punished nuns and Taoists in the same way. cluck cluck.”

Dangjinhu forgot about being angry and hardened.

It was only now that he noticed that the two younger brothers of Ilgoe, who had always been around like shadows, were nowhere to be seen.

‘… … Army and Cheongseong.’

The place where the bloody disaster of Sisan took place is not only in Tangmun.

Sacheondangmun and ARMY. and hearing.

I could feel people screaming and dying. Just today, the three factions that command Sichuan must fight for their fortunes.

Inside the road to hell they drew.

“It’s been such a long time…

You are truly a demon.”

Ilgoe responded with a bright smile that couldn’t be better.

“I am so grateful. Could there be a greater compliment than that to Nobu?”

I will kill him.”

“Your body is old, but your dreams are wild.”

Ilgoe, who burst into laughter as if he had lost his mind, raised the pair of twins he was holding in his hand.

“Come on, let’s taste the blood again.”

With that word as a signal, the outside party has already been occupied

Hundreds of people in black poured out like waves.

The surviving warriors of the party blocked them with the spirit of desperate resistance.

“good! Kill whatever you see!”

“It must be stopped! You must never let them into the inner sanctuary!”

Those who want to cross and those who want to stop.

At the forefront, there were two people running towards each other.

nettle liquid

Sow single marriages with all your might

There was a firm determination in Dang Jin-hu’s eyes.

‘Gaju, please be safe.’


* * *

“Cool. ,,

Dangsa-dok looked at the palm with trembling eyes. Dark red blood was mixed with small pieces of internal organs.

how how… …

Slowly ascending with a weary voice

head. Just in time, another person’s life was lost.

puff! coup

The body of someone whose head is missing falls like a rotten log.

Considering the reputation he had during his lifetime, it was a very futile death.

“Did you say ten years ago? It’s more useful than you think.”

A few steps ahead of the corpse, a middle-aged man continued, wiping the blood from his face.

“Of course, it should be called a little differently now, but let’s see…” … Yes, Tang Wen’s three skills would be appropriate.”

Dangsadog looked at the middle-aged man with a blurry gaze.

He introduced himself as Seocheon Demon Army, and the enemy who killed his father was too strong. Neither the self-defense developed by Dangsa-dok nor the combined effort of the ten flags of Dangmun were useless.

‘Is this the end?’

Party leaders still had the strength to fight. The same is true of the other three survivors of the Tang Dynasty.

however… … How do you deal with that monster?

What lifted him up from a deep sense of despair was the spirit that could be seen because he was the head of the family, and the blood of the Tang family flowing in his body.

yet, yet.”

“I’ll just sit there, but I won’t have the strength.”

“I don’t know why, but I know you don’t intend to kill the old lady.”

“… … hmm. I’ll say it again, as expected, the poison king raised his children well.”

“You’d better kill me.”

“That is not to be said. But I guess I need to loosen up a bit.”

It was at that time that the Demon Army of Seocheon, furrowed between his brows, stretched out his hand toward Dangsa Dok.

“Hold on, hold on!”

≪ ?,,

The young man who had rushed in with a cry let out a sigh of relief.

“Whoa, it’s not too late. Thank you for your patience!”

Seeing such a young man, Cheongpung, Seocheonma-gun thought.

‘What kind of crazy guy is this?’

2nd sign Moorim

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