Murim Login Chapter 30

Episode 30


The moment Jopil’s red-hot palm hit my chest, hot energy like lava swept through my insides. I was suffocating and my energy was regurgitating.

‘What is this?’

I was thrown out with a question.

I was able to stop only after bumping and rolling over a dozen sheets.


Blood flowed down his chin.

Occasionally, an unidentified lump that comes out is… … f*ck. It is a built-in piece.

‘I got hit right.’

I saw Jo-pil walking beyond the blurry vision. The relaxed gait of the winner was felt.

‘I have to get up.’

As I groped the side with my hand, I caught the cool spearhead. When I barely stood up using the spear as a staff, I could see Jopil’s frowning eyes.

“He stands up even after being hit by a 7-star flame kidney… He’s a junior who needs a lot of hands.”


Again, his sword exploded.

Its power was as great as its name, Flame Kidney.

The top was burned, and the skin melted and became sore.

The heat that penetrated inside cut the blood veins.


Terrible pain overwhelms me.

However, instead of writhing in pain, he stabbed his spear into Jo-pil’s vital point.


“He’s like a fighting dog.”

Jopil, who grabbed the spearhead, clicked his tongue.

“You can’t do anything about me.”

“f*ck… … peel!”

The next moment, I let go of the spear I was holding and jumped into his arms. It’s your last chance. Concentrate all your energy on one point. If you hit his vitals, you can turn the tide of the battle.

but… … .

The results were disastrous.

This is because he unreasonably raised his air power without considering internal injuries. I collapsed and shivered as if I had been struck by lightning.

I could feel saliva flowing from the corners of my mouth.

“Puha. ha ha! Have you seen such an idiot!”

Jopil fired his light beam and broke the blade.

“Well, what now? huh? Taewon Jinga’s youngest son?”

no more weapons My eyes darken with despair.

‘Is this how I die?’

I have never felt so close to death as I do now in the past seven years. I, who survived over a thousand battles. Just die here?

so vain?

‘no. I can’t die like this… … “

I stretched out my hand, but it was there.

– captain!

All the lights went out at the end of a noisy cry.

When I opened my eyes again, it was neither heaven nor hell. I was panting, drenched in sweat. My whole body is as heavy as wet cotton.

‘dream? Or a kaleidoscope?’

Whatever it was, one thing was certain.

It is true that this situation is a memory of the past, and that was 7 years ago. The familiar face of the drill instructor is proof of that.

“You, you this… … “

The instructor was speechless. At the end of his gaze was a steel doll made for training. Made in the shape of a monster, it was now close to scrap metal. Crooked and cracked scrap metal all over.

“Is that just a skill?”

I answered in an exhausted voice.

“Poke as hard as you can.”

“Poke as hard as you can?”

“Yes. I’m just stabbing it as hard as I can.”

“I don’t know how to use it, but I just naturally started using it after awakening?”

勺, yes. that’s right.”

“That is a skill. men and horses.”

The instructor with an absurd expression turned his gaze to the file folder in his hand.

“Jin Tae-kyung. Twenty years old. Lives in Goyang, Gyeonggi-do, and is an F-class awakened person. Is this you?”

“yes. By the way With all my strength, no skill. It’s good, right?”

“Is it good?”

The instructor laughed.

“I’ve been at the training center for 15 years, but I’ve never seen anything like this. This is enough destructive power to come out at least D-class.”

“Shiba, I knew this. Over there, Instructor. I will be discharged.”


“I just want to re-evaluate. To be honest, at that level, you should get an E grade.”

“No, I think I made a good decision on that side.”


“It is true that the skill is amazing. It’s a level that can never come out of F-class. however… …

“The instructor scratched the back of his head.

“You can’t write this.”

“Why, why?”

“My body can’t keep up. It’s not a skill that F-level mana and physical abilities can handle. That’s why you use your skill once and it spreads.”

“Am I fine?”


Before he could nod, the instructor reached out and struck his chest like lightning. literally knock. However, exhausting all my strength, I collapsed.

It’s hard to even lift a hand because your whole body is aching.

“You’re already pushing beyond your limit. If you go later, it won’t end with just stabbing.”

“… … How else?”

“Solid fundamentals and great technique.

And your own sense of battle. If you want to live long, don’t use skills. ah.

Excluding special circumstances.”

“Any special circumstances?”

The instructor added with a grin.

“Life is in danger. That skill might save your life at least once.”

The next moment, I woke up in the cold snow.


The last cry heard was clearly audible. I could feel the state of her disfigured body and the sharp pain.

still alive

The kaleidoscope was only a fleeting moment. Jo-pil was looking behind him, within reach of him with an outstretched hand.

“Loyalty is quite good. I’m not good at it, but that’s okay.”

At the end of his gaze, there were scouts running in a pile.

“I’m thinking of tearing them to death, what do you think?”

“… … I fought hard.”


“stupid… … fought.”

I mumbled once more. Jo-pil bent his back with an annoyed face.

“Can’t you speak properly?”

“You fought stupidly all this time.”


the moment you’ve been waiting for I squirted the blood I had collected into his face. The hand that moved quickly was stamped down toward the bastard’s foot.

‘Inventory open.’

Jo Phil doesn’t know. The fact that I am a hunter, a Murim person, and a user who can utilize the system!

‘Equipped with a dagger.’

I feel a firm touch in my empty hands. Jo-pil, whose face was covered in blood, tried to retreat hurriedly, but the tip of the dagger had already dug into the instep of his foot.


?nice “

The peak master is also a person.

When his body stopped in sudden pain, I let go of the dagger and reached for my ankle.

‘Equipped with a dagger.’

In your inventory, weapons from enemies you’ve defeated since the tutorial are piled up.

Swords, spears, axes, daggers… … Over twenty sacks.

Jo Pil’s men were a walking weapons depot.



Achilles heel. Severing an ankle tendon causes a scream. Taking advantage of the break in his posture, he rolled to the side, swung his dagger, and stabbed him. Even his remaining left leg was covered in blood.

squeak. hooked hooked Fufufufu!

His mouth fell open in anger and pain.


Although he lost the use of both legs, Jo Pil was a master at his peak.

Turning like lightning to avoid the dagger, he grabbed my hand and twisted it.



The attack did not end there.

red-hot palms. It is a fire elongation.


My heart sank. Her eyes are stained white. A powerful fire blasted through his body.


power drains from the body

The sound of bones snapping could be heard from the neck in Jopil’s grip. A hoarse voice penetrated my ears.

“Now you understand. Who did you touch?”

“… … Cool.”

“If the King of Flames asks, say I sent it.”

Jo-pil declared with a face full of joy to me, who was lying limp like a corpse in silence.


Like that, the last flame kidney broke his chest? It was shot. The palms that were burning red contained lava that would swallow up my whole life.

And finally… … .


The world has stopped. There was no lava, no heat whatsoever. The nailed palms, covered with scars, were just touching my chest.

There was a ripple in Jopil’s eyes.

“you… … “

The grip that gripped his neck slowly drained. I could see the dagger digging into the dagger below Jopil’s belly button as he hesitated and took a step back.

“This, what the hell is this?”

The next moment, blood flowed down Jo Pil’s chin. that was just the beginning

Blood began to flow from both eyes, nose and ears. A waterfall of blood flowing through the seven spaces.

The terrifying appearance made the reconnaissance team stop in their tracks. Someone muttered like a moan.

“Don’t breathe… … Power is a double-edged sword. I waited for the moment when Jopil could raise his air power to its peak, and pierced the dagger summoned from the inventory.

The result is the reverse flow of air power. for each infusion.

“Obviously you were empty-handed.”

I replied in a tired voice.

“Everything happens in life.”

“I can’t die like this. This is nonsense.”

Jo Pil muttered like a crazy person and took one step at a time.

Wherever he passed, puddles of blood pooled.

“I am a jopil. One-letter Jopil.

The nineteenth heir to the Flame God. A body that shouldn’t be killed by a guy like you!”

I could feel the eerie spirit from the screaming Jo-pil covered in blood. The reconnaissance team members who had been running with the resolution to die also trembled in fear.

“But why, me to you!”

at that time. The fire that I thought had been put out was burning.

The change began in Jopil’s body.

The flowing blood stopped and the veins throughout the body stood out blue. He seemed like someone who couldn’t feel the pain of having the tendons in both feet cut off, nor the magic intoxication.

I could feel the terrible heat in my exhaled breath.

‘What is this?’

A literal resurrection? no. This is Jopil’s last outburst.

Everyone screamed in terror, but I could see it clearly. The hair that leaks white every moment, the skin that shrinks.

Now he… … burning life

‘It’s like they’re going to kill me.’

The power gained from throwing away the most precious thing. Its power is directed towards me. I instinctively realized that there was no avoiding it.

‘Can I do it? I?’

I picked up the window that was away. It is the [Sharp Spear] that I have been using since the tutorial. With the spear blade broken, it was now just a sharp iron rod.

I’ll be like this soon too.’

There is only one way left.

Even if you succeed, life is not guaranteed. But there was no time to worry.

“Jin Tae-kyung!”

“okay. Let’s finish.”

me and jopil. Jo Phil and I.

We fired at each other. The heat that radiated from him melted the accumulated snow and dried his lips. I took a long breath.

Sup. Whoa.

The noise around you fades away. My heartbeat and breathing sounded like thunder. thud. thump. thump thump.

Heart beat at its peak. Breathing that fits like a machine.

I was sure


At the same time, it awakened the energy of Danjeon. The only thing left in the bloody and ruined interior is the third energy, hardened like a rock.

The only option and the last piece to fill my skill.

‘Run wild as you please.’

The awakened air power ran out of control. It squeezed the broken qi and blood and spread out all over the body. I feel a lot of pain.

However, it was soon forgotten due to the new power given by gong power.


The muscles of the whole body are tight. All the strength and power of the whole body surged along the arm that passed through the calf, thigh, and waist. Condensed air bursts out of the broken spear tip.

In response, Jopil stretched out his flame extension.



Snowdrifts rose with the wind.

Jo-pil’s figure was revealed through the falling snow.

From the right arm that had been stretched out in flames to the shoulder and side. It looked like half of his upper body had evaporated.

“What kind of martial arts is this??… T I replied dropping the spear.

“Strike hard.”

In the next moment, heaven and earth turned upside down.

Beyond the blurred vision, Jopil’s already breathless neck soared high into the sky. Socheon, who was holding a sword as tall as her own, was crying out loud.



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not work with dark mode