Murim Login Chapter 242

Chapter 242

He was a young man with a sad face.

He seemed to be in his mid-twenties at most, and for some reason, a friendly smile formed on his lips.

“Phew, why are you walking so fast?”

“Do you know me?”

“I don’t know.”

“But why?”

“Isn’t it said that it’s a relationship even if you just brush your collar?”

“I haven’t even brushed my collar yet.”

“It didn’t matter because we mixed up the words instead. Let’s be friends with me.”


Either one. A crazy person, or a crazy person.

I carefully scanned the young man’s figure. I confirmed with my own eyes the well-developed muscles hidden under the wide long robe and the sword hilt protruding from the waist.

At the same time, he felt the energy lurking in his body.

‘Are you at your peak?’

I don’t know how old he will be, but it’s a pretty outstanding achievement.

No, I can even say that this is great. Because reaching the pinnacle in your twenties is that difficult.

But, to say it, the energy I felt from the young man in front of me was just that.

To express it

‘Ordinary climax stick?’

If you are a top master, the reason why you feel ordinary even though you are already at a great level is because there are so many monsters around you.

If you hit a crazy three-stage combo of Jinmugyeong, Cheongpung, and Fire King, this kind of aftereffect will occur.

In any case, the comprehension is over. I spoke politely to the young man.

“Don’t worry and go on your way.”

“Huh, it’s not that you’re too cold between friends!”

“Can we talk casually as friends?”

“haha. Of course!”

“Then get off. bastard


He left the young man behind and started walking. He, who had been frozen for a while, quickly caught up with him with quick steps.

“It was the first time in my life that I heard abusive language, so my mind went blank for a moment. Okay, these are real friends!”

“Go when it’s nice to say, just.”

“What is your name?”

“Michael Johnson.”

“It is an unusual name.”

Do you believe that?”

“Jangsam? Or a pen? Are you a disciple of one of the Old Schools or the Five Greats?”

“Why are you curious about that?”

“Isn’t that why you’re interested? You said you killed the enemy in one blow?”

My footsteps stopped at the unfamiliar nickname.


“It is the end of Black Mountain Chae. Isn’t that your skill?”

I remembered the hairy bandit boss I had killed along the way. He was the first one to deal with so many heads to subdue the steamer.

Somehow I thought he was strong for a bandit, but it seems that he was quite a name.

“But how did you know that?”

“A while ago, I heard from the merchants of the Golden Wax Company at the inn. The surviving bandits said it was the work of a monster with an iron ball and a chain?”

The young man smiled broadly and covered the seven balls fixed on my back.

I thought there would be a strange misunderstanding, so I covered it with a cloth and disguised it as a bag, but I guess I couldn’t fool the keen eye of a peak master.

“But, wouldn’t you be just passing by? Interest quickly followed the East Sea.”


“So what is your name?”

Shall I tell you or not?

After thinking about it for a moment, I opened my mouth. This is because I started to wonder who this eccentric young man belonged to.

“Jin Tae-kyung. That is my name.”

“Is that Jin Tae-gyeong from Taiwon Jin’s family in Shanxi?”

”Do you know me?”

“Everyone knows. I’ve heard so many rumors that Shanxi Jamryong entered the apprentice of the King of Fire.”

A year is short if it is short, long if it is long.

However, it was enough time for rumors about me and the Fire King to spread all over the continent.

“That one?”

“Ah, I… … “

The young man smiled and continued.

“Jonglichu. It is said to be Zongli Chu from Yunnan. Please forgive me for not being able to reveal my thoughts because there are circumstances.”

“Jonglichu of Yunnan?”

“The nickname is a rising sword. Have you ever heard of it?”

I know the name Yunnan, but I’ve never heard of the name and nickname.

It’s only natural that he’s been stuck in Yeolhwa-dong for the past year.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know.”

“is it? Well, maybe you don’t know.”

See the positives. Usually a warrior of that age would be disappointed, but there was no sign of that at all.

The positive villain continued with a serious face.

“Because it’s a special issue I just wrote. A swordsman who always wins. Isn’t it cool?”


are you crazy

I was speechless for a moment, and the pendulum weight pretended to bend my wrist.

“How is it? To celebrate becoming friends, have a drink or two.”

“I have no idea. There are no seats in the inn nearby.”

“What are you talking about?

“… … I heard that Jeomsoi doesn’t have a seat.”

“Huh? But why did you ask me to come in because there was an empty seat?”


shit. Then it is. No matter how much the Seongra Daeyeon is right in front of you, does it make sense that there is not a single empty seat among the dozens of guest cups?

‘I wash because I’m dirty. It’s dirty.’

I had to scoop up the creek water and wash it, but if I did this, I would end up homeless on the street, leaving my inn in good shape.

“I know of a decent inn, so let’s go with it. To celebrate becoming friends, I pay for the drinks.”

“What about friends? Did you say bell pepper? You too go on your way now.”

I’m not even broke without a penny, but I have no intention of flirting with a strange guy for nothing.

Did I mention that a river flows along this road?

The bell weight asked me as I moved my steps following my memory.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“I don’t know. Don’t follow me.”

“Then give me one last answer! Where can I see you again?”

“Seongra Daeyeon.”

That answer was the last. I used light gong (輕功) and quickly left the seat. In an instant, the call of the bell echoed behind my back as I covered the distance of about 100 chapters.

“See you next time!”

no, man

* * *

One person left, and one person stayed.

“It’s Jin Tae-kyung, the sleep dragon of Shanseo… … “

Soon, a dimple appeared on the corner of her smooth, wrinkle-free mouth.

After standing alone and laughing for a while, he turned to an inn not far away.

A moment ago, Jeom So-yi, who had kicked out Jin Tae-kyung, smiled and bent down.

“Come on!”

“Are there any seats left?”

“Oh, yes, of course.”

Zhonglichu’s smile grew even thicker.

* * *


When I got up, the hot water in the wooden barrel swayed.

I picked up an old wooden barrel that was rolling around in the grass, filled it with cold stream water, heated it with a heat cooker, threw it away several times, refilled it, and peeled off the old grime. It felt like I lost a few kilos in weight.

“I feel like I’m going crazy.”

I guess I’ll live for a while now.

It would have been nice if there was shampoo or body wash, but I was satisfied enough with this.

Since Moorim and Hyundai have separate inventories, it is impossible to bring them in the first place.

‘But some clothes… … ‘

When I put on the rags again, I was confused whether it was clothes or trash, and my eyes naturally furrowed.

Putting aside the embarrassing thing, I don’t think there’s any meaning to washing at this point.

I wandered the streets with the intention of buying some cheap clothes.

Even a year ago, the streets of Hanam were crowded with people of different classes and occupations, but as the time was different, the Murim people stood out a lot.

“Did you hear that? I heard that the sword dragon of the Namgung family is not participating in this Seongradae yeon.”

“Hey, why is the Geomryong all of a sudden? Are there any problems?”

“I really don’t know. It’s a pretty strong candidate for the championship, but it’s a pity. It’s getting more and more unknown.”

“Among the young late Jisoo, Sibbongryong has the most potential… … The age limit is thirty-five, so you never know what will happen.”

“There is a point in that statement. Because the world is wide and there are many masters. There is a good chance that a new strong person who is not from the old family or the five generations will appear.”

“Who is that, like Taewon Jinga’s Jincheon Sword and Shanseo Jamryong?”

“yes. I don’t know if both of you will attend this Seongra Great Banquet.”

Listening to this makes me feel embarrassed.

I made my way out of the road with quickened steps.

As soon as I entered the boulevard lined with large buildings, a drapery shop with dozens of clothes and silks hung in my eyes.


“Hey, I heard that the clothes are wings, and they suit you so well. Aren’t you a fairy? fairy… … what?”

The waitress at the clothing store, who was pouring out lip service to the pretty female customers, frowned at my call. The change in expression was so drastic that I barely held back the urge to punch him in the face.

“What did you come to the clothes shop for?”

“Begging, what?”


No matter how many rags he wears, he cannot hide his giant body.

No, rather, there are more exposed parts, so the muscle exposure is severe.

When I stared at it with all my strength, the waitress flinched.

“What, what are you looking at? Did I say something wrong?”

“Let’s stop talking about regretful things and look at clothes.”

“Oh, clothes?”

“Here’s the money, so don’t treat it like a beggar.”

When I took out the hermit and shook it, the employee’s expression changed.

Contrary to expectations, in a bad way

“Is that all?”

“It is, but. What’s wrong?”

“I mean, what kind of clothes would I buy for a piece of hermit money?”

“… … A poor hermit?”

what. Did the silver price plummet because of the massive currency reform in one year?

I was confused for a moment, and the employee’s snort flew into me.

“Did you read the price tag in front of you?”

Involuntarily, I turned my head to check the price tag.

On the wooden board at the stall, it was written in large letters the size of a gate.

[The owner is crazy. Seongra Daeyeon Special Discount (割引)! Two undressed hermits for the warriors!]

Two hermits? undressed?”

“With that, I can only live on the inside. Our drapery shop only handles the highest quality silk. Even the uniform is made of silk.”


It was a department store brand.

I don’t know what kind of disgrace this is because I came to this kind of place even if I came in.

The other employees and customers inside the clothing store also started whispering to me.

“Oh my, it must be a beggar. poor. Isn’t that right, go?”

“I guess so. You seem to be able to use your strength well, should I use it as a servant at this point?”

“As expected, Gaga is merciful. I’m sure that beggar will be happy too.”

It pisses me off just for being a beggar, but it makes me doubly pissed off when a couple say things like that.

I shouted with all my anger.

“Who’s the beggar!”



“This guy!”

Frightened by the resounding shouts, people backed away.

At the same time, a large group of employees rushed in from somewhere and surrounded me. The clubs in their hands shook as if threatening me.

“this guy! How dare you go crazy!”

“Beggars, you know where this is!”

“What? Beggar? Oh, these bastards are just fine.”

Yes, you said it well.

I rolled up the sleeves that were already half torn off.

“Okay, let’s do something serious today. Who is the owner here!”

That was the moment.

“You must see the coffin to come to your senses. Where do you dare to be mischievous?”

A serious voice that pierces your ears.

As I slowly turned around, a man came into my field of vision.

A black silk robe embroidered with bamboo rips and dragons. A hand raised on the sword wave as if it were going to come out at any moment.

The mouth exposed under the bamboo ribs smiled.

“Looks like you’ve learned a lesson somewhere, but if you don’t want to see blood, step back.”

I c*cked my head.

“What if you don’t like it?”

“You unknown man. The price of recklessness is death.”

When a line that seemed like something out of a martial arts movie came out, the people around him cheered.

And by the time the cheers died down, I opened my mouth.

“Hey, can I ask one question?”

Musa answered leisurely.

“Speak. It will be my last will.”

I continued to speak while staring into the bamboo grains of the samurai.

“Are you hyukmujin?”


I looked up at the sky with a deep sigh. The signboard written in the same handwriting catches the eye.

Hyukga Drapery Store

“Give me three seconds. f*ck your head.”

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