Murim Login Chapter 112

Chapter 112

A demon roaming the main street in broad daylight?

Normally, this would never happen. The nearby Murim faction will be the first to step out, and then the soldiers of the government office will subdue them.

However, if the number of bandits reaches hundreds, and if even the Moorimmun faction that is supposed to subjugate them is overwhelmed, even the government officials have no choice but to close their eyes and cover their ears.

like right now

“Aren’t those guys magicians?”

“You bastard, do you have three lives? It’s that notorious red wind squad.”

“The red wind? Didn’t it break down after being stuck with the Hangsan checkpoint some time ago?”

“I knew it. But this time it seemed a little different. Rumors are already spreading in the streets that the Hangsan checkpoint will inevitably become extinct.”

“Still, there is a gamnyang, but I can’t believe it’s for the magicians… …

“Ugh, that mouth! The man in the front is called Pungyang, the leader of the Jeokpungdan, but he is said to be a master at his peak.”

“What is it, the peak master?”

“Yeah, it’s not something to be ignored as a magician. I heard that not only is the martial arts strong, but the brain is also very extraordinary.”

The fearful hum of the people pierced the ears of Poongyang and his magicians.

The subordinate who rode the horse on the right side of Pungyang uttered a hint.

“Should I rip their snouts off?”

“Would you like to do that?”

“If Danju allows it, I’ll take care of those two and turn the entire village into a sea of ​​fire.”

“You will kill the old, capture the young, and rape the women?”

“Hehe, isn’t that what you always do to guys like me? Anyway, the Hangsan checkpoints must be scared and hiding behind the wall by now.”

“I guess so. They will be preparing for a battle with all their might.”

“Okay, I hit a rock with an egg. It is an established fact that Danju wipes out the Hangsan checkpoints and takes their place.”

“That’s why I won’t allow it.”


Poongyang burst into laughter at the bewildered subordinate’s reaction.

All of them are short-tempered and cruel in nature. That’s why they became demons, and it was also the reason Pungyang kept them by his side.

‘Because it’s easy to handle.’

He stopped laughing and opened his mouth.

“The annihilation of the Daedong Branch is part of the war. But if you touch the good people now, it will only create an excuse for Taewon and Jinga to intervene.”

“Are they even the owners of Shanxi Province?”

“Not yet, but soon it will be. Shouldn’t you swallow the anti-mountain checkpoint before that and lie flat on your stomach like a dog?”

“I don’t mean to doubt Dan Lord’s words, but… … Do Jeong-pa guys like Tae-won and Jin-ga look good on bandits like us?”

“Magic? Who is the magician?”


“Last time I saw it, the beauty of Hangsan Checkpoint Wine was amazing.”

Fengyang’s subordinate, who blinked, finally realized the meaning and raised the corners of his mouth.

“Since the marriage period is full, you must welcome Giabi.”

“I’ll have to choose between extinction and marriage.”

“Then the Red Winds… … ?”

“You have to take the kernel and put on the shell. Let’s see, compared to the others, you have a fine face, so I’ll give you a sluice gate.”

“Ha ha ha! I will be loyal to you with all my life.”

Hearing the laughter of his subordinates, Fengyang grabbed the reins.

‘I finally came this far.’

Although he had a cold-hearted personality, his heart raced at the thought that he was one step closer to his ambition.

Memories from long ago come to mind and flash before my eyes.

‘It’s already been over twenty years.’

The path to becoming a Magician was easier and simpler than I thought. Either find it on its own or get caught. In the case of Pungyang, it was the latter.

The turning point in his life was when he was attacked by bandits on the way to the government office for committing a crime in his childhood.

‘Boss, is there a young one here?’

‘huh? Even if I sold it for too long, I wouldn’t even get a few pennies. Little boy, did you get caught pickpocketing?’

‘no. Killing people.’

‘You killed someone? How old are you?’


‘Why did you kill him?’

‘I starved for three days, but the king made dumplings…’

‘dumpling? Did you lose what you begged?

Then it’s worth going back.’

‘It’s not like that. I am hungry, and I have no strength to beg. Because they eat dumplings in front of me.’

‘… … So you killed him?’

‘I thought it would be quicker to steal it.’

‘Hey, release this guy and feed him something.

They are members of our family starting today.’

Poongyang became a magician from that day on. As an orphan, he was quick-witted and quick-witted.

Compared to the past, where you could eat one meal every three days, your life as a magician was rich.

plunder? Murder? For Pungyang, who committed murder at the age of 13 just because he wanted to eat dumplings, it was just something he had to do.

‘Huh, I’ve only been horseback riding for over 10 years, but I’ve never seen a guy like you.

He seems like a guy with no guilt.’

‘why? I’m a magician.’

‘A child. Because that’s usually not the case.

You gradually get used to it, no one is good at it from the start.’

‘Is the boss like that too? I thought it was easy.’

‘Easy, easy… … . I don’t think this is raising a baby tiger, but would you like to learn martial arts from me?’

‘Is it martial arts?’

‘Yes, martial arts. You’re still young, so if you give me some support, you’ll be able to become a master.’

‘Then I’ll call you Master from today.’

‘The relationship between the priest and the priest is a disease.

It was a good thing not to have a priestly relationship. A year later, the leader was beheaded by a top-notch master, and Fengyang made his nest in a new bandit.

‘Gwangchil was down there?’

“F]. I will pay my allegiance as long as you feed me.’

‘You seem to have a good eye. No one will look at you as a young guy, so take care of yourself.’

The plateau was fierce. There was a case where the entire bandit was annihilated when the upper rank was wrongly touched, and the conflict between the bandits never ceased. However, Fengyang survived each time and grew stronger.

When he reached the age of Lilip, his martial arts entered the first class and he was able to take the position of leader of a fairly large band of pirates.

‘But that was it.’

Virgowon, where the law of power applies everywhere, was also a part of the Murim dominated by the strong.

Fengyang had grand ambitions and brilliant brains, but he did not have the strength to match a leader.

‘Limits of third-rate martial arts.’

The martial arts of Pungyang were excellent.

If he had entered a prestigious political school as a child and learned excellent martial arts and martial arts, he might have crossed the wall of the peak right away.

However, having grown up in a beggar’s den and learning third-rate martial arts from the pirates of the plateau, his limits were clear.

‘If luck hadn’t followed me, I’d still be in the same place. ‘

A deep smile formed on the corner of Fengyang’s mouth.

From that day on, three years ago, Pungyang’s life changed completely. It is the turn to devour the Moorim clan.


Fengyang woke up from his thoughts at the cry of his subordinate. In the distance, a stone wall built high like a castle wall was finally showing itself.

‘Hangsan inspection.’

As Pungyang gazed at the new home for himself and Jeokpungdan, a person entered his gaze. Fiery momentum that can be felt even from a distance.

‘Hangsan Lake Cheolmubaek.’

A wall that must be overcome in order to take the Hangsan Checkpoint.

Although last time I lost a little bit and withdrew… … .

‘Today is different.’

Poongyang unconsciously groped in his arms. His smile grew even thicker as he confirmed the hard neck armor.

“Sober, orders.”

“Be surrounded. Don’t let a single ant escape. Then send a messenger.”

extinction and marriage.

There are only two options given to the Hangsan checkpoint.

“I will get hold of the Hangshan Checkpoint before the sun goes down today.”

“They have surrounded the door they saw!”

“That number goes well over two hundred!”

“Munju, please make a decision.”

Lee So-wol, who was sitting in the seat of honor, opened his mouth with a calm face.

“Is the troop deployment over?”

Half of the hundred or so men blocked the gates, and the rest armed themselves with shields and bows.”

Everyone in Daejeon knew that there were about a hundred horses, but in fact it was far short of that.

It was because last night, some of the high-ranking officials of the Hengshan Checkpoint ran away with their families and subordinates who followed them.

“Uncle Chul, what happened to what I said separately?”

“I took action as you said.”

Lee So-wol’s ploy was none other than oil. Ten wagons’ worth of oil was spread evenly throughout the manor.

It was covered with well-dried hay bales, so it was obvious that the fire would turn into a sea of ​​fire in all directions.

‘Are you going to do it at least?’

Cheolmubaek was worried, but reserved his words. Lee So-wol, whom he had watched for a long time, was always a calm and intelligent child from a very young age.

“One day, just one day is enough.

Taewon and Jinga’s reinforcements are coming, so if you wait until then, you have a good chance.”

“Tae, did you send reinforcements from Jinga, Taewon?”

“The Shanseo Jamryong and Jincheon Sword are coming directly.”

The faces of those gathered in Daejeon became brighter. Jincheon sword Jin Moo-gyeong is a martial arts genius with a reputation in the midfield, and Jin Tae-gyeong, a sleeper dragon in Shanxi, is a rising star.

It is embarrassing that he gained fame through the war against the Hengsan Checkpoint, but considering that he is on the same side, there is no difference between the army and the army.

More than anything… … .

“No matter how big Poongyang is, he won’t be able to point his sword at Taewon Jinga’s direct descendant.”

“… … I guess so.”

Lee So-wol was bitter inside. Not long ago, it was the Hangsan checkpoint that stood shoulder to shoulder with Taewon Jinga.

The Murim sect, which ruled northern Shanxi, now has to focus on holding out against the bandits.

‘I will never forget today’s work.’

It was the moment when I bit my lip.

The gate of Daejeon opened, and the warrior at Sumungak hurriedly ran out and shouted.

“Lord Moon, the enemies have sent messengers!”


“Female]. I have something to tell you when I meet you in person…”

Lee So-wol nodded without hesitation.

If even a part could slow down the battle, they should do anything.

“Let it in.”

Shortly after the warriors at Sumungak stepped down, an envoy from Jeokpungdan was escorted to Daejeon. He grinned, showing his rotten teeth, and bent his back exaggeratedly.

“Meet Lord Mun of the Great Hangsan Checkpoint.”

It was quite a mocking attitude, but not only the middle camps, but also Cheol Mu-baek, who had a fiery personality, held back his anger. It was because Lee So-wol had previously asked for new trust.

“Why did you send the messenger?”

“Well, it’s not like you have to give a bowl of rice wine to someone who has come a long way and ask them… … omg.”

The lion of Jeokpungdan was speechless and trembled.

This is because Cheolmubaek, who could not hold back his anger, took a step forward and radiated tremendous momentum.

“Did you want to eat Takju that much?”

The lion shook his head frantically at the deep voice.

“Oh, no. I’m thirsty, huh, stop talking nonsense.”

“Uncle Iron. Please stop it.”

“… … Hong, stop talking nonsense and tell me.”

The lion, who had barely been freed from the might of the iron warrior, opened his mouth stammeringly.

“Everything, the Danju says, let’s stop futile wars and strengthen our friendship.”


The heavyweights of the Hengshan Inspection doubted their ears.

Who betrayed the previous owner of the gate, Cheonbaek Lee, and killed Sogwang Lee, the owner of the small town? Didn’t he even exterminate the family members of the Daedong Branch not long ago?

However, Lee So-wol’s reaction was different.

She stared straight at the lion without a hint of surprise.

“What if I refuse?”

“He said he would not be able to escape extinction.”

“It means that if you want to save people, you should offer the entire Hangshan Gate as a wedding gift.”

“I-I did well until there… … At this point, people in Daejeon were able to understand the meaning of ‘friendship’ conveyed by Pungyang. Everyone was furious, but the one who moved the fastest among them was Hang San-ho Cheol Mu-baek.


Literally in an instant, a copy of the Cheolmu-baek, which surpassed the distance of about a dozen sheets, was lodged in the lion’s chest. A red fist with terrifying heat shattered his breastbone and burned his blood and flesh.

“Turn it off.”

The light disappeared from the lion’s pupils with the final desperate words.

Cheol Mu-baek pulled his fist out of the guy’s chest and turned to Lee So-wol.

“He deserved to die a hundred times.”

“I am of the same opinion. but…… .”

Lee So-wol slowly rose from his seat and continued.

“I can’t avoid a fight now.”

After half a look, everyone at Hengshan Checkpoint could hear horns ringing from all directions.

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not work with dark mode