Murim Login Chapter 1040

#Episode 1040


The earth shakes with a terrifying explosion.

The huge tremor that erupted unknowingly and shook all around was enough to spread across a radius of several dozen miles and even to the top of a steep hill.


“May I tell you something?”

As the ground trembled, an old voice penetrated my ears, and my red lips fluttered beneath the silver-white cotton thread.

“No, no.”

There is no trace of the woman who was embarrassed by the blood sword demon army’s anger just a moment ago.

The old magician’s new brother trembled at his superior’s answer, which seemed not only calm but even cold.

“… … “Grand Master.”

A voice full of worry.

However, the woman called the Great Sorcerer, standing at the center of the white-robed people, opened her mouth without hesitation.

“Put aside your unnecessary concerns. “The situation you are concerned about will not happen.”


“But what?”

Normally, even his subordinate, the old magician, would have fallen silent at this point.

The hierarchical relationship within Amcheon was brutally thorough, and the woman in front of him had the power to crush him to death like an ant with a simple gesture.

But the old magician saw clearly.

At the last moment, the appearance of a person covered in countless flashes of light.

The image of a young man who went beyond recklessness and threw himself into the face of death as if he had already given up on life.

Therefore, the old magician, who knew his role well, had no choice but to swallow his dry saliva and continue speaking with difficulty.

“However, it may be dangerous if things continue like this. As the great sorcerer knows, if ‘he’ dies here, how will we be able to bear his wrath?”


Jin Tae-kyung, the fire god dragon.

If he, who receives so much attention from the Absolute, dies in vain like this, they too will die as a result of failing their mission.

No, you die. Absolutely.

The old sorcerer thought that even if it were the woman in front of him, a great sorcerer who was his superior and one of the absolute person’s closest associates, it would be no exception.

Of course, it was just his own opinion.

“danger? die?”

The woman, hearing what the subordinate had said, suddenly burst into laughter.

Beyond the tightly woven cotton yarn, the black eyes were staring down the hill as they had always done.


“yes? Of course… … .”

The moment the old magician reflexively asked back and was about to continue speaking.


The pale dust cloud that covered the bottom of the hill split to the left and right.

And as if an invisible sharp blade had passed by, a hidden scene was revealed beyond the clearly dividing curtain.

“… … !”

“… … !”

The old magician, no, everyone on the hill widened their eyes.

At this moment, what was reflected in their eyes filled with astonishment was a being standing tall on the devastated ground as if a meteor had fallen.

“Uh, that is.”

A magician raised his hand and pointed without realizing it, but despite this action, all eyes around him were already turned in that direction.

Anyone can’t help but look up at his huge, 3-foot-tall body and arms and legs as thick as pillars.

And then there was a familiar being wearing black armor that tightly covered its entire body.

“Dark demon… … !”

A quivering sob flowed from between the old magician’s lips.

The momentary shock disappeared, and his eyes, filled with deep despair, were focused on a person covered in blood and lying at the feet of the dark ghost.

The person who should not die here is Jin Tae-kyung.

‘It’s the end. All.’

The old magician felt his vision becoming distant for a moment.

The shock was even greater because he had had a glimmer of hope when he saw the great wizard’s appearance a little while ago.

Half of the 100 elite soldiers left behind as guards in case of an unexpected situation evaporated, but it was nothing compared to the fact that Jin Tae-kyung was dead.

Not only he, but all twenty magicians thought that way.

At least until the very next moment, when the great sorcerer’s soft voice rang out.

“also… … .”

A brain teaser whose meaning I can’t figure out. The magicians who felt the emotion of wonder contained within opened their eyes wide.

And at the same time, I could see it.

Sreuk, thud.

In the distance, at the bottom of the hill, the new form of a dark ghost crumbles like a rotten log.

The silver spear blade stuck between the dark demon’s eyebrows, which had been hidden from view by its gigantic body until a moment ago.

But they saw, but could never hear.


The clear sound of a bell allowed only to one person.

The voice of rebirth resonated in the ears of someone who everyone believed to be dead, but who was not yet dead.

– You have defeated [Lv.175 Sogunak]!

– Level up!


A radiance imbued with warmth rose from deep inside my cold body.

The blood flowing from the cracks of the red armor that had been destroyed by countless sword energy and strong energy was stopped, the cracked flesh and bones were connected, and the spark of life was kindled once again.


Breath hot like a flame.

As if waking up from a long dream, Jin Tae-kyung slowly opened his eyes and muttered as he looked at the dark sky he was once again faced with.

“Sibeol, it’s so nice to meet you.”

And the moment he saw that incredible sight, the old magician realized.

‘danger? die?’

The meaning of what I heard a moment ago.


The great sorcerer’s question was correct.

Now, it was not Jin Tae-kyung who had to take the risk of death, but themselves.

Shirik, hot.

A spear stuck deep between the Black Demon’s eyes is sucked into the owner’s grasp as if guided by an invisible force.

No, the moment I felt that was the case, it became a flash of light and shot out.

Squirt, flutter!

A dark blue flame that swings fiercely like a giant dragon’s tail, slaughtering the surviving enemies.

“Great sorcerer!”

“We must stop it at all costs! If things continue like this, he, he… … !”

Urgent cries come from all over, starting with the old magician.

However, the eyes of the great sorcerer, who was silently gazing at the terrible yet wonderful scene, were flashing with an unknown light.

‘at las.’

A soft elasticity hovering at the tip of the tongue.

Even when the magicians, unable to wait for orders, gritted their teeth and stepped forward, she was quietly smiling alone.

* * *

From the moment I first opened my eyes in Moorim, the reality I have encountered countless times can be briefly defined as follows.

High Risk, High Return.

It was always like that.

Adventures with no definite ending always involve great risk, but the return is as certain as it is risky.

Like right now.

Tiring. Tiring. Tiring. Beep beep beep.

The bells and warning sounds ringing one after another are mixed in my ears.

A hologram window informs you that you have defeated the last obstacle, the dark ghost, and that you have leveled up and recovered thanks to its effects.

And the identity of the final warning sound… … .

– [Fire Dragon Armor] has suffered extreme damage from powerful energy!

– [Fire Dragon Armor] is automatically summoned to the [Inventory]! It cannot be resummoned until the damaged area is repaired to a certain level!

– Time remaining until automatic repair of [Fire Dragon Armor]: 3 days

It is the biggest reason why I was able to attempt an adventure, and it is about the sacrifice of the new weapon that delayed my death for a while even though I committed such a crazy act.

‘I’m buying this.’

Is it because he barely recovered from the edge of death?

I still don’t quite feel it.

Of course, it is true that it was a gamble taken with the hope of surviving.

I just wasn’t one hundred percent sure.

Perhaps, if that damned black ghost had died a little later, at best it would have ended in the same fate.

but… … .


I am alive. survived.

As it has always been from the beginning until now. He remained here and was constantly defeating enemies.

With this body full of vitality, acquired in return for a life-threatening adventure.

Puff, pow!

He pierced three enemies at once with his powerfully extended spear blade, and fired a barrage of bullets at the enemies who attacked from a blind spot, taking advantage of the gap.


Flesh and bones melting from the terrible heat.

The fifty or so enemies who survived the clash with the Dark Demon moments ago were noticeably decreasing even at this moment.

‘Faster, further, further.’

But I gritted my teeth and applied even more force.

This battle had to be ended quickly, even if only for a moment.

The mental power, which had already reached its limit, was at its lowest point.

If it weren’t for my body recovering from leveling up, and if I hadn’t thought about those still behind me, I might have collapsed a long time ago.

‘They never fall until you knock them down.’

I swung the white flame as if possessed.

Before I knew it, my hands and feet, whose movements had been imprinted through constant training and instinct, were sweeping away the enemies, rather than my brain, which had clearly slowed down as a result of pouring out my abilities in medium and medium-sized combat to the limit.

A situation where one relies on instinct rather than reason.

Even in the midst of all this, if there was a last thread of reason that I was holding on to, it was the reason why I should not fall and the biggest variable that my enemies had.


Perhaps it was thanks to that.

The instinct that had surpassed reason and become sharper than ever before, and the alertness toward those two letters that had always been in my heart, detected yet another strange change.


The space and the atmosphere are shaking.

And at the same time, an urgent cry came from afar.

“The power of the wind ghost!”

“The force of counter-radiation!”


The energy boiling up on the hill rushed towards this place.

An apparition that comes with a spell.

But I know.

This type of body strengthening magic ultimately only works when the target is alive.

Shut up!

The blade of a white flame spear covered in dark blue flames tore through the air.

In the trajectory of that terrifying ring of fire, there were about a dozen enemies within the magic’s range.

Squeak! Sigh!

At the very moment when the ten heads rose into the air, a sharp pain shot through my side.

But I, who had already prepared myself, paid no heed and turned around and swung my elbow.

simplicity and honesty! Quaaaang!

The enemy’s new form with its face crushed is thrown away. I pulled out the dagger that was deep in my side and scattered my arms like a flash of light.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Another enemy’s face fell back with a dull noise. There are now about twenty enemies left.

“What is this…?” … !”

“no! “Stop him!”

Now, as I listened to the cries of the white-robed people, or rather, the wizards, who were filled with fear, I could vaguely guess.

There’s a limit to the magic they can use.

That’s the difference between the modern wizards I know and the bastards.

And in the next moment, the confidence that came from that certainty burst out, completely carried through my toes.

Crash, boom!

The ground turns over and soon melts.

Flame Road.

There was no one around anymore who could block my new weapon, which was launched with a momentary explosion.

No matter how strong a hunting dog is, it cannot fight a wolf, and even if it is a thousand-year-old Imoogi, it cannot ascend to the sky without Yeouiju.

Even if what is trying to stop me is something other than a person.

“Taishan (太山).”


“Drop it, crush it.”

Along with the voice I remembered, a huge pressure fell towards me as a ray of fire.

But unlike back then, I was prepared.


I feel it at the same time.

The flow of energy. A single line hidden by this enormous power.

and… … .



The spear blade cut through space without making a sound and cut down Mount Tai.

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not work with dark mode