Murim Login Chapter 1036

#Episode 1036

Could it be that they couldn’t have guessed it in the first place, or were they trying to deny it because it was such an unbelievable reality?

This time, you can answer that question yourself.

I am… … It was probably the latter.

‘It was true. entire.’

A realization struck my mind, which had turned as white as a blank sheet of paper.

At the same time, I felt that the small amount of faith I had in my heart and my common sense here were crumbling.

Lee Dong-jin, a strange technique that had already revealed its existence in Hanam and Sacheon.

A water dragon and numerous blood fish that were corrupted by something in Hubei and went crazy.

An ordinary fisherman who ate such bloodfish gained the appearance and strength of a monster.

The cause of all these phenomena, and not only that, the crack that appeared again in the jungle of Namman.

In addition, there are familiar beings called black ghosts that we encountered here today.


and… … .

It finally became clear.

At this moment, it unfolds before my eyes, penetrates my ears, and flows clearly through my senses.

All the omens, omens, and signs so far.

All of these things, no matter what you call them, were finally breaking the huge dam and bursting out to attack me.

Transforming the doubts that were only lingering in my mind into confidence.

That is, with two letters: magic (魔法).


The Wind Blows. A shadow with a speed and power that far exceeds human limits slides towards this place, leaving a long afterimage.

But I couldn’t lift a finger.

In a world that had slowed down, I felt as if the blood in my entire body had gone cold, and I had no choice but to stare blankly at the scene.

‘What the heck… … .’

Where the huge bomb exploded, all that remains is ruins and aftermath.

Now, in my mind, which was practically a ruin, countless words and question marks were flying around in the aftermath of the explosion.

Magic, wizard, monster, blood sword demon army, buff.

Massive attack magic and sacrifice of allies. Countless deaths and blood flowing everywhere. Pieces of corpses floating around in it.

How is this possible?

How did it come to this?

And finally.

‘What should I do now?’

That time when everything scatters in your head and you are left alone with questions that cannot be answered.


Someone’s hand, firm and rough, but at the same time familiar, touched my shoulder.

No, the moment I felt it touch me, I was already being pulled back by a strong force and being helplessly pushed back.

Now I realize that the time of reality is starting to flow again, and that a ray of light has struck like a thunderbolt, tearing through the gap.


The sensation returned at the same time as a roar that felt like the sky was splitting apart.

Before I knew it, I was floating somewhere in the air behind me, and I could feel the overwhelming aftereffects along with the feeling of floating that took over my whole body.

Quad deud deuk!

The earth’s crust overturned as if there had been an earthquake, and two huge forces melted and destroyed everything.

At the center of the mighty clash that swallowed up a space with a radius of dozens of square meters at once, there was Jeokcheongang, who pushed me away, frozen like a stone statue, and blocked the Blood Sword Demon Army.

“Gal (喝)!”

When did it fly this far?

Nevertheless, it was clear that Jeokcheongang’s cry, which was filled with profound energy, was not a simple act of spirit.

‘It’s a cry for me. To awaken the spirit.’

As the words flowed into my ears and awakened my half-fazed mind, I was finally able to let out the breath I had been holding.

‘Okay, it’s not over yet.’

I still couldn’t understand how something like this could happen in reality, but what does that matter in the face of death that is just around the corner?

The word understanding is useless when water has already been spilled.

All I can do in this battlefield right now is acknowledge reality and overcome it.

And that was the way to save everyone.


With the feeling of floating still not gone, I gently twisted the new model.

The muscles and aerodynamics, which had fully recovered from the previous level-up, quickly carried out the commands given in the mind without a single error.


Pow, pow!

He stepped into the air with his energetic toes and fired like an explosion toward Jeokcheon River, which was clashing with the Blood Sword Demon Army twenty miles away.

No, that’s exactly what I was trying to do.

As I was moving through the wind, until a powerful invisible force rushed towards me.


The air and wind were erased.

And as soon as I realized that fact, I could hear a faint voice echoing from afar.

“Taishan (太山).”

“… … !”

I widened my eyes as I recognized the meaning and meaning contained in that soft voice, but I could not stop the clear voice flowing from under the pure white cotton thread from a hill about fifty feet away.

“Drop it, crush it.”

Right at that moment.


A huge pressure, like Mount Tai, pressed down on my whole body.

No, I crashed it.

In the short space where I was briefly reminded, I was surrounded by countless enemies who had gathered like clouds and were aiming their spears and bows.

‘Gravity magic… … !’

I swallowed the astonishment that threatened to escape my lips.

And instead of resisting this unexpected magic, he accepted it and used it as a means of attack.


As the weight of Mangeun falls, the ground splits and the surrounding enemies lose their balance and stumble. Along with that, I felt the pressure that had been holding me down naturally dissipating.

‘It has to be that way.’

Gravity applies to space, not to specific individuals.

When I’m in the air, I’ll be affected by gravity magic first, but not after I land on the ground.

In order for those white-clothed people, who are obviously wizards, to restrain me even a little, the allies of the Dark Heaven cultists have no choice but to become targets of gravity magic.

In the end, they are trying to delay the convergence with the Jeokcheon River even in this way… … .

‘Yes, there is nothing I can’t do.’

Facing them, who were staggering around like soulless wooden dolls, I turned my body around in its place and swung the white flame in my hand as if sweeping it away.


A fierceness that goes beyond strength and even sounds destructive.

A lateral strike is a simple attack that anyone can use, but the wave of powerful energy that exploded from the white flame’s transparent spear blade was a blow that none of the enemies currently surrounding me could block.

No one.

Suddenly! Quad deuk!

Everything is cut and broken.

Sergeant prayers, people too.

However, in the blink of an eye, a space with a radius of three squares was transformed into a land of death, but they had no fear and continued to attack me, looking directly at me with their dark eyes.

Muttering the eight-character teaching as if possessed.

“Heavenly and heavenly.”


“Heavenly heaven… … .”


The body without the head tilts. The blade of the spear swung next became a flash of light and cut across the three enemies approaching from the side.


Even weapons with sword energy and a body trained through external skills are not enough in the face of overwhelming force.

Without hesitation, I advanced through the scattered shards of steel and fabric.

As I passed through the enemies blocking my path like a wall like a thunderbolt, I constantly recalled and commanded them in my head.

‘Inventory open, summon. Summons. Summons.’

Cracking, boom, boom!

Cut, stabbed, and crushed without hesitation.

The weaponry that stayed in his grasp for a while soon left, devouring one or two or three lives, and there were still countless blades hidden in the vast sub-space, the size of which could not be guessed.

To the point where I wonder if I can turn the absurd imagination that suddenly crossed my mind into reality.

‘no. There’s no way it’s possible.’

But why?


It bounces off weapons coming from all directions.


Crush the head of an enemy approaching from a square with a single blow.

Easy profit!

This unknown confidence grows stronger the more you cut down the enemies that stand in your way.

‘Is this really nothing more than a mere imagination?’


Blood fog forming along the trajectory of the spear blade swung while turning the new model around.

Immediately, I took a deep breath as I looked at the enemies rushing in from all directions to fill the vacuum of death.

‘In the end, you don’t know. Until you try it yourself.’

If you think about it, it’s always been like that.

Every time, I had to do more to get over the wall. The impossible had to be made possible and imagination had to be turned into reality.

Like this moment.

‘Inventory open.’

Time to take a breath. That’s enough.

I quietly closed my eyes and thought about it in my head, leaving behind the countless enemies who constantly filled the empty spaces and blocked my path no matter how many times I killed them.

A sharp and shining steel garden located somewhere in that empty space called inventory.

And finally, the order was given.


That was definitely crazy. Something that can exist only through the word imagination.

However, the system responded to that absurd yet earnest call.

In the system’s own way, which has always remained unchanged.


A small but clear and vivid sound of a bell.

Tiring. Tiring. Tiriring.

The bell sounds are layered. Those tiny waves soon turn into waves and engulf the space.


My ears are getting loud. The first step to making your imagination a reality.

I opened my eyes, hearing the sound of a bell that was as grand and majestic as anything I had ever heard before.

We saw it at the same time.


Above my head, something appeared through a gap in the invisible space, casting a shadow over my head.

Also heard.


The chilling noise of hundreds of pieces of steel meshing together.

And finally.

‘can do.’

felt. Realized.

That the possibilities I have and the limitations I have are higher and more distant than I thought.

That I have the power to turn that ridiculous imagination I had just a moment ago into reality, even if only partially.


In a world that had slowed down, a huge energy surged from deep within my body.

The fire dragon coiled in the bottom of the river flowed into the White Sea from all limbs of the body, and blood flow rapidly surged along the pounding heart.

thud. thud. thud.

Strong tremors. Heart pulsating rapidly.

‘no. no.’

Yes, this beating right now is not just felt in the heart.

Okdanghyeol (玉堂血).

The so-called martial people gave it a new name, Jungjungjeon (中丹田).

Right now, all my nerves and senses are just there.

Past Hadanjeon, where lava waves break, to the high peak that rises into the sky.

In the realm of will that cannot be measured by strength and speed.


The sight before my eyes becomes blurry. A sharp pain felt as if someone was stabbing my head with a needle.

But I spread my arms out like a person possessed by something.

In the flash of light that colored my vision, I felt a thrill greater than the pain. It was an empty hand that held nothing, but in a place outside the realm of touch, it felt and grabbed everything one by one.

One, two, three.

Ten, twenty, thirty.

And finally… … .

‘One hundred.’

I opened my eyes.

In that time that seemed like eternity, but was only a moment.

As if held by an invisible hand, beneath a hundred sword rims aimed at countless enemies.

Just like that, I opened my tightly closed lips.



The sky was covered with flashing lights.

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not work with dark mode