Murim Login Chapter 1024

Login Murim Episode 1024

For martial people who are always on the verge of death, hearing is an extremely important sense.

Sound contains so much meaning.

If you are facing an enemy and hear the sound of their collar rubbing, it does not necessarily mean that the opponent is launching a secret attack, and you can also read their psychology through the pitch and tremor of their voice.

In other words, for the martial arts people, sound was information.

And at this very moment, the sound of drums echoing from afar could never escape that scope.

Boom, boom, boom!

The proper beat is not kept, and the size of the sound is different.

The middle-aged man scratched the back of his head as he remembered the image of a drummer playing the drum with all his might with a face half lost in the snow somewhere in the snow-covered mountains.

“Was this too much of a greeting from the start?”

Low laughter came from everywhere at his words.

It was no longer a secret that only they knew that 100 of the scouts of Daeseolsan Mountain that they encountered nearby an hour ago had turned into cold corpses.

“It’s worth it. Those who ate together came back as corpses overnight.”

“It looks like they are already very frightened when the horses with their supply and demand coming back. They don’t even realize that this is only the beginning.

“But we must not let down our guard. Fire King, we don’t know exactly how old and evil the duty committee is…”


A huge sound engulfs the voice that was trying to continue.

Before he could finish his sentence, the old man felt a powerful force hitting his chest and landed on the ground, correcting the new model that bounced like a cannonball for an instant.

No, I was trying to land.

“Uuuup, kueeeeek!”

Left ahhh.

With blood pouring between the lips

A body that loses its balance and staggers.

Seeing the sight of the old man falling to one knee, unable to bear the internal injuries, the other two old men, who had been laughing and laughing just a moment ago, stared at the middle-aged man with stiff faces.

He, who had knocked down one of the best masters in a single move, was looking at his hand and the fallen old man alternately with a virtuous expression.

“Wow, I used too much force. Hey Samno, are you okay?”

Samno, an old man who was spewing out blood with his knees bent, answered out of breath.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

“I really didn’t mean to do this, but what do you think?”

“What do you mean?”

The middle-aged man smiled at Samno, who was questioning him.

“I asked you, Fire King, how is he compared to that old man? Why, don’t you think he’s young? You guys don’t know much about the Fire King either, so you can’t give an easy answer. You said you only saw it once a long time ago in a distant place, right?”

The middle-aged man looked at the three old men one by one and muttered as he licked his lips.

“You asked something pointless. There’s no way to know since you ran away like a rat.”

Is there any other such insulting language against the martial arts people, who are said to be made of pride and self-esteem instead of flesh and blood?

However, the three old men, the Three Elders of Heavenly Mountain, were just trembling in silence.

To quell the rising anger?


How can you erase something that doesn’t exist?

There was no anger towards middle-aged people in their old bodies and minds.

The emotion that was binding the three old men like chains at this moment was fear.

He doesn’t hesitate to attack a single word that goes against his will, and his facial expression and tone are as if he is dealing with an ant that can be trampled to death at any moment.

The middle-aged man in front of me had the strength and qualifications to do so.

“Please forgive me!”

“It’s because I don’t have enough subordinates. This honest old man just made a mistake. How dare someone like the Fire King become an opponent of a demon lord?”

The three evil spirits of Heavenly Mountain, who had once stained the central plains with blood under the flag of the Demonic Cult, had no choice but to prostrate themselves.

If I didn’t do this, it felt like I would be killed at any moment by the hands of the middle-aged human blood sword demon.

And in the eyes of the Blood Sword Demon Army looking down at them, there was a clear sneer.

‘They seem like pathetic things. Are you saying they were just trying to rule the world with these guys?’

It turned out that the blood sword demon army’s ridicule was not limited to the Three Heavenly Mountains.

It was also a mockery towards the person he once followed and who was like his everything.

‘You were bound to fail, cult leader. ‘A mere human compares himself to the sky.’

Heavenly Demon

The Blood Sword Demon Lord laughed as he remembered the man who had inherited the title that had been passed down from generation to generation and ruled as the heaven and king of the Hundred Thousand Demon Islands.

Now that I think about it again, it couldn’t help but be a really funny thing.

It’s just that he trusted and was loyal to that level of person.

For over a thousand years, he dreamed of a world of magic that no war demon could achieve.

But now it’s different.

He gained enlightenment through failure and accepted a new heaven.

A new sky called Cheonju (天主).

A true owner.

And the Blood Sword Demon Lord firmly believed that the enemies of the Great Snow Mountain, who were slowly getting closer at this very moment, would soon join him in serving the Lord.

Even if they vehemently reject, resist, and ultimately choose to die, this ending will not change.

‘In the end, I will entrust myself to his shadow.’

The blood sword demon, who let out a calm laugh, suddenly turned his head and looked behind him.

Suddenly. Suddenly.

An army of tens of thousands marching towards Mt. Daeseol, trampling frost-covered vegetation.

At their head were seven monsters wearing pitch-black clothes, and dozens of white-clad people.

“It seems like your concerns are great, so let me tell you one thing.”

The Blood Sword Demon suddenly opened his mouth and spoke calmly towards the Three Elders of Heavenly Mountain.

“Nothing like the Fire King can ever stop us.”

This is not confidence. It’s confidence.

Confidence in his hidden power that he did not show even when he crossed Okmungwan or when he stepped on Dunhuang, which was guarded by Jong Nam-gwa, in one fell swoop.

Of course, Cheonsansanno also had a vague guess about him.

Their identity, which makes even those who dominated the world in the past feel ominous, is not unusual at all.


‘What on earth?’

‘They didn’t tell me their names or nicknames. But how can we be so sure?’

‘Can not help it. ‘I have no choice but to follow.’

I just quietly swallow my doubts.

The Blood Sword Demon Army, who clicked his tongue at the sight of Jeonsansamno lowering his head, not even daring to make eye contact, soon gave his first command on Daeseolsan Mountain.

“Send a messenger to them.”

“If you say lion.”

“Since I already said hello to you earlier, it would be okay to show mercy by encouraging me to surrender. And…”

The Cheonsansanno waited for the next secret talk, but the Blood Sword Demon Lord, who quietly refrained from talking, soon grinned and muttered inwardly.

‘There are faces I really want to see.’

It did not mean the enemies of the past, Hwawangjeokcheongang, who fought for their own goals in different battlefields.

Before a full-scale battle broke out, what the Blood Sword Demon Army wanted to face was not the old monster of Nine Fire Mountain, but his disciple.

Jin Tae-gyeong, Yeolhwasinlong (烈火神龍).

For some reason, a young giant from the martial arts faction is receiving unexpected attention from his master.

From the moment they received the unnecessarily ordered order not to kill him even if they encountered him, all of the Blood Sword Demon Army’s attention was focused on him.

‘Let’s take a look and see if he’s worthy enough.’

The blood sword demon’s two eyes shone brightly.

* * *

One hundred.

The scouting team of Daeseolsan Mountain scored 100 hits. There was not a single exception.

Two o’clock ago, they had left to understand the enemy’s movements and returned as one body.

With supply and demand hanging from the saddle of a horse.

“Buy, buy”

“No no!”

Scream-like cries echo from everywhere.

People in the scouting team who lost their close ones expressed sadness and anger, and even Hwaronggak members who were accustomed to seeing cruel scenes gritted their teeth.


My lips were trembling before I could speak.

However, there are people who need to keep their cool in situations like this.

As I was examining the supply and demand with sunken eyes, I turned my gaze to Jeokcheongang.

“Did you see it?”

“Yes, everyone was cut by one sword. Moreover, the scars are all consistent.”

“That means…”

“It means that it was done by one person. It is truly a fearsome swordsmanship that even Nobu has never seen before.

In death, a soul remains. And the cross section of the scouting team’s supply and demand was constant and sharp, as if it had been measured with a ruler.

If even Jeokcheon River is evaluated that way,

There was no doubt that an expert at least comparable to or higher than King Sim (Gupo) had annihilated them.

“Besides this.”

Jeokcheongang suddenly stopped talking and frowned.

“Damn it, I don’t know. I’m sure I’ve seen a similar marriage somewhere.

Jeokcheongang goes through great pains to remember

It seemed like I was stuttering, but I quietly shook my head.

What is important now is not the identity of the enemy.

There were a terrible number of enemies approaching from afar, raising huge clouds of dust.

I can’t figure it out exactly yet, but just counting the number of people pouring down the hill right now, it’s a lot of water.

Even though they were hundreds of miles away, the force and energy of that enormous army all at once made even the birds that lived in the barren snowy mountains flap their wings and take flight.

Shit. It was real. What I saw was real, those demons came all the way here.

A large group of seven white horses were brought here as half-hostages. He chewed his lips and muttered loudly.

In his trembling hand was a telescope, or rather, an object called a ten-ri mirror in martial arts.

“Crazy. The Tao of Ten Thousand Demons that I only heard about. It’s the end. It’s all over now. It’s the end…”

“Shut up. If you don’t want it to end there.”

Hyuk Moo-jin, who silenced the man who greeted me with one word, took away the Tenni-gyeong he was holding and whispered to me.

“Captain. What do you plan to do now?

I answered in a calm voice.

“You know. What should we do? Now that they are at our point, there is only one option left.


No, a bloody fight.

Once a fire breaks out, it ends only after burning the entire field. The fire called Dark Stream that started from the desert has reached the Great Snow Mountain, and we will fight back against it.

‘It will only end after the whole place is stained with blood.’

Hyuk Mu-jin, who asked the question, me, who answered the question, and everyone on Daeseolsan Mountain who are preparing for a life-threatening battle know this.

Another thing they have in common is that no one knows the outcome of this battle.

‘Of course, someone may have guessed it already.’

I glanced at Sima Gong, who was leading the warriors of the Black Dragon Demon Gate from a distance.

Unlike his usual calm self, Sima Pyo is also staring down the mountain range with a stiff face.

And the next moment I knew.

The reason why Sima Piao’s face was dark was not due to the tension of battle or any secrets he was hiding.


I turned my head at that soft word and was able to see it.

Before we knew it, a group of people with bright white flags was approaching, crossing the hill and crossing the tens of thousands of troops that had dyed the mountain wheat black.

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not work with dark mode