Murim Login Chapter 1022

Login Murim Episode 1022

The human horse encompassing five thousand water scenes ran with all its might.

In order to lighten the weight by even a pound, he threw away the minimum amount of food and supplies he had, and swung the whip without even caring about distributing the horses’ stamina.

Even if the horse foamed at the mouth and fell down, he jumped on both feet and poured all his energy into performing the Gyeongsinbeop.

Even if you are a well-trained warrior, you cannot help but feel extreme fatigue.

In particular, unlike the Gansu martial artists, the last half-day must have felt like ten years to the members of Jongnampa and Hwaryongak, who only had a couple of short breaks.

However, thanks to a short forced march that pushed everyone’s limits to the limit, we were able to see the pure white snow mountain that appeared with the dawn of light coming from behind.

‘Great Snow Mountain (大雪 LU).’

Just as the name implies, the snow-covered mountains shining in the dawn were dazzlingly white and so foreign.

No, perhaps the most unusual thing was this changeable climate.

‘Obviously, even until one o’clock, the surrounding area was all desert.’

As if I hadn’t seen it before, I glanced at the sky pouring out a lot of snow and then looked back at Daeseolsan Mountain.

Dozens of high peaks and curved mountain ranges bordering the clouds.

The huge natural barrier, immersed in darkness that had not yet been completely removed, was quiet, and a sense of caution and anxiety was in the air among the five thousand humans and horses as they slowly slowed down and approached.

It was natural.

There was no one who did not know the news that half a day ago, the front line of Dunhuang (Teaching 1), which was formed around the Communist faction, collapsed tragically.

‘Of course, considering the distance and time, it is unlikely that Daeseolsan Mountain has already fallen into the hands of Amcheon…

War is truly an ever-changing monster that cannot be expressed in terms of probability.

Especially when you have to fight against enemies who use strange powers that are difficult to simply define with the word hex.

‘I didn’t know that the communal faction would collapse so easily/

Of course, to put it bluntly, the power of the joint faction is not enough to be considered the best among the old factions.

However, the martial arts experts say that he had as many as three supreme masters, led by Jang Mun-in, and that the martial arts of Bonsan’s disciples, who could be said to be his core strength, were also outstanding.

However, they could not survive for even half a day, let alone several days. Even I, who had already collided with Dark Heaven several times, had a hard time assessing their strength.

‘I’m sure the dictionary’s defenses and power would have been sufficient.’

Three transcendent masters and one thousand disciples who can be said to be the communal sect itself. Mulkyung’s ten thousand allies gathered around them.

Thanks to the information brought by Ma Jung-geol, I knew that Amcheon’s large army was at least 30,000 strong, but the difference between Suseong (守域) and Gongseong (攻域) was enormous.

And when I heard that Amcheon was going to overcome that gap and unilaterally crush our troops like this, I couldn’t help but think of an idea.

‘Among them, there are at least three super peak experts. If that weren’t the case… there would be a huge number of experts. That’s enough to dominate the battlefield with overwhelming inaction.’

If it’s the former, that’s good, but if it’s the latter, it’s going to be a tough fight.

Just as not all martial people are the same, so are the so-called superhumans.

Those at the bottom of the mountain don’t know.

How many trees are there at the foot of that huge mountain, and how steep the canyon is.

Dozens of mountain peaks that seem similar when viewed from a distance, but when viewed up close, show how different the heights are.

The reason our troops, numbering ten thousand, including the communist faction, suffered a blow that was close to annihilation and had no choice but to retreat was probably due to the gap between the superhumans.

‘Of course, we also have tremendous military power, but did Amcheon really pour tens of thousands of troops into Gansu Castle without knowing this fact?’ Me and Jeokcheon River. Even the three old monks of the Jongnam faction and Sima Gong, the king of the dark night.

There are as many as six transcendental masters here right now, and the thousands of horses crossing the Gansu area are sure to be noticed anywhere.

In the end, I came to one conclusion. ‘The reason they advanced to Gansu was probably because they thought they had a good chance of winning.’

So, why can we be so confident despite losing four Demon Lords and Demon Lords?

A blood master who disappeared after the Shaolin Blood Death?

Or is there another power that Amcheon has not revealed until now?

If not that too…

‘Heavenly Lord?’

Those two letters that slipped out of my lips without me even realizing it were the exact moment when a chill ran down my spine like an instinct.


A sharp sound that suddenly rang out. When I turn my head to follow the sound, one after another, the snow rises from the deep foot of the mountain.

A burning flame came into view. Boom, boom, boom!

Once,twice. And the last three times. With fireworks lighting up the air one after another at short intervals, a red line was drawn over the foot of the mountain, which was covered in pure white clothing.

‘That’s it.’

It’s a signal.

A signal sent through fireworks and torches by the friendly forces occupying Daeseolsan Mountain.

At the same time, a sigh of relief flowed from the people who were paying close attention.

The same went for Hyuk Mu-jin and Song Il-seom, who were putting their hands on their swords as if they were going to pull them out at any moment, and Joo Hwaran and Nam-ho, who were looking ahead with stern faces.

However, if there was one exception among them, it was Sima Piao, who had rejoined Fire Dragon Pavilion half a day ago.

‘······That guy.’

I wanted to ask right away. Why don’t you always say anything? Even when everyone was nervous and on guard, was it possible for them to maintain their confidence as if they knew this would happen?

But I didn’t ask. I couldn’t ask.

I, who was looking at Sima Pyo with complex eyes as he ran with the heads of his horses side by side with Taesan, who was still despondent, soon turned my head away without saying a word.

Thinking back to the question I heard about Jeokcheongang recently.

‘Samapyo and Taesan. If those two guys are plotting things under the secret name of Lord Sima Ma, and if that secret name is related to Dark Heaven… then what will you do?’

well. What should I do?

With a question in my heart that I still couldn’t find the exact answer to, I kept quiet and grabbed my beeper tightly.

Contrary to the reality before our eyes, the dawn spreading from the east was brightly coloring Daeseolsan Mountain.

“Kuh… wow.,”

The man who was crying and spitting out dark red blood trembled.

The coat, which was as white as snow, had been stained with blood and dust for a long time, and the eyes, which were out of focus, could not clearly see the view.

But despite this, the man did not let go of the sword in his hand. She just couldn’t let go.

‘It’s not over yet.’

The great brother who was always dependable, Sabaekdo who was like a tiger, and young Same, whom I thought of as my nephew, are no longer by my side.

dead. All of them, without leaving a single one out.

My head was cut off. Because my heart was pierced. Or scattered to pieces without a trace.

That’s why I had to get up. I had to take revenge.


I clenched my teeth with all my might, and blood burst out between my teeth.

Because the senses are paralyzed, not even the fishy scent of blood can be felt.

The man drank his own blood like water of life.

He struggled to get up on his wobbly legs and swung his beloved sword, which had been given to him by his former teacher and recluse, towards the enemy in front of him.

More desperate than ever. Squeeze out even the last remaining piece of strength.

“eww. Aaaah!!!”

The moment when I lowered my sword with such fierce spirit that the veins on my neck stood out. The man was suddenly possessed by a strange sensation.


It was as if time had stopped.

The air that touches the skin, the wind that blows from somewhere, and the sword that flows down along the man’s fingertips.

Everything slowed down and became clear at the same time.


The man trembled.

A sensation that I have felt only once in my entire life of over 30 years.

On the day when I finally reached the peak after painstaking training, I was like that right before I achieved enlightenment.

Selflessness (無我).

The moment of enlightenment that every warrior longs for, where he forgets his own existence even for a moment and advances toward a higher state.

‘ah. iced coffee.’

The man’s eyes trembled slightly.

With the focus returning, beyond my now clear vision, I saw a middle-aged man trapped in slow time.

No, it was a monster that single-handedly killed over a hundred members of the recluse’s family. But not anymore.

The monster, which had been so fast that the eyes couldn’t follow it just a moment ago, was frozen in place at this moment, unable to move, and the man’s sword was falling toward the top of its head in slow time.


The man was sure.

With my current realization, my inaction has progressed to a dazzling degree.

The wall that has been blocking the way for a long time will be torn down, and the demon sword that has finally reached the level of Eight Saints (A 成) will cut through the monster in front of you. And the next moment.

Wedge! chin.

The man finally realized the sight of the monster reaching out like a beam of light and grabbing the sword body.

That all of this was an illusion.

It wasn’t time that slowed down, it was only myself.


The sad dream surrounding the man is broken with his beloved sword shattered into pieces. The image of a smiling monster was reflected in his mesmerized eyes.

“It was quite nice to see him struggling alone. What do you think? Just in case, should I give you one more chance?”

The man looked blankly at the enemy in front of him.

The face of the monster I first saw up close was that of an ordinary middle-aged man, except that his entire body was covered in blood.

Maybe that was why.

Even though I already felt the reality keenly, and even though I knew that this was someone I couldn’t communicate with, I tried to squeeze out my voice.

“Why, why are you doing this…


The monster, or rather the middle-aged man, frowned.

“Why are you doing this? Where is such a pathetic question? “It would be better to ask the fisherman why he catches fish.”


“And you brought this all on yourself. “I told you that if you surrender calmly, I will let you live right away, but… anyway, the bastards of Taoist monks only listen to me when they see blood.”

The middle-aged man took a deep breath and looked at the man with pitiful eyes.

“Looking at you, it looks like I’m not good enough to get the answer you want.”

The man, who had already reached the threshold of half-light, answered in a dull voice.

“You will be punished from heaven.”

“What? Heavenly punishment? Did you just say heavenly punishment?”

The middle-aged man with wide eyes suddenly burst into laughter. And at some point, his blurred hand penetrated the man’s chest.


My back bends like a bow due to the intense pain that crushes my bones and flesh. The man saw the sky slowly turning black, with clouds flowing by as if nothing had happened.

Finally, with a voice that penetrates my ears.

“Do you see it? “A new sky.”


Quad deuk, flop!

The new type that falls apart with the hand being pulled out.

The middle-aged man who had trampled on the corpse of the Joint Sword Dragon (峰銅劍M), said to be the best later exponent of the Joint Sect, suddenly turned his head and looked at the huge mountain range stretching out in the distance.

Daeseolsan Mountain.

The place, soon stained red with countless blood, was shining dazzlingly in the rising sunlight.

“Now, let’s have some fun.”

Behind the smiling middle-aged man, a huge sound began to shake the earth.

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not work with dark mode