Murim Login Chapter 102

Chapter 102

Each person has a different area of ​​expertise.

It was in the same context that I, who knew the formation at the gate, what to do in case of a crisis, and the weaknesses of the monsters, was unfamiliar with the law.

“You worked hard.”

“A lawyer too.”

This man wearing angular horn-rimmed glasses is a lawyer who has been entrusted with real estate sales by me. On the other side, the landlord and the public service agent were just getting up from their seats, exchanging greetings.

“Congratulations on the contract. The young man has succeeded.”

“Ah yes. thank you.”

It was only when I shook hands with the landlord that I realized something new.

‘It’s my house now.’

And it is our family home. Recovered after 11 years.

I looked around the narrow room.

Bed with old springs. A small closet that barely fits a few suits and a desk with peeling paint in places. A small TV on top of it.

Except for the things I had to leave behind, I picked up clothes and other miscellaneous items, so I filled a paper box.

‘Only one box.’

The past 7 years are contained in it.

It was at that time that I was looking around the room with a feeling of being dejected for some reason.

“Are you going?”

You can tell without looking back.

Because he is an indispensable person in my 7 years.


“The house?”

“I’m leaving because I saved it.”

“Baby, you are fast. Has your family already moved into a new house?”

“no. It’s still a secret. I will go in first and live there, then I will let you know when my brother finishes his exam.”

“Well, it’s a very important time.”

“huh. I have to remodel before that.”

There was silence for a moment. The two of us are comfortable without having to talk, and we can read each other’s minds just by looking at each other, but I don’t know what to say right now.


“Hey, hey. It’s okay, don’t set the mood.”

Jinho hyung patted my back hard.

“I’m not an elementary school student who transfers to another school. Won’t you see my face when you move?”

“You should see. Must see?”

“That’s fine, I’ll unload my luggage by the end of the day anyway.”

“Your brother too?”

“You said it last time. Don’t you remember?”

“Ah, it was.”

It bothered me to leave Jin-ho hyung, who I had shared the joys and sorrows of for years with, at the gosiwon, but now I feel more comfortable.

“Where is your brother moving?”

“I just end up living with someone I know. Where did you say the house you bought this time was?”

“Goyang city. It’s 30 minutes from here, so it’s not that far.”

“Goyang city?”

Jinho hyung opened his eyes wide.

“I’m around there too, man!”

“uh? really?”

I was delighted with the unexpected story.

Now, if I don’t see her even for a day, she’ll look sad. If it’s close to where you live, we’ll be able to meet more often in the future.

“Hyung, then where is the exact address… … .”

Just as I was about to ask for my address, my smartphone rang in my pocket.

When I answer the phone, a gruff voice comes out of the handset.

– Uh, Jin Tae-gyeong, right? I am in front of the gosiwon now.

“Ah, yes. Knight.”

It is a personal mover who has been called in advance. Glancing out the window, I saw a blue truck waiting in front of the gosiwon.

– Do you have a lot of luggage? If it’s heavy, I can help.

“no. I’ll take it.”

As for luggage, there are only two of them.

A paper box packed with small things, and… … .


Now that the logout function is activated, you can move between Moorim and Hyundai without using a capsule.

Now it has become a nuisance that only takes up space, but it had a special meaning to me more than anything else. Even though I didn’t have much luggage, I called a delivery truck because of this.

‘What would have happened if it wasn’t for this capsule.’

I slowly stroked the surface of the capsule.

The coldness and rough feel of metal transmitted through the hands.

One old capsule changed my life forever.

Oh right. There were also people who played a big part in it.

“Jinho hyung.

“Huh?” Looking at the bewildered expression, I burst into laughter.

On that day, if Jinho hyung hadn’t become a rice cake with alcohol, I wouldn’t have entered the capsule.

“No, nothing.”

“Singy. Anyway, don’t you have to go now? There was a truck outside.”

“Ah, in the meantime, please pick up the box over there. I have to take the capsules, so my hands are short.”


“What is that reaction? Can’t you lift a box for your younger brother who is moving away?”

“That’s not it… … Uh, now that I think about it, I have to pack my things too. Even if it’s annoying, just go back and forth once. Well done!”

Watch them slip away like mudfish. I looked at the back of Jinho as he slowly walked away, and eventually picked up the box.

The sound of the klaxon from the moving man, tired of waiting, hits your ears.


“Yes, go down now!”

“Are you a hunter?”

The mover who kept glancing at me threw a word. The delivery car loaded with boxes and capsules was running towards the new house according to the guidance of the navigation system.

“How did you know?”

“You know that when you see it. I used to be a hunter too. Class F.”

“Oh, really?”

“Perhaps I’m more senior as a jockey at the training center than a guest?

The old man continued talking like a grumbling.

“I was able to do it at the Hunter Training Center. I was F-class, but I was proud of being a Hunter. But as soon as I entered the guild after graduation, an accident occurred.”

An accident at the gate is synonymous with death.

Even if a limb is lost, it is a world where you can recover if you have money.

Hunters do not say that it is an accident.

“He was my classmate at the training center I joined with… … Uh uh, he was dragged away and died like that. After his funeral, I applied for retirement. A guy like me shouldn’t run a raid.”

He tried to pretend to be calm, but he couldn’t hide even the slightest trembling voice.

“This is such an unlucky thing to say in front of Hunter customers. what a good story I’m sorry.”

“you’re welcome.”

The father’s feelings were understandable.

Because I had a similar experience.

If I hadn’t had a sense of responsibility for my family, if I hadn’t had Jinho hyung who comforted me by my side, I might have retired two years ago.

‘Then my life would have changed greatly.’

Hunter is a fierce job. The media praises him as the protector and shield of mankind, but he always lives with death at his side.

– Turn right after 50 meters.

The old man hesitated at the voice of the navigation system and muttered.

“Uh, come to think of it, this is a safe zone.”

“That’s right, so please keep going.”

“Ah, yes.”

The truck arrived at its destination shortly after.

A two-story detached house with a blue roof shows a stone wall that is not too high and a yard covered with grass. The feeling was different from the first time I saw this house a few days ago.

‘It must be because it’s our house.’

my house.

The more you think about it, the better it feels. Of course, it might be because the house is so pretty.

“Hey… … The house is nice.”

The man who got out of the driver’s seat stuck out his tongue. The sound coming out of someone else’s mouth sounds sweeter.

Even if I try to hold it in, the corner of my mouth keeps going up.

“You must be a good hunter. My dream was to live in a house like this.”

“me too.”

“Your wish has been fulfilled. I hope you like it.”

Of course it’s okay to die.

He asked while he was touching the stone wall and looking at the lawn while exclaiming.

“Can I come in and take a look? I’ll also move the capsule.”

“Yes, yes.”

The mover, who unintentionally became the first guest of the new house, went up to the luggage compartment. to move the capsule.

“But that must be quite heavy.”

“are you okay. I know because I moved a lot. It’s the weight of game capsules.

“No, it will be really heavy.”

I know because I heard it before. It was moderately heavy even for me, whose strength stat was over three digits, but that man is even more different.

“Boss, I’ll just move it.”

He smiled as he embraced the capsule.

“Hey. You ignore me too much. I was still a hunter in the old days, but at least this much… … ok!”

“Oh oh.”

Also a former hunter. I heard it at once.

The only thing that has changed is that the smile has disappeared from your face.

“Go ahead and open the door. hurry!”

I ran to the urgent voice and opened the front door and the front door. I don’t know what makes me nervous.

“I just heard… … “


“Ah yes.”

Entering the living room at a speed comparable to an alarm, he shouted like a scream.

“Which room!”

“The capsule is on the second floor… … “


“… … I was going to put it on, but please just put it in a nearby room.”

Fortunately, the door was open. With a thud, the man who put down the capsule gasped for breath.

“Why is this so heavy?”

Didn’t I tell you I’m heavy?

As soon as the mover left, I sat down on the sofa in the living room.

It is one of the furniture that was transferred from the previous owner on the condition that the balance be paid at once.

‘Because I have to live alone for a few months.’

He has told his family that he is going back to Bucheon.

He intends to eat, sleep, and commute here until Ha-yeon’s entrance exam.

‘I remodeled the house and bought a car. Oh, since the guild said they would support cars anyway, I guess I’ll have to get a driver’s license first.’

There are other things to do. But far from being exhausted, his strength surged. Because it’s something I couldn’t do before.

It’s only been a few months since I’ve struggled going back and forth between the gate and the gosiwon, but a lot has changed.

‘You grew up a lot, Jin Tae-kyung.’

There is one person who suddenly comes to mind.

A person who always smiled like a boy despite his age. It reminds me of him who approached his wife and his children like a friend, doing his best.

‘Dad, I bought a house. The place where we used to live is no longer there, but this is good enough, right?’

Even if you want to boast like a child, the person who will praise you has already left a long time ago. All I could do was repeat the words in my mind that would never reach me.

How much time had passed like that?

When I woke up, it was already 8:00 PM. The summer sun was slowly setting.

‘This is how the last day of vacation ends.’

A long week of vacation. It was noisy because of being involved with the Sangdong guild, but it was the best break I enjoyed for the first time since I started my hunter life.

Now is the time to go back to normal.

‘Exactly twelve hours later.’

I lay flat on the sofa where I was sitting.

I thought about putting it in a capsule, but I quickly erased it.

It is a home that has returned after 11 years. This time, I wanted to wake up in my living room, not in a hot capsule.


The system responds to my call.

belt ring.

– Do you want to connect to [Moorim]?


Of course my answer is yes.

Long after Jin Tae-gyeong lost consciousness, something unexpected was happening in the room next to the front door.

Chi profit.

The door of the capsule, a metal object that looked like a giant egg, slowly began to open.

The first thing to be revealed were two feet.

Red letters printed on long sports socks that cover the calves.

– Hope Goshiwon early football club.

Then, passing through the half-rolled tracksuit pants, both white and skinny hands were revealed. As if it were a bible, the cover of the book I was holding on to shone brightly in the sunset light coming through the window.

– Complete mastery of the administrative exam.

And after enduring several hours of pain with his face finally revealed, he was haggard like Crown Prince Sado, but looked refreshed like Park Hyeokgeose, who was born out of an egg.

A dry voice escaped from between parched lips.

“Is this my new home… … .”

A hearty smile formed on Seong Jin-ho’s lips as he gazed at the large room.

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