MEMORIZE Chapter 998

00998 Omnibus – Seraph. ————————————————– ———————-=

* Please read today’s review.

5. Seraph’s rampage.

“Are you finished now?”

A familiar voice came out from the darkness.

When Seraph raised her eyes, she saw a shadow of someone leaning against the railing.

The figure standing up, shaking off his pants as if he had been waiting, was none other than Cho Seung-woo.

“Wow, it took longer than expected. Actually, I wanted to storm in several times, but I didn’t want to be caught in that meeting. In the end, I kept waiting. haha.”

He grumbled playfully and held out his hand as if to guide me upstairs.

“Anyway, it’s late, but let’s go. The Clan Lord is waiting.”

“No, I… .”

Seraph reflexively tried to refuse, but

“You’ve been waiting since the afternoon.”

I knew I could no longer fight off this one word.

The angel stared at the back of the man who was leisurely climbing the stairs a few steps ahead.

At this time, Kim Soo-hyun would be in the room on the fourth floor that he uses as his office and lodging.

Seraph is not a fool, and if he had delivered the message, it wouldn’t have mattered if he left.

But the reason why I even provide guidance like this is… .

“How is it?”

Before I could finish my thoughts, a quiet voice broke the silence.

“Our clan lord. “You’ve changed a lot, right?”

“… … ?”

Seraph did not open his mouth without thinking.

I was curious why this story was brought up out of nowhere.

However, Cho Seung-woo was not an easy opponent either.

“hmm. Seeing that you didn’t say anything, I wonder if you’re not interested… ?”


It was a firm voice.

Cho Seung-woo, who finally managed to get an answer, laughed lightly.

“You have changed. Yes, you have really changed a lot. “You don’t bully Vivian on purpose, you don’t tear up the baby Chaos Mimic’s box, and you’ve learned to be more considerate of the central management body, that is, other people’s perspectives.”

“Well, it’s still hard to understand the way you lick Excalibur sometimes.” He added the words, but his voice was so low that Seraph could not hear him.

“It’s not just that. In fact, in the past, just by being around him, I felt like my blood was drying up due to unexplained anxiety, but that tension has completely disappeared. I feel strength in the softness, but at the same time, I also feel relaxed. Please pay a lot of attention to those around you.”

Before we knew it, the two had passed this floor and were reaching the third floor.

“What can I say, a little more, no. “I would say she has definitely become more human.”

When they finally reached the third floor, Seraph could barely say, “I see.” I could say.

Jo Seung-woo glanced back, saw the still expressionless face of the angel, and turned around.

“Angel Seraph.”

And said.

“Clan lords are people too, people.”

He spoke emphatically twice and then smiled.

“It wouldn’t be good to be too observant. because… . Even if you understand it with your head, those who wait will get tired. “Emotionally speaking.”

Seraph’s eyes brightened.

It was the first change in facial expression.

The clever angel’s brain finally figured out what Seungwoo Cho wanted to say.

When I eventually came to my senses, the man who had already greeted me had disappeared into the dark hallway.

After standing still for a while, Seraph unconsciously stepped up the stairs leading to the fourth floor.

“… … .”

In Holplane, angels take on the role of helping users.

And Seraph was Kim Soo-hyun’s helper.


If you look at one user for a long time.

‘When I lost everything, you were the only thing I could rely on.’

stereotypes about the users in charge;

‘Your advice was always reasonable. Always led me in the right direction. Thank you. Even though he is an angel, he truly cares for me.’

In other words, one perception is bound to arise.

‘I mean, I used to think like this… .’

The perception that arose like that.

‘Aren’t you embarrassed to speak for yourself?’

‘I’ve never seen a bitch as disgusting as you.’

‘Ugly bitch.’

‘Thank you so much for always remaining disgusting.’

When a conflict occurs with a user, it is used as a guide to reassemble the relationship.

‘it’s crazy? ‘Why did you tell me that?’

‘Does Seraph believe that user Kim Soo-hyun’s attitude toward angels is right?’

Despite everyone’s opposition,

‘Then the fact is… . why… .’

‘Long time no see… . Isn’t it? Anyway, how are you?’

When there is finally a change in user attitude.

‘Oh, I couldn’t bring Marr today.’

‘Well, thank you. … huh? No, I literally said thank you.’

The angel’s stereotype of the other person becomes firmly established.

With the word ‘confidence’.

In other words, Seraph was confident.

The confidence that I have seen Kim Soo-hyun for fifteen years.

To be more precise, he is proud that he knows Kim Soo-hyun best.

So I behaved like that for over four months.

Because it’s Kim Soo-hyun.

If you know Kim Soo-hyun, you will definitely understand why he is doing this.

However, in a conversation with Cho Seung-woo just now, I realized that there was a loophole in my perception.


What Seraph overlooked.


The current Kim Soo-hyun is,

“Ah, are you here now?”

Not the cold-blooded monster of the past, but like the one I saw when first summoned fifteen years ago.

“… Seraph?”

The point was that Kim Soo-hyun was close to a ‘human’ person with alive emotions.


When I heard the sound of the doorknob turning, Seraph was standing outside the door.

I called out with joy, but the expression on his face was strange.

As I opened the door myself, I thought, ‘When did you arrive?’ Should I say this is the reaction?

Was he thinking about something deeply?

When I motioned for them to come in, Seraph got closer, cringing like a guilty person.

I don’t know why, but seeing it like this automatically brought a smile to my face.

For some reason, just looking at Seraph makes me feel better.

If it were me before, it would be unthinkable.

I suddenly wanted to make fun of him because I wanted to see him in trouble, but since I had called him to talk about something important, I decided to hold back.

As I sat down on the sofa, Seraph glanced at me and carefully sat down as well.

“Did the meeting just end?”

“… yes.”

“It took longer than I thought. “Aren’t you tired?”

“it’s okay.”

“hmm… . okay. “Actually, I have something important to talk about today.”

“… … !”

Seraph’s shoulders trembled.

“therefore… . What should I say… .”

This time my eyes were tightly closed.

What, why is it like that?

You seem like a tragic heroine about to break up.

Anyway, I had a lot of things I wanted to say, but when it came to this, my mouth felt dizzy.

First of all, it would be right to apologize for being annoyed at lunch.


The moment I thought that, Seraph suddenly bowed.

I was momentarily dazed by the sudden apology.

Why are you apologizing… ?

“So far, I have been thinking and judging and acting on my own.”


“If there was any misunderstanding because of that, it’s entirely my fault.”

“wait for a sec. I don’t know why I’m apologizing. “I just wanted to talk about our relationship going forward.”

However, Seraph seemed to have completely misunderstood or misunderstood something.

No, that’s definitely true.

Otherwise, there’s no way I could be this crazy.

My conversations with Seraph were always well-focused, so I was embarrassed to see something off like this.

I sighed and said, feeling like I had made an unexpected mess.

“just… . “I said I was sorry about lunch today.”

“… yes?”

“Actually, our clan is a bit exclusive. I was quite worried when I brought you here. … But for all his worries, he was quiet? Plus, I even received an invitation from Ko Yeonju today.”

“… … .”

“Why is the adaptation so smooth? After thinking about it carefully… . “I understand why you have been so cautious and observant.”

“ah… .”

Before I knew it, Seraph’s gibberish had stopped.

The way he looked at me with his beady eyes seemed like he was thankful or a little touched.

I scratched the back of my head.

It’s always embarrassing to reveal the truth.

“If you think about it, you always acted rationally. But I didn’t know that, and every time I saw it, I just pestered or complained childishly… . Well, I have nothing to say even if you fall out of love with me.”

“Hey, are you saying I’m losing affection? Is that possible… !?”

Suddenly, Seraph’s voice grew louder.

He even stood up from the wooden sofa.

Are you really angry?

“Rather, I just made a guess… . Even though I was interested in him, I kept rejecting him, so I guess Su-hyeon hates me now… .”


“So maybe you think of me as a spy, but I have nothing to say… . like that… .”

“W-Who is it? “It can’t be like that, right?”

I raised my voice without realizing it.

In the same way, I jumped up from the sofa.

Suspecting Seraph as a spy?

That can’t be possible, right?

I don’t know why he said that because he thought of me like that, but it was truly unfair.

“I’m feeling a bit upset when I hear it. What is it, Seraph? “In the end, you just misunderstood, right?”

“that… . However, wasn’t there something that caused Soo-hyeon to misunderstand in the first place? The first time we met, he just asked me when I was going to go back to heaven… !”

“Why are you taking a joke so seriously? And so do you. No matter how important adaptation is, how can you just barely hold hands? Do you know how disappointed I was at that time?”

“That’s not true, it’s because I was surprised when I suddenly caught it.”

“lie. … Hey, why don’t you say you’d rather have a child? I had high expectations… !”

“So, Soo-hyeon made my heart flutter by saying that he would save me no matter what… !”

“I was serious?”

“Was I serious too?”

“you… ?”

“In the first place, Su-hyeon doesn’t know anything, right? Since when and for how long have I only looked at Suhyun! And how much I wanted to like and be loved!”

“Who are you avoiding even when you try to love them?”

“Yes, then from now on I will also receive love to my heart’s content without worrying about what others think… !”

It was a moment to shout out there.

Seraph, who was in the middle of a rampage, suddenly said, “Ah.” He came to his senses and his eyes became the size of a lantern.

Then he opened his mouth and blinked his eyes.

He looked at me in confusion and his face instantly turned red like a river at sunset.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Silence suddenly falls.

It was an awkward, meaningless silence that made my body itch for no reason.

At the same time, a thought crossed my mind.

we are,



Why are we fighting?

“uh… .”

Seraph is silent.

He just lowers his head, grabs his thighs with both hands, and bites his lower lip.

My shoulders are also shaking slightly.

As if he wanted to run out of this room right away.

We couldn’t open our mouths to each other for a while.

Suddenly, the wind blew.

Perhaps because it was late, the night breeze was cool and cool.

However, for some reason, the night air that came in through the terrace immediately became hot and heated up the room.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

The comment section was excited once again… .

First of all, I’m sorry.

Actually, at first I thought, ‘Okay! Finally, I have readers on my side!’ I had this immature thought, but when I saw it getting overheated, I thought, ‘Oh, this isn’t right…’ .’ I regretted it.

I just wanted to move on quietly, but I felt responsible because I felt like I had ignited the controversy for no reason.

I apologize to all readers for being more sensitive than necessary. _(__)_

If there are any readers who have been hurt, I hope they will feel relieved.


The story related to Seraph was also hastily revised.

Originally, Kim Soo-hyun was going to spew out hurtful words, make Seraph cry, and eventually send him out in a bundle… .

Just sweet and fluffy… . ^^;

I hope you find the two characters’ outbursts cute in this episode. 🙂


Dear readers.

Currently, up to episode 2 of the Memorize visual novel has been released for free.

You can check it out at, and it’s noticeable that, unlike episode 1, the development has changed in the middle.

I would like to hold an event here.

Play Episodes 1 and 2 of the Memorize Visual Novel at (it’s released for free, so you won’t have to worry about playing it).

We will give away 50 Joara tickets to anyone who leaves a brief comment or review on the bulletin board of the site.

After writing it, please let me know the address in a comment or message, and I will personally check it and send you a ticket.

Also, if anyone has already written one, please let me know and I will send it to you right away.

As the mobile version with all parts will be released is just around the corner, I’m curious about readers’ reactions.

Thank you for reading the long review.

It’s Monday.

I hope all my readers have a great week!


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not work with dark mode