MEMORIZE Chapter 997

00997 Omnibus – Seraph. ————————————————– ———————-=

4. Misunderstanding prelude.

A considerable amount of time has passed since Seraph followed Kim Soo-hyun to Mercantile.

It is a well-known fact, but Mercenary is a very exclusive clan.

Since the early days of Mule, if someone wanted to join, they never passed on.

Lee Yoo-jeong, who ostracized Kim Han-byeol, Go Yeon-ju and Jegal Hae-sol, who had a war of nerves at the beginning of their membership, etc.

Whether big or small, incidents occurred that were difficult to regard as hazing, and the number of cases that were quietly passed over was just a handful.

Considering this past, it would have been far-fetched to expect Seraph to blend into Mercenary without any disturbance.

Seraph also knew this fact better than anyone else.

In fact, I didn’t expect to be welcomed so warmly as soon as I entered.

Having been Kim Soo-hyun’s helper for several years, it would be a lie if I said I didn’t know the Mercenary Clan’s tendencies.

Kim Soo-hyun’s declaration at the first meeting that he wanted to have a child took a lot of courage.

It wasn’t something he said as a joke, but rather an expression with some meaning.

It means that she will abandon everything and live as Kim Soo-hyun’s wife, not as a spy planted by an angel.

The only thing that came out was that.

To put it bluntly, the angel was no longer in a position to be superior to the user.

The relationship that lasted for decades was completely reversed when Kim Soo-hyun defeated the devil and obtained the zero code.

The fact that seventy-eight percent of angels, including Gabriel, fled to heaven is proof of this.

This situation was clearly revealed to Seraph as well.

Wherever I went, surveillance followed me, and I had to face a wary attitude everywhere.

They didn’t rule it out outright, but if it weren’t for Kim Soo-hyun, a few impatient people might have stepped forward.

He left everything and followed Kim Soo-hyun, but that doesn’t mean he’s done.

Kim Soo-hyun’s wish to be by the side of his beloved required not only the permission of one man, but also the approval of everyone around Kim Soo-hyun.

As a result, there is only one choice Seraph can make in the current situation.

Is there anything more than living like a rat and watching others?

It was clear what kind of treatment he would receive if he showed the angel’s characteristic disparaging attitude here.

Seraph, who thought so, was afraid of Kim Soo-hyun’s steady interest after their reunion.

No, you can’t be afraid of the looks that the man you love gives you.

To be more precise, when I accepted that interest.

‘Look at that. ‘She’s next to her brother again.’

‘huh? ‘You approached me first, right?’

‘Anyway, I don’t like it. I don’t understand what’s good about you, but you say you feel anxious every time you see them together?’


‘Look at him? Hey, you’re an angel, angel. And my brother is now the owner of Zero Code. Who knows, if they watch for an opportunity with their tails wagging like that, they might try to take advantage of it again?’

‘hmm… . surely… .’

Like this, the reaction of the woman who had already lined up with the man in numerous ways was burdensome.

Because it wasn’t just an emotion like jealousy or anything like that.

The fifteen-year bond that connects Kim Soo-hyun and Seraph, filled with a lot of love and hatred, trust and distrust, is not shared by them.

Rather, it was a question worth raising as a user who had been exploited to the fullest by an angel.

So Seraph refused, and refused again.

‘Seraph. ‘How’s life these days?’

‘great. I’m happy.’

‘Isn’t it difficult?’

‘It’s not difficult. Really, it’s okay if you don’t care about me like this.’

‘Ah, I’m feeling stuffy these days because I’m just working. how is it? Out together… .’

‘You should go with your wives first rather than me… .’

‘Seraph. If I have time, tonight… .’

‘sorry. I feel a little tired. ‘Thank you for your words, but can you please understand just for today?’

He was protecting himself with profane language.

Since he had actually done something, even this had no choice but to be noticed.

It was the same today.

Baby Pegasus, who was rolling around in the garden and basking in the sun, spotted the baby Chaos Mimic, who had also come out to the garden to drink, and quickly ran over to him.

Seraph was watching with interest the fierce battle between the two young men.


At that time, Kim Soo-hyun, who was leaving with his entourage, spoke warmly.

Seraph also hurriedly straightened up, put both hands together politely, and bowed.

“Are you leaving?”

“huh. “There is a meeting at the Central Management Organization today.”

“I only vaguely heard about the conflict between the old and the new. How do you think it will be resolved… .”

“Well, maybe? “I think we can almost finish it today.”

Kim Soo-hyun, who said he was tired, suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed both of Seraph’s wrists.

The startled angel tried to pull away, but he had already been caught.

“Soo, Su-hyeon?”

“Wait a minute, let’s stay like this for a minute.”

“It’s because it’s hard. For some reason, I feel healed when I do this. huh?”

“B-but… .”

Kim Soo-hyun, who had been standing caressing Seraph’s wrist for a while, turned his gaze to the sky.

The sun was hanging in the sky.

Eventually, he glanced sideways at Seraph, who was looking helpless with his face red, and continued speaking in a whisper.

“Now that I think about it, I have some time left… . how is it? Would you like to have lunch together before the ceremony? No, let’s do it.”

Seungwoo Cho, who was standing as an attendant, looked troubled.

It wasn’t that we didn’t have time, but it was hard to eat.

However, Kim Soo-hyun, who has been suffering from intense work recently, was filled with the desire to rest even for a while.

Aside from that, I also wanted to hear about Seraph’s life in the middle world.


However, Seraph declined with dignity and in a calm manner.

“also? “Can’t it happen again?”

A look of disappointment was visibly evident on Kim Soo-hyun’s face.

“that is… . Because there was a prior promise… .”

“with who.”

“This is an invitation to user performance.”

“Wouldn’t it be better not to go there?”

It was a half-joking remark, but Seraph shook her head with a straight face.

“How could that be? And I already said I was going.”

“Clan Lord. There is some time left, but there is no harm in going early. “It would be better to finish today quickly and spend the evening leisurely.”

Seung-Woo Cho also stepped in at the right time.

Kim Soo-hyun sighed full of regret and clicked his tongue as if he had no choice.

Eventually, I turned around.

“If you look closely, you look a little strange these days.”

I didn’t forget to say something before leaving.

“… yes?”

“Since you came… . “Hasn’t it been about four months?”

“That’s about it.”

“But for some reason, it seems harder to see than when I was in the summoning room.”

“That’s not it… .”

“Anyway, have a good time. And I don’t think that will happen, but if there’s any pressure, please let me know right away.”

It was a serious statement.

“Well, when I tried to eat it, he made every excuse to avoid it… .”

Seraph quietly closed his eyes at the grumbling tone, took a step back, and slowly lowered his head.

At the same time, Cho Seung-woo is a very perceptive person.

“… … .”

I realized that the angel in front of me was possessed by a strange obsession.

I don’t know if it was because he closed his eyes, but it seemed like the angel who thought he knew Kim Soo-hyun better than anyone else couldn’t read the expression of displeasure on the man’s face.


Contrary to Kim Soo-hyun’s worries, the meal with Seraph and Go Yeon-june took place in a friendly atmosphere.

The topic was: What kind of user was Kim Soo-hyun during the first episode? It was a fresh story that everyone was curious about.

Go Yeon-ju took advantage of her experience when accepting Gehenna and behaved in a friendly manner, and Seraph also responded in a humble manner to the barrage of questions from Go Yeon-joo, Kim Han-byeol, Im Hanna, and Jeong Ha-yeon.

In the middle, food prepared by Lim Hanna was served, and Seraph did not hesitate and ate it deliciously.

This is because Im Han Na knew that users were happy to see others eating delicious food.

“I can’t believe it. My brother had a time like that too… .”

“me too. “Oh, I thought I was going to die laughing so hard.”

So, as time passed and the atmosphere matured, the story gradually moved away from the past and carefully moved to the present.

“I know. Thanks to you, I had a more enjoyable time than I expected.”

Suddenly, Go Yeon-ju spoke up.

“Hehe. Honestly, I was always suspicious when Seraph followed him out. Ah, we don’t feel good about angels… . “You understand, right?”

“I just apologize.”

“That’s Okay. Because I didn’t mean to hear an apology. He would have been a middle manager anyway… . “Like my uncle said, I know you’re different from them.”

“… … .”

It was a serious tone that was completely different from before.

“To put it bluntly, I feel like my preconceptions have been removed, even if just a little, by taking this position.”

“… … .”

“If you behave as prudently as you do now, I believe other clan members will soon turn their negative gaze towards you. … “You know what I mean, right?”

“… … .”

Behave wisely.

As the mistress of the Mercantile Clan, this was something I would have said at least once.

The angel, thinking to himself, quietly agreed.

It was well past evening when the long, long meeting ended when dusk had fallen.

‘Would you like to have breakfast together tomorrow too?’ After hearing those words, Seraph returned alone and was in a very good mood.

It was a favor from none other than the Shadow Queen.

He succeeded in eliciting a positive evaluation from the most influential woman among Kim Soo-hyun’s surroundings.

I felt like the results of being careful for a whopping four months were finally seeing the light.

As Ko Yeon-ju said, if that day comes soon, there will be no need to pay attention to it anymore and there will be no need to try to ignore Kim Soo-hyun’s attention.

‘Just a little more, just a little more… .’

Seraph secretly smiled pleasantly and walked up the stairs.

It was then.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

How come there are only a few readers who call me Ro Yujin…? .

Okay, call me now.

Words that I hadn’t thought of came up in droves, so I’m going to record them all and apply for an update to the list of banned words.

By the way, there are rumors that xxmi has suddenly been removed from the ban, and I checked and it is true.

I have to complain to Joara tomorrow.

Anyway, I can’t possibly take revenge(?) on the readers, and while I’m trying to figure out what to do, I end up only playing Seraph.

I was originally going to go sweet, but I guess I’ll have to tone it down a bit.

Seraph, you won’t be able to get together with Kim Soo-hyun easily… !

P.S. When I checked the comments, I saw that the award was… .

I didn’t think this would apply, but I was surprised. ^^;

Thank you to the readers who voted. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode