MEMORIZE Chapter 996

00996 Omnibus – Seraph. ————————————————– ———————-=

3. Changes in daily life.

It was a clear and active morning, as if it represented the atmosphere of Mercenary Castle, which was revitalized after Kim Soo-hyun and some of the staff returned to Earth.

As the windows reflected the sunlight and the savory smell of food began to waft from the restaurant, sure enough.

Vivien showed up exactly on time.

Although he was currently concentrating on research on origins and birds, he was the type of person who never missed a meal.

Not only do I have a strong tendency to pursue gourmet food, but it is also the only time I can recharge my energy when I spend half a day confined to a castle.

What food will please your mouth today?

Vivien sat down in her seat with a heart that was half pounding and half excited.


Suddenly, I encountered a strange sight.

Four or five women with bulging bellies occupy each table in a busy restaurant, sitting in a very comfortable posture.

“Our Shaolin eats well. Should I try this this time?”


“kind. Now, ah~.”


Every time I open my mouth like a baby bird, someone holds a spoon in front of my mouth.

The problem was that that someone was Kim Soo-hyun, and that there were as many as four or five people at the same time, not just one.

That wasn’t all.

After a while, Lee Yoo-jeong comes in, rubbing her eyes, and also takes up a new table.


As soon as I sang it out loud, a new Kim Soo-hyun was created again.

“Bring your own meal, sit next to me and rub my stomach until the food comes out.”

What should I say?

It was a huge culture shock to see Vivien, who had always been bullied, treat Kim Soo-hyun without hesitation.

No, I should say I can’t believe it.

“hey! there!”

So I decided to give it a try.

Soon, another Kim Soo-hyun appears in an instant, and then stops after checking the other person.

The corners of Vivien’s mouth went up.

“Bring some food here too. “Please pat me on the head before I go.”

He sits back on the chair with his legs crossed, while his sparkling eyes stare at Kim Soo-hyun.

In fact, Vivian also knows this, as a result of countless experiences she has had so far.

There’s no way he wouldn’t know what consequences this arrogant attitude would lead to.

It would be great to get your butt kicked, but there is also a high chance that you will be ignored like this.

Well, neglected play has its own benefits… .


It was a moment when I thought it might be good.

A small sound of plates hitting each other rang out.

At the same time, Vivien’s nose, who was in the midst of a delusion, twitched.

Vivian’s eyes widened as she glanced at the table.

In the blink of an eye, a plate filled with delicious food was placed on the table.

“Good morning, Vivien.”

He gave me a friendly greeting and even patted the top of my head.

“Then did you enjoy it?”

Kim Soo-hyun disappeared without leaving a single, gentle word.

Vivien stared blankly into space.

Should I say that he looks at a loss for words?

Rather than saying that I was amazed by his amazing ability to surpass all forms and positions, it would be more accurate to say that I was surprised for a very different reason.

After a while, Vivian, who had been blinking for a while, pinched her cheek.

My cheeks felt tingly and I frowned slightly.

“… to?”

My head tilted as if I realized it was reality.


Baby Chaos Mimic has been living a very happy life these days.

No, I should say that I am leading a life that lacks nothing.

Well, it’s worth it.

A slightly humid and dark space is nice, but the results scattered throughout the warehouse are always satisfying.

The pleasure of finding a small, pretty jewel and secretly swallowing it when no one was around was the best.

It was the same today.

The baby Chaos Mimic, whose liver had grown today, was very satisfied after swallowing the necklace that was sprinkling bright blue light.

But suddenly I heard the door open, followed by the sound of footsteps.

“Hey, I’m a little nervous that the Clan Lord is personally inspecting the warehouse.”

“I just want to see. “I came back and had a lot of fun, so now I have to get back to work.”

“You are correct. Anyway, don’t worry. Even though five years have passed, my memory is still intact.”


The two men who came in talking loudly were Cho Seung-woo and Kim Soo-hyun.

In particular, Kim Soo-hyun’s appearance was nothing short of a thunderbolt for the baby Chaos Mimic, who had been leading a peaceful life recently.

Above all, as a person who had committed a sin, it was not at all strange that his body was shaking of its own accord.

“I definitely need to clean it up sometime. Let’s see… .”

The baby Chaos Mimic quickly pretended to be dead as he watched Seungwoo Jo looking around the warehouse attentively.

I was very anxious, but there were tens of thousands of gems, so I had no idea that anyone would notice.

It was then.


Jo Seung-woo’s face, which had been smiling kindly, suddenly became sharp.

“Is that strange?”

At the same time, the baby Chaos Mimic was also excited.

“Of the forty-seven thousand nine hundred and fifty-four jewels, why can I only see forty seven thousand nine hundred and forty-eight? “Why are there six empty?”


“Now that I think about it, I can’t see the necklace of the Holy Spirit, right? What happened?”


If the baby Chaos Mimic were human, wouldn’t it have opened its mouth?

No, the tightly closed box actually begins to open.

It is an understatement of Cho Seung-woo’s administrative management, which can almost be seen as obsessive-compulsive.

Kim Soo-hyun laughed haha.

“It’s okay. About six pieces of jewelry due to administrative error… .”

“That can’t be possible. “I checked the cash and disbursement records this morning, but I didn’t see any jewelry being taken out.”

“beep… . beep… .”

“Now that I think about it, there was no record of renting the Holy Spirit Necklace… . huh? “Didn’t you hear something strange earlier?”

Oops, the baby Chaos Mimic quickly closed its mouth, or rather the box, but it was already too late.

The eyes of the two men were already looking at the same place.

At that time, Kim Soo-hyun, who had been staring blankly, seemed to realize something and took a long stride.

Let’s grab the baby that is trying hard to hide, hold it upside down, and shake it wildly. Sure enough, it’s different.

Exactly six jewels and one necklace fell.

When the crime was finally revealed to the world, even the father and mother, Chaos Mimic, became angry and went into an uproar.

Oh my, this! What did you do!

That’s why I told you not to eat anything!

sorry! What does that young thing not know… .

Parents who teach incorrectly are guilty! We’d rather… .

But of course there was no way the words could be conveyed, and Kim Soo-hyun smiled and held both sides of the box with both hands.

The baby box whimpered in fear, and the father and mother also cried pitifully.

That fleeting moment.

“This guy.”

Contrary to expectations, the box entrance was not torn.

Rather, they lifted it up and placed it safely in the place where father and mother were.

He even grabbed a handful of jewels and placed them on top of it.

“You can’t just pick it up and eat it next time? Understand?”

It was a very caring voice.

Soon, the box family became completely quiet as they saw Kim Soo-hyun turning around holding only the necklace.

“Clan Lord.”

“are you okay. When a Chaos Mimic sees something valuable, it wants to swallow it and keep it. “I said it well just now, so I won’t do that again.”

“but… .”

“Oh, by the way, didn’t you say you were coming from the Central Management Organization today? “I heard it’s a bit noisy around here.”

The sound of an iron door closing sounded and the sound of footsteps became distant.

In the restored peace, the three box family hugged each other in disbelief.

Only the baby Chaos Mimic tilted the box as he looked at the handful of jewels Kim Soo-hyun gave him.

“… beep?”


About two weeks have passed since Kim Soo-hyun returned to the Hole Plane, but if we count the time when the devil disappeared from Terra, almost three months have passed.

If we talk about the situation in the North Continent so far, it is natural that it was quite a chaotic situation.

When Kim Soo-hyun was taken prisoner, he mobilized all available means with the sole intention of rescuing him.

However, now that the common enemy has disappeared, the conflict between the revived Old Northern Continent and the New Northern Continent was inevitable.

Aside from the issue of leadership in each province, there were a number of clans that were not on good terms to begin with, such as the Old Golden Lion and Goryeo.

The central management organization was doing its best to mediate, but the reality was that it was not enough.

In this regard, Lee Hyo-eul had great dissatisfaction with the Mercantile Clan.

I tried my best to save it, but I just turned my back and watched.

What would happen if the clan had no power to begin with?

At this point, Mercenary was the best and strongest clan representing the Northern Continent.

In addition, it has Istantel Row and Hamill, as well as a large line called Atlanta South City.

This means that we have enough power to calm this situation down.

In the end, Kim Soo-hyun, who was standing at the top, had to make a move.

So Lee Hyo-eul visited the Mercantile Clan as the head of the central management organization.

The situation got worse and worse, so it was no surprise that the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period arrived, and the determination to deal with Kim Soo-hyun alone was extraordinary.

“Are you really going to just watch like this?”

bang! Lee Hyo-eul pushed hard, hitting the table hard.

“Is it okay if you just eat well and live well? Is it because you don’t know what the situation is now? “No matter how neutral you are, don’t you know that you shouldn’t do this?”

Lee Hyo-eul seemed to feel refreshed after pouring out a gulp, so she took a gulp of tea.

Of course, on the other hand, I was worried that I might have been too fussy, so I secretly glanced ahead.

Unexpectedly, Kim Soo-hyun was reviewing the data submitted by the central management organization with a very serious expression.

When Hyo-eul Lee stopped twirling the quill and gently brought it to her mouth, Hyo-eul Lee suddenly felt her heart pounding.

At the same time that Lee Hyo-eul gently pressed her left breast, Kim Soo-hyun opened his mouth.

“The situation is definitely serious.”

“No, don’t ignore me, just talk…” . huh?”

“I only heard about it, but I never thought it would be this bad… . “I think this is beyond what any central management body can manage.”

“No, it’s not something we can handle on our own… . huh?”

“All right. “This happened because of me, so it would be right for me to take action myself.”

“no… . huh?”

When Lee Hyo-eul heard the third sentence, she finally thought, ‘If it were Kim Soo-hyun, it would definitely come out like this.’ I was able to deviate from the expected reaction and purely accept the other person’s words.

But Kim Soo-hyun’s words are not over yet.

“It is still too early for the entire mercantile business to move. “If you make a mistake, you may get the impression that the other side is trying to suppress you by force.”

Lee Hyo-eul suddenly stood up.

“Let’s put it into words first. It’s just my opinion, but if we restore the former northern continent’s location to some extent, they will make enough concessions. “It may be difficult, but please prepare a central management body within the near future.”

This time I jumped.

Let’s say it in words?

The guy who destroyed the Koran Union just because it was a bit annoying?

Taking another drink, Kim Soo-hyun smiled softly.

“Anyway, thank you for your hard work. And I’m sorry. You must have been going through a lot of trouble alone… .”


Before I could finish speaking, the teacup I was holding fell, hit the floor, and shattered.

The woman’s eyes widen as if torn apart, and her hands come together to cover her mouth.

Currently, Lee Hyo-eul’s face was not at a level where she couldn’t believe her ears.

He retreats hesitantly and lands on his butt.

However, Lee Hyo-eul was not even aware that she had fallen.

“Lee Hyo-eul? are you okay?”

“Uh, father… .”

“Lee Hyo-eul?”

“Oh my god… .”

How much time has passed?

Suddenly, the sound of the door opening was heard and Go Yeon-ju appeared.

“excuse.” She said one word and glanced at her man kindly.

Kim Soo-hyun showed a gesture of being unfair, and Go Yeon-ju, who snorted happily, said, ‘I’m always watching you, so don’t even dream of doing anything foolish.’ He swept up the shattered teacup, letting out a whiff of tea.

What is important here is that there is a huge difference between the Shadow Queen that Lee Hyo-eul remembers and the current appearance of Ko Yeon-ju.

Ko Yeon-joo, perhaps sensing her distant gaze, glances at Lee Hyo-eul and gently places her hand on her bulging stomach.

And he said it as if he was embarrassed.

“It’s been about seven months now. Ho Ho.”

After a while, Go Yeon-ju got up, patted her waist, and left the room.

Lee Hyo-eul, who had been silent for a long time, quickly tilted her head back.

He sighs heavily and suddenly starts laughing like a crazy person.

“I guess it was a dream again.”

In the end, he couldn’t accept reality and decided that it was a dream, a dream.

“Yeah, there’s no way your bastard is like this. After all, it was a dream! It was a dream! Ahahahahahaha!”

“Oh, I… .”

“Huh, I guess I’ve gone as far as I can… . hey! Hey man!”

“Yes, yes?”

“yes? Yeah? What the hell. To be honest, it was strange from the time I started using respectful language. I thought you were being sarcastic on purpose. Anyway, try this in real life too. “Baby, I almost fell in love with you.”

“Well, so… .”

I start to feel like I’m truly thinking it’s a dream.

Kim Soo-hyun tried to say something, but Lee Hyo-eul stood up, laughing like a crazy bitch.

“Anyway, my first lucid dream was a dog dream… . Well, it wasn’t a bad dream at all. … Ah, but why aren’t you awake like this? “It just hurts!”

He went into a frenzy, slapping himself in the face and pinching his thighs, and then suddenly ran out onto the terrace.

and “This is the best way to wake up!” He shouted and jumped off the railing without any hesitation.

A loud bang sounded and the outside suddenly became chaotic.

“Why did this woman suddenly jump?”

“It’s obvious. “There has been another victim.”


Kim Soo-hyun, who checked on Lee Hyo-eul, who had fainted while stretching out in the garden, scratched his cheek as if he was troubled.

And he muttered quietly.

“No what… . Was I that much of an asshole? ?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Hey, readers.

I heard that Royumi requested it as a banned word.

But why do I keep… .

I feel anxious because you keep feeling sorry for me. ^^;

Anyway, I plan to continue to request that all words related to Royumi be banned.

Anyway, no matter what you say, I won’t back down this time.

I am going to take this opportunity to completely uproot myself.

Those of you who would like to join me, I earnestly ask you to do so.

Please give strength to Ro Yujin.


Iron Song / Of course. Of course it’s not a typo. 🙂

Shatien / I couldn’t update because I secretly went to Cake Square on January 2nd. Joara promoted the Memorise visual novel, and seeing it in person gave me immense emotion. ㅜ.ㅠ

Claudine / I decided to base my new work on a modern wizard. However, a lot of things are going to change, starting from the framework to detailed settings.

Hamnang / Of course. Of course you can see it.

Ari / Thank you very much for playing the visual novel! When I first saw Seraph, I was a little embarrassed. However, among the visual novel illustrations, there was one service scene(?) that was more embarrassing, so Jo Ara edited the illustration to cover it up with acting. haha. 😀

Dimos / That’s right. Joo Hee-won is a newly added character. There are some parts that follow the original, but there are also many parts that are adapted with new content. If you watch the opening video, you can see Go Yeon-ju’s pretty front face. 🙂

Optolove / We will request that all words be banned. Really. real. Real Madrid… . Sorry, sorry.

/ Yes, the truth must be revealed. Where did she go and not be a girl? Every time I hear this, I feel so embarrassed. Now, I want to proudly live as Ro Yu-jin, a rough, ferocious, and wild man. Personally, I think it is a great opportunity. Hehehe. Happy New Year to you too, Deulmaro!

Blood Red Wind / Maybe we should worry about the destruction of the world rather than big cities… .

Hiyasens / Actually, I also want to write an episode about Kim Hanbyeol. It’s a bit, no, quite perverted. ;;;;


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not work with dark mode