MEMORIZE Chapter 995

00995 Omnibus – Seraph. ————————————————– ———————-=

2. Seraph is a high school girl?

『Today, during dinner, Kim Soo-hyun was publicly executed.

Jegal Haesol’s ‘Whose breasts do you like best?’ It started with a very unexpected question.

Kim Soo-hyun said after thinking for a while.

‘No one can match Go Yeon-ju’s bouncing elasticity, and no one can match Im Hanna with her milk-like softness and softness. Han So-young’s breasts have all the above elements, and Mercedes (permanent snow)’s breasts have indescribable charm. In the past, I thought it was impossible to determine the superiority or inferiority of these four women. However, there is also a heaven outside of heaven. … Yes, her breasts look like white powder has accumulated and formed a peak, almost like a 100% pure white drug… .’

Kim Soo-hyun, who said these words, was dragged away by several angry wives, and there is no way to know what happened after that.

In any case, judging from the conversation above, there is no doubt that Kim Soo-hyun places women’s breasts as a priority for his s*xual preference. (There are cases where he succeeded by appealing to other parts, such as Kim Hang-byeol, but let’s make an exception here. )

The important thing is that, as you yourself stated, there is a world beyond the heavens.

Although I didn’t hear the name because it was cut off in the middle, there is a clue.

The owner of the white drug chest revealed by the military god is probably… .』

– From 『Legend of the War God』, Atlanta Mercenary Castle Central Library


“Because I want to give birth to Soohyun’s baby.”

It was truly a Seraph-like honest and simple statement, completely free of foam and oil.

Of course, on the other hand, it was nothing short of a bombshell.

But what can I do?

This is Seraph’s true heart.

The atmosphere in the restaurant, which had been tense, suddenly calmed down.

Shocked reactions erupted from left and right, and Excalibur slipped slightly, hit the floor, and began to cry.

It sounded a little angry.

Kim Yu-hyeon’s eyes were wide open.

The two widened eyes are full of embarrassment.

If things were the way they were, it would probably be normal to be very angry.

However, no one is without flaws, and the brain system also has its drawbacks.

“Suhyeon’s… .”

Kim Yoo-hyun’s only weakness was that he couldn’t come to his senses when Kim Soo-hyun was involved.

To put it mildly, Jinmyeong is a ‘foolish younger brother’.

“baby… ?”

“yes. “It’s Soo-hyeon’s baby.”

“nephew… ?”

“Yes. “It’s a cute baby that looks like Soo-hyeon.”

Before he knew it, Kim Yu-hyeon’s eyes were blankly looking up at the ceiling.

I’m just saying this now, but Kim Yu-hyun has already seen her nephew.

She was a daughter who looked a lot like Kim Soo-hyun and Go Yeon-joo, and he thought she was very cute.

When, after much deliberation, the two of us decided to raise our first child exclusively in Hyundai, how much we opposed and regretted it.

Perhaps she remembers that time clearly, and Kim Yu-hyun constantly says, ‘My cute nephew…’ ?’ I muttered the words.

He even hugs the book tightly and gently strokes the cover.

It seemed like he was going to be a fisherman in a little while.

Then he came to his senses and hit the table hard.

“no! You’re already thinking about the baby! “It’s very admirable, but don’t you think it’s too early?”


“Speaking of which, do you even know what kind of kid our Soohyun is?”

“I will listen carefully.”

“No, listening isn’t the problem… . “We don’t even know each other very well yet, do we?”

“If you have any questions, I will tell you honestly and without any lies.”

Ko Yeon-ju lowered her head as she watched Kim Yoo-hyeon giving an impassioned speech.

The uncle I trusted was defeated.

Whether intentional or not, Seraph ultimately hit the nail on the head with the keyword ‘nephew.’

No one can stop Kim Yoo-hyun from becoming like that.

While Go Yeon-ju was holding her face with both hands, the story had already moved on to the census.

“Rather than the concept of age, this year marks the one hundred and seventy-fourth year since I was born by the grace of the Heavenly God.”

“One hundred and seventy four… . I’m saying this because I don’t know much, but how old are you in human years? Even roughly.”

“Approximately 17 to 19 years old.”

“Then, high school girl… . hmm. Well, they are of different races… . By the way, is the Heavenly God you mentioned earlier similar to your parents?”

“That’s right.”

“I’m not sure, but the family seems to be good… . Oh, by any chance do you have a real name? “Seraph feels a bit like a nickname.”

“Seraph is my name. A title given to the highest of the nine angels… .”

“Highest? Wait. “So, I guess you were good at studying when you went to school or something like that?”

“ah… . I’m embarrassed to reveal it myself… . “My grades were top of the class.”

“oh… . is it so?”

The admiring voice suddenly became considerably softer.

The age is right, the family is good, and the brain is good.

Any doubts had long since been put aside, and Kim Yu-hyeon’s mind was entirely focused on her niece.

As an aside, Kim Yu-hyun was a person who believed in the genetic theory.


“I thought it couldn’t be possible, but I didn’t know that my uncle would do that. He was really disappointed.”

First floor lounge.

Kim Han-byeol, who was sitting on a soft sofa and stroking her swollen belly, spoke in a depressed voice.

“There’s nothing you can do about it. Who would have thought that I would pull out the invincible nephew card?”

Go Yeon-ju also sighs heavily, licks his appetite, and continues speaking.

“Actually, what I was really aiming for was the census. I was thinking of killing myself there… .”

“I passed with flying colors. “I was reminded of the old days while watching this.”

Jeong Ha-yeon answered with a grin.

On the other hand, Kim Han-byeol’s lower lip became jagged.

Do you have any bad memories of the census?

“Isn’t that a lie? Maybe he made it up. “Honestly, out of all of us, Hayeon is the only one who has passed the census.”

“no. “I’m just somewhat satisfied, and I’m sure there’s only one person who actually passed.”


“Mr. Soyoung. “They say it wasn’t just that I passed, but that I completely silenced my uncle.”

“Well, if it’s like that older sister… .” While Kim Han-byeol was nodding, Go Yeon-ju continued to be lost in thought.

The Shadow Queen’s unique instinct was that she sensed that Seraph would become a strong competitor in the future.

When I glanced around, Kim Han-byeol and Jeong Ha-yeon were in the middle of a conversation, and Im Hanna was still immersed in communication beads.

“Is it Hannah? Please say something too… .”

Go Yeon-ju, who was about to say, “Try it,” paused for a moment.

This is because I saw a cold expression on his face.

Even Excalibur, which was standing at an angle next to the sofa where Lim Hanna was sitting, was furious, its sword trembling.

The thought that there was some kind of strange spy crossed my mind, but it wasn’t normal for Im Hanna, who wasn’t just anyone else and was extremely kind, to make a face like that.

Soon, Go Yeon-ju quietly checked the communication bead and soon made the same expression.

Kim Han-byeol and Jeong Ha-yeon.

There was a woman in the office in the video.

A neat, short-haired maid wearing a corset outfit, her closed eyes and small tear spots are impressive.

Although she looked like a chaste maid on the outside, she was a woman who secretly exuded decadent s*xiness.

And Kim Soo-hyun was sticking his nose into her ripe breasts, which looked as if they would pop out at any moment if the button was slightly unbuttoned.

Every time he gets embarrassed and tries to pull his head out, the woman smiles softly and pats the back of the man’s head as if it’s okay.

I took another drink and blushed slightly.

“… who?”

“icecap… . “I know that much.”

For a moment, there was silence.

Of course, the silence didn’t last long.

“I honestly tried to understand Seraph, right?”

“me too.”

“yes?” Ko Yeon-ju said and quietly stood up from the sofa.

I’m tired of getting angry every time something like this happens, and I have no intention of getting my hands dirty.

Above all, there was a separate incarnation of jealousy that Kim Soo-hyun was afraid of, who handled these matters professionally.

Coincidentally, Go Yeon-ju raised his hand after seeing a woman walking around looking around from afar.

“Han So-young! “I’m here at the right time!”


“He’s been desperately looking for you, so go up to the office quickly! hurry!”


Since she had already come here because she wanted to see him, Soyoung Han quickly climbed the stairs as if she was flying.

And I don’t know where it suddenly appeared, but Excalibur flew through the air on its own and was caught in Han So-young’s hand.

As if he would need it.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

It’s January 1, 2016.

Looking back, it seems like 2015 went by really quickly… .

It was a year of many regrets for me in many ways.


Ah, readers.

Episode 1 of the Memorize visual novel has been released.

If you access, you can watch and play previously released trailer videos, as well as the new opening video and the first episode of the visual novel.

I would appreciate it if you could take a look and briefly evaluate it. _(__)_

Additionally, there are two events going on so you might want to participate.

In my personal opinion, I think it is well made.

The drawings are good (I was satisfied with how Kim Han-byeol, An Sol, and Yu-jeong Lee looked pretty), and in particular, the writer in charge of adapting the scenario paid really close attention to detail.

He complemented all the parts I thought needed improvement, without exception.

Actually, I was a bit surprised. ㄷㄷㄷㄷ

There are some parts that follow the original story, but I think you can look forward to it because there will be completely new content and new characters will appear.

Well, I’ll stop talking about visual novels here and I’ll try not to slack off in the new year.

Happy New Year to all readers! 🙂

P.S. There is a system called banned words on the site, and I strongly requested that the word ‘Royumi’ be added to the list of banned words. I’m telling you this out of curiosity(?) just in case. Hehehe.


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not work with dark mode