MEMORIZE Chapter 990

00990 Huildam (Hole Plain) – 2 —————————————— ——————————-=

Close your eyes once and open them slowly.


Scenes that I have seen hundreds or thousands of times are slowly stepped on, one by one, as my vision gradually opens.

‘User Kim Soo-hyun.’

gray brick,

dark space,

cold gray floor,

An angled rectangular altar.

A room of summons that announces the beginning of everything and concludes everything.

A summoning room where everything is as it is.

“count… .”

No, I need to correct that.

Something has changed.

Obviously most of it is the same… .

It is safe to say that everything has changed, but the most important thing is not visible.


Even if I call, there is no answer.

The angel who was always, always waiting for me in this place is no longer here.

Since that day five years ago, Seraph no longer exists in this world.

Only cold darkness flows in emptiness.

“… … .”

Although I expected it to some extent, my heart feels empty when I face the reality.

Should I say I can’t believe it?

Or is it my fault for being unfoundedly confident that Seraph will always be here?

Suddenly, I feel like white wings are fluttering before my eyes, and I stretch out my hand without realizing it.

I quickly got off the road again.

‘Why are you rejecting me? I am the helper of user Kim Soo-hyun.’

Oh, we fought so bad.

Still, I wanted to show you at least once.

What is the result of the future you wanted?

I wanted to hear your story about how you look at me.

But isn’t this empty space a bit too much?

Feeling like I was possessed by something, I walked slowly and sat down at the altar.

Not exactly in the center, but slightly to the left.

‘I didn’t even call you today. What brought you here?’

Then, he slowly leaned against the altar, as if he was falling down.

As I leaned like this, I suddenly remembered what happened back then.

When was it?

At that time, I was wandering around without knowing where to go due to some kind of incident, and the final stop of my walk was the temple, the summoning room.

The day I stood still at the entrance, Seraph looked at me in surprise.

And without saying a word, he accepted me by wrapping me warmly with his two wings.

I couldn’t be honest at the time… .

It felt really good.

“… Huyu.”

I feel like I’ll be by your side right now… .

– Do you want her to come back?


This sound… ?

– This is disappointing. Only five years have passed, have you forgotten me?

At first I thought it was Hwajeong, but no.

It may sound like a sultry woman’s voice, an old woman’s voice, a deep and polite man’s voice, or a young boy’s voice.

Yes, this mysterious voice… .

– He is the one who made your wish come true.

“Zero code?”

For the first time, a loud voice flowed through the quiet space.

– Now I know… . like? What is that magical power?

“what? “What kind of magic power?”

– It’s only been about five years, but it’s quite… .

“Zero code?”

It appears out of nowhere and is a random monologue.

– It’s definitely different from before… . But just because your personality changes, your attractiveness increases this much… . Wow, this is almost comparable to the King of Dream Demons… . But it’s strange, strange… .

“Stop talking strangely to yourself. Zero code? “Are you still there?”

– Yes.

… No, what is so proud?

– As of now, it is nothing but remnants and fragments. Did you forget? I said I would watch your end.

… stalker?

– Hmm, anyway.

Zero Code interrupted the conversation as if this was not important at all.

– Do you want her to come back?

As if trying to bring the topic back to its original point, he asked the same question as before.

“of course.”

And I answered without any hesitation.

“Do you know where Seraph is?”

– Rather than asking where it is, I think a more accurate answer would be to ask what happened.

… what?

Not where it is, but what happened… ?

“What is that… ?”

– Simple. Ten years ago, she wasn’t included in your wish.

A heavier voice rings in my ears.

– As a result, Angel Seraph had no choice but to make a separate request from me on her own. I listened to her two requests and accepted them. Because I decided that her wish would help your wish.


– The first is to follow you back ten years without you knowing. And the second is to free yourself from your duties as an angel or helper and gain means that can only help you.

Although I figured out the former later, this is the first time I’ve heard of the latter.

– I guess it doesn’t matter if we talk about it now. Did you say Ansol?

“Ansol? Why is Ansol all of a sudden?”

– Who do you think it was thanks to that person that he awakened as a Priest of Radiance, gained the Blue Dahlia and the ridiculous power of whatever he wished for, and was able to clearly foresee the future?


– Think about it carefully. Did you really think that a single human being could truly demonstrate that level of ability? impossible. No matter how awakened you are as a user.

“What are you talking about? Priest of Radiance even in the first episode… .”

– It appeared. By the way, do you remember the exact name of the Priest of Radiance who was active in episode 1?

“That’s it Sol… .”

-What is your last name?

I was suddenly speechless.

I simply remember the name Sol, but I cannot remember the exact name, including the last name.

If I think about it carefully, I just vaguely assumed from the first meeting that it was Ansol.

– I’ll tell you exactly. The name is Han Jinsol. In the first episode, he awakened as a Priest of Radiance and became active in the Odin Clan, but in this episode, he died during the rite of passage. The time of entry is similar, but it is different from yours.

“Now, wait a minute.”

My mind starts to spin.

It is difficult to easily accept the information because it is shocking rather than complex.

– Well, it’s not really important now. Back to the point, you were qualified at the time and could have used me… .


As Zero Code’s words continue, an unexplained feeling of anxiety arises.

– That means it’s not that angel. He gave permission because he thought it would help fulfill your wish, but the content itself was more of a transaction. … Now, do you understand what I mean at this level?

“But Seraph!”

-An angel is just an angel, and a helper is just a helper.

Zero Code immediately cut off the conversation, as if he already knew what he was going to say.

– It may indirectly interfere with the activation of my power, but that is all. You cannot be directly involved.

I could barely understand what followed.

In other words, the meaning of “what happened” probably refers to the price of the transaction.

-Do you want her to come back?

This is the third question.

I held my face in both hands and took a deep breath.

It is difficult to think that the story I have heard so far is a joke, since it is in name and form the words of a god of ten thousand heavens.

First of all, I understood what Zero Code was trying to say.

Also, why did you appear here and what do you want?

There was silence for a long time.

As if he knew I was lost in thought, I couldn’t even hear Zero Code’s voice.

How much time has passed?

I lowered my hands covering my face and stood up from the altar.

“Let me ask you something.”

– hmm.

“Is Seraph still alive?”

– The angel’s existence did not return to nothingness. First of all, let me tell you this much.

First of all… .

If so, that’s it.

– huh? Are you going?

As soon as I turn around, a heavy voice grabs me.

– I think we still have something left to talk about.

“not really. “Because I don’t want to do business with you.”

Seraph made a deal with Zero Code by sacrificing herself.

In other words, the phrase ‘what happened’ means that Zero Code was in charge of her disposition.

If you think about it this way, ‘Do you want Seraph to return?’ I can’t help but think that Zero Code wants something from me.

I don’t know why he made this offer as soon as I got back, as if he had been waiting for it, but I have no intention of responding.

So there is no need to listen.

– Does that mean you are going to give up on her?

Do you also admit it?

No matter what happens, I have no intention of giving up on Seraph.


– hmm?

“I don’t give up. only… .”

– only?

“I’m tired of following someone else’s will.”

– … … .

“I’m so sick of it. really. So, I will do it on my own to find the Seraph.”

– Does that mean they could turn me into an enemy?


To be honest, Zero Code is someone you don’t want to have as an enemy.

Aside from the fact that there is no information about the other party, it is a being higher than Gehenna or Hwajeong.

But, it can’t be helped.

“The devil’s next opponent is Zero Code. “It feels like the level of difficulty has suddenly increased.”

This would have been a sufficient answer.

There is no need to even say hello.

I just waved my hand to say goodbye and walked to where the portal was.

That fleeting moment,

– flaw.

A small laugh was heard, but it soon disappeared.

To the point where I thought it might be an auditory hallucination.

– is it… . If so, I understand.

It’s like complaining about something being regrettable.

“if… .”

I waited to see if there was anything else left to say, but I couldn’t hear anything more from Zero Code.

“what… . “As soon as I get back.”

I don’t regret it, but it would be a lie if I said I don’t have any regrets.

… Well, I guess I won’t be coming here for a while now.

Eventually, I stepped into the portal and looked back once more without meaning to.


‘Please tell this to user Kim Soo-hyun.’

The space where Seraph was always waiting for me

‘really… .’

Now only the shadowy altar remains

‘I really liked it.’

It was so cold and frozen.

As if time had stopped.


The summoning room took up more time than I expected.

Now that we’ve confirmed that Seraph isn’t there, staying around is a waste of time.

My family will be waiting for me outside, and there are people I miss.

Then shall we go?

“It’s cold.”

The air is cool, perhaps because it is early morning.

“I know. I wish I had gone back first… . huh?”

A kicking, small burst of laughter was heard.

I quickly looked away,

“… … !”

In a dark hallway, a lone figure suddenly takes over the field of view.


Two quietly closed eyes.

Skin like flowing white snow.

Silky silver hair that seems to be soaked in moonlight.

A pair of wings gently swaying like a spring breeze.

no way.

“User Kim Soo-hyun.”

She was in a place where an unfamiliar voice was heard.


“thank you.”

As I see an angel saying thank you, I close my eyes and open them.

He stares intently at Seraph, who is still standing there.

She gently opens her eyes and faces me directly, smiling softly.

“… Seraph?”

“yes. Su-hyun.”

It was that moment.

To be more precise, the moment when Seraph opened his closed eyes and faced me head on.

“Thanks to Soohyun, Zero Code… . “Huh?”

I don’t know why, but confusion spread like a spider web on Seraph’s face as he suddenly looked directly at me.

I was so surprised by something that my eyes opened the size of a flower lantern.

And not long after, her eyes become hazy and her mouth slightly opens.

“number… . “Am I really the Soo-hyeon I know?”

A voice that sounds like it can’t believe something.

Why are you like this? You were calm a while ago, but why are you suddenly acting like this?

Oh, have you really forgotten my face?

I’ve heard a lot that the atmosphere has changed, but it doesn’t mean the original has gone anywhere.

If it’s a shock, it’s a shock.


But it’s okay.

I don’t know why Zero Code changed his mind, but… .


At this moment, Seraph exists in front of me.

Uncontrollable joy exploded and I ran in front of her without realizing it.

But because of that, I forgot about it.

The warning I heard after the Baek Han-gyeol incident was that you should never, ever smile carelessly.

“Soo, Su-hyeon? Now, wait… !”

For a moment, I thought, Oops.

However, the corners of his mouth, which were faithful to his emotions, had already gone up to the maximum and seemed to have formed a shape that could be considered a smile.

Then he took another drink and thrust his face forward.

at last.

“Oh God!”

Seraph closed her eyes tightly and sat down with her hands clasped together as if praying.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I read every single comment.

Thank you, and I’m sorry again. ㅜ.ㅠ

I remember a previous episode where readers wrote in the comments what side stories they wanted to see.

It would be impossible to write down all the material since the spin-off story cannot be drawn out for a long time, but I plan to give priority to what I think and what readers prefer.

As I have disappointed my readers with my irresponsible behavior, I will do my best to finish the spin-off series.


P.S. Broken Fan, I know this is too late, but thank you very much for the Ko Yeonju illustration.

PS2. Dear readers. I’m not pregnant;;;; ㅜ.ㅠ


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not work with dark mode