MEMORIZE Chapter 988

00988 Huildam (Hyundai). ————————————————– ———————-=

Tuesday, April 15, 2014.

The day Kim Soo-hyun returned to Earth was Thursday, December 27, 2011, and time passed like flowing water, and almost two years and four months had already passed.

Since it is such a short period of time that it cannot be seen, it is not difficult to guess that a lot has happened during that time.

However, there is no need to mention them one by one.

Since Seraph’s plan was successful, there was only one thing for Kim Soo-hyun to do.

In fact, as it had been thoroughly trampled for fifteen years, there was a feeling that five years was not enough to keep the barely surviving embers burning brightly.

But it’s okay.

It would have been difficult if he were alone, but Kim Soo-hyun was not alone.

There are about 40 colleagues by my side who share the same memories and memories.

They were people who gave great strength, like a few drops of oil that revive a dying fire, and like the wind that helps the fire spread.

Thanks to this, the faint embers, which at first seemed like they would be extinguished with a quick blow, were able to grow to the size of a bonfire that now sporadically sparks.

“Yeonju sister!”

Under the clear late spring sky, Ansol, carrying a bag, raised his arms and shouted.

Ko Yeon-ju, who was attracting the attention of many men with her black turtleneck that had a straight slit across the upper chest and clearly exposed her cleavage, uncrossed her legs and stood up from the chair.

“A little late?”

“sorry. “I’m late because of my stupid brother.”

“Ah, it was worth it to be late.”

“I can’t even listen to what you say. Anyway, let’s go.”

After a while, the two women stood side by side and started walking down the street.

During leisurely conversations, Ansol occasionally glanced at Go Yeonju.

Although they returned to Earth two years ago, both Go Yeonju and Ansol had a difficult few months.

It was difficult to adapt to the sudden user ability, but accepting and ruminating on experiences and memories from a world I didn’t know about was a terrible experience that I never wanted to experience again.

In particular, Go Yeon-ju’s situation was extremely serious.

Although not as strong as Kim Soo-hyun, Go Yeon-ju was also a user who had been active in the shadows for quite a long time.

A few days after returning, when Ansol heard the news that Go Yeon-ju was in the hospital after attempting suicide, the shock he received was indescribable.

At first, Ko Yeon-joo, who became a disabled person, was just awkward, as he could not overcome his depression and became hysterical or lay in a hospital bed and stared at the ceiling all day.

Because it was so different from the proud appearance of being revered as the Shadow Queen in Hall Plain.

But anyway, it’s okay now.

To be more precise, it would be correct to say that there was a sudden recovery starting four months ago.

In fact, Ansol had some doubts about Go Yeon-ju’s sudden awakening.

One day, a woman who had lived in silence for over a year blushed shyly, saying she was sorry for behaving so rudely and that she had a new meaning in living.

And then he started acting strangely.

For example, you may rub your stomach and smile happily, or you may vomit frequently during meals, etc.

There were more than one or two suspicious points, but as always, ‘good things are good things.’ Ansol, who took this as his main argument, quickly forgot about it and focused on the conversation.

“So how is Ahn Hyeon doing?”

“I don’t know. Real Madrid in the next year? Anyway, I said I would show myself as a starting player in a famous soccer team, but even if I told them to wake up from their dream and come back, they wouldn’t listen.”

“funny. Maybe it’s because of Jin Soo-hyun? “He was the first to go to America.”

“I went. I leave behind the heartwarming nonsense that I am going to the big water. “I don’t know if it’s Barcelona or the Champions League or what, but even if it succeeds, it’s an abuse of power.”

The two women sighed at the same time.

“Still, think positively. “At least it’s better than Heo Jun-young, who went to the battlefield on his own because he was curious about whether user abilities work in modern times, right?”

“Oh, he went to Iraq, right?”

“They said he moved to Syria not long ago. “I guess it was eye-watering to see IS destroying ruins.”

“The intentions are really good, but… .”

While my mouth was pampering to my heart’s content, my body honestly arrived at its destination.

The words ‘Seoul Soyoung Hospital’ were engraved on the main gate.

As the name suggests, it was a hospital run by a company where Han So-young was a director, and it was also a place where Han So-young had considerable influence.

The road was complicated, but since it had been visited thousands of times, the two crossed it without hesitation to the entrance of the building.

The staff at the reception desk saw the two people coming from afar and pretended to know them in advance.

“hello. “You are here to apply to visit patient Claude Kim, right?”

“yes. Claude went to see Mr. Kim… . Kick!”


“Oh, no.”

While Go Yeon-ju was suppressing laughter and applying for a meeting, Ansol was watching TV in the first floor lobby.

There was a commercial on TV at the time, advertising cosmetics from the female group ‘WEF’, whose stock price is rising these days.

The women dancing, each holding lipstick in their hands, were all showing off their outstanding white color and body.

After gaining the user’s ability, due to the influence of magical power, she was on a par with Ansol, who boasted of outstanding beauty like a newly bloomed flower.

– Oh~. Oh~. Oh~. Aqua lipstick~.


However, Ansol, who was watching TV with his mouth twitching, suddenly burst into laughter.

If someone who didn’t know the situation had seen it, they would have wondered if there were flowers in her hair, but there were circumstances worth laughing about.

This is because the members of ‘WEF’ each had the names Haesol, Daeun, Sorim, and Yujeong.

In fact, even if Jegal Hae-sol and Yu-jung Lee were like that, An-sol also wondered how Nam Da-eun and Cha So-rim even thought of working as celebrities.

However, Jegal Haesol said, ‘I wanted to try it together as a group of four.’ He only said that, but did not specify a clear purpose.

Because of this, Ansol, who really believed that, had to experience the phenomenon of his hands and feet shrinking for no reason every time those four appeared on TV to manage their image.

“huh? “Why are you smiling?”

When Ko Yeon-ju, who had finished registering, asked curiously, Ansol pursed his lips and pointed at the TV.

– Aqua lipstick that moisturizes your lips!

In the video, Jegal Hae-sol narrowed her eyes, and An-sol, who couldn’t bear it anymore, held his stomach and burst into laughter.

However, Go Yeon-ju’s eyes widened and then she gently raised one eye.

Because she was such a sensitive woman, she couldn’t just smile easily like Ansol.

“WEF… .”

Ko Yeon-ju, who made a miraculous recovery four months ago, received shocking news from Jeong Ha-yeon.

It was reported that Nam Da-eun left ‘SF (Someday Foursome)’ and fell for Jegal Hae-sol’s trick.

In addition, I even heard that ‘WEF’ is actually an abbreviation for ‘We Even Foursome’.

In other words, a force opposing ‘S.F’ emerged while Go Yeon-ju was unable to pay attention.

Luckily, Jeong Ha-yeon quickly recruited Kim Han-byeol to fill Nam Da-eun’s vacancy, but it was an unpleasant event for S.F.

‘S.F’ by Ko Yeon-ju, Kim Han-byeol, Im Hanna, and Jeong Ha-yeon.

‘WEF’ by Jegal Hae-sol, Nam Da-eun, Lee Yu-jeong, and Cha So-rim.

The future conflict between these two organizations surrounding Kim Soo-hyun was as obvious as fire.

“Jegal Haesol… . “He pretended it wasn’t the case and eventually showed his teeth.”


“You’re stupid. That’s really stupid. Even if we join forces, it won’t be enough… .”


Go Yeon-ju, who was clicking his tongue, moved to the elevator with Ansol, who was tilting his head.

The hospital room of a person named ‘Claude Kim’ was on the highest floor of the hospital.

The top floor was a restricted area where no one could access, and only a few people could enter.

Of course, Han So-young’s influence played a strong role in this, and on the outside, it seemed like ‘Kim Soo-hyun can’t be admitted to a hospital room with ordinary people because we don’t know when he might run away.’ I heard her make good excuses, but when I looked into her inner thoughts, it wasn’t really like that.

After a while, the two women arrived at their destination and stopped.

I could hear several people talking inside.

The two calmly took a breath and gently pushed the door open.

Eventually, beyond the door that slowly opened, a gorgeous view for a hospital room was revealed, and the young man who had been lying on the bed with only his upper body up and looking out the window slowly looked back at the door.

It was a moment when I quietly smiled when I saw the two women standing outside the door.


Low, soft voice.


At the same time, Go Yeon-ju and An Sol felt the optical illusion of a brilliant light bursting from the young man’s face.


Ansol turned his head and even let out a strange groan.

When I placed my hand on my chest, I felt my heart beating harder than ever.

This is absolutely ridiculous!

How can a person change like that just because the atmosphere has changed?

While Ansol was screaming all kinds of happiness inside, Kim Soo-hyun just tilted his head.

However, the current Kim Soo-hyun was clearly creating a different atmosphere from his days as a user.

The cold chill that blew so hard that it was difficult to approach has disappeared everywhere, and a refreshing spring breeze flows out that makes the viewer smile warmly.

It may be a surprising fact, but Kim Soo-hyun when he was human and Kim Soo-hyun when he was a user are very different.

However, in the process of regaining his lost humanity, Kim Soo-hyun’s natural warmth rises to the surface, creating a magic and synergy effect, revealing his true charm.

Of course, the atmosphere of the past was not bad, but if he had to choose one, Ansol would choose the present without hesitating even for a second.

“Really, Suhyeon! “Did I tell you not to laugh?”

Go Yeon-ju said in a slightly angry voice.

“that’s right. “Soohyun laughs so much at any time.”

Im Hanna, who was cutting melons next to the bed, smiled and agreed.

Then, holding a beautifully cut melon in her hand and placing her breast on a plate, she paused and blinked.

He calmly sets down the plate and continues talking.

“Well, I came here early this morning and I thought you were really fainting.”

Kim Soo-hyun looked embarrassed and waved his hand, but Ko Yeon-ju crossed her arms as if to tell him to continue speaking.

“Nine o’clock? “I arrived around that time and the woman in charge, Love, was smiling and chatting with her single, right?”

Im Hanna especially emphasized the word “female doctor.”

“Oh, of course we can talk. The problem was that her acting wasn’t normal. For example, under the pretext of examining something, he made Soo-hyeon lie down and bent her lower back more than necessary so that he almost didn’t touch her breasts… .”

“Oh my. so?”

“I cleared my throat and you looked at me like you knew? What’s really funny is that they keep smiling even as they leave.”

“Fox stuff is no joke. “Did you leave it alone?”

“No way. “I called Soyoung right then and there.”


Im Hanna grinned.

This means that no further words are needed.

While Go Yeon-ju was satisfied with Im Hanna’s handling of the work, Kim Soo-hyun was quietly gazing out the window. (Actually, this happened not once or twice, but it would be correct to say that he was almost liberated.)

Perhaps because it was VIP-only, the sight of cherry blossoms falling from the trees and fluttering around was a sight to behold.

While Go Yeon-ju was checking the chart to see if the doctor in charge had changed, Kim Han-byeol rested her chin on both hands and stared at Kim Soo-hyun.

“brother. “I feel like I’m looking out the window too much these days.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Hanbyeol is right. “Is it so bad that there’s even a rumor going around that he’s the man outside the window?”


As Jeong Ha-yeon opened the window wide and listened to Kim Han-byeol, Kim Soo-hyun smiled softly.

Ansol said as he quietly infiltrated Kim Soo-hyun’s bed.

“Brother. “Is it because you miss Hall Plain?”

“… huh. that’s right.”

Kim Soo-hyun admitted a little late.

Ansol pouted his mouth.

“It’s okay to say this now, but isn’t that angel really too much? how… .”


When Jeong Ha-yeon hurriedly stopped talking, Ansol was shocked and covered his mouth.

When I thought about it, it was a topic that didn’t need to be brought up.

“no. it is not so.”

However, unexpectedly, Kim Soo-hyun did not care at all and shook his head.

“It’s just that Seraph cared for me too much.”

Kim Soo-hyun spoke calmly.

“Angels always choose and act rationally.”

“… … .”

“okay. It was nothing to think about. Seraph valued the possibility of the plan’s success more than knowing my plan, and wanted me to live a human life rather than be resented by me. So, I just made a very reasonable choice for myself… . I like to think so. No, I think so.”

“… … .”

Coincidentally, a cool breeze blew the moment Kim Soo-hyun finished speaking.

As the air coming in through the window gently opened his bangs, the young man gently closed his eyes.

The sunlight, which had become even more intense, was shining brightly on Kim Soo-hyun, so the five women had to quickly turn their heads.

It was then.

“uh? “Aren’t you the uncle over there?”

Hanbyeol Kim, who looked out the window, pointed to the hospital entrance.

“brother? … Oh, it’s true.”

Kim Soo-hyun also opened his eyes and gazed beyond the window.

And added one word.

“uh. “Your father and mother came too, right?”

“What’s going on without contacting you?” The moment I muttered, a heavy silence suddenly subsided.

To be more precise, it would be more accurate to say that the bodies of the five women were rigid.

But there was silence for a moment.

The first to react was Go Yeon-ju, who came wearing clothes that revealed her cleavage.

The moment they disappeared into the shadows without saying a word, Kim Han-byeol, An Sol, and Jeong Ha-yeon ran out the door at the same time as if they had made a promise.

“how how! “I came dressed casually today!”

“Me too! “Is there a tailor shop nearby?”

Suddenly, Kim Soo-hyun looked dumbfounded as he felt the presence of the three women moving away in an instant.

Meanwhile, Im Hanna was acting strangely calm and collected.

He even hummed, unbuttoned the buttons, took off the heater, and took out a dress from the shopping bag.

It was a neat, formal-style dress with a white top and blue bottoms.

Eventually, I put on ivory toe-open shoes and quickly touched up my makeup, but as if I wasn’t done yet, I even took out a large lunch box.

It was a large box made up of five tiers.

Kim Soo-hyun’s mouth dropped open as he began to line them up one by one.

“W-what is this?”

“huh? Ah, lunch box. “I seasoned some vegetables.”

“Radish greens, bracken, spinach, bellflower… . “It’s all what parents like.”

“There are also fried shrimp~. “Your uncle likes it, right?”

“that’s right… . wait for a sec. Hannah, did you really know?”


Im Hanna smiled meaningfully.

In order to obtain this information, I handed over the record bead that I had cherished until the end to Kim Yu-hyeon.

It’s a pity that I can’t see young Kim Soo-hyun sleeping peacefully in my arms in the forest of fog, but thanks to that, I was fully prepared for today’s surprise visit.

First of all, I took the opportunity, and I was definitely going to get noticed today.

“I am indeed. It’s okay to just stay there… .”

Kim Soo-hyun shook his head as he watched Lim Hanna rubbing her palms together and getting nervous.

He soon shrugged his shoulders and smiled brightly as he stared out the window.

It was a peaceful time like any other day, like a clear sky without a single cloud.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=


When I finished it, my body suddenly became so irritated that I couldn’t control it.

I shouldn’t be like this, but my body keeps asking me to rest.

I will complete Side Story 2 as promised within this week. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode