MEMORIZE Chapter 987

00987 Epilogue 6. Memorize(complete). ————————————————– ———————-=


It’s seriously strange.

Hmm~. It’s confusing, but let’s organize the situation one by one.

I definitely reported my discharge this morning and took the train home. And, enjoying the floating feeling, I sat down and fell asleep. Okay, so far, perfect. however… .

“… … .”

Why do I open my eyes and find myself in a gray space? Also, why am I hugging the knee of a beautiful angel whom I have never seen before?


When our eyes meet, the angel smiles softly. Wow, you’re pretty. It’s so beautiful that it makes me shiver. lol… .

No, wait a minute. This is not the time.

“W-Where am I?”

When I got up and asked, the angel widened his eyes. Then, he naturally tilted his head.

“Who are you!”

When I ask one more time, the angel giggles. Wow, your smile is so elegant.

“This is the independent space Hall Plain, and I am the angel Seraph.”

… no. Thank you for speaking so obediently, but even if you say it that way, you won’t understand.

hmm. First, let’s think about it with our arms crossed.

Oh, is it perhaps a dream?


I slapped myself hard in the face, but it didn’t wake up. First of all, it doesn’t seem like a dream. Lady, it hurts anyway. I should have been a little gentler.

“Are you going to run around screaming next time?”

omg. How did know?


“I am the angel Seraph.”

Did you make a mistake? Your voice sounds a little angry.

Afterwards, let’s calm down. If you panic, you lose.

“Joe, okay. Angel Seraph. “First of all, out of curiosity, I would like to ask, why am I here?”

“I kidnapped you.”

Oh my, that’s right. It’s so refreshing that you admit it.

“okay. “Then can you just send it back?”

Of course I said no… .

“yes. “I will.”


… … … … what?

Which beat should I dance to? Oops, are you really trying to fool me by torturing my hopes?



“Really? Are you really sending it back?”


“Is it soft or not?”


He made a joke at the last minute, and it seemed like it worked well, as the angel covered his mouth and laughed again. It’s pretty, really pretty. I want to be a s*xy girl.

“… By the way, fifteen years ago she was like this, bright and lovely… .”

huh? I think I just heard him talking to himself.

“thank you. Thanks to you, I was able to feel nostalgia for the old days.”

“no… . what… .”

Hey, I feel embarrassed for no reason because I get praised.

“But. “If this is going to happen, why kidnap me in the first place?”

“Ah, I think you should go back now. It looks like the passage will be closing soon. and… .”

At that time, the angel interrupted me and slowly stood up. It was a nice thing to hear, but for a moment I couldn’t believe my eyes.

… What should I say? When I was on my knees earlier, it seemed like there was light coming from an angel, but now I see that the part that is supposed to be the wings is black. Not only has it discolored to black, but it has faded as if it were falling apart, and ash is flying around. However, the more this happens, the stronger the halo becomes, so what kind of paradoxical shape is this? It’s like watching a fallen angel on the verge of extinction.

Eventually, when the discoloration reached my shoulders, I opened my mouth without realizing it.

“I… .”


“Are you okay?”

“… … !”

The angel widened his eyes. Then he smiled a little vaguely.

“do not be surprised. “It was planned anyway.”

“expected… . “This?”

“yes. This is because I was not included when Soo-hyun requested to return. To be precise, I made a separate request to Zero Code with the helper’s authority, and fortunately it was accepted. In other words, it means that it is not a being officially included in the request of the zero code, but a being that piggybacks on it.”

“… … .”

Oh, it’s difficult.

“Accordingly, now that Su-hyeon’s purpose has been fulfilled, my pledge to help Su-hyeon in both material and spiritual ways has also been fulfilled. Now that the point of further existence has disappeared, it is natural to follow the natural order.”

I had no idea what they were saying, but I just listened. For some reason, I felt like it wasn’t being said to me.

Eventually, the angel wrapped his arms around my side and led me to an oval gateway filled with purple light. It was a gateway that looked like a portal you often see in games. It’s also amazing.

“Can I come in here?”

The angel nodded, and I slowly dipped my right foot into it. Unexpectedly, I felt quite good. Does it feel like stepping into a calmly undulating sea?

“Hey! This is quite… ?”

… uh? what. Why is this angel like this? Earlier it was up to his shoulders, but the color has already discolored up to his neck. His chest and arms. Why so fast?

“Human Kim Soo-hyun.”

But the angel spoke with a calm smile.

“Can I ask you a favor?”

He continued talking while gently pushing my back as if to tell me to come in quickly. Uh, wait a minute. What should I do if you push me to do something?

Eventually, when my body was halfway inside in an instant, I barely looked back. However, the angel gently pushing my body was already half obscured by a halo.

“W-what request?”

I barely got the words out.

“Please tell this to user Kim Soo-hyun.”

The calm voice returned.

I squinted at the bright light, but I could vaguely see the quietly quivering lips.

“you… .”


I can’t think of anything. I just felt dazed and focused on the sensations of her entire body.

For now, the head-splitting pain became bearable to some extent. The dizziness of feeling like the world was spinning is bearable. Of course, there was one thing that wasn’t finished yet.

– Su-hyun… .

It was Seraph’s voice.

As Seraph said, accepting the gap was beyond imagination. When his brother broke the furniture or vomited here and there, it wasn’t because he was being cruel. I don’t know who it is, but it would certainly not be an exaggeration to say that the user made an extreme choice. I finally started to believe in the simulation that Seraph had talked about.

After experiencing it myself, I thought, ‘I’ll just go back.’ I was able to realize how complacent my thoughts were. This is how much I accept the human Kim Soo-hyun as user Kim Soo-hyun, but maybe if things went back to the way they were… .

– Su-hyun… .

Seraph has been calling me endlessly since the gap began. But thanks to this voice, I was able to keep my sanity. It may have been a coincidence, but whenever I was about to lose consciousness, Seraph called me with a clear voice. As if he was telling me not to lose. It’s like telling you to come to your senses and savor every single experience and memory from your human days.

– Su-hyun… .

okay. Success. It was successful.

You can judge for yourself whether the plan was successful or not. Now, familiar and unfamiliar emotions were overflowing inside me like an ocean. Above all, the evidence was that the previously forgotten feeling of sadness was felt more clearly than ever.

Of course, it is up to me whether this fire will burn brightly in the future, whether it will go out without power, or whether it will not mix with the user’s nature and collide with it, destroying the user’s spirit.

However, at this moment, Seraph’s plan to change the user Kim Soo-hyun into the main body and replace it with the human Kim Soo-hyun to infuse a new spark has clearly succeeded.

– Su-hyun… .

at that time.

– Actually, I hesitated a lot whether to tell you or not.

At that time, Seraph, who had been calling me by name endlessly, began to speak. He instinctively listened.

– If you are listening to this message, it means that you have succeeded in settling down.


… No, I don’t have the right to congratulate you.

As I said before, I made arbitrary decisions and acted arbitrarily.

… Yes, I know very well.

Even if we achieve what we want thanks to Seraph, this is absolutely unacceptable. If you wait for five years and return to Hall Plain, you will collect your debt in full. sincerely.

– I am truly sorry to you for this and I know that I will not be forgiven.

However, even if you hate me or resent me, I don’t care… .

Still, if it’s okay with Soo-hyeon, I’d like to tell you before I go back.

huh? Before you go back?

‘yes. This is because I was not included when Soo-hyun requested to return. To be precise, I made a separate request to Zero Code with the helper’s authority, and fortunately it was accepted. In other words, it means that it is not a being officially included in the Zero Code request, but a being that has taken advantage of it.’

‘Accordingly, now that Su-hyeon’s purpose has been fulfilled, my pledge to help Su-hyeon in both material and spiritual ways has also been fulfilled. Now that the point of further existence has disappeared, it is only natural to follow the natural order.’

What is this memory? Oh, Seraph sent me to Earth and dragged me to the Hall Plane while I was still on Earth. Then it could be a fragment of the story he and Seraph had… .

wait for a sec.

– Su-hyun.

Actually, I wanted to stay on the hole plane.

We wanted to wait happily for the day when we would see the Suhyeon we wanted.

I wanted to see what kind of life you would live after you changed.

However, it is a wish that cannot be fulfilled once the oath made to the first zero code is over, and this fact is extremely painful even as I deliver this message.

… Seraph?

– But Su-hyeon.

I want to and will remember you forever.


– and I… .

“… … .”

– you… .

“… you?”

Seraph… ?


Tell me.

tell me.

Because I’m listening.


I barely opened my mouth and called out loud. However, even after waiting for a long time, Seraph’s voice was not heard. No matter how hard he listened, there was no sound. It was as if he could not finish his sentence and ended it.

Just in case, I opened the user information window. However, the shiny dot I saw earlier was nowhere to be seen.

Really, is it over?

Is this the end?

After doing something like this?

Apologizing doesn’t end, does it?

at least… .

“… uh.”

It was then that I realized that I was being more emotional than I needed to be. Even though my mind’s eye was activated, my emotions were boiling over more than usual.

But for some reason, I didn’t feel like calming down. She rather clenched her fists.

to be honest,

… I was angry.

‘Hehe, sorry! I was so disappointed that I complained for a moment! It’s okay though, right? no! Are you going to be okay?’

‘Hey, it’s okay. Please tell me it will be okay. My brother is the strongest. There’s no way you can lose at anything!’


‘It’s definitely going to be okay, I’m sure. I swear on my luck!’

‘Yes? Brother. ‘My brother!’

Why didn’t I notice it sooner?

‘good! Well, if that’s the case, there’s nothing I can’t do to postpone my appointment! Finish it easily and come back quickly! got it?’

‘here… ! Because I’ll keep waiting… ! huh?’

They already knew, so I guess that’s why they said that.

‘I’d like to talk more with Su-hyeon.’

‘Isn’t it a bit too much to just say what you have to say and listen only to what you hear?’

If I had paid a little more attention, I would have noticed.

If only I could at least tell you not to worry… .

“user… ?”

“Sorry for being late… .”

Suddenly, a faint rumbling sound was heard from afar. These are probably people who come out to exercise late at night.

“… … .”

I can’t just fall down, so I have to get up.

Although I still felt dizzy, I forced my creaky arms to touch the ground.

Slowly, slowly, I got up.

Actually, I could get up right away if I just gave it some strength, but I deliberately slowed down.

But what I expected didn’t happen until I put both feet on the ground.

Su-hyeon, only the voice calling Su-hyeon echoes faintly in my ears… .

Finally, I let out a long breath and raised my eyes.

“… … ?”


Hua Aak… !

I saw light. It was bright enough to brighten up the dark sky.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion or a scene from memory.

Although it was almost hidden by the dazzling light,

Light powder was gradually flying like spray of water that crashes and scatters,

The light before my eyes,


It was Seraph.



It was only a very fleeting moment.

‘Human Kim Soo-hyun.’

The fluttering light,

‘Please tell this to user Kim Soo-hyun.’

carried by the wind,

‘you… .’

Flying as if turning around,

‘I really liked it.’

It fluttered far into the sky.

Until you tilt your chin all the way, countless clusters of lights flutter around like butterflies, gently decorating the night sky.

After a long time, the light completely disappeared.

Seraph’s appearance also disappeared.

But I stared blankly at the sky where Seraph was.

When I got up, I felt the emotions that had faded rise again.

“brother… .”

It was a familiar voice. Before I knew it, the buzzing noise had disappeared. Instead, not only my brother and Han So-young, but also several other people were surrounding me from all directions. I still couldn’t lower my chin, but I finally lowered my eyes and checked my surroundings.


“uh… .”

Strangely, really strangely, my vision is blurry. The scenery was shaking violently as if seen from underwater.

“Brother… .”

I blinked quickly and saw Ansol.

But even for a moment.

Soon it became hazy.

I want to laugh. I want to raise my shoulders as if nothing is wrong.

“… ah.”

… But why is my throat sore?

I took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. I repeated it once, twice, no, several times. But the more I did it, the more my breath became trembled.

“Merchionary Road.”

Someone quietly came closer. When I heard the voice, it was Han So-young.

He slowly stretched out his hand and carefully swept my eyes with his slightly pulled sleeve. As if wiping away tears.

As expected, Han So-young, who was caught in the field of vision, quickly became blurred.

“That feeling the Mercenary Lord feels right now… .”



I felt something fall from my eyes.

what. What is this?

“There’s no need to be embarrassed at all.”

The soft voice made me close my eyes and lower my head ever so slightly.


Then I could clearly feel it.

Tap, tap.

Warm liquid flowing from the eyes.

“is it so.”

The feeling of a stream flowing from the eye, passing through the cheek and chin, in an instant,

“That’s what crying is.”

Although it is short,

“What you were wondering about.”

It was a moment I never want to forget again.

Maybe that’s why I couldn’t open my eyes.

My mouth didn’t even drop.

I cried silently for a while.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

The Memorize series began on December 12, 2012.

The Memorize series was completed on September 15, 2015.

First of all, I sincerely apologize for the update being later than expected.

I wanted to end it nicely by uploading it at midnight, but the epilogue got twisted and it flew by. ㅜ.ㅠ

Let me make an excuse: I lost some content in the middle.

Not all, but about half of Epilogue 5.

This has happened only twice while I was writing the series, and today is the third time.

For a moment, my mind almost collapsed, but I finally pulled myself together and wrote it down again.

Anyway, I have just finished a project that I started almost 3 years ago.

In fact, since it is Noblesse’s first work, my writing skills were poor, and I think I was unable to properly express what I wanted to convey.

I felt this most strongly while writing this epilogue.

I wanted to portray the story of Kim Soo-hyun regaining his humanity in a touching way, but it only made readers complain that it was a smokescreen that didn’t work.

I don’t know how many times I regretted it while writing the epilogue, thinking that I should have just gone on smoothly and plainly.

Of course, it is important for the writer to write according to his/her convictions, but I think I have learned that it is meaningless if the readers do not understand.

As one reader said.

However, even though this work is lacking in many ways, I am truly grateful, grateful, and sincerely grateful to the readers for their love and care.

To be honest, Seraph did not leave(?).

If you watch the beginning of episode 982, you will understand.


Memorize is basically completed here, but as I said before, there are two side stories in preparation.

Side Story 1 was originally going to be in the format of Ansol’s diary, but I changed my mind and decided to go with modern content.

Gaiden 2 returns to Hall Plain five years later as planned.

Other than this, if there is any side story you would like readers to see, please write it in the comments.

The IF version is also good. (EX – What if Satan was summoned from Chaos Mimic?)

I have work to do, and I’m a senior when I return to school next year, so I can’t promise a regular series, but I think I can update it occasionally.

I’m thinking about my next project.

We’ve narrowed it down to two out of three.

One is a game novel and the other is a modern wizard, so I think I’ll have to think about it a bit.

Oh, and visual novels haven’t stopped.

Currently in production.

I recently went to Joara and had a quick look. lol

I think it could come out as early as December of this year, or early next year at the latest.

I wanted to say a lot of things before writing the review, but now that I’m writing it, I feel like I’m just rambling.

My heart keeps pounding.

The side story will be updated from September 17th (Thursday). (I want to take a day off. ^^;)

The content of the spin-off is likely to be extremely light, so you can read it without pressure.

And I ask for your understanding in advance… .

It may be a bit like that.(?)

Unless it’s a side story, there may be content that I don’t have a chance to write about… .



Thank you for being with us so far.

I wish the readers well-being and happiness.

Posted by Royu ‘Jin’ on Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 17:38.


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not work with dark mode