MEMORIZE Chapter 986

00986 Epilogue 5. Seraph’s plan. ————————————————– ———————-=

The long silence settled heavily. We didn’t open our mouths for a while. I needed time to calm down, and my brother needed time to regain his strength.

The silence continued like that for a long time. Only the sound of water flowing occasionally could be heard.

“Merchantry Lord. First, sit down. please.”

Han So-young, with her back against the stone wall, spoke carefully. It was a tone closer to a plea rather than a command. She collapsed in her chair and chewed only the tobacco she had left.

After a while, when the filter was chewed and crushed, my brother slowly raised his head.

“… Oh, did you see the message?”


“no. “Not texting.”

“… … ?”

My brother said, “You haven’t seen it yet.” He mumbled and told me to check my user information. Although his repulsion had not subsided yet, he obediently launched the spear. Because it wasn’t difficult.

Eventually, when a familiar window appeared in the air, something strange caught my eye. At the bottom, something that looked like a small dot was shining.

Let’s stare blankly, wanting something,

『I have a message. (Y/N)』

A new window suddenly appeared.


“also. Read it.”

I was hesitant because it was my first time seeing it, but then I reached out my hand and touched Y as if I was attracted.

– User Kim Soo-hyun.

I almost jumped for a moment. I expected a message window to pop up, but suddenly a vivid voice rang in my head. Just like Hwajeong says.

– Su-hyeon will be very confused when he reads this message.

You probably know that I am the cause of the confusion.

It’s actually scary to think how much Suhyun will resent me when she finds out what happened.

Being hated by you is what I fear the most.

So I ended up leaving this long excuse.

But first, let me tell you, it is true that I did something dishonorable.

No amount of excuses will justify my mistake.

… If you don’t mind, would you please listen to my story?

It’s a seraph. No matter how many times I heard it, it was Seraph. The moment I was sure it was a Seraph, I immediately started listening.

– First of all, I would like to tell you not to worry too much about the current situation.

As I am your helper, under the terms and conditions, any actions that may harm users are fundamentally prohibited.

At the very least, I want to tell you that I did not do this with malicious intent.

Yes, I guess so. Even though Seraph may have lied in good faith, he has never once led me astray. Not to mention his older brother.

I know, but this was a slightly different issue.

– After the war against the devil ended, I realized that the time to choose had finally arrived.

As am I, I think Soohyun probably also had complicated feelings.

While I was waiting in the summoning room day after day, it was after listening to a conversation with a user named Lee Yoo-jeong that I learned of Su-hyeon’s meaning.

Opening a passage connecting the two worlds.

Then, after returning to Earth and taking a few years to sort things out, they return to Hall Plain.

It certainly wasn’t a bad choice.

No, on the contrary, it can be seen as reasonable.

But the moment I realized that I was going to return to Earth at least once, I couldn’t help but worry… .

So what is the reason?

– As Suhyeon knows, users of the Hole Plane are descendants of humans on Earth.

In other words, it means that they are identical yet distinct beings.

Therefore, when the two are combined into one, it is in principle correct for the derived being to enter the main body.

From this perspective, the return to Earth takes place as a superimposition of the ‘users’ of the Hole Plane onto the ‘humans’ of Earth.

In other words, the vessel called ‘human’ is newly filled with the water called ‘user’.

Seraph’s voice continued step by step, as if soothing a temperamental child.

– It’s easy to say, but in reality, it’s not that simple.

In particular, in the ‘human’ situation that is being accepted, a gap inevitably arises.

After living a normal life for decades, it is very difficult to accept experiences and memories of a world that you do not even know for a moment.

First of all, it is not wrong. In fact, didn’t Cho Seung-woo also say that? Of the more than 40 returnees, only a few responded.

– The key here was whether Kim Soo-hyun, the ‘human’ of Earth, could be a vessel capable of handling Kim Soo-hyun, the ‘user’ of the Hole Plane.

Actually, I was skeptical, but since it is meaningless to just make predictions, I started experimenting.


– Kim Soo-hyun, the human he was when he was just summoned fifteen years ago.

Current user Kim Soo-hyun.

Using these two data as a basis, we ran a kind of return simulation.

And the result… .

Unfortunately, it was as expected.

The moment I heard the results, my eyes lit up.

– Not once or twice, but tens of thousands of times.

If you get the desired result just once among them.

Maybe if that were the case, I might have chosen that method.

However, the results of countless simulations all came out the same without a single exception.

Although there may be a time difference, the human Kim Soo-hyun cannot endure the experiences and memories of his time as a user, and ultimately makes an extreme choice… .

… Su-hyun.

The process by which human nature is formed is similar to inertia.

It’s the same principle as a habit or habit, if you repeat it for a long time, you get used to it without even realizing it.

In other words, the results of the experiment told one truth.

The nature of Kim Soo-hyun, a user who has become obsessed with inertia, has gone so far that the humanity of the time when it was still unspoiled cannot be grasped… .

I groaned involuntarily at the results of the simulation. Should I say that I feel dizzy?

I didn’t want to believe it in my heart, but in fact, I was aware of Seraph’s concerns to some extent. So, when Lee Yu-jeong showed signs of going astray, didn’t he try to set things right by destroying Skurepp? It’s already late for me, but I think it’s not too late for Lee Yu-jeong.

– I thought about it for days and days.

Sometimes I stayed up all night, and when I was having a hard time, I looked around Suhyeon endlessly in the name of observing trends.

Since it was just a simulation anyway, I rationalized that reality would be different.

But no matter how much I tried to think positively, I became more and more convinced that I couldn’t let you go without doing anything… .

I sympathize with Seraph’s concerns. He seemed to know what he was thinking and what his intentions were. But the more I listened, the more my doubts grew.

I am the one who came back for this episode, and I am the one who obtained the zero code. Above all, aren’t they the parties?

But why did Seraph suffer alone? No, why didn’t he give me a hint?

– In the end, I had no choice but to admit it.

Human Kim Soo-hyun cannot handle user Kim Soo-hyun… .

But then, a thought struck me like a thunderbolt.

The moment I acknowledged a proposition I didn’t want to admit, ironically, a new path suddenly opened… .

A new path?


Coincidentally, I heard my brother’s voice at that time. At that moment, the voice didn’t seem to continue right away, so I looked to the side. My brother was staring at me.

“Do you regret it?”

“… what?”

“Do you regret this situation now?”

“You call that a horse?”

I wondered what he was talking about. I’m so shocked that I can’t speak. Do you regret it?


will regret. Of course I regret it. I regret it so much.

I definitely decided to return to Earth, but I didn’t want to return like this. When Gehenna took Suna and left without saying a word, I suffered from severe aftereffects. How much did I blame Gehenna back then? However, although it was not intentional, it was intentional, but this time I did the same thing.

To put it bluntly, it is understandable that the passage was opened arbitrarily. But I wanted to at least have some proper time to say goodbye. If I had done that, I would have been able to sort out my emotions to some extent, and although I would have felt remorse, I would not have regretted it.

“I feel like I want to go back to Hall Plain right now.”

“okay. I see.”

As I growled, my brother slowly stood up. He looked at me and tapped his head.

“Ah, Suhyeon. As you can see, I experienced a very severe separation when I returned. “It was truly indescribable.”

I stared at my brother blankly.

He asked me if I regret it, and now the topic turns to the gap.

What does your brother want to say now?

“… But that’s it.”

It was then.

“Didn’t you think it was strange seeing me like that?”

The moment my brother’s words continued.

“lets think. All the returning users, including me, felt the gap and struggled in pain. But you… . “How was it?”

Suddenly, I felt a shock as if I had been hit hard on the head with a hammer.

“what… .”



Why have I missed it so far?

Looking back, I should have noticed from the moment I saw myself on the train.

Why was he wearing armor and not a military uniform? And why didn’t anything happen?

Since I also returned to Earth, it is normal for me to feel a sense of separation… ?

When I finally came to my senses and looked at my brother, he was no longer looking at me. He was looking up at the sky with a rather nervous expression. And I muttered quietly as if I was talking to myself.


It was a random statement.

My brother grinned.

“You can look forward to it. “You will understand a little why I was in that state earlier.”

– That new path is if it is impossible to superimpose the user Kim Soo-hyun on the human Kim Soo-hyun.

The voices of my brother and Seraph overlapped.

The moment I raised my gaze, I suddenly saw a single blue light illuminating the sky beyond the translucent window.

The blue halo was descending exactly towards me.

After a while.

– Conversely, it was a way to superimpose the human Kim Soo-hyun on the user Kim Soo-hyun.

Seraph’s voice continues,


It was almost at the same time that the blue light hit the top of my head.

“It’s not about humans accepting users… . Users accept humans… ?”

It happened so suddenly that I was completely shocked.

– Su-hyeon was perfect as a user, but in other words, it is safe to say that her humanity was almost lost.

So, Seraph sent me away and took me to the Hall Plane the day I was on Earth? So, I was wearing armor and not a military uniform?

– Therefore, I change the proposition, and the memories and experiences that Su-hyeon felt when she was human… .

Seraph’s calm voice rang in my ears.

And the gap that my brother warned me about.

– User Kim Soo-hyun hoped that this would become a new spark that could revive his lost humanity.

It came slower than I expected.


Without any warning, a stabbing pain struck my temple. The pain did not go away right away, but rather grew by the minute and put pressure on my head. It’s almost like trying to force something in.

– I had this last hope, but in fact, this plan also had a blind spot.

As I was gritting my teeth and enduring the pain, this time my vision suddenly split into two and then merged back together. My legs almost gave out for a moment, but I managed to maintain my balance.

– Even if humanity was safely established in Suhyeon, we had to keep in mind that it could be diluted by being consumed by the user’s already overflowing nature.

Damn, the intensity of my already bad headache gets stronger because my focus is lost. Now it seems like the world is spinning around the first day. Does this mean this is a gap?

– So, as a precaution, I wanted Soo-hyun to feel regret and remorse every time she thinks of the hole plane, and I wanted that feeling to be as big as possible.

But even during this time, Seraph’s voice continued to ring clearly in my head.

– Soohyun endured for five years, motivated by her longing for the person she missed.

Five years later, when the return passage opened.

Rather than being a place where you can freely satisfy your desire for slaughter and battle,

I wanted people to think of it as a hometown where they can relieve their worries.

At that moment, I suddenly felt my center of gravity sink. She eventually fell to her knees, unable to withstand the combined attack of pain and dizziness. I felt a hurried presence coming from both left and right, but I fell to the ground.

– Because that would be the true humanity that Su-hyeon wanted… .

And then I just closed my eyes.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Forgive me for being late.

I will post the next episode right away.


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not work with dark mode