MEMORIZE Chapter 983

00983 Epilogue 3. Dreams And Reality. ————————————————– ———————-=

December 27, 2011.



11:45 am.

A gray season with sharp cold winds blowing past. It was around noon, when I could faintly feel the sunlight thanks to the strong rays of the mid-sky sun.

The city was bustling on a slightly cloudy day.

On a four-lane road, cars intersect without stopping. Elementary school students who finished school early rush out of the school gate, and office workers walk the streets wondering what to have for lunch today. And college students riding bicycles, laughing loudly, etc.

“I’m excited about the public lecture!”

A young man wearing a thick parka shouted with a wide smile. He pedaled vigorously, blowing white breath, and looked back as he took the lead.

“Oh, where should we go?”


“Hey man!”


“Think about that guy slowly following behind you. You just caught that guy coming out of his part-time job at a karaoke bar and forcibly dragged him there. “He’s already been complaining that he doesn’t want to go, but if you ask him to go to karaoke, he’ll be really happy.”


The young man who was answering the question nodded, as if he thought it made sense. And he said.

“How about a quick game of billiards?”

“Isn’t that guy working part-time in the afternoon at the billiards hall? Hey, it’s not often that I have time like this, so let’s have some productive fun.”

“What about the PC room?”

“Not even there. “Maybe it’s a part-time job at night?”

“what. No karaoke, no billiards, no PC rooms. Then you tell me.”

“uh… .”

The young man in the lead could not easily open his mouth, like a mute drunk on honey. This is because I realized the reality of Korean men not being able to think of any place worth going except for the three places above. But that doesn’t mean three guys can go to a movie theater or an exhibition while smelling like crap.

“Should I just ask Hyeoni directly?”

In the end, the young man who spoke awkwardly stopped his bicycle with the brakes and looked back. Suddenly, the purple light reflected from behind illuminated the street, but it disappeared in a split second, so the two young men did not feel anything strange.

There was just something else that the young man found puzzling.

“Wherever you want to go… ?”

Without realizing it, a bicycle passed by. The young man absentmindedly moved his gaze as the bicycle passed by.

The bicycle, which was traveling in a straight line, suddenly swayed precariously from side to side and fell over with a loud noise. Ahn Hyeon, who was thrown out of the saddle, suddenly grabbed his head and screamed violently, rolling around on the sidewalk.

“Uh, uh, uh, uh, Anhyeon!”

“Hey, hey! are you okay? what’s the matter!”

In fact, if you look at it from the outside, it is a common occurrence. Hasn’t everyone experienced something like falling while riding a bicycle at least once in their lives? This was evidenced by the fact that, with the exception of the two young men, the people around them only glanced at each other and passed by, rather than showing any interest.

It’s just that there was nothing odd about it. There was one.

Across the street from the sidewalk where Ahn Hyun fell, a woman was sitting down and screaming at the top of her lungs.

“AA AA AA… !”

“Jeong, Ha-yeon Jeong?”

“it hurts… ! My head feels like it’s going to explode… !”

“Come to your senses! Oh, that won’t work. “Call 119 right now!”

What the two men and women have in common is that they suddenly started complaining of headaches after the purple light appeared briefly and disappeared. Also, the fact that they occurred at the same time could be seen as strange in its own way.

But the real problem is that the incident that just happened did not just happen on this street.

“teacher! teacher! Ansol is crying!”

“what? Why again?”

“Mo, I don’t know. I suddenly feel sick… .”

“Huh… .”

Even at the academy.

“Ahh… ! Ahhh… !”

“Yu, Yujeong? Lee Yu-jeong!”

“it hurts… . It hurts… !”

“how how! Nu, someone help me here!”

Even in the library.

“what? “Why are there so many people gathered there?”

“Oh, you know you’re cheap, right? “I guess he suddenly fell down the stairs.”

“Are you cheap? Hanbyeol Kim? why?”

“I don’t know. Anyway, you’re flirting. “Giggle.”

Even in college.

“Director Han. Just a settlement report… . Ha, Director Han?”

“Pfft… !”

“Oh my god, why are you sweating like this?” ! Are you okay? Should I call an ambulance?”

“… … !”

Even at work.

Incidents occurred wherever the purple light was illuminated.

A purple light flashed through the train as it almost reached its destination. The source of the light that exploded like a camera flash was a man sleeping soundly against the window. Of course, this time too, none of the passengers on the train noticed anything unusual.

After a while.

The man’s eyebrows twitched. The closed eyes slowly open and close and open again quickly. After blinking for a while, his eyebrows narrowed as if he didn’t understand something.

“… … ?”

But that was all.

He only had a slightly embarrassed look in his eyes, but even that soon calmed down.

Not even a moan can be heard, let alone a scream.

He did not complain of headaches either.

His overall facial expression even seemed relaxed.



I had a dream.

As is usually the case with dreams, I don’t remember much after waking up. Just a vague feeling remains, like a reverberation.

Well, dreams are fine anyway. The problem is that I am still dreaming. I even remember falling asleep against Seraph’s lap, but when I opened my eyes, I was on a train. To be exact, on the day I returned from the military, on the train. In other words, it is definitely a dream.

But I couldn’t panic. Because I had a similar dream a year or two ago. You probably dreamed it when you were dragged into hell, right? What was the content like?

I reflexively looked at the seat next to me. However, seeing that it is empty, it does not seem to be the same as the dream I had before. In that dream, Yoo Hyeon-ah was sitting next to her.

Anyway, again… .

– Passengers. Our train is arriving at Seoul Station, the final stop of this train.

Suddenly, an announcement echoed throughout the room.

Oh, that’s right. It was also broadcast. The message seems to have changed slightly.

The train will soon arrive at Seoul Station. When you get off the train and stand at the station, rain is pouring from the sky. I woke up from a dream in the rain. I’m not sure, but it was probably something like this.

– Thank you for using our railroad today.


I can’t guarantee that you will wake up the same way this time, but it might be okay to combine it with a lucid dream.

Even if it’s not a dream but an illusion, it doesn’t matter. As long as you have a third eye and know that it is a dream, it is easy to cancel it. Let’s wait a while and use it if it doesn’t show any signs of ending.

With that thought in mind, I stood up with strength. It was then.


As I was about to go out into the hallway, a heavy metal sound rang out from my body. At the same time, several passengers were glancing at me and whispering. When I looked down, I saw the dark armor of King Chiucheon.

… what. He was returning from the military, so I thought it was a military uniform.

Rattling, rattling!

Suddenly, I felt the train speed slowly decreasing. The sound of the wheels hitting the rails is strangely clear.

“… … .”

After standing blankly for a while, I slowly turned my eyes and stared at the car window. The slightly stained window projected the slowly passing scenery of Seoul Station and my reflection in the transparent glass.

Finally, the moment I check the image reflected in the window.

“what… .”

I was at a loss for words.

Not black hair, but rather long hair.

King Chiucheon’s armor.

red cloak.

And sun-reflecting earrings, Victoria’s glory.

It was clear just by looking at it up to this point.

The person standing here right now is not soldier Kim Soo-hyun,

– I hope you reach your destination safely… .

It was Kim Soo-hyun, a user of Hall Plain.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Iknow, right.

Looking at the comments from readers, I guess I should have just gone smoothly. ☞☜

I plan to completely remake it from beginning to end once the story is complete and the spin-off is over, but I think I need to add the ending to the essential revisions. ㅜ.ㅠ

There is now one epilogue left, so for now, we will proceed as planned.

In fact, it is true that I wrote it deliberately, but the primary purpose was to make it difficult to predict the ending (the pitfall is that there are quite a few people who got it right…. I even put in a smokescreen for erasing memories and sealing memories, but I didn’t expect you to see through it. ㅜ .ㅠ), the content at the end is not as complicated as you think.

In other words, don’t think about it too hard.

1. What plan did Seraph have to restore Kim Soo-hyun’s humanity?

2. Why did you not inform Kim Soo-hyun of that fact?

3. Recovering the Seraph foreshadowing from Melody’s Tarot card.

Epilogue 4 will focus on points 1 to 3.

Then naturally, ‘A new spark’ or ‘I may never see you again.’ I think you will understand what I am saying.

I will write my review here.

Have a relaxing weekend, all readers. 🙂


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not work with dark mode