MEMORIZE Chapter 982

00982 Epilogue 2. To Earth… . ————————————————– ———————-=

“you… .”

“This is Seraph. nice to meet you “Shadow Queen.”

“yes yes. Oh, he… ?”

“User Kim Soo-hyun went home first with user Kim Yu-hyeon.”

“… is it so. “I guess all the rest have gone too, right?”

“Everyone succeeded in entering safely. Thanks to this, we were able to minimize confusion.”

“After a while… . By the way, this is my first time seeing a purple portal. Anyway, can I just go in there?”


“good. Then me too… .”

“… … .”

“… … .”

“… … .”

“… “Hey, is there anything you want to say?”


“Not to me, but to Suhyeon. At least I am grateful to you, so if there is anything I have in mind, I will say it now. “I will definitely tell you.”

“ah… .”

… shit! That’s not what I said back then!

+ Huh? Why are you doing that? I’m curious. – Gehenna

/ Why? Can’t you see what I’m doing with my s*x partner these days?

P.S. wait for a sec. Who told me to steal a memoir without permission? You even revealed your name proudly, right?

+ Oh, was it a memoir? Well, for a diary, the description was quite detailed. By the way, who is s*xraff again? Could it be that he is… again? ? – Gxxxxxx

/ or not. Who would it be? She is a lustful angel who enjoys s*x life with him every single day. Sekraf for short.

P.S. But I think you can tell who it is just by looking at the first letter, right? I told you not to look, right?

+ It’s cruel. What a lustful angel. Although it is up to the user to write a memoir, I would like to request that the title be changed as soon as possible. – Seraph

P.S. I am grateful for what you said back then. Thanks to you, I was able to gain the courage to say things I had never been able to convey through a message.

/ How are you? Did you even pay for it yourself? What if you don’t like it? On the topic of s*x appeal. If you feel unfair, feel free to call that out~.

+ Kko-Yeon-Chu. – Seraph

/ ?

+ Aha, read it without the hyphen (-) in the middle. You’ll read something you really like. – xxxxxxa

/ These women are real! no! Before that, I told you not to read other people’s memoirs on your own!

– Excerpt from 『Memoirs of the Queen of Shadows』, Atlanta Mercenary Castle.


Through the narrowed eyes, the shaking pupils were blurred with dull light. The quivering eyelids slowly lowered, and the head also went limp. From that moment on, the slight movement that had been continuing suddenly stopped.

A moment later, a slightly trembling white hand gently cupped the man’s face, which was no longer moving.

The woman remained in that state for a long time without making any movement. All she does is occasionally gently caress his rough cheek, and she stares endlessly at her man, who is fast asleep. As if she would never forget the warmth of her cheek against her cold palm.

However, the more the woman wishes for this moment to last forever, the more the ironic time speeds up so as not to leave even a moment’s gap… .

Suddenly a dark shadow fell over the altar.

When did it come in? A man in a dark coat was standing tall and looking at Kim Soo-hyun. It was rare for two users to be together in the summoning room, but Seraph faced her man with unfazed eyes.

“I kept thinking about it as I came.”

Kim Yu-hyeon slowly squinted her eyes and slowly bent her knees.

“Can we really proceed like this?” . Wouldn’t it be better to just talk… .”

He spoke softly and stretched out his hand towards Kim Soo-hyun. Carefully stroke it as if you were handling a beautifully crafted glass decoration.

“If I tell you the whole story later, I will be very resentful.”

The tone was filled with a hint of regret. As if it’s not too late, as if we can turn back now.

“Maybe so?”

But Seraph smiled and nodded.

“But don’t worry. Once the message I left begins to be printed, the resentment will pour out all over me. and… .”

He stops talking, hugs Kim Soo-hyun with both arms, and buries his head on the top of his head.

“You may resent it, but you will understand… . “I believe that Su-hyeon will definitely understand at any time.”

The angel who spoke more forcefully tried to loosen his arms, but stopped when a whining sound suddenly came from his arms. Seraph stared blankly at Kim Soo-hyun, who kept digging into his chest. Kim Yu-hyeon smiled bitterly as if he couldn’t stop him.

“It was like that on Earth. “He’s big, but he’s young and has a sly personality.”

“… Is that so. Ah, the zero code… ?”

Kim Yu-hyeon noticed that the other person’s voice was slightly trembling, but he quietly shook his head.

“I couldn’t find it. “Suhyun probably brought it.”

Kim Yu-hyun put his hand into Kim Soo-hyun’s pocket and suddenly trembled. Soon he slowly withdrew his hand and calmly moved his hand to another place.

Touching the armor or lifting the cloak for no reason, etc. While searching for the zero code at a very slow pace, Seraph was able to barely unwind her arms, like a mother bird forcibly pushing her whining baby.

How much time has passed?

Thirty minutes. It took quite a bit of time to simply find one bead. Eventually, when Kim Yu-hyeon took out the Zero Code from the pocket he had first searched, Seraph was sitting at the altar, waiting quietly, as always.

There was silence for a while, but Seraph spoke first.

“Thank you for waiting.”

As if he had finally made up his mind, the Seraph’s beautiful voice filled the summoning room. It was an expression of a strong will not to waste any more time.

“User Kim Yu-hyeon. For those who will go back together… ?”

“Everyone is waiting outside the temple. “When we see the signal, we will come right in.”

“The passage will be opened soon. The maintenance time cannot be considered short, but… .”

“yes. Actually, I didn’t see it in person, but user Go Yeon-ju said that. We said goodbye to each other and finished preparing. So there will be no unnecessary delays.”

Kim Yu-hyeon, who had said that, let out a soft laugh.

“Although part of me is secretly hoping that the zero code will not be triggered.”

“It is unlikely that zero code will be unresponsive.”

“Oh really? “Actually, I was hoping it wouldn’t activate either.”

“Because Su-hyeon’s wishes and ours coincide.”

Seraph continued with a gentle smile.

“I am a helper, and user Yuhyun Kim can exercise influence indirectly as my successor.”

“… … .”

“Above all, regardless of whether it is a simple passage opening or not, Su-hyeon himself said it. I want to live a happy life as a human being… . In other words, as long as our request and Su-hyeon’s wish are the same, there is no reason why Zero Code should not respond.”

“… “If the request was to harm Soo-hyeon, there would be no way in which it would be granted in the first place.”

Kim Yu-hyeon grinned. It was then. Kim Soo-hyun, who was sleeping sweetly, suddenly let out a low moan. The eyes of the two men and women widened at the same time.

“Oh no, really?”

“… Much faster than expected. We barely succeeded in putting Hwajeong to sleep because she had no energy, but because Suhyun’s user information was so powerful… .”

Seraph blurted out. If Kim Soo-hyun breaks here, it is as obvious as a fire that the plan he had prepared will go to waste.

Kim Yu-hyun and Seraph’s eyes met. In fact, preparations were completed in the early evening. It was just that we both felt sorry for each other and were indifferent.

“now… . It’s really over… .”

Kim Yu-hyeon muttered. It was like a long sigh.

But what more needs to be said?

Kim Yoo-hyun carefully lifted up Kim Soo-hyun, who was lying crouched, and held out the hand holding the bead. Then he looked at Seraph and quietly opened his mouth.

“By the authority of this successor… .”

That fleeting moment.

“… “I request the activation of code zero.”

The softly shining zero code began to shine brilliantly.

After seeing Zero Code’s reaction, Seraph spoke without hesitation.

“We have confirmed user Yuhyun Kim’s request. 25%, 50%, 75% 100%. Loading… . approval. Your request has passed. “At this moment, I announce the execution of Code Name, Zero.”

While processing the work, Seraph’s eyes never left Kim Soo-hyun. Kim Yu-hyeon hugs her younger sister even more tightly and stares straight ahead at her.

Gwag, nok, nok!

Not long after, a rusty mechanical sound began to sound.


At the same time, the zero code that escaped Kim Yu-hyun’s hand rose into the air and exploded with light.

After a while, the summoning room was filled with pure white light.



Light burst out to brighten the dark dawn. The Mercenary Clan members who were waiting anxiously in front of the entrance all tilted their chins back.

A deep purple light rises from the top of the temple. The halo of light soared into the sky at an incredible speed, as if not leaving behind any regrets. It had a long tail like a comet, and before I could blink, it brightened up the dark sky and disappeared.

“It looks like it was successful. Eventually.”

Go Yeon-ju muttered to herself and looked back. Beyond the users who were still staring blankly at the sky, I noticed a group standing slightly behind. Among them, one person who caught my eye walked forward.

“Why don’t you go quickly? “You got a signal, right?”

Hwajeong shouted sharply. Go Yeon-joo widened her eyes, then hunched her shoulders and giggled.

“Oh my, go as soon as you see it. “Be merciless.”

“I’m playing. “Then shall we hug each other and cry?”

“Do you want to do it?”

“no. Maybe it’s Kim Soo-hyun. No, I wonder if he can do it too. “Anyway, we’re not that close.”

Hwajeong snorted and coldly refused, as if she had nothing to think about. However, Ko Yeon-ju did not feel particularly trapped. Rather than saying it was a turnoff, it was closer to a tone of saying, “We’re okay, so don’t worry about it and just go.”

“ha ha ha. “Actually, isn’t this a bigger problem for those who are leaving than for us?”

Shin Sang-yong also smiled awkwardly and said.

“Oh, you’re going back five years, right? And it was five or six years later that the Zero Code was recharged and the return passage was opened. So, that means you have to wait a full five or six years, but for this one, at most one year?”

“… Shin Sang-yong. “I know what you want to say, but even if you say it while crying like that, it’s not persuasive.”

Shin Jae-ryong, who couldn’t see the gibberish, politely scolded.

“Still, it’s not an entirely impossible story.”

Gehenna took a step forward.

“Just as that man said, doesn’t the timing coincidentally fit perfectly? In our situation, we may see a return path opening up as soon as this situation is over. really.”

He gave strength to Shin Sang-yong’s argument and looked at Ko Yeon-ju with his arms crossed.

“Well, have a hard time. “He’s such a picky guy, so I think he’s going to have a hard time.”

“Don’t worry. “I’m going to make you completely forget about me for five years.”

“hmm? “If you’re not going to stay in that world forever, wouldn’t it be better to be a bit picky about it?”

“Why are you worrying more about how to comfort your cute heartbroken daughter?”

Go Yeon-ju accepted without blinking an eye. Gehenna said no. Soon, the two women burst out laughing at the same time. Gehenna shook her head and spoke in a slightly subdued voice.

“It would be best to stop here to see them off. Anyway, please just bring me back completely. request.”

Go Yeon-ju didn’t say anything, but instead responded by squinting his eyes.

That was it. The breakup was over long ago and the signal came. It’s not that there’s a lack of time, but there’s nothing good about dragging it on.

In the end, there is only one thing left to do.

“Tell Kim Soo-hyun! “If you don’t keep your promise, you will die!”

The forty or so users disappeared into the temple, leaving behind the evil Vivian.

So, while everyone was rushing, Go Yeon-ju lived up to Kim Yu-hyeon’s expectations and calmly controlled the situation. He arrived at the portal, lined them up, and began letting people in one by one, at least every two minutes.

The Summoning Room is a space originally designed with two targets in mind: angels and users. In other words, the intention was to prevent crowding as it was a place that could not accommodate dozens of people at once, but more than that, it was because they knew that some of the clan members would not go through the passage without hesitation.

“Uh, sister. me… .”

“Why did you come all the way here? “You’re going to come back anyway.”

“but… .”

“Then do you want to stay? If you don’t want to wait, you can stay here. Are you going to do that?”

Go Yeon-ju, who was soothing the hesitant users from time to time, was able to let them all in after about an hour and a half. As the long line disappeared, the dark corridors of the temple became eerily quiet.

Before finally entering, the last remaining woman looked back. Since she had already passed through a long passage, she wouldn’t be able to see anything. However, Ko Yeon-ju suddenly made an impression.

“Anyway, he’s a man who takes a lot of effort!”

Leaving just one word behind, I jumped into the light.

What Go Yeon-ju could see after exiting the portal was a purple portal that she had never seen before, occupying the center of the summoning room. And it was a beautiful angel sitting alone at the altar.

Go Yeon-joo opened her mouth.

“you… ?”

That night.

The sky of Atlanta shot out a total of 42 lights during dawn.

… No, forty-three times to be exact.

It is said that after forty-two purple clusters of lights rose into the sky one after another, a blue cluster of lights fell to the top of the temple.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

After the epilogue ends, about two side stories are scheduled.

Side story 1 is Ansol’s diary (it tells the story of what happened in modern times in diary form), and side story 2 deals with Hall Plain five years later. 🙂


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not work with dark mode