MEMORIZE Chapter 979

00979 Code Name, Zero. ————————————————– ———————-=

Squeak… .

I heard the restaurant door open. It was a very small noise, no more than something we hear in everyday life.

The atmosphere in the hall seemed as if it would explode at any moment if touched even slightly. But since no one was opening their mouths, the sound of the door opening created a huge ripple like a ripple in the silence.

Where dozens of pairs of eyes turned, a resident dressed as a priest was entering. When the man saw Woosoosu’s focused gaze, he winced and spoke in embarrassment.

“Sir, please excuse me while I’m eating. “It’s a messenger.”

“what? Bur, already?”

Yu-jeong Lee suddenly stands up and shouts, but for a moment, she makes an expression of regret. The priest blinked for a while before opening his mouth in a more cautious tone.

“Eh, maybe… . “Is the Mercenary Lord there?”

At that moment, Shin Jae-ryong closed his eyes tightly. Jeong Ha-yeon let out a long sigh, and Kim Han-byeol lowered her head. Vivien’s spoon, which had been constantly eating food, also stopped moving.

It was just a call from the temple. This is not at all strange, something that has happened many times before. However, it was difficult to say that the various reactions seen around me were the same as usual. If I had to put it all together, it would be ‘what’s coming is here.’ An expression like that?

Kim Soo-hyun could clearly see them.

After a while, Kim Soo-hyun slowly got up from the chair and raised his hand.

“That’s me.”

“Yes yes. They asked me to come right away… .”

“All right.”

“then… .”

The man bowed and hurriedly disappeared.

A heavy silence settles once again in the restaurant where the priest has disappeared. And how much time has passed? Suddenly, a rattling noise breaks out in the once-quiet restaurant.

“You should go again.”

The main character with the calm voice was Ahn Hyeon.

“anyway… . “You were always busy.”

Ahn Hyeon finished speaking bluntly without even looking back. Did I sense something from the tone of voice? Kim Soo-hyun stared at the back of Ahn Hyeon, who was eating in silence.

“If it were me, I wouldn’t go.”

This time it was Vivien’s voice. He spoke in a thirsty voice, took a refreshing drink from the glass of water placed next to him, and continued speaking.

“Come to think of it, you also have a promise with me. Do you remember? Then where are you going? “You can’t go anywhere until you keep your promise.”

Even though I just drank water, my voice is still muffled.

“why… .”

Kim Soo-hyun placed one hand on his forehead. He shook his head and let out a long, silent breath. He clearly thinks something happened, but he doesn’t tell me clearly, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

“Why are they acting like this today?” .”

Uncharacteristically, I look around, slurring my words. But the answer is not heard anywhere. Even if I wait like this, all that comes out is a sigh.

In the end, Kim Soo-hyun turned toward the entrance.

“Anyway, I got a call, so I guess I should respond. And whether it is tonight or tomorrow morning, I will come and listen first. “I also have something important to talk about.”

Just three words. With those three words left behind, Kim Soo-hyun crossed the table scribbling his words. At intervals, someone’s hand reaches out as if to grab him, but in the end it doesn’t even touch his collar and ends up fluttering meaninglessly in the air. Kim Soo-hyun didn’t know whether he knew it or not, but he quickly disappeared out of the restaurant.

Step by step… .

One step.

Step by step… .

Two steps.

Tap, tap… .

Three steps, four steps… .

After a long time, even the sound of footsteps became faint. Kim Soo-hyun’s agility ability is truly incredible. There is bound to be a difference from the walking speed of a normal user. In other words, it was quick to leave the front door.

“Is this why you asked to reserve the last seat? “Just to complain?”

Go Yeon-ju’s voice echoed in the quiet restaurant.

“Are you really okay? Even if I send it like this? Even if we break up like this?”

The gaze was directed at Anhyeon, but the words were not addressed to just one person.

“At least I can send it off with a smile.”

The tone, which at first seemed accusatory, soon changed into a soothing tone.

“think carefully. After this moment, I may never see you again. “The person you know and remember.”

However, Anhyun was still moving the spoon, albeit slowly. Rather than being absorbed in her meal, her movements were more mechanical. She immediately reached for her hand and sipped the glass of water she was holding, and then she started playing with the spoon again.

Can I hear it?

A sad look flashed across Go Yeon-ju’s face.


“good. “Do whatever you want.”

He finally opened his mouth.

“If you are confident you won’t regret it.”

It was that moment.



Ahn Hyun’s machine-like actions stopped at the single word regret. My whole body trembled like an aspen tree, and I looked back creaking like a broken robot.

So, I finally got to see the place where Kim Soo-hyun left… .

“… ah.”

For some unknown reason, only emptiness and futility remained.

Anhyun’s mouth opened gently.

“brother… .”

I called as much as I could, but of course there was no sign of me looking for him. Kim Soo-hyun was not here. So there’s no way he can hear. Perhaps only then did they realize the reality, as their eyes slowly fluttered as they stared blankly at the empty chair.

Kim Soo-hyun really left.

“It looks like he went up to get some equipment… .”

Go Yeon-ju slowly looked away. In the direction where Kim Soo-hyun went.

“It’s not too late.”

That moment.

“Tongue, bro!”

thud! Ahn Hyun quickly got up with the sound of a chair being kicked and ran out of the restaurant like crazy.

Around that time.

As Ko Yeon-ju said, Kim Soo-hyun came down from his office to gather his equipment and was just leaving the entrance.

But did I suddenly feel a surge of popularity? My strides toward the garden suddenly stopped. Behind them, Mercenary Clan members, led by An Hyun, were running out in disorder.


Ahn Hyeon, who managed to hold back, shouted at the top of his lungs. When Kim Soo-hyun, in the distant light, saw her eyes widen, she gritted her teeth for a moment, but then raised the corners of her mouth. And he smiled broadly and shouted so cheerfully:

“Hehe, sorry! “I was so disappointed that I complained for a moment!”


“But it’s okay, right? no! “You’ll be okay, right?”


“Hey, it’s okay. Please tell me it will be okay. My brother is the strongest. There’s no way you can lose at anything!”

“you… ?”

Anhyun’s words were so intense that I couldn’t even hear them properly towards the end. In fact, it was almost like gibberish.

However, Kim Soo-hyun could not bear to say what kind of nonsense it was. Because I saw tears flowing from Ahn Hyun’s eyes.

“that’s right! “How strong is my brother!”

Ansol also shouted loudly.

“It’s definitely going to be okay, definitely. “I swear on my luck!”

I was laughing and talking all the time, but… .

“Yes? Brother. “My brother!”

Ansol’s face was also wet with tears as he screamed as if he was screaming.

“good! “If that’s the case, there’s nothing I can’t do to postpone my appointment!”

As if Vivian couldn’t lose, she stepped forward with both hands on her waist.

“Finish easily and come back quickly! got it?”

However, the gestures that were trying to pretend to be strong were trembling slightly.

“here… ! I’ll keep waiting… ! huh?”

Then, couldn’t other users just sit still? Soon, the moment Vivien finished speaking, the Mercenary Clan members also began shouting in unison.

Words that say you are truly grateful, words that you believe in, words that tell you not to lose, words that tell you to come back… . Although they were slightly different, they were all words that could be grouped into the category of encouragement. The sight was enough to embarrass the man who was about to leave, so Kim Soo-hyun just stood there blankly for a while.

“No, I’m not going to risk anything… .”

Still, while I was quietly listening to them one by one, a sly laugh suddenly escaped me. I don’t know why, but Kim Soo-hyun himself didn’t feel too bad. I still don’t know what’s going on, but for some reason, I feel like my confusion has subsided a little.

“haha… . really.”

Kim Soo-hyun, who was secretly looking for a place to place his eyes, quietly raised his gaze. He lightly scratches his cheek while looking at the night sky that has now become dark.

And then.

“Well, I’ll come as early as possible.”

He smiled as if he was embarrassed.

That fleeting moment.

“… … !”

The commotion stopped like a lie.

In reality, it was just an awkward laugh.

However, the laughter just now was neither a typical mad laugh nor a sneer.

It was Kim Soo-hyun’s brightest smile that I saw for the first time.

After a while, Kim Soo-hyun completely disappeared into the darkness.

“Ahhh… .”

Lee Yu-jeong knelt down. She lowered her head to the ground and began to sob silently.

Same time.


In the office on the fourth floor, Suna was lying on the bed with her eyes tightly closed.

It’s very noisy outside with people shouting out loud.

“I am indeed. Why is it so loud? It’s just one human being leaving. “Anyway, I’m in trouble.”

Suna frowned, covering her ears as if she didn’t want to hear it. Nonetheless, her feeling of disarray persisted.

“No matter how much you think about it, it’s stupid. Ah, this is truly heartbreaking. That guy is the viceroy? I’m playing. I can never admit to a weakling like that. Do whatever you want. “I just have to go back to hell.”

Suna kept muttering to herself as if trying to shake off something.

“… Ha, but I’m generous. If I come back now, there will be no room for reconsideration… ?”

It was then. While she was blaming everything that came to her mind, the girl noticed that her external commotion had suddenly ceased.

“… … .”

Suna still did not open her eyes. However, the hands covering her ears were gently removed without her knowledge.

It was definitely quieter outside than before. All you can hear is the sound of a woman sobbing. Her heart sank.

“no way.”

Suna quickly got up and went straight to the terrace and looked down at the garden. Below were Mercenary Clan members. Suna’s eyes quickly scan everywhere.

“ah… .”


“ah… .”

No matter how much I search for it.

“Oh, Dad… ?”

Kim Soo-hyun was nowhere to be seen.

“Uh, where are you?”

This is meaningless advice. It is absurd that a being who played with the god of death with one hand could not find even just one man.

“Uh, huh?”

After looking around for a while, Suna looked devastated when she realized that she really couldn’t see Kim Soo-hyun.

“… Really, did you go?”

It was a moment when the expectations in my heart that I thought might not be true were in vain.

“Really? really?”

Do you still find it hard to believe in reality?

“Well, what is it? Why are you so heartless? I’m still here… .”

Suna pouted her lips and blinked her eyes rapidly.

“Sii, it’s too much. Come to think of it, she only played for one day… .”

A voice full of strength. Instead of standing still like before, there was even a bit of crying mixed in.

“I ran so coldly, but they didn’t even come once… .”

Every time I close and open my eyes, my eyes slowly start to get wet, and liquid begins to pool from under my nose.

“go… .”

Previously, the large eyes were filled with laughter.

“don’t go… .”

Finally, a stream of hot liquid begins to flow pitifully down my flushed cheek.

“Ah Okay! Because I was rude earlier… .”

Before I knew it, Suna was stretching her arms down the railing. She constantly closes and opens her fern-like hands, as if trying to hold on to someone.

“I’ll listen carefully to everything from now on… ! Ugh.”

There is no way I can hear it and there is no way I can hear it. I know that fact very well. However, at some point, Suna’s tone changed into full-blown sobbing.

“therefore… .”

He continued speaking in confusion and then lowered his head.

“Ugh… .”

Eventually, tears begin to flow endlessly from my tightly closed eyes. Suppressing the sobs that rose up to her throat, Suna barely managed to spit out her words.

“Don’t go…” . please… . Dad… .”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Let me give you a hint: no reader has guessed the ending yet.

Of course, it cannot be seen as ‘deleting’ Kim Soo-hyun’s memories.

There may be room for it to look that way.

Well then, have a nice day! 🙂


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not work with dark mode