MEMORIZE Chapter 976

00976 Code Name, Zero. ————————————————– ———————-=

Perhaps because it is late at night, the room is extremely quiet. As I tossed and turned for a while because I couldn’t sleep, I suddenly stepped on Gehenna, who was turning toward me and quietly closing her eyes. She stared, then she crept closer, buried her nose in his arms, and slowly inhaled her breath. Then, instead of the crisp dawn air brushing against her skin, the scent of warm flesh penetrates her nostrils.

As I felt my stiff body gradually loosening up, I naturally felt relaxed. So, I squeezed my way through the soft, hand-made breasts and rubbed my face, and suddenly I felt a soft hug.

Gehenna’s eyes were still closed, but unlike before, there was a slow smile on her lips. With one hand she gently supports my head, and with the other hand she endlessly strokes my back. Constantly, continuously… like soothing a crying child who doesn’t know what to do. .

In this dizzying peace, I instinctively seek the eternity of this moment.

Suddenly, a soft snorting sound is heard.

“You seem quite whiny today.”

“… huh?”

“It’s something that even Suna wouldn’t do, but why are you so displeased with nothingness that you’re punishing me like this? “Are you really afraid of falling asleep?”

“… … .”

A slightly teasing tone. well. Recently, the frequency of nightmares has become more frequent. Sometimes a familiar face appears, but most of the time, people who don’t even know who they are appear with very grotesque faces.

But if you ask me if I’m afraid, I’ll say no. It just subsided a little after I started this episode, but it’s not the first time something like this has happened and it’s been a common occurrence in the past. Isn’t it just a dream?

“Anyway, tickle him a little bit and then go to sleep. “Stop being rude.”

“… “What is it about me?”

It was just a thoughtless question. But at that moment, the hand stroking my back suddenly stopped. The silence lasted only a moment, followed by soft laughter.

“Now that I think about it, I don’t know. “When you say that, I have nothing to say.”

“okay… .”

“Are you silent again? My dear. Is there something you want to say? “Then there’s nothing I can’t listen to.”

“Why did you sneak away then?”

“Yes? What happened suddenly? “Didn’t you apologize?”

“Well, I did that.”

I just poked the painful spot to change the subject. I really had no intention of blaming you.

“… … .”

Actually, it wasn’t that I didn’t have something to say. Because now is the time to reveal it. Not just to Gehenna, but to everyone.

Of course, there was a way to just leave it like this, but I didn’t want to do that. Even if you leave your position for a year or two, as Lee Yu-jeong said, you must make sure those who stay here understand why you are leaving. Even if it means telling the secret of regression. There’s no point in hiding it now, right?

But even though I made up my mind, the reason why my lips don’t actually part is… .

… Perhaps this is proof that hesitation still remains.

Alas, it is meaningless. Time passes by meaninglessly day by day, and I am still hesitating and unable to make a choice. Now that I think about it, speaking is also a problem. If I ask you to ask me, I wonder if he will take care of it for me. Should I ask you a favor?

I thought it was ridiculous and laughed to myself. I don’t know. If I continue like this, one day I will organize my thoughts and make a decision. I just hope that day comes as soon as possible. Right now I just want to be comfortable.

Are you sleeping… .

With the dreamlike voice of Gehenna as accompaniment, I slowly close my eyes.

I feel like I’m getting some sleep now.


How much time has passed?

When Kim Soo-hyun, who had been tossing and turning for a while, began to breathe evenly, Gehenna slowly stood up. She gazed with soft eyes at her man, who was fast asleep, and then carefully moved away from her bed, fearing that he might wake up. She opened her door, making as little noise as possible, and saw a dark-looking figure waiting in the hallway. Gehenna smiled.

“let’s go. “Hurry and guide me.”

After a while, the man and woman quietly left Mercantile Castle under the cover of darkness. We went to the warp gate, crossed the portal, and arrived at none other than Monica, a small city in the old Northern Continent. To be more precise, it was a clan house that was used as a base for the Mercenary Clan in the past.

“I think you’re here now.”

At the sound of the door opening, Im Hanna, who was holding Suna who was nodding off, turned her eyes. About fifty people were already seated in the conference room on the fourth floor illuminated by the light stone. It is safe to say that not only Mercenary Clan members but also those who are close to Kim Soo-hyun gathered together.

“Why are you so late?”

When Gehenna finally came inside, Hwajeong let out a sharp voice. Ignoring Gehenna, she crossed the room and sat down in a suitable seat. Hwajeong, furious, screamed with her red face.

“Why are you so late? Do you know how long I waited just for you?”

“It’s noisy. “Don’t scream.”

Gehenna narrowed her eyes, tilted her head awkwardly, and stroked her hair.

“Why are you asking me so much? plaguy. “You can imagine that something like that would have happened if her man and woman were in the same room on this late night.”

At that moment, dozens of pairs of eyes turned towards Gehenna. Gehenna opened her eyes wide and burst into laughter.

“It’s a joke, a joke. He was whining a lot today. It took a while to get him to sleep. Please understand.”

“Of course it’s okay. “There’s a long night left anyway.”

At that time, a calm voice cooled the room that was about to become warm. Then, the gaze that had been focused on Gehenna naturally returned to one place, where Kim Yu-hyeon was sitting at her head’s table, her eyes shining. Leaving one of her hands resting on the tabletop. Soon, a faint ray of light began to leak out from the cracks in my gently closed hands.

While Gehenna was looking at the light flowing out, Kim Yu-hyeon quietly opened his mouth.

“First of all, I would like to sincerely thank you for cooperating with my sudden request despite the late hour.”

“I don’t like it.”

This time too, the tackle was Hwajeong’s responsibility.

“Time doesn’t matter, but why do we have to gather together without Kim Soo-hyun’s knowledge? “Isn’t there something holding you back?”

Many people nodded and expressed agreement at the words that followed. However, Kim Yu-hyeon was not at all displeased and continued speaking calmly.

“I also don’t think this method is necessarily right. But despite this, there are three reasons why we are here today.”

Then, lift your left hand, which was resting on the armrest, and fold your thumb and thumb.

“First things first. What I am going to say today is actually not entirely my opinion. This idea originated from Seraph, the angel who served as Soohyun’s helper, and after much deliberation, I agreed with what she said. That’s the only way… .”

In other words, not only Kim Yu-hyun’s will was present here, but also Seraph’s will.

“The second is because there is no sign of Suhyun’s wandering ending. I don’t know what I’m thinking inside, but I’m still hesitating. At first, I planned to wait for some time, but… . “I decided that it would be no good if this situation dragged on, so I called you all.”

Some women’s faces became serious. In fact, everyone here agrees that Kim Soo-hyun’s behavior has been strange recently. Should I say that something has weakened? The proactive behavior he used to have has disappeared, and he is living as if he does not exist. Like a person who might disappear at any time, or like a candle that is about to go out.

“And finally… . As my older brother, I would say it is for the sake of my younger sister, Suhyun.”

For Kim Soo-hyun. Although it was short, it was actually the most persuasive sentence. Even if Kim Yu-hyun said here, ‘Let’s kill Kim Soo-hyun.’ Even if you say that, they will laugh it off and think it’s a joke. This is because every user knows how much the man at the head of the table usually cares for his younger brother.

Because I know that you always care for your younger brother.

There must be a good reason for not telling Kim Soo-hyun.

Because we thought that way, we were able to gather here without a single person missing.

“So, what are you trying to achieve through this position?”

Gehenna rested her chin on the back of her hand and asked curiously.

“There are many things… . “The biggest thing is your understanding of Soohyun.”

With those words, a heavy air settled in the conference room. Kim Yu-hyeon’s voice was so serious that it was impossible to tell what was going to be said. Jin Soo-hyeon suddenly stretched loudly and said, as if he wanted to change this awkward trend.

“So what is it? Why does it hold so much weight? … Oh, you say your brother is a man from the future?”

“Hey man.”

Ahn Hyeon, who was sitting next to me, tapped me with his elbow as if to gauge the mood. Jin Su-hyeon chuckled.

“why. “It appears often in comics.”

It was then.

“Yes, that’s right.”

Jin Soo-hyun’s laughter stopped at the sudden sound of the voice. Hwajeong’s eyes narrowed, and Han Soyoung closed her eyes tightly.

“Soohyun is from the future… . No, to be exact, I turned back time once. The entire time of the world called this hole plane. In other words, we are actually going through this world for the second time.”

Kim Yu-hyeon spoke calmly. Not only Jin Su-hyun, but also everyone in the conference room needed some time to understand what he said. Except for the two women.

“what… . “Well, what is that?”

Not long after, Jin Su-hyeon stuttered and opened his mouth. At the same time, Kim Yu-hyeon smiled bitterly and spread her hands that had been resting on the table.

“When you say it like that, it seems real… . … yo. this?”

As a result, the words I managed to say suddenly became louder towards the end,

“radish… !”

“… ah?”

The sound of gasping for breath erupted from everywhere.

Underneath the palm was a small crystal with blue fire.

It was a modification of the truth.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

… I think I’ve said before that there won’t be a third round, but it seems like some readers are still worried about the infinite loop.

Really, readers… .

… … … … … … … … .

I think you are truly amazing.

yes. That’s right. Actually, I have committed a great sin to my readers! How dare you lie and say that it will be finished soon! As for the ending, in fact, this is just a prologue.

First, Kim Soo-hyun chooses to return home and uses the zero code to open a passage leading to Earth. However, in the process, some kind of problem arises, and as a result, dimensional doors open all over the Earth. And countless monsters pour out from there. At first, the Earth is in chaos, but soon it is revealed that the dimensional monster has a material that will be extremely helpful to the world. In other words, the era of great raids has arrived. There, Kim Soo-hyun and his colleagues use their user skills to amass enormous wealth. First of all, here is Part 1.

It doesn’t end there. Suddenly a nuclear war breaks out. As a result, zombies spread throughout the world. In the post-apocalypse he suddenly finds himself in, Kim Soo-hyun goes through extreme survival and destroys zombie hosts. This is Part 2.

However, as soon as the Earth becomes stable, aliens invade. Kim Soo-hyun gathers all of Earth’s power to fight against alien forces and makes a huge contribution to protecting the Earth. That’s how they rule over the Earth. This is Part 3.

And finally, they returned to Hall Plain, but the world they returned to was destroyed. Kim Soo-hyun reunites with his surviving comrades and engages in a desperate battle with the enemy who created the world like this. And he kills God and becomes a god himself. This is Part 4.

Is this the end? Nope. Kim Soo-hyun, who has become a god, feels incredibly bored. So he decides to go into space. So, not only do you fight against countless alien races, you conquer other galaxies, and you also get to see places called Heaven and the Great Realm. Ultimately, you will fight and win against the God of the Universe and conquer the entire universe. And he lives happily ever after with the women he loves. This Part 5 is the true final conclusion.

Therefore, I think it will probably be completed around episode 9123478917329081. Assuming that I am doing a daily series and calculating that my average lifespan is about 100 years, I think I will be able to complete it if I am reincarnated as a human 249958326502 times. Until then, please take care of us. _(__)_

… … … … … … … … .

… I guess no one really believes it, right? ^^;

Anyway, what I want to say is that you don’t have to worry too much about the ending. ^_ㅠ


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not work with dark mode