MEMORIZE Chapter 975

00975 Code Name, Zero. ————————————————– ———————-=

Strictly speaking, the summoning room can be viewed as a kind of independent space on a different level from the hall plane.

The space connected to the portal within the temple is nominally used by angels to assist users in various ways. Therefore, the angel selected as a helper always resides in the summoning room all day and observes the user in charge without a single break. Sitting on a cold altar in a gray space, always waiting for the user… .


Summoning room.

Seraph stood up from the altar and stared straight ahead.

“nice to see you. “I am Seraph, the assistant to user Kim Soo-hyun.”

And then he bowed politely towards the front. It was a polite demeanor that was rare for an angel.

“nice to meet you. “This is user Yuhyeon Kim.”

The other person also had a voice that was at least formal. Considering the fact that angels are not viewed kindly due to Kim Soo-hyun’s influence, this can be said to be a somewhat surprising attitude.

“Actually, I was a little surprised when I got the call. “I never dreamed that Soohyun’s angel would call me first.”

Soon, Kim Yu-hyeon, who was sitting on the floor, smiled softly and said.

“Oh, are you in trouble?”

“No, not at all. If you hadn’t called me right away, I would have asked first. “I really wanted to meet you at least once.”

“It’s the same for me too. By the way, Suhyeon… .”

“You don’t have to worry about that. It seems like the women around him are trying in many ways to cheer him up. It’s something I’m thankful for. Anyway, I probably won’t have the energy to pay attention to this.”

A warm conversation takes place for a while. Seraph carefully sat down on the altar, and Kim Yu-hyeon adjusted her posture. A heavy silence instantly subsides as we look at each other.

It was Kim Yu-hyeon who spoke first.

“Angel Seraph.”


“The reason why I responded to Soohyun’s call to come secretly… . And there is only one reason why I said I wanted to see it at least once.”

“… … .”

Kim Yu-hyeon slowly nodded and continued speaking.

“Because no one knows the user Kim Soo-hyun better than you.”

It was like that.

Seraph, the angel who knows Kim Soo-hyun best as a ‘user’.

Kim Yu-hyun, the older brother who knows Kim Soo-hyun best as a ‘human being.’

The purpose of these two meeting today was by no means a light topic. At least for these two.

“Are you aware of Suhyeon’s recent trends?”

Instead of answering Kim Yu-hyeon’s question, Seraph quietly nodded.

“All right. “There’s no need to say anything.”

What Kim Yu-hyeon was saying was to get right to the point. There was no reason for Seraph to refuse since they were not going to have a friendly conversation with each other anyway.

“Then let me ask you without any hesitation. Is it possible?”

And then the question began and there was no end to it. But Seraph’s expression was calm.

“If you are talking about opening a passage to go back and forth between Earth and Hall Plain, then it can be seen as possible. Of course, there are limitations.”

At the answer that it was possible, Lee Chae flashed across Kim Yu-hyeon’s eyes.


However, Seraph immediately foreshadowed some kind of reversal.

“I think whether the choice to return to Earth would be an appropriate action for user Kim Soo-hyun is a completely different issue.”

“Problem from another dimension?”

“That’s right. “Have you not noticed anything strange about user Kim Soo-hyun’s recent behavior?”

“hmm… .”

Kim Yu-hyeon’s head bowed slightly. His gaze is directed to the floor, and he appears to be lost in thought for a moment.

Some time passes like that,

“… “There was a festival not long ago.”

A slightly weak voice came out.

“I thought we would win the war. It was a really fun and exciting atmosphere.”

A bitter smile appeared on Kim Yu-hyeon’s lips as if he was recalling that time.

“But Suhyeon there… .”

It was then.

“You must be itching.”

Kim Yu-hyeon’s words stopped when Seraph’s voice suddenly interrupted.

“Suhyeon, who has always suffered obsessively from the idea of ​​getting rid of the devil… . I guess I also gained the power to surpass God. “We are unable to adapt to the peace we finally achieved.”

At that moment, Kim Yu-hyeon’s head lifted up and her mouth was half-open.

“… … !”

However, he just opens his mouth as if no words are coming out. Because she couldn’t deny it. And she even saw it with her own eyes. At that time, she was taking a step back and quietly gazing at the festival, but the sight of her younger brother stood out strangely.

There was only one time when Kim Soo-hyun was happy. That was when the story about war came out. Kim Soo-hyun clearly laughed as he said he would deal with the angel and wipe out the remnants.

at that time.

“What I’m going to show you now is.”

Suddenly, several messages were printed in front of Kim Yu-hyeon. Kim Yu-hyeon’s face became blank for a moment as she saw the message filling the air. Her face begins to tremble, as if she has seen something she cannot believe.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Kim Soo-hyun (8 years)

2. Class: Normal, Sword User, Master

3. Nation: Atlanta

4. Organization (Clan): –

5. True Name • Nationality: 1. Psychopath 2. Madman 3. Schizophrenia 4. Erotophonophilia • South Korea

6. s*x: Male (31)

7. Height/Weight: 181.5cm • 63.2kg

8. Alignment: Chaos • Devil

“This… .”

“Eight years. When it was at its worst during the first episode… . To be more precise, this is user information from when user Kim Soo-hyun’s mind was on the verge of collapse.”

Seraph continued speaking more calmly.

“You whip yourself again, and again, and so on…” . As we live as if we are being chased by self-imposed pressure, it would not be unreasonable for our instincts to become imbued with inertia. “It may sound like a contradiction, but ironically, the thing that supported Su-hyeon for these 15 years was an enemy.”

Seraph knew better than anyone else. The man who hated the devil so much and screamed as he rolled around in the bloody gutter.

There was only one thing the man desperately wanted. She only wanted to live and save.

However, now that everything is over, the already hardened user named Kim Soo-hyun has no place to put his body except for the ‘battlefield’… .

“The great enemy called the devil has already been destroyed. If you put your mind to it, you can wipe out not only the angels but also the western and southern continents in an instant.

… But after going through wars and wars like that, when in the end there is nothing left in front of Su-hyeon… .”

After saying that, Seraph’s eyes slowly began to narrow.

“… “I’m afraid of what happens after that.”

It closed sadly, revealing a sad light.

“so… . peel.”

And Kim Yu-hyeon, who had been listening to a series of words, barely opened her mouth.

“your… . I mean… .”

“This time, I will ask user Kim Yu-hyeon.”

Seraph seemed to understand the feelings of Kim Yu-hyeon, who spoke intermittently with a devastated face, and received the words.

“Is there any possibility that Kim Soo-hyun, a human on Earth, can handle the user Kim Soo-hyun of the Hole Plane?”

Even in the midst of confusion, Kim Yu-hyeon kept her mouth shut. In fact, it was an issue that did not need to be considered.

My younger brother was hesitant to even kill a single bug, even with a bit of exaggeration. But does he accept and deal with the nature of Kim Soo-hyun, a user accustomed to slaughter?

This is truly absurd. It would be fortunate if he didn’t go crazy because of the gap between the two existences and commit suicide.

The moment Kim Yu-hyeon thought this far, she chewed her lip without even realizing it.

It was truly ironic. Even though he finally achieved what he wanted, there is no place for Kim Soo-hyun to return to. There is only a difference in the time it takes to reach the result, and the destination is the same whether you choose a human or a user.

After a while, Kim Yu-hyeon cupped her face.

“The only thing that’s better is the user… .”

Ha, a fleeting lament escaped me.

“In the end, it was my greed to want Soohyun to return to human form… .”

A voice that sounds like giving up.

It was that moment.

“Actually, it’s about that part.”

Suddenly, Seraph’s voice became stronger. The quiet sound was enough to echo throughout the space.

“Even I can’t be sure, but there is no way.”

“… I beg your pardon?”

Kim Yu-hyeon’s eyes brightened. She looked at her opponent closely as if she couldn’t believe her own ears, but Seraph’s face was still extremely calm.

“And to implement this method, the cooperation of the user Kim Yu-hyeon is absolutely necessary. This is why I called you today.”

“You mean my cooperation?”

“Yes. Because user Kim Yu-hyeon also has the authority to inherit the zero code.”

“That’s it… .”

It’s not wrong. Kim Soo-hyun clearly has a history of setting Kim Yu-hyun as the next successor.

“Yes, but… .”

When Kim Yu-hyeon made an expression of confusion, Seraph calmly opened her mouth.

And, the moment the long story ended.

“… “Do you really mean that?”

Kim Yu-hyeon’s tone became quite serious.


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not work with dark mode