MEMORIZE Chapter 972

00972 Code Name, Zero. ————————————————– ———————-=

for example.

For example, rather than thinking of yourself as a new soldier who has just received a warrant, think of it as a sergeant who is being discharged after two years of military service.

One of the most common sayings these days is this: It was really hard, but looking back, I gained a lot from it. The military is also a place where people live. But ‘Then do you want to do it one more time?’ If you are asked the question, out of 100, you would say ‘No. ‘I don’t like that.’ He said.

If you think about it from this perspective, wouldn’t users be similar?

The number of years is 15 years.

5,475 days.

In terms of time, it is 131,400 hours.

In minutes, it is 7,884,000 minutes.

Seconds are 473,040,000 seconds.

These are numbers that can never be considered short. Of course, it would not be possible to say that I was unhappy every single day during these long years. There were definitely good times and happy times. But that’s it. No matter how many times I think about it, I never feel like starting over again. I can say with certainty that this much is certain.



Because it was something that didn’t need to go through in the first place.

“You know.”

The field of view is still fixed. The gaze stopped at the other person’s face. Seraph’s lips were still tightly closed.

“How painful it was… . How much I wanted to die… . Not even you, or anyone else, knows this much. But you know this much. More than anyone.”

Because you’ve been watching me. For as long as fifteen years.

“I know how much you helped and helped me. “I won’t deny that either.”

As it is, this cannot be said to the current Seraph. However, there is something I don’t know between the end of episode one and the beginning of this episode. I was suspicious when I saw Ansol when he came to save me, and I was convinced when I came here today. Above all, the fact that Seraph’s lips slightly parted and then closed was proof of this.

“But you know… .”

Take a deep breath. And at the same time, raise your gaze as you exhale again.

“I’m doing this… . It’s not a bad thing, right? yes?”

The sharpened blade was exposed.

The Seraph I finally saw had an extremely calm expression. He was just staring at me calmly like he always did. If it was unexpected, it was unexpected. Was that face intentionally created? So, if there is no answer, does that mean there is nothing to say? Or are you preparing another sweet talk?

Well, I guess it’s good.


… … … … no.

“Of course I understand. For the safety of our species, our angels forcibly summoned Earth’s humans and used them as agents in the battle against demons. The users of Hall Plain were deprived of the life they deserved and suffered pain they should not have to experience. I have no intention of denying this.”

“… Seraph?”

“So the anger is completely justified and reasonable. Also, user Kim Soo-hyun has now succeeded in acquiring powerful weapons. Even if tens of thousands of angels gather together, it is powerful enough to wipe them out with a single wave… .”

“you… .”

The heart, which seemed dead and motionless, begins to beat little by little. What is Seraph talking about now?


In the midst of confusion, Seraph reverses her words. The complex thought circuit calmed down for an instant. yes. It has to be like this. I don’t know what kind of excuse you’ll come up with, but I’m willing to listen to it once. Because only then will I be able to shake off my lingering regrets.

“One unfortunate fact.”

Finally, the moment I heard a soft voice.

“The point is that most of the angels, including Gabriel, are currently away.”

Suddenly, my breath stopped and it felt like time had stopped.

“On the surface, they claimed to report to heaven because they had confirmed the disappearance of the devil, but… .”

Seraph’s eyes narrowed as he spoke.

“It is incomprehensible that nearly 70% of the people, including the Archangel, were absent for just that reason. “I think he probably backed out out of fear of user Kim Soo-hyun.”

Suddenly I burst into laughter. This is ridiculous. This is unbelievable. So does this mean that most of the angels, including Gabriel, walked away? Leave only Seraph behind?

“Then what about you?”

“I was initially entrusted with full authority over this war. “I have been ordered to watch this situation through to the end and bring the affairs of Hall Plain to a conclusion.”

It looks like he was hit hard on the head with a hammer. At that time, I only vaguely assumed that she was trying to help me properly. However, what Seraph said was that Gabriel had been preparing step by step since then.

“… ha ha ha. Did you hand over the entire volume with this in mind from the beginning? crazy. “They really are people who have no affection until the end.”

“I won the battle against the devil, but if I were to disappear in the same way, I would become Amitabha Buddha. From their perspective, it would probably have been a reasonable choice to quietly run away rather than engage in a hopeless battle against user Kim Soo-hyun.”

okay. That’s terribly reasonable. By the way, did you just say them? Am I mistaken if it sounded like I was referring to someone else?

“In fact, user Kim Soo-hyun is not responsible for things happening like this.”

Seraph continued. Even as she continued to deliver shocking news, her voice remained as level as it had been the first time.

“Of course, at some point, his status became so high that he could not dare to touch it, but fundamentally, the problem was that he revealed his usual hostile attitude toward angels more than necessary.”

If you think about it carefully, it is not wrong. Not once or twice did he express hostility. In particular, he once publicly said that after devils, angels are next. I feel like my brother’s words, that if you really want to get rid of an angel, hide it inside yourself, are finally coming to me.

“If you really wanted to destroy angels… .”

At that time, a pair of profound light green eyes caught my eye. Seraph, who had been speaking quietly, looked at me and hesitated before closing her mouth. Only then did I realize that the tip of Excalibur, which I had aimed straight at, was shaking. I don’t even know what kind of expression I’m making. Just, just… .

There was awkward silence for a while.

“Anyway, the situation has come to this, but in fact, there is no solution at all.”

However, after a while, Seraph cleared her throat and opened her mouth again.

“… … ?”

“If user Kim Soo-hyun’s will is firm, I will do my best to create a situation.”

“situation? you?”

“yes. The angels who have entered heaven by now must be anticipating their extinction. But if I survive, they will definitely question it.”

“Are you saying that we will coax you to come back and provide a place for you?”

“I don’t know if it will come back, but to sum it up, yes.”

Seraph said the angels were afraid of me and ran away in advance. If everything goes as she says, there is definitely no chance of her returning. However, there was greater uncertainty than whether the plan would be successful. In fact, Seraph said ‘Yes’ without any hesitation. It was a question that arose from the moment I answered.

“That means.”

I force my strength into my trembling hands. I fix the shaking Excalibur and aim it at Seraph again.

“Are you saying this because you’re sure I won’t kill you?”

“assurance… . “You mean?”

“Don’t pretend not to know. “Because I need you to activate the Zero Code.”


Unexpectedly, Seraph responded immediately.

“The zero code can only be activated through an angel. But that doesn’t mean I’ve ever thought about living alone.”

“Then let’s say so. Come to think of it, I guess I could just use the zero code. “Didn’t they think of this?”

“Of course, we were also instructed to interfere as much as possible with requests passing code zero. Of course, I have no intention of following that command, but if you are thinking of doing so, I would like to stop you now. Doesn’t user Kim Soo-hyun already have more than enough power to achieve what he wants? There is no need to rush to use precious zero code.”

“… Are you saying we should watch how things progress?”

weird. Why do I keep clenching my teeth? I can’t really find anything to refute. Clearly, what Seraph said is correct in every detail. And he was genuinely trying to help me.

So I don’t understand anymore. Exactly, this wasn’t what I wanted to hear.

“… I don’t know.”


“Is this really the Seraph I know?”

“User Kim Soo-hyun?”

“No matter how much I think about it, I don’t understand. “You are an angel too.”

“… That’s right.”

He lashed out in a sharp tone, but Seraph calmly nodded.

“But why?”

“I am the helper of user Kim Soo-hyun.”

“Don’t talk nonsense. why? Why? “Why are you trying to help me like this?”

“that… .”

It was then.

“Well, that is.”

That fleeting moment.

Seraph’s expression, which had always remained calm, changed in an indescribable way. He soon got back to normal, but I could definitely feel the difference in him. If it had been a natural-looking face a while ago, it now seemed as if he was forcing himself to hold back something.

“Why, because.”

Eventually, two trembling eyes manage to stare at me.

“I am.”

Now even his male voice was shaking.

“I am… .”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Ahhhhh. I’m angry and upset. I’ve tried connecting to Joara dozens of times since 00:01, but I don’t know why the connection is like this. Am I the only one who can’t connect to the PC?

Type in the address bar and just stare blankly at the screen over and over again. The app connection worked fine.

I don’t know if it’s my computer or the server’s problem, but I’ve been trying to connect more than once, and I’m so frustrated. If you want to be a little bit, it stops and stops over the page. DDoS dog xx.

It’s been a while since my blood pressure went crazy. Joara people, please do not lose to the evil group DDoS!

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. What are you talking about!

We’re not far from finishing it, but we’d like to hold a light event.

Currently, the cover of Kim Soo-hyun & Hwa-jeong is in the process of being slightly modified.

Thank you very much, the illustrator drew an SD character as a congratulation for the completion.

(You can see the signs and notices when you come to the yard.)

If you look at the picture here, the 『?』 under the character is love! There is a phrase written on it.

『?』 was the name of the drawn character, but I requested it and changed it to blank. lol

Readers, please look at the picture and write a comment about the character that reminds you of it.

Among those who answered correctly, we will select the first 5 people and randomly select 5 people and send them 100 tickets each.

We ask for the participation of our readers. 🙂


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not work with dark mode