Memorize Chapter 97

00097 Can you follow me? ————————————————– ———————-=

The starting signal began with Shin Sang-yong holding out his left hand first.

“Magic Square Of Harmony.”

This is a magic square of harmony that is used in earnest, rather than the small-scale magic square seen in the past. The moment Shin Sang-yong briefly recited, a three-dimensional magic circle appeared on his left palm. Soon, a magic square that looked completely different from before rose up, and Shin Sang-yong and Jeong Ha-yeon fired the spells they had cast onto the magic square.

The fire and ice spells that arrived at the magic circle at the same time quickly mixed like a whirlwind and were sucked into the magic circle. From now on, it all depends on Shin Sang-yong’s capabilities. Only by getting the first button right will there be less pressure on Jeong Ha-yeon and An Sol, who will take over the baton next time.

“───. ───. ───.”

Shin Sang-yong did not stop muttering even though he was sweating profusely. Looking at the magic square with piercing eyes, you must be making tremendous adjustments and arrangements inside yourself right now. And it didn’t take long. Fortunately, Shin Sang-yong’s complexion was rapidly brightening as if he had found the solution in a short time.

After a while, the magic that floated above the magic square appeared in an impossible shape and stayed in the air.

The magic the two created was covered with jagged ice crystals on the outside, and burning flames hovered over the crystals. It started well. Shin Sang-yong turned his gaze to Jeong Ha-yeon with a slightly tired face and handed over the magic he had been maintaining.

Hayeon moistened her lips as she looked at the magic fluttering into the air under his gaze. It’s been a long time since I tried a magic combination that was close to my limit. The moment she took over the magic, she felt an intense burden being pushed into her body. Still, it was bearable. After watching her magic for a moment, she pulled out all the strength she had from her breast and cast her spell.


The moment Hayeon, with her clear voice, opens her mouth, the magic they created is once again enveloped in white light. The twist chosen this time is positioning the magic power.

“Ugh… !”

Hayeon let out a strange moan. She felt a dizzy feeling in her head because it was magical interference that was cast for the purpose of maintaining mana rather than destroying magic. This is because a huge backflow of mana flowed into Ha-yeon due to the shock caused by her reversal.

However, even though she was forced to endure it, she was able to completely succeed in reversing the magic. Her magic that Rivers had melted into was similar to her first appearance, but showed a different appearance. What’s different is that chlorine flames are circling inside the protruding ice block.

Ansol, who was watching from the side, exclaimed as he saw the magic perfectly permeated. But she also felt anxious. Because soon she would have to take over that magic herself.

It didn’t end here. Even if you send this spell as is, it will be powerful enough, but the opponent is a giant who is one of the symbols of magic resistance. Their blood has an innate ability to reject magical power. In that case, it was necessary to mix a more powerful magic to break it.

Hayeon held back her dizzy spirit and cast the spell once again.

“───. Specify your target… Shackles spell. OverLap.”

In some ways, the overlap spell can be seen as a type of applied magic that is quite similar to the magic square of harmony. However, it is something that is done within the laws of magic compatibility. Although it cannot ignore the laws like the Magic Square of Harmony, there is still no change in the fact that it is one of the higher application spells.

The magic created by the two flows over the binding spell Ansol cast. The moment the divine spell and magic touched, white light flashed and filled the surroundings. The process of multiple spells turning into one magic could be said to be truly beautiful.

Anyway, the baton has now passed to Ansol. I’ve done well so far, but if Ansol, the last caster, couldn’t bear the burden, it could be said to be a disaster. Hayeon stares at Ansol with curious eyes.

“Yes… .”

Although Ansol frowned, I was able to see him somehow holding on. Currently, Ansol’s magic power is 86, and Jeong Ha-yeon’s magic power is 87. Of course, Ha-yeon doesn’t know her exact abilities. She would probably be furious if she found out, but as things were now, she just had to be proud.

Ansol slowly lifted his cane. Although she was a little tired of the enormous amount of magic power she had experienced for the first time since entering the Hole Plain, it was also proof of how powerful it was. But Sol was still hesitating.

‘… Will I really be able to guess it? Wow, I have to do it quickly. oh my god… .’

There are still only three spells that Ansol is familiar with. Bondage, healing, protection. I can somehow use the Decipher and other spells, but I haven’t learned the Homing spell. Ansol regretted it, but regretting it now was of no use. And Hayeon, who noticed her expression, opened her mouth in a sharp voice.

“are you okay. “Shoot.”

“Ha, don’t do it… .”

“Let’s shoot.” If you continue to maintain it, the magic will flow back as it is and the magic will disappear.”

Ansol swallowed his saliva, perhaps because those words were a catalyst, or because he was afraid of Hayeon’s cold words that he had uttered knowingly or unknowingly. He raises his staff and aims at the Gigas ahead. Nevertheless, Sol, who hesitated for a while, finally opened his mouth slowly with a trembling voice.

“Shackles… !”

and. Hayeon, who confirmed Sol’s spell firing, prepared another spell.


I, who was in the middle of cutting in the air, landed lightly on the ground again. In front of me, a Gigas wearing long swords was panting here and there. That guy is definitely strong. If you look at the giants and basilisks separately, Gigas was by far the superior one. He was a guy who achieved some results.

But that was all. When I first clashed with this monster, which was not a boss monster but a created monster, I was confident of victory. Since I was planning to warm up lightly before the battle with the demon on the third floor, I was also glad to see this guy appear. This is because big guys with good physical strength are perfect for warming up.

Anyway, with the intention of putting an end to it, I prepared to take another leap forward. I don’t know where the kids were or what they were doing, but I saw Gigas twisting his body around from time to time, so it seemed like they were faithfully following my orders. And even though he instructed the keeper, Vivian was smart enough to focus on restraining only his right arm, not both arms. This much was already enough for me.

“It should end soon.”

I muttered to myself and raised my magic power. It was the moment when I was about to raise my sword high with the intention of cutting from the head all the way down to the body.


With the sound of a spell being fired from behind, the magic came out at a frightening speed and began to fly towards Gigas. I was about to hit the floor when I bent my knees and stopped for a moment.

what. I could sense the retreating wizards chanting some kind of spell, but the magic coming behind me gave me the feeling that I didn’t want to be hit either. I’d rather just cut it open and blow it up. The direction was vague, so I thought about dodging like this, but the magic seemed to read my mind and immediately changed its trajectory and flew into Gigas’ left arm.

“It’s a targeted spell.”

Is this Jeong Ha-yeon’s skill? I intentionally tried to provoke a little, but it seems to have worked. I smiled softly and decided to wait for a while. I’ve already completed the magic, but wouldn’t it be rude if I finished it before then? And I was a little curious.

Gigas, who had rushed at me with great initial momentum, had turned white after being hit by me with excitement. I really hate it when monsters show off their power, so I didn’t intentionally cut them, but rather just hit them with the blade of my sword.

There was a brief lull and I could feel the kids quickly falling behind. I really liked them and then I didn’t like them. It would be nice if it was like this on a regular basis. As the battle progressed, Anhyeon and Yujeong showed signs of growth in their own way.

When the wave of attacks stopped, I saw a moment of relief flash across Gigas’ face. However, it is only a moment of relief before death. After watching the magic, I slowly gathered the magic power under my feet, planning to deal with it right away. If you jump too high, you might go up through the ceiling, so you had to adjust accordingly.

Soon, I was able to see a binding spell emitting white light pass by me and rush towards Gigas’ left arm. However, Gigas did not move at all. He was just catching his breath.

It seemed like he tried to avoid it by twisting his body slightly, but it seemed like he just decided to hit it because Vivien was tightly restraining his right arm. Gigas was just breathing hard, not knowing that his magic resistance properties would be the perfect enemy.

The sight of magic passing by and flying straight up surprised me, even if it only lasted for a moment. It seemed like it was a magic created based on Shin Sang-yong’s highly anticipated Magic Square of Harmony. I wanted to see more information, but before I could activate my third eye. I could see the visible chunks of ice opening their mouths wide and biting into Gigas’ left shoulder.

And the scene that followed was literally spectacular.


As if it were Sol’s spell, Gigas’ left arm turns into white light. As the light wraps around his left arm, he flinches and his movements become noticeably slower. And that moment when I flinched.

Sigh! Damn it!

The ice picks once again bit Gigas’ left arm, moving up and down. Ice chunks spreading all over the arm at the same time. Gigas must have been a little surprised by this, so he hurriedly waved his left arm, but Sol’s spell still remained, so he couldn’t shake off his magic as he thought.

Thus, the magic came to a head with a lump of chloride, which appeared to be Shin Sang-yong’s last spell. The ice picks dug into Gigas’ hard skin served as a kind of passageway. As if injecting a syringe, the chlorine energy trapped inside the ice was pushed out into the passage. In other words, magic was projected directly into the giant’s body. If it was vicious, it was the most vicious method.

pop! Pubububung!


At that moment, a huge explosion was heard from inside Gigas’ left arm, and its skin bulged. Gigas shouted loudly, as if there was no way to insert magic directly into his body, no matter how magic resistant it was. I heard an explosion and it was Burn Flare magic. It must hurt.

I watched them one by one, but this whole process happened in just 2 to 3 seconds. Suddenly, a new thought occurred to me about these three people. At that level, it was safe to say that it was a magic that would work anywhere. What you can see are three magics, but there must have been much more magical processing added to them. Of course, our Sol could not have thought this, and it was probably Jeong Ha-yeon and Shin Sang-yong who did.

Anyway, he’s smart. Their magic was looking in front of Dusu, or rather, Sesu. Explosive magic is sent into the body and the blood in the left arm is burned off. Of course, it will not be completely burned as the blood itself has magic resistance, but it is more than possible to weaken the left arm’s limited magic resistance characteristics.

As evidence, Sol’s binding spell and Jeong Ha-yeon’s ice magic, which had been gradually losing their strength, were gradually regaining their strength. This is exactly what the wizards were aiming for. Rather than choosing a direct strike, they chose to create a momentary gap for me. In this way, Vivian succeeded in restraining his right arm, and the three wizards succeeded in restraining his left arm.

And since both arms were restrained, the Gigas before my eyes was nothing more than a prepared meal. He was showing the most stamina and durability compared to those I had met so far, but even that had already fallen considerably due to the attacks of me and my companions. Perhaps, if you miss this moment, you will lose your dignity as a leader.

I also kicked the ground as hard as I was preparing to jump. Feel the cool breeze and soar into the air. The man’s left arm had already become tattered to the point that it reminded him of a rag. Normally, he would swing his arms and block my approach, but he can’t do that now. Especially if you move your body too hard after being hit by ice magic, your arm could be torn off.

Many emotions appeared on Gigas’ face. Feelings of futility, agony, astonishment, etc.

He jumped so high that his head barely touched the ceiling, and then raised his sword straight ahead to take advantage of the force of his downward descent. And I bowed my head. Its head was also raised to follow my steps.

The moment when his eyes met mine. I fell straight down and slashed my sword towards his head.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

hmm. Today, I think I must first tell you some sorry news.

I have a very important appointment tomorrow (February 22nd). If you leave, there is a high possibility that you will come back after midnight the next day. So, I was worried that I couldn’t upload it at midnight again, and then there was a really good item called a pre-order item.

So I think I can complete one part before I go to my appointment. On the other hand, you can upload it by reservation at midnight on the 23rd, but it seems a bit difficult to upload it on the afternoon of the 22nd. Of course, there may be a lot of writing, but that rarely happens. ㅜ.ㅠ

So what I want to say is that there is a high possibility that February 22nd (Friday) will be a daily series. These days, serial writing has become a part of daily life, so I thought it would be better to write a review in advance in case there are readers who are waiting for another part to be posted in the afternoon.

We hope for the readers’ generous understanding. Posted by Ro Yujin.


1. Kurosion: Congratulations on first place. I feel like these days, the battle for first place is very intense. It feels like the number one regular commenters that I used to see are slowly disappearing. ha ha ha. ah. The devil… You can look forward to it. haha.

2. Jureia: This is quite possible because the children already think of Su-hyeon as their parent. I might just follow along with mom and dad. 🙂

3. zjekfksqlc: Hehehe. The reason is that… You know. ( –) ~ ♪.

4. Dangryong: Hehehe. You made a very good choice. I can assure you that Kim Soo-hyun’s stock will only continue to rise in the future. ha ha ha.

5. A life of tragedy: Oh my. We will work hard to make it more enjoyable for you in the future. 🙂

6. Gwiyeomgomtaengi: 『Ttiring. User Gwiyeomgomtaengi’s spell has been activated. According to the summoning order, the 97th serial of Memorize was summoned on February 22nd at 12:00.』

7. Toranoanal: Haha. I’m really happy right now, but I feel like I’m going to fall into a dream when the personal magazine comes out. I have received the message you sent. I would like to see Toranoanal’s exciting comments in the future. 🙂

8. Fabre: Why, why are you like this? Yes, I am grateful, but… I’m a man. Ugh.

9. Amish: Aha. You might think so. yes. The difference in my settings is because I keep the permanent magic and the slightly maintained or instantaneous magic separately. Double casting while maintaining the light for a few minutes is possible, but double casting while maintaining the light all day is difficult. 🙂

10. NaManBwa: Although it is mentioned little by little, there is still a possibility that it will be a spoiler. If you don’t mind, please send me a message. I will explain what has been revealed so far.

11. hohokoya1: Ugh. thank you When I look at the growing selection of works these days, a happy smile comes to my face. ha ha ha. And I’m sorry. It looks like the 22nd will be difficult. ㅜ.ㅠ

12. juan: In some ways, it might be better to attack. I’m worried that if I wrote it for no reason, I might offend the readers who support Sol. ㅜ.ㅠ

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode