MEMORIZE Chapter 968

00968 If You Change, One. ————————————————– ———————-=

For a moment, you may feel a slight sense of resistance.

Squeak, crackle!

Soon, I felt the sensation of the tip of the glans being pushed and tearing the soft mucous membrane.

“… … ?”

I was momentarily lost. Should I say I don’t understand?

I had no intention of inserting it like this. At first, I planned to go in slowly and stop for a moment in front of the curtain… ?

Well, what happened to you? Even at this moment, I can clearly feel the feeling of flesh sticking to my va**na. This is not true, no matter how hard I try to stop it, the glans keeps swimming inward.

… No, no. I am being pulled. It seems like a woman who is meeting a man just like her for the first time is curious and grabs him with both hands and pulls him to come. Isn’t she truly desired?

In the end, the penis could not penetrate deep enough and disappeared all the way to the base. As I looked down at her mess, I saw that her groin was tightly attached to Han So-young’s thighs without the slightest gap. It’s as if they were connected to each other as one body.

The flooded passage moved like a flowing creature. Repeat the process of gently massaging and releasing the pillar as if you were interrogating it. She is so flexible and moist that you can’t believe she is a woman receiving it for the first time.

“Hmm… ?”

As I was about to sigh in satisfaction at the feeling of being welcomed, a strange thought suddenly occurred to me. As she quickly focused her attention, she suddenly realized that her mood was very uplifted. Isn’t this just the insertion stage?

It’s definitely strange, but I can’t describe it. Han So-young’s insides were truly beyond imagination. However, the good feelings she feels are not so sudden as to be shocking, but the process of accepting them is very natural. She just had to say that at some point she noticed.

It’s not hotter than necessary like Gehenna, and it’s not as squeezing as if it’s going to explode like the kids do. The inside flesh is just right hot and the wrinkles that stick together are tightened to a pleasant degree. Everything fits perfectly without feeling like anything is too much. Should I say that it feels like it’s fitting in?

However, there was one difference: it felt like it was being pulled slowly and subtly from the end. It still is. Although there is no room to go further, the penis responds by stiffening the pillar even further and continues to go inside. The important thing is that this situation is happening regardless of my will.

Only then did the sense of discomfort seem to subside little by little. A thought crossed my mind that it was dangerous. I suffered like this before too. Now, the groin is even pushing Han So-young’s buttocks forward. As if this wasn’t enough, as if she would be satisfied only when her entire body was wrapped inside. I was so scared that I might actually be swallowed up.

Oh, that won’t work. Let’s take it out first.

I forced myself to catch my breath, thinking I needed to catch my breath. And it was the moment when he was about to gently remove her waist.

“… Ugh?”

Just as I was about to pull it out, my va**na suddenly closed tightly. To be more precise, the hole swallowing the pillar shriveled up.

That fleeting moment,


A terrifying suction power struck the lower part, as if the entire penis would be pulled out.

It was free when I came in, but not when I left. It seems that the once gentle(?) Jill has just arrived and is losing her temper as if she is asking where she is going or what she did and is already leaving. Eventually, a strong, constricting sensation rose all the way from the root to the tip of the glans in an instant.

“Ah, uh… .”

The pleasure.

“Uh, uh… ?”

Than you think.

“Ah, ahhh… !”

It came very, suddenly.

The stimulation generated from the sacrum quickly traveled up the spine and gave a numb electric shock to the cervical spine. When I first came to my senses, my hands were already gathering the bed sheets with all their might. My toes curl mercilessly and tremble.

this… . What happened… ?

I don’t even know when this happened. A sensation that I didn’t know whether it was pain or pleasure took over my entire body, and my vision turned pure white.



The next moment, before you have time to do anything, something inside your body explodes and is released into your urethra.

“… … ! … … ! … … ! … … !”

In the midst of an ecstatic climax, I screamed without knowing what I was saying. All I could feel was s*m*n gushing out in a powerful rush. Additionally, since his physical strength had increased, the amount e****lated would have increased further due to the effect of the Justice Ring. Perhaps because of that, it felt as if I had just urinated out all the urine I had held back to the limit.

By the time my penis stopped throbbing, my body was trembling due to the feeling of relief that came over me.

Shhh… .

… uh?

A thought crossed my mind. As I gazed downwards, I saw that it was indeed different. Actually, yellow water was leaking out of the joint. It is almost certain that the yellowish liquid is mixed with white s*m*n and red blood that proves her virginity. I really saw Sophie. Even grown adults. My mind turns into a mess.

“Why, what’s wrong?”

Unexpectedly, Soyoung Han’s voice was quite stable. But soon, a small exclamation was heard as if they realized what was happening. I bowed my head in the awkward silence that followed. Does this make sense? As an experienced person and not an inexperienced person, I couldn’t hold back the moment and e****lated.

No, let’s say you can make one hundred concessions and do that. As soon as I put it in, I was so embarrassed that I even urinated. There is no excuse for this. This is proof that I was unable to control myself. Whatever the circumstances, isn’t it like unintentionally treating the other person like a toilet? It’s truly wordless. Even if there were a hundred mouths, there was nothing to say.

“S-sorry… . do… . You feel so good… . no… .”

My voice is shaking, perhaps because of shame or because I still have lingering feelings. At the same time, the thought crossed her mind that she was stupid. All she can do is make excuses.

The thought of wanting to somehow create a memorable first experience has already flown to the other side. How absurd would Han So-young be? What kind of pathetic expression am I making right now? He truly seems like an asshole.


at that time.

“That face of the Mercenary Lord… . I feel like I’m seeing this for the first time… .”

Suddenly, I felt my arm being pulled. The hand that comes up from her shoulder calmly strokes my forehead.

“like that… . “Did it feel good?”

I don’t think it’s an angry voice. Anyway, I nodded and shook my head in response to the question I heard. As she quietly lowered her eyes, Han So-young was smiling like a kind older sister looking at her cute little brother.

“Hehe. are you okay. are you okay… .”

He whispered in a comforting tone, his palm gently brushing his cheek. Then he turned halfway to her side and boldly spread her thighs. After a while, one of my raised calves rests on my right shoulder.

“Well, it’s okay… .”

The woman who was afraid earlier is gone and seems to be in a very good mood. I stared at Han So-young, feeling uncomfortable. However, even after looking at her a second or third time, she still had a faint smile on her face.

It’s not like there’s no guess. Perhaps the effect of the Justice Ring had a profound impact. The pleasure that amplified upon insertion completely covered up the fear and pain of the first experience. Maybe my weak(?) reaction might have satisfied something inside Han So-young.

But even taking that into account, her adaptability was by far superior to that of any other woman I had encountered so far. So much so that I thought she was abnormal.

“hurry… .”

I grabbed my raised ankle in a dazed mood as I heard the erotic voice that had calmed down considerably.

“That’s right, deeper… .”

Like an obedient child, I moved my waist and pushed the penis as deep as possible. As he gently pulled her out and then slowly thrusted again, Han So-young gently closed her eyes and buried her head in the sheet. Slosh, clang. Only the obscene sound of flesh clashing against flesh resonates in the quiet room.

“Right, right… . Good… .”

It’s a reversal of fortunes. Soyoung Han was leading me with an adaptability that made it hard to believe it was my first time. But rather than feeling humiliated, she actually felt empowered by her praise.

… Think about it for a moment.

“Wow, crazy… .”

It’s absolutely ridiculous. I ended up swearing without realizing it. Soon after, another crazy feeling of e****lation struck me. Every moment, I feel out of breath and my teeth inevitably clench. I want to bounce and shake my back like this, but I can’t.

Only now have I vaguely realized Han So-young’s identity as a woman.

When having s*x, whether a man or a woman, everyone goes through the stages of foreplay, excitement, elation, climax, and afterglow. However, Han So-young’s plan quickly goes beyond the previous stage. It passes the foreplay, excitement, and excitement and brings you to climax in an instant. When I think that this cycle repeats infinitely, I feel distant.

But the scarier thing was that even though I knew, I didn’t stop shaking my back.

Han So-young stretched out both hands and grabbed my arm, as if telling me to hug her. She couldn’t resist the temptation, and even though she knew I couldn’t do it, she collapsed into her arms. Burying her face into her pretty breasts, she increased the speed of her thrusts even further, and she said, ‘You’re good, you’re good.’ Her two soft hands pat her back as if to encourage her. However, it was truly ironic that the more she did this, the faster she reached her climax.


In the end, after a long time, my body became stiff and I climaxed a second time. The wrinkled inner flesh adheres tightly to the throbbing fluid and pulls out the s*m*n as if squeezing it out. No, what kind of toothpaste is my penis?

Eventually, after the climax, a peculiar feeling of exhaustion came. I felt like my body was draining out. Of course, I still have enough stamina, but it is a completely different kind of feeling of exhaustion. If it weren’t for the Justice Ring, he would have shown his arrogance and gone away long ago.

When I thought about it, I experienced climax twice in a short period of time. And both times, I experienced a unique pleasure that I had never experienced before.

On the other hand, Han So-young only occasionally let out light moans and did not even utter a word. I suspected she might be frigid, but she was definitely excited. This is evidenced by the fact that her hard face has become hazy and her eyes have become blurry.

only… .

“Whoa…” !”

Am I mistaken if that sigh sounded a little dissatisfied? Jeez, damn it. What am I going through now that Gehenna has fallen?

At this point, I’m getting scared. All kinds of thoughts came to mind. Perhaps Han So-young is a woman who only appears in legends? Why, you know. She is a seductress who makes her partner die by just sleeping with her. So what kind of being have I awakened?

It was then.

“Here… . “Thank you very much.”

Suddenly, a gentle hand touched my body and my body was automatically pulled to the side. I took a shaky breath and laid my head on Soyoung Han’s arm pillow. Then, I lapped up her breasts as they rose and fell, and gently rubbed her face, immersed in the lingering feeling. She felt Han So-young’s breath tickling her ear.

“I… . “How was it?”

I suddenly felt ashamed at the whispering voice, so I buried my face even harder. But Han So-young was persistent.

“Did you like it a lot?”

“No, I don’t know. Don’t ask me that… .”

“Merchionary Road.”

“… yes.”

I nod reluctantly. Anyway, it’s true. To say that Han So-young is a beauty is not enough, and she is more than just a nympho. There is something about her that I have never experienced before that scares me.

Han So-young’s hand gently caresses my head as if loving it. Then, my eyes closed lazily and I was completely wrapped in her arms. Ah, I’m happy. It seems like the roles of men and women have been reversed, but that’s okay. Right now, I just want to enjoy this cozy atmosphere without thinking about anything. Now that I think about it, being conquered doesn’t seem that bad.

… however.

Why do I hear a rustling sound? And why is my shoulder being pressed so hard?

The moment I thought that, I felt the penis that had been so persistently pulled out. The cool breeze cooled the heated water, and at the same time, I felt a heavy weight on my abdomen. I blinked a couple of times and my vision came into focus. Soyoung Han was quietly climbing on top of me.

Han So-young, who was looking at the penis with curiosity,

“Oh, that’s… .”

He noticed my gaze and suddenly started to gradually open his crotch. The remaining urine leaks out through the slightly cracked va**na hole, and the s*m*n that was poured out is also spit out. The sight of white mucus with traces of red blood flowing out was extremely provocative, so it was natural for Yangmul to get angry.

“I thought it looked difficult… .”

Han So-young, speechless, reached out her hand, grabbed the penis, and carefully lifted her buttocks. Arch his back like a bow and move his hips back and forth to align the glans with the hole. And the moment she finishes aiming, she suddenly looks straight ahead and lets out her long breath with a determined glow.

After a while.

Han So-young politely placed her hands on my abdomen and spread her legs wide to the left and right. Then, as if she was doing yoga, she started slowly pushing her hips as she aimed, taking in her breath with all her might.


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not work with dark mode