MEMORIZE Chapter 966

00966 If You Change, One. ————————————————– ———————-=

Our eyes met. The woman who emerges from the gradually clearing darkness is not unfamiliar at all. Huh, I never thought Han So-young would come to visit.

I didn’t know what to do for a moment, so I nodded my head in confusion. Han So-young also slightly lowered her head and approached her bed at a slightly slower pace.

“sorry. I knocked as softly as I could… .”

“no. “I just opened my eyes.”

A pair of black crystals, darker than darkness, emit a luminous light. Is the fact that people are staring at me like they are judging the truth using their extra senses?

“is that so. “I woke up two hours ago.”

“You woke up early. Are you sleeping here?”

“yes. The castle was really great. “Beds and bathing facilities as well.”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

Simple and plain conversation. However, each and every word exchanged is so serious that it feels heavy. Me too, Han So-young too.

At that time, Han So-young’s buttocks, which was trying to carefully sit down on the bed, stumbled.

“… Would you like to talk for a moment, or maybe it will be long?”

I just laughed at the extremely honest expression.

“Let’s go to the terrace. “The wind will be cool.”

After a while, we went out to the terrace and greeted the infinitely dark night view. Perhaps because it was a dark cloudy night, the garden was just dark.

Purrrrr… . The sound of liquid hitting glass was heard. She didn’t know it when she was in the room, but Soyoung Han was holding a bottle of wine in one of her hands. She pours wine on the table on the terrace, then picks up one of her glasses and hands it to me. As she came closer, shaking slightly, a thick purple liquid flowed in front of her nose. Very strong yet fragrant.

Finally, Han So-young, holding the remaining glass, tilts her head.

“It’s a bit weird to say this after giving it, but… . Are you okay?”

“It’s just right. It’s not like there’s nothing to celebrate.”

visor. The sharp sound of glass clinking against glass followed. By the time she took a sip and savored it slowly, Han So-young was surprisingly already emptying the glass cleanly. “pooh.” She exhaled and filled the wine again, as if one shot wasn’t enough. And I drank the second glass without any residue.

Han So-young had been staring at the night view ever since she came out to the terrace. Her eyes continued to look straight ahead, except for the occasional biting of her lips. She clutches her wet gown to dry as the cold wind cools her body quickly.

Han So-young is not the type to talk back. She has a good chance of hitting her fastball right from the start. It would be better for her to prepare her mind in advance.

While I was thinking that, there was an awkward silence.

The lips that had been hesitating as I took my breath over and over again opened.

“I want to see.”

It was a moment when I took my breath without realizing it.

“I came because I wanted to see you.”

A clear voice that does not give the slightest hint of intoxication.

“… But even with the power of alcohol, I still don’t know what to say.”


“So I’m just going to tell it like it is.

As I said before, I woke up two hours ago. As soon as I opened my eyes, I thought of Mercenary Road. Strangely enough.

I lay in bed for a while, but the thought did not go away.

“I tried to soak myself in hot water to come to my senses, but my desire to see it only grew stronger.”

“… … .”

Once my mouth opened, the words came out like a dance.

“But really, let’s go. When I decided to do this, many worries started to bother me.

What if I’m sleeping? What if I wake up? It’s very late and what if she thinks I’m a strange woman? What should I say again when I go? She doesn’t even know how to say it… .

… “Then, when I suddenly came to my senses, there was a person knocking at the door holding a glass of wine.”

Suddenly, I felt attracted to Han So-young’s bold yet polite way of speaking. She was speaking in a soft yet clear voice that I would have stuttered over and over again, or even said out of shame. She seemed to be playing a beautiful melody, so much so that I had the illusion that the sense of hearing her sound was automatically taken away.

“That’s why I came.”

Soyoung Han once again filled her glass to overflowing with wine, as if to reward herself for making it this far.

“I want to see you.”

This time, I emptied it in one go.

I opened my mouth softly.

“It is an honour.”

bang. The glass hit the table and shook a couple of times. After saying that, I thought, Oops.

“… In the past.”


“The Mercenary Lord’s words were just uncomfortable.”

Han Soyoung’s voice was still soft.

“If you approach with courage, you avoid it, and if you force it, you avoid it…” . I didn’t know what to do because I was being treated the same way I did to others. So I just groaned all the time like I was suffering from a cold heart.”

Pour the wine again.

“but… .”

However, the momentum of filling the glass was quite different from before. The purple stream of water that was gushing as if it had already run out was gradually becoming thinner.

“I think I understand now. No, I know. “Why did Mercenary Lord do that?”

Eventually, it becomes thinner like a thread and eventually begins to drip, drop by drop.

“Actually, I was young. “Just because the other person has a special place in me, there is no way that they will think of me as special.”

The last drop barely filled the glass.

“Wow, that’s ridiculous in my situation. “I never thought it would be anyone else, but myself from the past, that would be the barrier.”

And he spoke in a faint voice.

“Istantel Low Road. I am.”

“i know. “At least there are a lot of women around Mercenary Road.”

“You know… . and.”

“yes. You probably have a lot of admiration for the past me, not the me standing here now. i know. “I came here knowing everything.”

Soyoung Han interrupted the conversation resolutely, as if she didn’t care about such things at all.

“… Yes, if you are user Han So-young, you will definitely be able to meet a better man.”

Because I was speechless, I ended up saying something cliché. Even though she knew it was the worst.

“Of course that could happen.”

Unexpectedly, Soyoung Han smiled softly.

“But, yeah. As Mercenary Lord said, even if I meet a good man someday… .”

As I spoke, I held the glass very carefully, fearing it would overflow, as it made tiny ripples.

“… “I don’t think anyone is as special as you.”

In fact, it was the last drink.


Suddenly a strong wind blew. At the same time, Soyoung Han completely turns to look at me. Her straight, straight hair was blown out by the wind blowing across her terrace. And immediately she burst out, fluttering like waves on the wind. The waves fluttering like flags and the two calm eyes staring at each other were as beautiful as the deep and profound sea.

“Someone said that. “It’s a miracle that first love comes true.”

In it, Soyoung Han continues speaking while slowly straightening her messy hair with one hand.

“I know it might not work, but… . Still, once in my life. “You can hope for a miracle in your heart to come true at least once, right?”

Then, he calmly lifted the wine in his hand up to his eyes. At the same time, the smile became bitter.

“actually… . I still don’t know. From now on, will I drink the blessings, or will I swallow the regrets? .”

Then, Han So-young slowly raised her eyes.

“So just once.”

Unknowingly, he looked directly at me with a burning gaze.

“I won’t be more foolish, and I won’t pester you any more. “Please tell me honestly just once.”

In that split-second moment, the drunkenness I had gained form to climb up seemed to cool down in an instant. It may be because I felt an indescribable desperation that went beyond sincerity in the eyes I looked at.

“… “Before I drink this last cup.”

With just this one word left.

Han So-young tilted her glass slowly, very slowly, unlike before. But the more her trembling chin tilted back and her shaking hands tilted, the faster her liquid flowed. At the moment she missed, the liquid in the slanted glass was getting lower by the minute.

So, not a single drop is left behind,

“… … .”

It was the moment when Han So-young’s arm fell without strength.


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not work with dark mode