MEMORIZE Chapter 963

00963 If ​​You Change, One. ————————————————– ———————-=

To the left, not down.

That’s because Hwajeong took advantage of the controversy and said that she felt like someone was trying to do something.

That fleeting moment.


I couldn’t help but be surprised.

I simply swung the sword with all my might. But the feeling of cutting through the air was different. A sharp sensation passed through her hands, as if she were cutting paper with the inside of a pair of scissors.

That wasn’t all. Suddenly, my grip became heavier due to an unknown repulsive force, and I felt the knife explode without a sound. A huge sword with a reddish color was pulled out suddenly and rushed without hesitation towards someone who was slowly getting up.

Did I feel something strange? Lilith, who had been walking behind her, turned her head in surprise. It was almost at the same time that her mouth opened in a daze and the energy she released hit me.



What happened next?

“… … !”

It was so shocking that I couldn’t believe it, even though I did it myself.

Before she could even say anything, the flames spread out from the hit area to Lilith’s entire body. Then, in an instant, it turned red to the point where the shape was no longer visible.

That was the end.

When the roaring fire died down, all that was left was a handful of ashes floating in the air. As I saw it, it completely melted without making a sound.

“… … .”

The scene just now was probably a scene created by a mixture of magic power seven times the usual output, the energy of Excalibur, and the power of the liberated fire spirit.

Reason was analyzing and telling me that, but even so, I still couldn’t believe it.

Not just any demon, but a demon, the Archdemon Lilith, was destroyed in one blow? This is truly ridiculous. But it actually happened.

I reflexively held my hand. I was very surprised at my strength, but at the same time, I didn’t feel any regrets. I don’t know about others, but at least Lilith tried to kill her in a truly painful way… .

“Kim Soo-hyeon!”

At that time, an angry scream was heard and a figure suddenly approached. The person who rushed forward with his body fully bent was none other than Astaroth. With a distorted face, he desperately stretches out his fist covered in black flame.

However, the moment I caught it in my field of vision, for some reason, the other person’s movements seemed infinitely slow, as if they were flowing in a panorama. He tilted his head back to brush away the attack aimed at his face, and then stretched out his left fist just as Astaroth came in.

Finally, it was the moment when the fist landed squarely in the opponent’s chest.


The first sensation I felt was like popping a balloon full of water by hitting it hard. The thick black blood is accompanied by a storm-like wind and hits my face with force. I blinked a couple of times and saw Astaroth’s corpse flying through the air as black streams flowed down my vision.

… No, without realizing it, I ended up calling it a corpse. Because there was a huge hole from the chest to the abdomen, and it was completely tattered. The entire organ had exploded, so much so that the empty space was clearly visible across the hole.


After a while, Astaroth’s body, which fell to the ground, began to tremble. Her eyes are wide open and her mouth is foaming. His life seems to have been saved, but it would be difficult to see him alive in that condition.

Then, as if my thoughts were correct, after a long time, Astaroth’s body, which had been twitching intermittently, went limp. Compared to the past, where all kinds of curses were poured out right before his death in the first episode, it was a very vain and miserable end.

I immediately prepared to kill him in case he was revived with one life left, but it was all in vain. Before he could fire his energy, Astaroth’s body was reduced to a handful of ashes, just like Lilith before. All that was left was black blood pooling on the ground.

The moment I confirmed the disappearance so clearly, I couldn’t help but be surprised again.

Should I say I am embarrassed? Or should I say, I am dumbfounded. With one simple punch, Astaroth also disappeared without a trace. Isn’t this an extraordinary force that cannot be explained by simply saying that it has become stronger?

Of course, it doesn’t mean that there is no guess at all.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Kim Soo-hyun (5 years)

2. Class: Arousal Secret, Sovereign Of Sword, Master

3. Nation: Free mercenary

4. Clan: Mercenary (Clan Rank: S Zero)

5. True Name • Nationality: 1. Jeongsang (頂上) 2. Lord of the Sword (君主) 3. Demonic Nature (魔性) • Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Male (29)

7. Height • Weight: 181.5cm • 75.5kg

8. Tendency: Moderation • Chaos

[Strength 111(+14)] [Durability 95(+2)] [Dexterity 103(+2)] [Stamina 105(+6)] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)]

(The remaining ability points are 0 points.)

No matter how many times I check user information, especially strength abilities, it is still too unfamiliar to accept.

Originally, my pure strength ability was 97 points. Here, 2 points with TOPG, 6 points with Surama Spear, and 6 points with Excalibur. The total rose by 14 points, reaching 111 points. I know that just passing the 100-point mark is an area that transcends humans… .

One hundred and eleven points was an ability I had never thought about in my fifteen years as a user. To be honest, it is so powerful that I am afraid of myself.

At that time, I felt a touch touching the top of my head.

“joy. Thank you for watching me. “If I had made a mistake just now, not only that guy but my allies would have died.”

… what? In other words, Hwajeong intervened in the strike just now and adjusted the power to the point where it killed only Astaroth? So how much is it if you use all your power?

“lets think. Just based on simple numbers, that kid is showing enough power to overcome the dimensional law with his luck ability.”

hmm. Was Ansol’s luck ability worth 100 and 50 points?

“The types of abilities are different, but anyway, you have a whopping 111 points. At this point, it’s not enough to overcome the dimensional law. It’s way beyond that level. So these guys… ? hey. “Where is this thing that secretly raises its eyes?”

Just as I was about to pretend to be surprised and look up, the pressure on my temples from Hwajeong became even stronger. it’s a shame.

“I really can’t let my guard down at all. … Anyway, I don’t think you have any idea of ​​the extent of your power yet.”

Then he grabs my head and forces me to look away.

“First of all, what are they going to do?”

The place Hwajeong saw was the middle of the battlefield, which had entered a lull. To be exact, users from the western and southern continents are looking at me with devastated faces.

Do you have anything to ask? In my situation, they are like accomplices. If it weren’t for those guys, things wouldn’t have come to this. I am not some kind of saint, and I have no intention of saving him.

And it might be cleaner for them to die here too. Even if you surrender and save your life, the rest of your life will be miserable.

“good. then… .”

At that moment, a soft and warm energy spread from my wrist to my forearm. Hwajeong must have read my thoughts as she raised my arm and aimed it straight ahead.

Only then was I able to see part of Hwajeong’s body. Even though it was only one arm, the fine lines flowing with clear light somehow exude a feminine charm.

“… Concentrate. Don’t think it’s strange. The basic principle is the same as the mythological powers. All you have to do is put your will into it. I do the rest. “You know what I mean?”

Hwajeong slowly nodded her head as she muttered. Simple words. The biggest characteristic of mythological powers is that the user has a wide range of authority to decide how to activate the power. For example, even if they attack within the same range, you can distinguish between allies and enemies, etc.

“good. That’s all you have to do. as it is. more. Right, right… . Let’s begin.”

At the same time, two streams of fire silently shot out from the fingertips. They each spread out to the left and right, crossing the area like a beam of light, forming a round perimeter. As soon as it started spinning, it seemed like the enemies had finally realized what kind of situation they were in.

The fire rippling like a wave had already surrounded the hall in the form of a ring and was spinning menacingly. It accelerates in the blink of an eye, gradually narrowing the circle. If this continues, every single enemy trapped in that circle of flames will be destroyed.

“ah… !”

Coincidentally, Eldora’s sigh erupted right below, as if she was thinking the same thing. Then, she grabbed my ankles and hung me desperately.

“no! stop! Those people are not guilty of anything! please please… !”

I cried desperately, but it was already too late. The movement of the fire was very calm and quiet compared to the rough rotation. The moment the spinning flames passed by the user who was on the outermost edge, all that remained was a reddish-red mist.

To be more precise, the fire spread throughout the body, melting the body and emitting smoke at the same time, but the series of processes were so fast that it could be considered as occurring almost simultaneously. From one to two, from two to four, from four to sixteen, from sixteen to two hundred and fifty-six… .

“Stop it! Better kill me! “You devil bastard!”

The screams of Eldora and the screams of the enemies strangely combine to create a harmony. But the loud chorus soon stopped. The moment the ring of fire swirled like a whirlpool reached its origin, it disappeared in a burst of sparks.

After a while.

All I could see were my allies looking back at the empty battlefield with bewildered faces. It actually took less than ten seconds to get to this point, but it felt like it took several hours.

“under… .”

I just laugh out loud. Thousands of troops melted and disappeared in an instant. At the same time, I feel like I know a little bit now.

‘Edit the world.’ What does this mean? And why was Uriel so afraid and opposed to my increase in stamina?

Now that Hwajeong is freed from her sins, angels and demons can no longer be her opponent. It would be an understatement to say that this is a scam. Isn’t it so easy that you feel dejected?

… Anyway, the demon army was annihilated by Suna, and most of the great demons were also taken care of. The western and southern continents were also just destroyed.

Now… .


A scream that sounds like a death sentence. I passed by Eldora, who was crying desperately. Even if you leave it alone, death is a foregone conclusion. There was something more important than that now. There was no need to go far, so I stopped walking before reaching twenty steps.

“… … .”

Erwin was lying on the ground just as he had fallen from the platform earlier. The sight of him leisurely looking at the sky while lying on his back looked more like he had already given up on everything rather than being relaxed. As I get closer and look down, two blurry eyes slowly look at me.

At that moment, I wanted to ask how you felt. But I held on and held on tightly to the hilt of the sword, which had already become loose.

“Before I die… .”

At that time, Erwin opened his mouth.

“I want to ask you something.”

Instead of answering, I aimed Excalibur at Erwin’s uvula. Suddenly, it felt like time had stopped. Her heart was pounding a while ago, but her mind was eerily calm. Her lower abdomen seems to tingle.

Finally, the long-awaited time has come. How long have you been picturing this moment? how much.

“well. “I don’t have much to say to you.”

I spoke, but in a very cold voice.

“You’ve been annoying me for so long. … “It was the same this time too.”

“… … ?”

“In the past too.”

“… … !”

The last words were spoken in a low voice so that no one could hear them. Erwin was momentarily startled, and then a strange look crossed her eyes. If it were Satan, he would probably have an inkling. It was consideration in its own way.

“… under.”

Suddenly, Satan crosses his forearms and covers his face. Immediately her shoulders begin to shake.

“Hehe… . Hahaha… .”

A low flowing sound. Since both arms are placed on the face, it is not possible to see the exact expression of the person’s expression. I don’t know if I’m laughing or crying.

“I see… . It was something like that… .”

“What’s so funny?”

“huh? iced coffee… . Actually, I wasn’t very impressed until just now. It’s all over, but it’s so strange. however… .”

“… … .”

“As soon as I heard that, I thought it was a bit too much. Ha ha ha ha ha.”

“… Well, well. “Anyway, the result is the same now as it was then.”

I said that


He continued speaking while raising Excalibur high in the sky.

“Let’s get this over with now. “I’m so sick of it now.”

At that moment, Satan’s continuous laughter stopped. His face was still covered by his arms.

“It’s common for everyone. User Kim Soo-hyun.”

In the end, the last thing I could see was the corners of my mouth turning up into a smirk.

As soon as Erwin finished speaking, I struck down Excalibur. Excalibur, reflecting the dazzling sunlight, sliced ​​through the air and struck down the neck with force.

In my opinion, it was a very neat and cool blow that was suitable for the finale.


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not work with dark mode