MEMORIZE Chapter 962

00962 If You Change, One. ————————————————– ———————-=

Excalibur, which was floating in the air, suddenly emits the same pure white light as before.

“Uh, uh… !”

At the same time, Eldora’s upper body suddenly began to tilt with tremendous force. Excalibur, held in both hands, extends towards me. I felt a strong enough flow that I could tell that it was not intentional, but by someone else’s will. She seemed to be trying hard to pull it in somehow, but in the end, she seemed to be unable to overcome the strength of the sword and lost it from her grasp.

“ah… !”

After a while, Eldora’s face became so distorted that it was indescribable. Because her sword slipped out of her grasp, circled her in the air, and then settled gently in my hand. Unless you ignore reality, you will now know what happened.

『In the golden age, it was absolute goodness symbolizing the encouragement of good and punishment of evil, and in the dark age, it was a ray of brilliant light that brightened the darkness… . The legendary holy sword Excalibur confirmed the corruption of its user, Eldora Cornelius, and he judged himself unfit to use it. Therefore, even though I am reluctant, I would like to use the power of user Kim Soo-hyun to punish the former owner who was tainted by evil.』

is it. Did you know that too?

Buzz buzz… !

I tightly grasped the hilt of Excalibur, which was shedding sad darkness. Eventually, it was a moment when I felt a weight that felt heavy.

『Excalibur recognizes user Kim Soo-hyun as its owner.』

A simple but heavy message comes to mind.

『User Kim Soo-hyun’s titles ‘Jang Sang (頂上)’ and ‘Lord of Swords’ will be linked together.』

『All restrictions on detailed efficacy will be forcibly released. Even if the current conditions are not met, Excalibur’s original power can be brought out with the qualifications acquired by user Kim Soo-hyun.』


『User Kim Soo-hyun’s strength ability increases by 6 points.』

『User Kim Soo-hyun’s physical strength increases by 4 points.』

『User Kim Soo-hyun’s agility ability increases by 2 points.』

『User Kim Soo-hyun’s unique, special, and potential ability ranks increase by 2 levels.』

『From now on, whenever user Kim Soo-hyun swings the sword, a strike accompanied by powerful magical power will be automatically possible.』

『User Kim Soo-hyun’s magic flow increases by 2.5 times.』

The moment when six messages take over your field of vision one after another.

“… … .”

Reality began to quietly change.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Kim Soo-hyun (5 years)

2. Class: Arousal Secret, Sovereign Of Sword, Master

3. Nation: Free mercenary

4. Clan: Mercenary (Clan Rank: S Zero)

5. True Name • Nationality: 1. Jeongsang (頂上) 2. Lord of the Sword (君主) 3. Demonic Nature (魔性) • Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Male (29)

7. Height • Weight: 181.5cm • 75.5kg

8. Tendency: Moderation • Chaos

[Strength 111(+14)] [Durability 95(+2)] [Dexterity 103(+2)] [Stamina 105(+6)] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)]

(The remaining ability points are 0 points.)

1. I had Hwajeong in my heart.

2. The imprint of an ancient shaman has been engraved on the heart. (The magic circuit is greatly stabilized and efficiency is increased.)

3. Not an inch of waste can be found in the body. (The speed at which magical power flows doubles. Output is possible up to 7 times due to the influence of Excalibur (+2.5 times) and Chiuchenwang Armor (+2.5 times). .)

4. ‘Monarch, command.’ Due to the influence, an S Zero level ‘Charisma’ effect occurs at all times.

< Achievements (11) >

< Unique Ability (1/1) >

1. Third Eye (Rank: EX)

< Special Ability (1/1) >

1. Heart Sword (Rank: S Zero)

< Potential (5/5) >

1. King of Hundred Soldiers (Rank: S Zero)

2. Cannot be defeated (Rank: EX)

3. Mind’s eye (Rank: EX)

4. Sword God’s Protection (Rank: EX)

5. Chlorination (Rank: – )

(The remaining ability points are 0 points.)

< Comparison of recent abilities >

1. Before change: [Strength 105(+8)] [Durability 95(+2)] [Dexterity 101] [Stamina 101(+2)] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)](Total: 588 Points)

2. After changes: [Strength 111(+14)] [Durability 95(+2)] [Dexterity 103(+2)] [Stamina 105(+6)] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)]( Total : 600Point)

It was a bit surprising to see the sudden evolution of user information.

Before I could even accept the increased information.


Suddenly my heart started pounding.

Exciting, Exciting!

The heart begins to beat vigorously. I don’t know why I’m suddenly like this, but strangely I don’t feel that bad. Rather, it seems as if the body is exalted for no reason. I felt the hidden power that had been suppressed for a while slowly coming to light. If I stretch like this with all my might, it feels like an enormous amount of energy will explode.

“ha… !”

I put my hand on my chest, which was constantly pounding, as I caught my breath, which was naturally becoming rough. Why is it like this, why is it like this?

… Now that I think about it, I remember hearing it before. Uriel was like that. The moment my physical strength exceeds one hundred and two points, Hwajeong releases the setting and regains her original strength. That power is enough to edit the world called Holplane.

If you think about it, Hwajeong’s first awakening occurred when her stamina reached 90 points. The second awakening was achieved at one hundred points, and the third awakening was achieved at one hundred and one points. And my current physical strength is a whopping 105 points. It is a whopping three points higher than the one hundred and two points that Hwajeong and I so longed for.

Grrrrrrrrr… .

The moment I thought that, the fire that had been fluttering throughout my body suddenly began to rise silently. Then, a sudden feeling as if my heart was being ripped out of the top of my head came over me, and my legs almost gave out. It was an extremely unfamiliar feeling, as if my soul was being sucked out of me.

To be more precise, my heart, which had always been heavy after receiving Hwajeong, suddenly became lighter.

In this way, the magic power is slowly circulated and the body’s balance is restored.

“… joy.”

I could clearly feel it. At some point, the back of my neck became even hotter.

At the same time, Eldora falls to the ground. Me in a daze… . To be precise, it seems that I am not the only one who felt strange as he looked up at me.

no. In fact, most of the battlefield is staring into space in my direction in shock.

… weird. Why is everyone doing this? What’s on top of me? Come to think of it, I think I just heard a soft snoring sound nearby. She seemed quite mature for what Suna did.

It was then.

“They seem like trivial things… . “Anyway, where is Thanatos?”

A voice that was classical yet very weighty softly rang in my ears.

It took some time to realize that the tone was Hwajeong’s. Because he definitely heard it with his ears and not with it ringing in his head like he usually does. Hwajeong’s voice is clear, except for the resonance and the fact that it comes directly from her mouth.

That’s what I thought, but it really made no sense. Hwajeong raised her voice?

Feeling curious, I unconsciously tilted my chin and tried to open my eyes,


I couldn’t possibly achieve that goal. Instead of looking up, it was the flagship for a moment. This is because I suddenly felt an unknown energy suddenly reaching my head. The texture covering both temples was very soft and very warm, like a woman’s hands.

“Oh, no. “Don’t look.”

At that time, a voice that was very shy, unlike the previous voice, passed my ears. Then, they forced my head to look straight ahead. As if he would never allow me to look up.


“Yes? Hwajeong? “I might not be Hwajeong!”


“I told you not to look!”

Just as I was about to raise my eyes again, I heard a sharp cry and the force on both sides of my head became even stronger. Now, for some reason, he seems very confused. I can’t even move like this.

“After a while… . Wow, who wants to see it so suddenly? I’m not even mentally ready yet… .”


“What if I see it again and am disappointed?” .”

“no. What are you talking about earlier… .”

“Si, noisy, noisy, noisy! “Boo, I’m dying of embarrassment, so I’m telling you to just go about your business!”

“Now, wait a minute.”

What does this mean? It seems like everyone here is watching, but I’m not allowed to watch?

That can’t be possible. If my guess is correct, it is highly likely that Hwajeong descended into this world directly with her temporarily increased physical strength. In other words, you can see Hwajeong’s beautiful appearance. I definitely have to see it.

“Ugh… !”

So I tried to force myself to see it, but

“profit… ! Don’t look… !”

The more it happened, the more desperately(?) the pressure exerted by Hwajeong’s hand became stronger. It wasn’t at a level where I could possibly win.

In the end, when I was forced to lower my head by force, I naturally caught sight of Eldora, who was still sitting down. She was looking up with a devastated look on her face, and when I caught a glimpse of her eyes, she flinched and her body trembled. A fear that cannot be hidden spreads like a spider web in two dead black eyes.

Actually, I don’t know what happened. I think I can see exactly what happened in my body only when I look up, but Hwajeong is so vehemently rejecting it.

Well, that’s good. In any case, user information has also evolved. It would be better to finish the task as I was told. End this war as quickly as possible. You can see Hwajeong later.

The moment I thought that, Eldora began to tremble and slowly shake her head.

“no… .”

As soon as he takes a step, he moves his limbs wildly and tries to break away. The speed at which he shook his head also became faster.

“Oh, don’t come! “I told you not to come!”

Are you being hysterical again? Maybe it’s because I was so shocked during the Battle of the East Continent that it doesn’t feel like a new thing anymore.

If you think about it, there are some pitiful aspects. If things had gone as they should have been, he would have found a scabbard in the southern continent and been on a roll. However, he still doesn’t know the truth, was used the entire time, and was eventually abandoned by Excalibur.

“Excalibur? Excalibur! Why are you there? I am your master! But why!”

But one episode is one episode, and this episode is this episode. Originally, Eldora was a user who died once and was resurrected with a piece of Thanatos. Now that her situation is like this, there is only one future left for her.

When he finally got close to the front, his eyes, trembling with fear, instantly widened.

“Si, I hate it! Me, me! I didn’t do anything wrong! As far as… !”

I didn’t do anything wrong.

okay. It’s not wrong.

only… .

I quietly opened my mouth to Eldora, who was speaking gibberish.

“Rather than saying I did something wrong… .”

“there… !”

“It must be wrong.”

“… … !”

I’m not sure if she understood, but Eldora suddenly stopped talking. Then, she slowly opens her mouth as if she is at a loss for words.

“Kim Soohyun.”

At that time, Hwajeong secretly whispered something in my ear,

“… hmm.”

I nodded and lifted Excalibur vertically. And without any hesitation, I pulled down with all my might.


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not work with dark mode