MEMORIZE Chapter 961

00961 If You Change, One. ————————————————– ———————-=

Tap, tap.


When I stood up, the powdered restraint device fell messily. I feel distant. Do I really have to say that it feels like I’m dreaming?

Slowly bend and straighten your arm. It feels like the magic power of the circuit is flowing more powerfully than ever. The freedom regained is quite unfamiliar.



The shouts coming from the front make one thing clear.

My brother is looking at me calmly.

Mercenary Clan members cry and laugh together.

Users from the North Continent cheer with their arms raised.

The souls of heroes waving their hands as if they were happy to see you.

A monster leader glaring at me in the air.

And Gehenna… .

… okay.

I was finally rescued.

At the last moment, Ha Seung-woo disguised himself as Ansol and deceived Satan, which was a trick that I didn’t expect. What was thought to be impossible, my brother and all my colleagues worked together to achieve. I succeeded in defeating all the obstacles of that persistent devil and ultimately rescuing me.

So now it was my turn to live up to expectations.


When you use the chlorine ability, a clear flame burns in your field of vision. I don’t have to worry about my life because I have Gehenna, but that doesn’t mean I activated it blindly.

In the past, when this ability was fully developed, Hwajeong used the expression “gift.” I didn’t know what it meant at first, but after some time, I figured it out.

I don’t control Hwajeong, we just have a contract with each other. Although this has never happened before, it means that Hwajeong may not lend her strength if she wants to.

However, the chlorination ability is different. As long as it is registered in the potential slot in my user information, I can decide whether or not to activate this at my will.

In other words, there is one reason for activating the chlorine ability. The purpose was to bring Hwajeong, who was under some kind of sanction due to the imprint of the Thanatos piece, back to user settings. Now that the magic has returned, it is quite possible.

– Puh-ha! Puhaaa! oh my! Oh my, I’m dying!

Then, as if my thoughts were correct, my heart felt hot and a gurgling voice filled my head. It was truly a voice I missed hearing after a long time.


-Whoa, finally… . huh? Kim Soohyun?


– Kim Soohyun! you… !

For a Hwajeong, this is an enthusiastic response. It is probably clear that Hwajeong also desperately wanted to see me.

– You son of a bitch!

‘okay… . Uh, huh?’

– I’m really dumbfounded. What did you say while you were locked up? what? Why did you unseal Thanatos? Are you saying I’m crazy? Disappointed?

‘Now, wait a minute.’

-Are you stupid? Why did you do that to save me? As long as you stay alive, chances will come! look! Thanks to you, I was rescued like this! But what are you talking about just because you know something?

‘… ‘Were you listening?’

Tweet Tweet Tweet! As if Hwajeong said so, she chirped even louder and more frighteningly. It seems like she has no intention of pouring out all the things she couldn’t say while being forcibly suppressed by the pieces of Thanatos.

In the end, Hwajeong calmed down when she agreed to my advice to take revenge first while the war was still underway.

Suddenly, I started laughing inside. It wasn’t a touching reunion like I expected, but it was better this way. Because it was a normal reaction as usual. Now that I have regained Hwajeong, there is nothing to be afraid of.

But first… .


Han So-young let out a short exclamation as she held the other person’s arm with her left hand and poured the energy of Hwajeong into it. Now that the restraints have been completely burned, I’m sure you’re feeling the same way I did before.

At the same time, he extended his right hand to the side and released the energy of Hwajeong with all his might. The clear flames stretched out in a straight line and hit the back of the old man who was slowly moving away. And in an instant, his whole body is engulfed in fire.


Holding back from screaming is commendable, but that’s it. From the moment he activated his flaming ability, he was no match for Melinus or even Belial.

Eventually, when Melinus was reduced to a handful of ashes without even making a sound, I suddenly felt a blank look in his eyes. An Hyun and Jin Su-hyeon, who were lying around, were looking at me with devastated faces. I smiled slightly and waved. It was a sign of gratitude rather than welcome.

After a while.

“brother… .”

“older brother… .”

They both opened their eyes at the same time, hugged each other, and began to cry. do not do that. The shame is mine.

“uh? what. “Have you already got it?”

At that time, a low-pitched voice flowed over my head. When I glance up, I see that it is indeed different. Suna was floating in the air, looking down at me. One of her eyes is slightly raised, as if she doesn’t like something.

“I am indeed. I came back after cleaning… .”

Am I mistaken if I say the tone is a bit regretful? Now that I think about it, the demon army that was densely filling the air has completely disappeared. It is obvious even without looking who did it. I wonder whose daughter she is so good at cleaning.


Suna’s mouth opens wide as she gently spreads her arms to mean “come here.” The next moment is when they smile brightly and spread their arms in the same way.

“Bappa… . Oops!”

Suddenly, he looks stern and solemn. The two arms that had stopped were momentarily crossed. To be honest, I can’t say it’s natural.

“W-what are you doing? I’m looking at everyone, but I’m acting like a man. “That’s outrageous!”

You’re just showing off your nerves to hide your embarrassment.

But since it wasn’t wrong, I moved my gaze forward again. The joy of reunion will be enough to share later.

Thinking like that, I took a step forward and touched the top of the head of the woman wandering next to me.

“ah… .”

Ansol, who had been hesitant, shrugged his shoulders in shock. No, now I’m not even sure if it’s really Ansol. They say it’s the same now as before… .

‘user… .’

‘… Kim Soohyun!’

Eyes with a light green glow. The fluttering wings on his back. Above all, he called me Kim Soo-hyun, the user, not my brother. Ansol was clearly not Ansol when he saved me, but was clearly a Seraph.

I have no idea what happened.

“Let’s talk later.”

Lee Chae flashed across Ansol’s eyes. After nodding my head carefully, I finally jumped down from the stage.


Perhaps because it is so high, the sound of it landing on the ground is huge. But since my strength has returned, this is easy. With all eyes on the battlefield, I walked slowly through the clouds of mud and smoke.

In fact, it is safe to say that the war itself is already over. From the moment Suna appeared, the enemy’s morale dropped sharply, and from the moment I was released, they completely lost their will to fight.

After all, the demon army that was in charge of one axis of the military force was wiped out, so if you have eyes, you probably know that there is no chance of victory. Even if you just watch, victory is a foregone conclusion.

Nevertheless, I must go. I’m sick of it now. To be more precise, both the devil and I have been bothering each other for too long. So I have to cut it off with my own hands. Fifteen years of bad relations that have continued since the first episode.

“Kim Soo-hyung!”

As soon as I could think that, someone came rushing towards me like a gale. Unexpectedly, the person who still had the will to fight was neither Thanatos nor the devil. The woman running towards her, spreading dark energy throughout her body, was none other than El Dora.

“Well done Melinasruuuuu!”

Oh, is it because of killing Belial on the podium?

Suddenly, I felt pitiful. Even though Eldora has reached this point, she knows nothing. Let alone why this war broke out, and even the fact that my comrade was eaten by the devil a long time ago. At this point, I felt like I just wanted to tell the truth.

I was thinking about drawing my sword and responding, but for a moment I decided to stand quietly and wait.


“I’m dying, uh… ?”

Because Eldora’s body, which was close to the vicinity, suddenly stopped. To be precise, the Excalibur she had swung stopped right in front of her nose.

“Eh, Excalibur… ?”

Of course, it is difficult to say that Eldora stopped of its own volition. She struggles to move her arms with a look on her face that says she doesn’t understand, but her sword doesn’t move as if it’s stuck in the air. To put it as it appears, Excalibur refused to be swayed from Eldora’s hands. Eldora’s eyes open as big as a flower lantern.

“Excalibur? Excalibur! why? why… !”

That was the case with Eldora, who came to me when I was imprisoned in the Temple of Promise. What did he do to Excalibur? Why doesn’t she recognize her as her master anymore? Then she eventually realized that there was something wrong with her.

It was as he said. At the time I could only guess… . Now that my entire body’s senses have gone beyond their limits due to my salting ability, I can feel Karl’s emotions more clearly.

Perhaps when I thought Eldora was dead, Excalibur probably knew through intuition that its owner was alive. In fact, didn’t Eldora succeed in her resurrection by accepting a piece of Thanatos?

So at that time, Excalibur did not recognize me as its owner. From Karl’s perspective, I was a robber who took something by force, and I would still have feelings for my master.

However, now that he was reunited with the master he had longed for after enduring all kinds of insults, Excalibur was very sad. Eldora won’t understand why.

Thanatos is a god who represents evil tendencies, enough to have the evil ancient evil god as his subordinate. If you have conflicting characteristics like me, you might not know. Since one piece was accepted as a whole, it is not at all unreasonable for one’s inclinations to change.

In other words, Eldora lost the right to become the owner of Excalibur from the moment she was revived by the power of Thanatos.


Now that I have personally seen the corruption of Eldora, wouldn’t I have at least one chance?


Eldora cried out as if she was screaming and glared at me with eyes filled with hatred.

I’m not sure if it will work or not. But she slowly, lazily stretched out her hand. Whoosh, whoosh, a faint blackness passed by my ears.



“Now I am your master.”

It was the moment when I quietly opened my mouth.


『The title effect of the top is activated.』

Suddenly, a message is output.


Excalibur’s sword body gave off a brilliant light.


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not work with dark mode