Memorize Chapter 96

00096 Can you follow me? ————————————————– ———————-=

When I opened the door, I saw strange smoke coming from inside. At the same time, a low cry enters my ears.

“Drurrrrr… .”

The voice was pouring out a malice that could not be hidden.

After taking a step inside, my companions and I forgot what to say as we saw the wide square that caught our eyes. No, I didn’t forget what I said because of the size of the square. Even if we combine the four rooms we’ve had so far on the first floor, it might not be enough to fit the size of the room we’re standing in now. The problem was the presence of a monster with its back straight that filled the room.

A huge body that barely touches the high ceiling. The upper body had a human shape. At first glance, it was covered with strong muscles, but its skin revealed the hardness of steel rather than soft human skin. And when you look down at the lower body, you can see not two human legs, but a long torso united as one.

The upper body of a human and the lower body of a snake.

“giant… ? no. That can’t be happening. Why is a mythical animal on the hole plane… .”

I quickly activated my third eye. Eventually, I was shocked when I read the information about the monster in front of me. What on earth did the residents of Hall Plain do in the past? No, before that, the fact that this guy was still around meant that he wasn’t good enough to be sacrificed. If a monster of this size is not suitable as a sacrifice, then what kind of demon is on the third floor?

“mi… friend.”

“giant… .”

The group also looked up at the Gigas in front of them with shocked expressions on their faces. We were facing each other like that for a while, and then I saw the corners of Gigas’ mouth turn up slightly. The guy was laughing at us. And at that moment, I felt a spark in my eyes. How dare you, a mere monster, laugh at me?

In a fit of rage, I fired a thick, murderous bullet and saw Gigas take a step back. I chewed my lip and quickly opened my mouth, looking at the people behind me.

“Vivien. “Keeper.”

“What, what?”

Vivien opens her eyes and asks a question. It was the same for the other party members. It is not reasonable to assign Vivien, who performed the most among his group as a keeper, against a monster that appears to be strong at first glance.

The Keeper literally leaves the basic battle and takes on the role of protecting the party’s priests or wizards. Of course, while I was with the kids, I often served as a keeper, and I participated in battles when I had to maintain a defense line, but originally, that was the role of a keeper in large-scale expeditions. Of course, as a wizard, long-distance support is possible, but it was strange to put a wizard as a keeper in the first place.

“The guy in front of you looks like Gigas on the outside, but in the end, it’s just an experiment created. It’s a collaboration between a giant and a basilisk. No matter how powerful it is, it was created by humans, so humans can handle it. “Don’t forget that the one in front of you is less powerful than 100 other sacrifices.”

“Well, still… .”

I saw some people stuttering, but I firmly conveyed my opinion. To be honest, since it is a properly grown giant, a single Basilisk is very powerful. I couldn’t even dare to judge how much power the two would show together. Although I’ve dealt with them separately, it was my first time dealing with a combined enemy. In that case, I had no choice but to make the best choice I could.

“As the blood of giants flows, I think it would be better for wizards and priests to take a step back from direct combat. Please provide support only occasionally with auxiliary magic. Hyeon Ahn, Jeong Yoo. This time it’s a freeroll. I’ll run to the front first, so you guys will be in charge of supporting the attack behind me. Make evasion your top priority and focus on distracting him. “Other than that, try your best to assist.”

I cut off the hesitation of my companions and continued speaking. The children’s faces turned white when they heard the words “autonomous battle.” As I turned around, I heard Jeong Ha-yeon’s urgent voice behind me.

“Soohyun! It would be better to form a defense team… .”

“This is better than dustproofing.”


“There is no time to explain further. “What I said was better.”

“Drurrrrr… .”

As soon as I finished speaking, Gigas finally moved. The body of a huge snake wriggles and then slithers towards us. There is no time. But even in the meantime, Ha-yeon Jeong was thinking over what I said.

Maybe she would understand what I said. Now, responding to Gigas with a phalanx will only be effective when our caravan’s composition is fully formed and the number exceeds twice that. If we were to deploy a phalanx in our current state and composition, it could only be seen as a clumsy response.

Of course, what I said is not without problems. But the point was simple. In other words, if I completely block Gigas alone from the front, all problems will be solved. I guess I realized it in time to see Jeong Ha-yeon’s eyes light up. When I finally saw a look of concern on her face, I started running forward.

The kids who were hesitant also came running behind me as I ran forward. I was so scared that I was going to be disappointed if he didn’t come running to me, but I guess I couldn’t just leave him alone since he was my older brother. I smiled slightly and accelerated my running speed even further.

The distance between Gigas and me gradually decreased, and I saw him raise his right hand as hard as he could. Are you going to take me down like that? In response, I also raised my sword to the upper level. I was planning on killing my energy in the first clash.

At that moment, a message floated into the air.

『Potential ability close combat (Rank: A Plus) is activated. Hand-to-hand combat is an ability that is already beyond the limit for those who use melee weapons. Rank judgment: A+. It can be said that he has achieved not just simple combat ability, but the highest level of elevation that a human can attain. When it comes to close combat, you will never be pushed back.』


Jeong Ha-yeon stared ahead with a stern face. The conversation she had just had with Kim Soo-hyun kept coming back to her mind.

‘Soo-hyeon! It would be better to form a defense team… .’

‘This is better than dustproofing.’


‘There is no time to explain further. What I said was better.’

Hayeon chewed her lips. He is not that reckless. Although he did not act together for very long, his commanding skills were unrivaled. Although he doesn’t have great sense, he always responds calmly and logically. Even veterans who have been playing in the hall plane for several years will not be able to conduct to that level of maturity.

For the first time, he did something incomprehensible. No, I understand. And I could roughly guess what he was aiming for. I remember what Kim Soo-hyun said. I think it would be better to take a step back from the battle. Although I said that, Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes when I last met him said so.

‘If you are confident that it will not interfere with the battle, try your best.’

“If it doesn’t work, you’re telling me to stay still because it’ll be a distraction… .”

The moment Hayeon muttered in a bitter tone, a sharp scream erupted from next to her.

“Aaaah! brother! Oppa! “No way!”

Startled by the scream, I raised my head and saw the monster called Gigas and the user Kim Soo-hyun about to clash head-on in front of me. Hayeon unconsciously lifted her hand and covered his mouth. He thought there must be some other way, but it couldn’t be like that… .


Before those thoughts were even over. The distance between the two was completely reduced, and the moment they collided with each other, a loud noise shook the room.

“Uh, hurry up and cast a healing spell!”

“You’re doing it! Sisters and brothers, don’t just sit still, quickly go and help… ?”

Ansol, who used to yell loudly, contrary to his usual calm image, ended up blurting out his words. At the same time, her lips gradually spread apart. Everyone turned their heads to follow her gaze, which turned into blank eyes. And the moment the group’s eyes landed on the scene of the clash just now, they all let out the same sigh at the sight that followed.

“word… “It’s not even possible.”

A literally unbelievable sight caught their eyes. In the clash between user Kim Soo-hyun and Gigas, user Kim Soo-hyun clearly had the upper hand. With just one collision, Gigas fell back significantly.

While everyone was looking at the scene with disbelief, only Vivian was quietly chanting a spell. She was not as surprised as her companions, as she had seen part of Su-hyeon’s true appearance before. Of course she didn’t know it would be like this. Vivian, who had completed her spell, opened her mouth in a sonorous voice, as she was already ready to go as she had decided to stay together.

“come! Imprisson! “O iron redeemer who rules the 49th Legion!”

When Vivien’s voice was heard, Shin Sang-yong, An Sol, and Jeong Ha-yeon who were around raised their heads as if they had suddenly come to their senses. In this way, Vivien is the keeper, but at the same time, she protects Su-hyeon. As Hayeon watched a demonic beast she had seen yesterday rise above the magic circle and shoot out chains at Vivien’s command, Hayeon decided that she would participate in the battle as well. The thought that she couldn’t just suck her fingers like this dominated her mind.

‘The question is what kind of magic to use… .’

Numerous spells came up in Hayeon’s head, and then came down again. And among the spells that came up, only one did not go down and remained in her head. Hayeon checked the faces of Shin Sang-yong and Ansol once. Her eyes were gradually turning gloomy.

“Miss Ansol.”

“yes yes?”

“Prepare the binding spell. And Shin Sang-yong.”

Hayeon’s voice was low, as if she would not tolerate any other words, but it contained an undeniable power. When I immediately called out Shin Sang-yong, he immediately nodded.


“I will prepare for that. Please.”

“If that’s the case… .”

Shin Sang-yong stared at Jeong Ha-yeon with a blank face. He said between himself and her, “That.” When I said that, there was only one thing that came to mind. He is uncertain whether magic will work on giants, but since Hayeon is at a much higher level than him when it comes to magic application, he must have something in mind. He answered with a determined face.

“… All right. “Then what type of magic is compatible?”

“Please make it chloride series. “I will memorize the water series and overlap.”

The conversation between the two continued at a fast pace. Ansol couldn’t follow the conversation and was just shaking her head. He looks like he doesn’t know what to do. Hayeon’s frustrated feelings welled up, but she barely suppressed them and opened her mouth.

“I will also do the targeting. “Miss Sol, just complete the binding spell and fire at the signal.”

“Wow, three magic applications? However, that is unreasonable.”

“I could. “But just in case, do your best.”

Hayeon paused for a moment and turned her gaze forward. The chain sent by Vivien was seen wrapping around the right arm that was about to attack. Although the giant’s resistance did not completely restrain him, it was still enough to buy him some time. And, taking advantage of that opportunity, the user Kim Soo-hyun was seen rolling strongly on the ground, rising to his feet, and then rising into the air and swinging his sword.

The brilliant sword energy rising from the sword, visible from afar, bends brilliantly. The sword energy, which was curved like a whip, struck the strong body of Gigas. Gigas kept retreating backwards, screaming in pain. That monster was being pushed back in close combat with the current user Kim Soo-hyun. Hayeon’s uvula moved when she saw that.

“Please target the left arm. It creates a gap for a moment. “I will restrain both your arms.”

“yes… .”


After answering, Shin Sang-yong closed his eyes and began to recite the spell. Ansol also seemed to sense something unusual about her, so she quietly lifted her wand and pecked at her mouth. Hayeon, who checked those appearances one by one, also began casting with a little time lag. Although she was the last to start casting spells, she was confident that she would be the first to memorize them.

“───. Teeth Of Crystal!”

“───. Burn Flare!”

Hayeon completed one order in an instant. After waiting for a while, I was able to see Shin Sang-yong and An Sol completing their orders one after another. Before we knew it, Hayeon’s hands were floating with cold ice, and Shin Sang-yong’s hands were floating with flaming fireballs that seemed to melt. The two looked at each other and nodded once at the same time.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

ah. Today, I finished episode 96 a little early, but I felt a little sick and ended up lying down. When I wake up, 4 hours have already passed. I sit in front of the computer again to revise and review, but why do I feel so unfair? Sleep is my enemy, my enemy. ha ha ha. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this episode. 🙂


1. Miwolya: Haha. I think I remember seeing Miwolya a few times as well. Anyway, congratulations on first place.

2. Human life: Oh my. I hope you get better soon. Don’t overwork yourself and take good care of yourself. Fighting. 🙂

3. MT Bear: Huh. How cute is the bear! One of my wishes is to sleep on the soft fur of Mama Bear or Papa Bear, or to sleep while hugging Baby Bear. The bear is so cute, really. ^0^

4. Toranoanal: Wow. okay. I’m still having fun reading it. ;blanket; I was shocked when I first saw the mercenary. It really made me read each line carefully. I am also currently waiting. 🙂

5. Purple: Ah. By settings, are you talking about children’s information? I’ll do a major update once I’m done exploring the lab! (That’s when my abilities increase)

6. zjekfksqlc: Hmm. great. It’s a shame that Hanbyul came in second place. Hehehe. It feels like Sol is being tormented so much… Hmm. Oh, no.

7. Cute Bear: That’s right! Why bear! Gomdolgomdol!

8. Peres: Yes. Only for Kim Soo-hyun, duplicate jobs are recognized. but. At the time, there were no users who were swordsman experts as their profession, and Kim Soo-hyun chose swordsmanship expert. At that moment, there is no possibility of a swordsman expert coming out of the hall plane. Activating the list using a perk literally shows all existing jobs, but results in the same setting where duplication is not possible after selection. but. There are also very rare cases, like Vivien’s case. ha ha ha.

9. Repil: ㄲㄲ That’s right. But I’m a little worried that Sol is going to do something after the lab is over. Readers who like Sol will not have a mental breakdown after seeing that. -_-a

10. Office2Lub19: NO. ah. Heaven. I exploded. 🙂 It appears at the beginning and is called the Summoning Room.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode