MEMORIZE Chapter 955

00955 If You Change, One. ————————————————– ———————-=

this… .

What happened?

The area, which had been so serene as to be desolate, suddenly turned into a battlefield.

My face is hot. As the fierce fire whirlwinds sweep past, the screams of the enemies fill my ears. After that, various spirits attack like a tidal wave, and the fairies continue to fire arcade shots.

At the same time, the former Northern Continent camp opened its ranks and attacked head-on, so the Southern Continent camp naturally collapsed. No matter how strong Eldora is, there is nothing he can do about a continuous attack that goes on so perfectly.

There is nothing more to see in the air. The passing of the heroes of the Dragon’s Sleeping Mountains and the Monster Army was almost perfect, and even at this very moment, the corpses of the demons were falling into the rainwater. From the very beginning, when magic was not used and hand-to-hand combat was allowed, the game was decided.

I keep closing and opening my eyes, but the scene before my eyes doesn’t change at all. A war that was thought to be unwinnable took a turn in an instant. Actually, I still can’t believe it, but no matter how many times I see it, it’s still the same. The Northern Continent Allied Forces formed against the devil camp push their opponents with a furious force.


“… … !”

Finally my brother started to move. no. Not only his brother, but all 4,000 people fell to the left wing at the same time, and Vivian suddenly took the lead. Next, he was caught raising the Ordo of Order high in the sky and shouting loudly. They’re probably trying to summon the Third Legion.

Then, as if my guess was correct, a dark fog suddenly spread, and soon dozens of death knights came out through the smoke. Behemoth’s army, each of whom is a horseman, exerts its greatest power on flat ground. Is there a more suitable choice than this to clear a straight path to the platform?

When they first arrived, the troops looked extremely shabby. However, now that the situation of the war has completely changed, the 4,000 people attacking from the left have become even more threatening. Just an hour ago, I thought it was all over. The reality that was thought to be impossible began to change little by little.

The moment my thoughts reached that point, I finally realized that I was giving strength to my whole body. A shiver passed through my entire body. The blood flowing through my veins seems to be boiling. I want to jump off the stage right now, I want to fight together, but I can’t. Even if you apply even more force, the restraint device remains steadfast. No matter how much you use it, it won’t break.

It was then.


Suddenly, I heard the sound of people laughing excitedly right next to me. As I unconsciously turned to the side, I saw Thanatos sitting on the edge of the podium, struggling to get up. At that moment, my breath suddenly stopped and I got goosebumps. The boiling blood subsides for an instant.

Now that I think about it, I forgot about it at some point. The final weapon of the devil camp that can turn this war situation around again.

“Ah really. “This reminds me of the old days.”

After saying that, Thanatos began to leisurely look around the battlefield. Would I be mistaken if I felt that it looked like a wild beast smiling contentedly at its prey spread out all over the place?

no. It’s not an illusion. With the seal lifted, Thanatos recovered his power to an incomparable degree. If my guess is correct, at least a third of the Gehenna that appeared before Atlanta? Additionally, it should be kept in mind that the range of powers that can be used has increased.

Above all, I couldn’t block it properly last time when my energy was extremely weak, so it was clear what would happen if I entered the battlefield like this.

What if we could gather all our forces into one? In a situation like this where you are dealing with each other separately, it is easy for them to be defeated individually. To put it bluntly, it is safe to say that there are very few beings who can take Thanatos’ full-strength blow.

But you can’t just ignore other enemies just because you’re dealing with Thanatos… .

In other words, a dilemma.

“Hmm~. “It seems like almost the whole place is dangerous.”

Thanatos trailed off as if to make me listen, then stretched out his index finger and pointed to the battlefield. Then he begins to hum and point to each place with his index finger.


At first it pointed into the air,


He went down to the former Northern Continent user camp below,

“Shall we go?”

Suddenly it turned to the fairy camp. The tip of the index finger was pointing precisely at Mar, who had transformed into a god. Eventually, I saw the little girl glancing at me and smiling brightly, and I really wanted to grab those fingers and break them.

“… yo. this?”

Then, suddenly, my index finger swung to the right.

Next moment,

“Okay, I’ve decided!”

Thanatos crouched down as if he couldn’t take it anymore, and then jumped up from the stage. By the time he came to his senses, he was already darting below him and pulling his right hand behind his shoulder. In the direction it was flying, there was Vivian riding on the back of the Behemoth.

Before I could even think about it, the distance narrowed in an instant. Thanatos laughed and thrust his fist like a poisonous snake towards Vivian, who was close by. Then, the dark energy gathered together, shook, and exploded towards Vivien, who turned her head in surprise. A chill runs up my spine.


The moment I reflexively got up, I suddenly felt a strong impact on the back of my head and felt like I was falling over. My vision turns white and my chin hits the podium forcefully. I was out of breath, but somehow managed to struggle to stand up. But the more she did it, the more pressure pressed down on her shoulders and back.

Such a moment.


Suddenly a terrifying roar pierced my ears,

“ah… .”

I could see clearly.

Vivien flies through the air, spraying a fountain of blood like a parabola.


Why are you flying?

Why am I falling to the ground helplessly?

What is that huge amount of blood?

Why can’t I wake up?

Wake up quickly… !

That moment,


For some reason, I felt like I couldn’t bear it and ended up hitting my head on the podium.


– this… .

Behemoth, which was racing through the battlefield, let out a bitter voice and clashed its teeth. The long sword he was holding in one hand was broken in half, and the top half of his armor was also broken, making it difficult to see it as normal. And in front of him, Thanatos is patting his hand, and when his eyes meet, he smiles.

“That’s stupid. So who wants to ride with a summoner and have fun? “It will just stay quietly in the back.”

– I thought so too, but you insisted on getting on it. Actually, I was confident that I would be able to block it in most cases. Someone made a surprise surprise attack.

As Behemoth sarcastically responded, Thanatos shrugged his shoulders.

“I’m playing. Anyway, I’m thankful. You can deal with those annoying guys all at once like this. “It’s much easier to kill a summoner than it is to kill you.”

– … Have you gained a lot of energy since then? I didn’t even know you existed before.

“Oh, then? Don’t be mistaken. Because I didn’t give it my all at the time. Well, it’s true that I’m dozens of times stronger than I was then.”

– … … .

Thanatos shrugged his shoulders and waved his hands as if he was annoyed.

“Anyway, just shut up. “Don’t even think about crawling out any further.”

– Yes, yes. Would you like to learn? We’ll see. I’ll tell you everything.

“huh? To whom? Could it be Gehenna?”

– Is it just the corps commander? I guess Mr. Permanent Snow woke up not too long ago… . ah! I think the king will be very angry when he hears this news.

Thanatos bent his back and laughed.

“I am indeed. Do whatever you feel like. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to get out before then.”

He then looked darkly at the Third Legion as it slowly disappeared, and then kicked Vivian’s corpse lying around below. This is because I feel dirty when the name of Gehenna comes up.


“Now~. Then the next target is… .”

Unfortunately, I couldn’t hear or see it because I immediately turned around. There was no sound of Vivien’s body falling to the ground. To be more precise, a man managed to get it.

“… “S, Master.”

A man with a slight stutter carefully placed the woman he had picked up in his arms on the floor. There was already a hole near her heart, so Vivien was not moving at all. There was just a huge amount of blood flowing out.

There was a sad look on the man’s face as he looked down, but only for a moment. Soon her slowly outstretched hand touches the Orderly Ordo, which is still tightly clenched.

Buzz buzz buzz!

The Ordo of Order vibrates violently. It continues to spread brilliant light in all directions, as if it can’t believe its owner’s death. However, as if he knew what she was thinking, her man opened her mouth in a soft voice.

“Uh, we… . Long time no see? ha ha ha.”

Buzz buzz buzz!

“Yeah, that’s right. I know. Don’t worry too much though.”

Hum… ?

The man who spoke up to that point was,


Suddenly, my voice gained strength.

“Well, the opponent’s power is much stronger than I heard. If things continue like this, the main base will be caught without a move. If that happens, the plan goes awry. Even if it’s just a little bit, I have to take my time.”

“It’s okay if you don’t recognize me as your lord or master. Please lend me your strength, even if just for a moment.”

Then something strange happened. It is unclear whether the man’s earnestness reached him, but the constant vibrating sound suddenly stopped and his clenched hand loosened.

After a while, the man grabbed the Orderly’s Ordo with force and straightened his back, letting out a long breath. She adjusted her sun-reflecting glasses and aimed at Thanatos’ back in the distance. And she quietly opened her mouth.

“… come!”


Meanwhile, at the same time.

“We have confirmed the death of Vivien La Clacidus!”

There was some untimely shouting going on in the summoning room.

Seraph chewed her lips while watching the video. He looks the same no matter how many times I turn around. Thanatos’ surprise attack was certainly great, but being able to break through Behemoth’s defenses and kill Vivien instantly was incredibly surprising.

In the end, there is only one situation I can think of. It is said that Thanatos has recovered his strength to the extent that this is possible.

Of course, it wasn’t good news at all. Only then will there inevitably be a setback in the plan to use the two demonic summoners to momentarily occupy the podium and at the same time bring down Kim Soo-hyun.

“So, what are you going to do? “I did die earlier than expected.”

Seraph came to his senses at first glance at the soft voice he heard at that time. About five meters in front of the altar, Lee Hyo-eul was staring at the video with a slightly flushed face.


“Vivian, this is Clacidus.”

I don’t know what she was doing, but Seraph called my name again in a clear voice.

“good. then… .”

Lee Hyo-eul nodded immediately.

“User Lee Hyo-eul is in the capacity of agent who has taken over the GP usage rights of 24,57 users on the North Continent.”

And then he spoke quietly.

“I request the resurrection wish of resident Vivien La Clacidus.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

『Insert GP!』

– Continue?

10… .

9… .

8… .

7… .


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not work with dark mode