MEMORIZE Chapter 953

00953 If You Change, One. ————————————————– ———————-=

Meanwhile, at the same time.

The fairy camp was located on the right side of the Temple of Promise. Under Erwin’s command, they were preparing to attack the enemy’s flank as soon as the messenger arrived. In fact, the fairy elder was calmly waiting for an opportunity until the Sword of Oath was activated.

But, how did this happen?


The situation in the fairy camp changed completely before and after the activation of the Sword of Oath.

“Well, that person… ?”

“Nonsense… .”

The tense atmosphere due to war clouds quickly became noisy. The fairies’ eyes were all focused on one place, and their faces showed a clear look of disbelief. One fairy even flopped down on the ground and opened her mouth blankly.

“… … !”

The same goes for the elder who comes running in surprise. As soon as they saw the fairy staring at them from about ten meters away, their movements stopped and they froze like ice.

“this… . what… ?”

Not only was I devastated, but even my voice was shaking. Her knees buckled for a moment, but she barely managed to fall.

The elder could feel it clearly as he had lived for a long time. Margarita’s energy was more noble than any other fairy. They realized that the person in front of them was the former fairy queen they had been searching for so long.

“no… .”


“This can’t be happening…” . Apparently Nimue is being held captive… .”

It’s just that I can’t accept the reality of the situation that happened so suddenly.


At that moment, the sound of clicking one’s tongue as if feeling pathetic sharply pierced the elder’s ears and made the elder flinch without even realizing it.

Eventually, Mar took a step forward while glaring fearfully, and all the fairies took a step back at the same time. One by one, fairies appeared, shaking like aspen trees. The energy radiating from the other person felt familiar, but it was also pressing hard, as if it was pressing down on her entire body. It feels like I need to put my head down and start crawling.

This is due to the original nature of the fairy race.

To fairies, the queen is an object of unconditional reverence, revered and feared from birth. And Mar is no longer an innocent child. After going through the rite of passage of the Thorn Crown, she was recognized as the undisputed queen of the fairies. Above all, the thornwood coffin now placed on Mar’s head was the clearest evidence.

“Do you understand the desire to find the queen? . Who would have thought that even the eyes of the truth would have been obscured while hanging on for over hundreds of years. “I heard a little about it from Nimue, but seeing it with my own eyes makes me feel really sad.”

The meeting took place after much hardship, but Mar’s voice was extremely cold.

No matter how much they are of the same race and are in a position to lead in the future, there is no way they would look good in Mar’s eyes. This is because the fairies also greatly contributed to the capture of my father, whom I never stopped loving.

“No, no! Erwin did the same, and I also checked it several times! clearly… !”

The elder, who had been speaking hurriedly, suddenly looks puzzled. Because he didn’t understand why he was making desperate excuses. In other words, I am seeing it right in front of my nose, but I have to say that my doubts are not gone yet.

“I can’t believe it. is it so. Maybe you took the Crown of Thorns by force… .”

Even though he knew it made no sense, the elder shook his head like crazy and did his best to deny it. In a way, it is natural.

Not a year or ten years. It’s over eight hundred years. However, if the queen who has been looking for so long suddenly appears in a place like this, who will say, ‘Ah? I see.’ And can I believe it right away?

However, from the very first meeting, they were completely at odds. After the end of the last war, Marr, who found out that her compatriots were enemies and felt an inexplicable sense of guilt, did not consider such circumstances at all. She felt like she wanted to completely destroy her, even though she was the queen.

“It’s really pathetic. “They think at that level and don’t even know that they are being used.”

At the end of the day, a rare bit of harsh language came out. Then, as a deep look of disappointment appeared in his eyes, the elder suddenly felt his heart sink.

“Now, wait a minute! Please listen to me for a moment!”

The elder came to his senses late, but

“no. I won’t listen anymore. You are currently… .”

Mar closed his eyes as if there was nothing more to see.

“They are not even qualified to serve the queen.”

Then, he suddenly stretches his right arm towards the sky.

“Godhead, Absolute One of Luminous.”


At that moment, a huge light suddenly shined from the sky and brightened the place where Mar was standing.


As soon as he spoke again, a dazzling cluster of light spiraled around Marr’s entire body, creating a small vortex.

Soon, the swirling vortex of light was sucked into Mar’s body at an incredible speed, and Mar’s appearance gradually began to change accordingly. His face, arms, body, and legs all turn white, while his entire body begins to grow at an exponential rate.

At the sight of Mar, who was growing into a giant, or even bigger than that, not only the fairies, but all the eyes of the battlefield, who had been flocking to the Sword of Oath, went up to the sky.

“ah… . iced coffee… .”

The elder just fell into a dazed state in front of the being that had suddenly grown to over ten meters tall, and then let his shoulders droop helplessly.

Not only the elders, but most of the long-lived fairies reacted similarly. That’s because I was reminded of someone’s appearance as I watched the cluster of lights slowly taking on their proper shape.

How could you not know that look?

Luminous, the spirit god of light and darkness.

And integration with the luminous.

Long ago, only the first queen, who was praised as the best of all time, was able to do this. However, she was unable to overcome her erosion on her own and ended up sealing it away.

A passage from a record that was passed down only as a legend has now been reproduced here.


Finally, the elder cried out desperately and fell to his knees. Starting from that moment, all the fairies who were looking up in confusion knelt down and bowed their heads.

The sight of the birth of a new queen, the descent of a god, and the worship of fairies is so beautiful and majestic that it can be considered a spectacular sight.

at that time.


Suddenly, as powerful magical power flowed through the heavens and earth, the elder who was looking at the ground trembled in fear. Marr is clearly ‘unworthy of serving a queen.’ He said. In other words, it is clear even without looking who that energy is directed at.

“Queen! “We were wrong!”

Eventually, the elder began to shout at the top of his lungs and beg for forgiveness. Now that he had confirmed the reappearance of Luminous, he had no choice but to believe it even if he did not want to believe it.

“Please, please take away your anger!”

Despite this, there is no reply from Mar. On the contrary, as his energy grew even greater, he even shouted while banging his forehead.

“It’s all my fault! I led the race wrongly and brought the situation to this point! The only sin children have is following me, so please… !”

However, before he could finish speaking, the elder felt the hairs on his entire body stand on end. Then, as a brilliant light that even obscured the surrounding scenery was unknowingly cast, the elder closed his eyes tightly without even thinking about saying anything more. It’s because they thought it was all over now.

I have finally met the queen, but because of a moment of mistake, my dream of 800 years has gone to waste.

The moment I thought that,

-My father… .

Suddenly, a loud voice rings softly in my ears.

“… ah?”

The elder let out a puzzled sigh.

I thought I was going to be swallowed up by the light and die. On the contrary, something like her mother’s hand was caressing her entire body warmly.

– When someone makes a mistake, you are always the first to take the lead and resolve the matter. Anger or punishment always came next.

The fairies slowly opened their eyes at the sound of the following voice, and for a moment they were startled and let out an exclamation. This is because, without exception, each person had a soft color flowing throughout their entire body.

Of course, not only the appearance has changed.

The next moment, for some reason, the fairies began to flutter their eyes, even though their faces were dumbfounded.

– Do you want a chance to correct your mistakes?

It was then.


In a split second, the fairies’ eyes, which were stained with fear, emit vivid colors.

It was around that time that Erwin arrived, having heard that the fairy’s behavior was strange.

– Then, raise your head.

All that can be heard is the voice of God who has descended on the world.

It was strange.

The area, which was a bit chaotic to a point, became so quiet that it took my breath away just by looking at it for a moment. There is a heavy atmosphere that even feels bizarre.

– Stand up and face the truth with eyes that seek the truth.

However, Erwin felt it almost instinctively.

Even if something goes wrong, it goes wrong.

– And realize.

The next moment, all the fairies stood up one by one, as if possessed by something. Then he turns his body and gazes at the other person with brightly shining eyes.

Finally, the moment when I come face to face with thousands of pairs of eyes that feel an unexpected heaviness.

“… … !”

Erwin, who did not lose his senses even when the mythical inhabitants appeared, experienced the phenomenon of his mind turning white for the first time in his life. What would happen if you hit him on the back of the head dozens of times with a hard hammer? For Satan, who had no idea that the Fairy Queen had appeared, this was a situation he could never have dreamed of.

If he had at least known, he would have prepared a plan in advance.

During the Battle of the East Continent, Mar’s existence, which Ansol had worked hard to hide, finally came to light.


At this very moment, it started.

– Your enemy, our enemy, is right there.

One thousand fairies and summoned spirits newly awakened by the queen’s power.

– Turn an enemy into an ally… . Even on the battlefield. That’s great.

Six thousand, the souls of heroes who rushed to keep their promise to their benefactors.


An army of monsters, nine hundred of them, who became the rulers of the Steel Mountains after the fall of the giants.

“under! “How does this work?”

3,000 elite users of the former Northern Continent who were revived by a wish.

“… … .”

Currently, there are 4,500 elite users of the Northern Continent.


“… “The whole army.”

Before the final war,

“Ready for battle.”

The unprecedented Northern Continent Allied Force against the Demon Allied Forces was finally born.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I think some readers have a misunderstanding, so I’m borrowing a review to clarify.

Starting from episode 839, the currently ongoing episodes are sorted in descending order, not ascending order. This means that all episodes 8 to 2 have already been released. (You can tell by looking at the subtitles.)

in other words.

Episode 8: Episodes 839 – 845

Episode 7: Episodes 846 to 853

Episode 6: Episodes 854 to 860

Episode 5: Episodes 861 ~ 866

Episode 4: Episodes 867 to 881

Episode 3: Episodes 882 – 911

Episode 2: Episodes 912 to 937 (excluding episode 919)

Episode 1: Episode 938 ~ Currently serialized.

This is how it goes. And Episode 1 will probably end within next week. That’s why I told you yesterday that it’s not far from completion.

I hope this was a sufficient answer. 🙂


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not work with dark mode