MEMORIZE Chapter 950

00950 If You Change, One. ————————————————– ———————-=

… Coming?

I suddenly raised my eyes at Astaroth’s words. And the moment I looked ahead, I suddenly felt as if my heart stopped. Because beneath the distant light, there were truly thousands of people approaching. There was a difference like heaven and earth between simply hearing that it was coming and seeing it with your own eyes.

It doesn’t jump or run. The four thousand Northern Continent users who finally appeared were just walking slowly at a normal marching pace. Nevertheless, the murmur in the hall was getting worse. The enemies in the lead even seemed to hesitate and retreat.

When they approached about 4500 meters in front of the platform, the march finally stopped. The enemies, who had been cautiously retreating, were suddenly surrounding the northern continent in the form of a crane-wing formation. And after a while, someone came trotting forward from the Northern Continent camp. It was my brother.

My brother calmly looked around, then suddenly tilted his chin and looked up exactly where I was. The mere fact that his brother had arrived made his heart beat faster.

At that time, Erwin walked leisurely to the end of the platform.

(Thank you for your hard work coming.)

He gently spreads his arms and bows politely, like a polite lady.

(We welcome the Northern Continent.)


My brother is also greeted with an amplified voice. However, if I felt like I was somehow suppressing it, would it be my mistake?

My brother stared at me for a while, then reached into his chest and took out something. Although I couldn’t see it in detail, I could tell that it was a zero code. Because the Great Demons let out a small gasp.


Erwin smiled a satisfied smile that had never been seen before.

(I knew you would make a wise choice. Brain Emperor.)


(Once again, I sincerely thank you for trusting us and taking this step yourself….)

(Just be honest.)

Erwin seemed to be trying to ease the tense atmosphere and create a space for conversation. However, his older brother cut him off with a sharp stab and lazily grabbed his right hand.

(Send Soohyun away.)

It was a resolute, direct pitch that did not need to be elaborated on or measured. Erwin paused for a moment, but shrugged his shoulders slyly.

(He’s alive. And ready to go. As you can see.)

(Then send it.)

(Of course we will. …But before that, isn’t there something we need to get?)

(You will receive it after, not before. Sending takes priority.)

My brother’s tone had the tone that he would not give up an inch. Erwin said nothing for a moment. As the conversation between the two representatives stopped, I felt the quiet atmosphere becoming more heightened.

But not long after, Erwin shrugged his shoulders.

(Yes, you would. It’s a relief to take the lead first rather than the second. So I don’t think it’s unreasonable for you to be anxious.)

He said in a slightly sarcastic tone and quietly crossed his arms.

(I have no intention of making a campaign, but… have you reviewed our conditions?)

My brother calmly nodded his head.

(Those conditions were the maximum concessions we could make, especially the fifth item.)

(The last condition was a concession, but it was also a precaution for a situation like this.)

(So, tell me directly. How can we both be satisfied in this situation.)

(After hearing it, if we think it is reasonable, we will also follow the Emperor’s words.)

After Erwin’s long speech, his older brother fell silent this time.

However, the second silence did not last long.

(Definitely… it was a good condition.)

The older brother acknowledged Erwin’s words and took a step forward.

(I couldn’t believe it when I first heard it. Let’s end this pointless war. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t enthrall me.)

(Hehe. That’s right. You can think of it as a kind of courtesy.)

Anyway, Erwin shook his head with a happy expression, probably thinking that a space for conversation had been created.

(So, that’s the last condition….)

at that time.

(What should I do? I haven’t really thought about it.)

My brother suddenly said that,

(Actually, no matter how much I think about it, I can’t believe you.)


(That’s why I thought negotiations in the first place were rather meaningless.)


He raised the corners of his mouth and put the zero code in his hand back into his chest.

Erwin’s face was truly a sight to behold. He must have been quite shocked by his brother’s words, and his face was frozen as ice with an extremely expressionless face.

It was the same for me too. If I didn’t mishear, it was a declaration of war that couldn’t even be said.

(So ​​if you want it, take it. We will do the same.)

With that one word, the rising and falling atmosphere of the area suddenly soared to the sky. It is natural that it becomes momentarily noisy with the noise of weapons being drawn out and demonstrations being held.

“under. “I knew it would be like this.”

At that moment, Astaroth sighed and walked towards me.

“Astaroth. “Stay still.”

Erwin muttered with a pale face, but Astaroth dragged me to the edge. And then he forced me to kneel down,


Suddenly, I felt a strong grip on my hair.

(Hey, Brain Emperor.)

Astaroth’s angry voice echoed everywhere.

(What the hell… Why are you stretching it out like that? What do you believe in?)

The force gripping my hair was growing stronger by the minute. Now, it felt as if my head was being lifted and my neck was going to be ripped out.

(Just quietly hand over the zero code. Just accept the prisoners who quietly hand it over. And then quietly turn it off.)

(Does that mean you had no intention of understanding other conditions in the first place?)

My brother answered in a mocking voice as if he knew that would happen as well. Astaroth opened his mouth indifferently.

(Ugh… this is why bugs can’t do that. If you just treat them a little better, okay? They think they’ve become gods.)

After saying that, Astaroth chuckled and then suddenly looked down.

(Okay, it’s the last chance. We won’t say anything more. Are we going to exchange it or not? Well, I’m willing to accept as long as it’s a simultaneous exchange.)

And the moment a bloody voice flows through my ears,


Suddenly, a memory from before flashed through my mind like lightning. At the same time, the feeling of déjà vu I felt earlier as I came down suddenly became more intense.

(For your information, the game is over from the moment you got here with the Zero Code. Why? All I have to do is kill you and steal it.)

(Why don’t you just shut up and let go of that hand?)

Meanwhile, the conversation between the two continued continuously.

(I warn you, it’s best to only answer what’s asked. Unless you want to see your beloved little brother’s head explode.)

But at this moment, I don’t feel the pain of my hair being grabbed, nor can I hear my brother’s voice.

(Ah, then I’ll warn you too. Astaroth? You’d better take your hand off right now. Unless you want to die.)

Because, because… .

(What? Warning?)

… okay. It was definitely there.

(What if you don’t want to die?)

It just occurred to me completely. I’ve definitely experienced a similar situation in the past.

So, not in this episode, but in episode one.

Why had I forgotten it until now?

It changes, but it doesn’t change.

(This is really…!)

At that time, the strength of my grip unknowingly became stronger, as if I was trying to squeeze my head and explode it.


At that moment, the sound of something hitting the platform rang out, cutting through the frighteningly short silence. At the same time, a thick liquid hit my cheek, and a red streak spread across my vision like paint on water. The moment I realized that the liquid was blood, my eyes tightened.

“W-what is it?”

Astaroth must have been momentarily embarrassed, and at some point, his grip loosened. He looked around, but couldn’t find anything unusual.

However, there was only one demon corpse lying around where the guys standing nearby were looking.

“this… . “Isn’t he one of the guys we sent out to scout earlier?”

Lilith muttered in a bewildered voice.

wait for a sec.

You’re one of the guys I sent out to scout?

no way… .

It was then.

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu… .

Suddenly, a cool breeze blowing from above lifted my spirits and cooled my heated neck.

Grrrr, rrrrr… !

I could almost hear the ominous cries of crows longing for a corpse, as if they knew what was about to happen.

At that moment, my son-in-law suddenly became dark. To be more precise, I would say it felt like there were dark clouds.

I suddenly raised my eyes and looked straight ahead. Blood cluttered my eyes, but I was able to see clearly when I shook my head vigorously.

My brother was quietly looking up at the sky with a calmer face than anyone else. Let alone the Thunder God, I can’t even feel the flow of magical power. In the end, feeling dazed, he slowly tilted his head back and looked up at the sky, following his older brother.

Flutter, flutter!

And then the sound of something huge flapping wings.

Flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter!

Flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter!

An immeasurable sound of flapping wings is heard, and a slight breeze begins to gently pass by the body.

“ah… ?”

Only then did they sense something strange, and not only Astaroth but also all the archdemons raised their heads.

The moment they look at the sky like that, everyone opens their mouths with a blank expression.

What is this?

How is things going now?

With all the complexities swirling in my head, I looked up at the sky in disbelief.

Finally, in less than a second,

“sky! In the sky… !”

A huge shape appeared through the clouds,


A roar that could not be considered a human voice, but sounded like a monster howling, rang throughout the sky.

“A bunch of monsters! “A flock of monsters has appeared!”

I first came to my senses when I heard someone screaming.

right. I remember seeing it a long time ago. A monster, a monster is correct.

Dozens, maybe hundreds? I don’t know.

The only thing that is certain is that the ivory-colored monsters close to the sky suddenly appeared so densely that they obscured the sky. And an enormous shadow is covering the podium at an alarming speed.

Crrrrrrrrr… !

Then, without any warning or warning, a boiling cry echoed through the sky. At the same time, a lone strange bird with a soft blue color and an unusually large body appeared and opened its snout wide. It was that moment.


An incredibly ferocious roar echoed throughout the hall with a force that seemed as if it would tear the whole world apart.

Soon, the leading monster glides to the ground very naturally, drawing a gentle curve, and the monster birds behind spread their wings as hard as they can and simultaneously begin to follow the blue monster bird. Although it did not accelerate, it did not slow down at all and descended to the ground without leaving a single one behind.

How should I describe that scene?

The sight of a large group of monsters gliding through the air and landing all at once was truly spectacular.

Next moment,


The moment he landed on the ground, before he had time to react, an enormous shock wave shook the room.


“Ugh, wow!”

It happened so suddenly that people were not prepared for the shock, so screams erupted everywhere. The earth suddenly rose up and strong winds like a storm swept everywhere. The shock waves were so strong that even the sturdy platform shook as if there had been an earthquake.

I wanted to close my eyes right away, but I kept squinting and staring straight ahead.

And I could see clearly.

Enemies collapsing after being swept away by a storm accompanied by debris.

Huge amounts of earthen smoke rising like mushroom clouds everywhere, as if hundreds of anti-tank mines had been detonated at once.


“… … !”

Standing tall and waving alone in the thick dust, a large flag with a lion shape reflecting dazzling golden light stood out.

“No words… .”

If my eyes are not wrong,

“no… .”

It was undoubtedly a flag symbolizing a golden lion.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

In fact, a reader commented a while ago and said that I always take a break every Monday.

When I quietly counted the number of days off, I realized that this was correct.

And tomorrow is Monday, August 3rd.

yes. It’s Monday. haha.

Therefore, I will not be taking a day off tomorrow, August 3rd (Monday).

We ask for the generous understanding of our readers. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode