Memorize Chapter 95

00095 Can you follow me? ————————————————– ———————-=

I sat down on the cold marble floor and waited for the others to finish getting ready. Of course, I tried to help with the camp demolition work, but Yujeong and Sol were vehemently opposed, so I had no choice but to take on the role of a sack of barley that I had borrowed. This is what women do or something. Meanwhile, the two of them were eating well from Ahn Hyeon and Shin Sang-yong. Anyway, thanks to this, I was able to have quite a bit of leisure time preparing.

I drew my sword and placed it on my knees, cross-legged. A faint sound echoed throughout the room. The sword I am currently using is a regular iron sword purchased from a blacksmith shop after coming to Mulo. As a swordsman, he knew very well how to handle and store the sword.

Reflexively put your hand in your arms. I had a habit of lighting a cigarette while cleaning my sword. However, there is only one tobacco that can be caught in one’s arms. In other words, it was a mast. I thought about it a little, but I quenched my appetite and took out a piece of cloth. Later, after finishing my exploration, I wanted to smoke it before entering the city.

The movement of the group was smooth except for one person. Everyone was tidying up their sleeping bags and cleaning up their breakfast items. Jeong Ha-yeon was folding her sleeping bag so straight that it made a soldier cry. On the other hand, An Hyun was seen roughly stuffing a sleeping bag into his magic backpack when he was caught by An Sol and was scolded profusely.

While leisurely looking at the scenery, I carefully wiped the sword body with a piece of cloth.

“Lee, leader. “So, are you planning to go up to the second floor today?”

“Hehe. “I guess she was nervous because I saw her stuttering.”

“ha ha ha. no. This is just a matter of my habits. “I’m never nervous.”

Shin Sang-yong seemed embarrassed by my joke and smiled sheepishly. I nodded once or twice. And finally, with some force, he pushed up the piece of cloth covering the sword body.

“I plan to go up to the second floor for now.”

“Joe, that’s a good decision.”


I paused for a moment and then cast my gaze downward. The shiny sword body caught my eye. When I put the cloth in my arms and put the sword in its sheath, I heard a sound as cold as when I first pulled it out. After hearing a good sound with a satisfied smile on his face, he continued speaking.

“First, you will have to go up to the second floor and battle the monsters that have achieved some results. With 100 humans, you can summon one low-level demon that retains its original abilities. Then, if we can determine how many of the 100 people were sacrificed, we can roughly estimate the level of the demons summoned.”

“That’s great. One more thing I would like to tell you is that the 100 people who were sacrificed were the ones who performed the best among them.”

“Thank you. “I will take note of this.”

okay. This is the conversation between the members of the caravan. So, watch and learn too. I looked around at the kids with that in mind, but no one was looking at me or Shin Sang-yong. I sighed inwardly and looked at Vivien.

She kept rubbing her eyes sleepily. After dinner early yesterday, she discussed the record with Shin Sang-yong for a while, but she seemed very tired because she was usually in the position to ask questions. Still, she didn’t say anything else because she knew she would show a different side once she got into battle.

Before we knew it, the group was finishing preparing for the expedition one by one.

As I watched Ansol tighten the bag strap and put it on his shoulder for the last time, I also got up from my seat. With everyone’s attention focused on me, I spoke in a calm voice.

“Thank you for your hard work. Of course, we may have more hardships in the future.”

“… … .”

“But we cleared the first floor of the laboratory yesterday. And today’s goal is to clear the second floor in the first step and enter the third floor in the second step.”

“… … .”

There was no answer from the companions. However, I could see that Ansol looked a little uneasy, so I added a word. Before I opened my mouth, I intentionally stared at the bright sunlight coming through the window hanging from the dark ceiling.

“We start exploring early in the morning today, so we have a lot more time compared to yesterday. If we can clear the 3rd floor today, we can return to Mule tomorrow at the latest. “I will return to my golden state with the items I acquired yesterday and will acquire in the future.”

It was only then that I could see the liveliness in the eyes of my companions. Raising morale in this way was one of the things the caravan leader had to do rather than going on an expedition right away. The children, who had been looking at me with slightly dull eyes, as if the lingering effects of sleepiness had not yet gone away, were looking at me with eyes that were even more sparkling than before. I immediately turned around and continued speaking.

“The stairs are to the north and east. That is, there are two in total, one in each direction. “There’s no need to go far, so I’ll use the eastern stairs.”

So we walked towards the stairs leading to the second floor. As I took a step up, the old stairs made a creaking sound as if they were about to break apart. Everyone in the group began to climb the steps, step by step, with careful steps.

The stairs were longer than I thought. Moreover, the higher you go, the more it curves in a spiral shape, so every time you turn a corner, the visible ground floor becomes more and more distant. We climbed the narrow stairs in silence for a while and soon stopped in front of the door leading to the second floor. It was just as I was about to open the door.

“Suhyeon. “Just wait a moment.”

The user who stopped my actions for a moment was none other than Jeong Ha-yeon. As he looked at her with his questioning eyes, Jeong Ha-yeon asked Ansol to give her a protection spell. And I guessed what she was thinking and smiled faintly. Her meticulousness showed its power once again.


Ansol’s staff was pointed towards my body, and soon I could see a translucent sphere surrounding me. Looking at that, Ha-yeon Jeong quickly mumbled her spell and made a hand sign with her other hand. It was a double casting.

“───. Reflect Shield!”

Before her clear voice disappeared, her mouth opened once again.

“Targeted protection spells. Overlap!”

Finally, as soon as Jeong Ha-yeon finished speaking, I could see the Reflect Shield magic turning into a mushy lump of water, and then melting into the protection spell swirling around me. The children exclaimed as they watched the sphere slowly turn a sparkling golden color. I also gazed at her with admiration in her young eyes. I never knew that I could interfere with other people’s spells. Although it was an auxiliary magic, it was a very high level application of magic.

“That’s amazing.”

“The place where we are currently standing is the stairs. It could be dangerous if a monster appears right in front of the door. We just prepared for that. “It’s not that I didn’t trust Suhyun’s skills.”

Jeong Ha-yeon answered humbly and then smiled softly. Anyway, I had some sort of obligation(?) to quickly get through the door before this magic effect wore off. The kids weren’t talking, but their eyes looked like they wished there were monsters beyond the door.

“Now we begin exploring the second floor of the caravan. Everyone, keep your spirits up. “Then let’s go in.”

I spoke in a calm voice and opened the door handle in my hand wide. And as soon as I opened the door, as expected, there was no way a huge monster would jump out. There is just empty space. The moment I took a step inside, I heard a low clicking sound from behind.



These guys. I wanted to take off his pants and slap him, but I suppressed him and the group led him inside. As my companion followed me inside, their eyes were taken by the sight before their eyes. I quickly activated my senses and my third eye.

“Yes… “I’m anxious.”

Sol, who had a sensitive sense of energy, stroked his arms with both hands and frowned. Compared to the first floor, I whistled internally at the malice I felt. I think it would be right to think that the demon summoning was a success. I hummed as I thought about pulling out the heart of a demon, processing it, and feeding it to my children. Of course, so that other users can’t hear it.

The size of the second floor was roughly similar to the first floor, but the structure was completely different. While the first floor was divided into four passages, north, south, east, and west, with rooms arranged in each passage, the second floor had the shape of being cut in half.

There is a passage in the middle that allows you to move to another space, and two huge spaces divided by that passage. First, I looked around the space where we were stepping. The spatial structure was fairly simple. In the large, square-shaped hall, many unknown pieces that had already crumbled over time were piled up. And this room also had one door on each side, excluding the passage. In other words, there were a total of three doors that could be opened.

“hmm. It’s a different structure from the first floor. “In some ways, the second floor may be simpler.”

“On the surface, it looks that way. However, if you think about it differently, there are inevitably fewer successful works than failures in the first place. That’s why you can’t let down your guard.”

I could hear the voices of Shin Sang-yong and Jeong Ha-yeon talking about each other.

“brother. “What are you going to do now?”


“Is it really necessary to open all these doors? Just go straight to the next room… .”

“Next room? How can you be sure that the space across from there is a staircase leading to the third floor?”

Anhyeon immediately closed his mouth at my words. However, despite my expectations, I thought that there would be no stairs in the space we were in now. Nevertheless, there was a reason why I bothered to explore every room. This is because I wanted to somehow make Ahn Hyeon a Qigong lancer.

I don’t know about other people, but the person who is most loyal to me right now is Ahn Hyun. It was difficult to view Ansol’s feelings for me as loyalty. Sol often revealed complex and subtle emotions to me that even I, who had lived for ten years, could not figure out. Ansol’s behavior is incomprehensible, considering it was simply a favor.

I guess I had a blank face without realizing it because my thoughts were lost in Samcheonpo for a moment. I came to my senses when I saw Ahn Hyun staring at me and immediately opened my mouth.

“Maybe I can complete this second floor faster than I thought. First, we will open all the doors in this space one by one, then cross the passage and move on to the next space.”

“Ugh… Well, there are a lot of broken pieces like this. “It’s so uncomfortable to walk.”

“be careful. “There might be bone fragments.”

“Oh my. It’s so scary. “Ah.”

Everyone in the group looked uncomfortable at Yujeong’s cuteness. As I moved forward, Anhyeon followed without responding, but his face was filled with an unknown feeling of regret for his companions.

But the leniency stopped there. On the way, when they kept disrupting the atmosphere, I glared at them sharply. Anhyeon and Yujeong immediately became mute. Maintaining a quiet atmosphere again, I walked towards the door on the left wall based on the direction we came from.

Although they said there were only three doors in total, the feeling of intimidation given by each door was enormous. Even though I saw it from afar, I could see huge iron doors with jagged windows in all directions, rather than the regular doors seen on the first floor. We walked diligently to the targeted door and gradually shortened the distance.

Perhaps because they walked a little faster, the group was able to reach the first target door within 15 minutes. While I was walking, the translucent golden sphere that wrapped around my body, which Ansol and Jeong Ha-yeon had hung for me, had already disappeared. After looking around for a moment, I opened my mouth in a quiet voice.

“I will open the door right away. “Everyone, please get ready.”

“brother. This door looks too thick… “I think it would be difficult alone.”

“no. I can do it on my own. So don’t worry and stay in formation.”

Hearing my firm voice, Anhyeon took a step back. However, seeing his eyes wide open, he seemed a little surprised.

Since we had decided to seriously deal with the demons that were likely to already exist, we needed to find our former wild nature from now on. I was a little worried about whether my companions would be able to follow, but I put my hand out to the handle that was larger than my own and cleared my thoughts. Unusual energies were felt inside the door.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

haha. It seems that some people feel that the development is a bit slow. I would like to say a lot, but I think there will be some people who have adapted to the current speed and some who think it is slow. It is difficult to satisfy all readers. I won’t make any other excuses. However, I will also be careful not to make the writing feel stretched out as much as possible.

Well then, please enjoy this episode as well. 🙂

P.S. A bomb of coupons came out today. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our readers. Nod. (__)


1. Cute Bear: Congratulations on first place. Strangely, it seems like a lot of people with bear-related IDs win first place. ha ha ha.

2. Yuun [流雲]: Thank you for the good question. The questions you asked are questions that users may be curious about. Kim Soo-hyun already knew everything and went back, but other users naturally had the same questions as the above when they first met the angel. Seraph said this the other day. I know what question you’re going to ask, but I recommend you don’t. Just worry about survival. However, there is no description from other users’ perspectives. From then on, a rite of passage awakens awareness of survival and users enter the User Academy. Park Hyun-woo, who appeared at that time, said this. We are users just like you. We are not the ones sending you home. In other words, all users have a desire to go home again in a corner of their hearts. It’s just that I don’t know how. Why we are here is also a question worth asking, but no one currently knows the answer. There are no users who can answer even if you ask. So I just got used to living day by day. Those who adapt with that question in their hearts will survive, and those who cannot adapt will be eliminated. People who have adapted with the hope of returning someday are called users. (One of the many reasons for the emergence of vagabonds can be inferred from here.) And that is exactly what I have told the readers. . These are things you will naturally learn as the content develops. It was mentioned very slightly in the beginning, but it was literally revealed vaguely, and it was revealed little by little as a little supplement in the middle. Just this much, enough to feel the faint flow.

3. Red Moon Sky: Yes! That’s correct. However, not all ranks have the same progression level. 🙂

4. Kiwi Meroo: Haha. There are differences for each user, but in general, you can think of it that way. It’s unreasonable for kids like Sol to have over 70 horsepower in the first place. Excluding the specialized abilities, the children cannot be said to have that high abilities.

5. Hwieul: Haha. There are many works to recommend. I enjoy Min Young-mo’s The Named, and other writers’ works include Time Lord and Dragon’s Legacy. ah. Are these works too famous?

6. zjekfksqlc: Hehe. I also like Hanbyul… .(Pukpuk)

7. rhkdel2: Yes. Of course it comes out. Please wait a little longer. 🙂

8. Jiak, Imperial Fire Brigade, Bow River, deceive, STgomtinge, Hwieul: We gathered people who left comments saying they received a coupon. thank you Also, thank you to everyone who gave us countless coupons. Nod. (__)

9. Vegemil: Haha. Thank you. I will also adjust my pace. 🙂

10. Northern Dragon: Soohyun is still worried. Because he’s such a cautious kid, he’s worried about things. haha.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode