MEMORIZE Chapter 949

00949 If You Change, One. ————————————————– ———————-=

< Reminiscence >

Suddenly a strong wind blew. The dust rising from the ground hits my face, and I close my eyes tightly.

The wind soon stopped, but I did not open my eyes. Although I can’t see anything, all my senses except sight have become more sensitive. The heart fluttering in fear of death, the quivering mouth, the ugly hand caressing the top of the head, and the countless dark energies treading on the nearby ground.


At that time, a strong vibration that shook the ground passed through my knees. Very rough steps.

“Master Belphegor. “This is a contact from the reconnaissance unit.”

Next, an unpleasant voice, like scraping metal, pierced my eardrums.

“The emergence of the Thunder Emperor has been confirmed.”


At that moment, Belphegor grabbed my hair hard, and suddenly I felt pain as if my entire head was being pulled out. But his pain quickly disappeared. Rather than pain, I was flooded with surprise at the unbelievable news I had just heard.

“her! I thought it was impossible, but did you really come? No, wait a minute. “You probably didn’t come alone, right?”

“As soon as we received the first report, we lost contact. It seems like there are just over 1,000 people… .”

“One thousand people. Then all the Hamil guys could have come… . Well, I understand. Please report the situation immediately. We are far outnumbered, but never let down your guard. “They have fought as equals with us many times, and each and every one of them is someone who cannot be underestimated.”

“yes. “I will keep that in mind.”

The footsteps became distant again. And I tried my best not to show my surprise.

My brother is coming.

My brother and his fellow members of the Hamill Clan are coming to save me.

At that moment, an indescribable feeling arose in my fearful heart.


When the one in the lead puts down his armor, the other five also put what they were holding on the floor at the same time. Then, three people on each side quickly retreated and lined up facing each other. As if someone was going to come in soon.

“You still have the strength to dress yourself, right?”

As soon as I thought that, my prediction came true. Someone walks in between the demons lined up left and right. It was a familiar voice.

“I can wear it for you if you want.”

Eventually, a figure slowly emerged, walking leisurely step by step. The woman smiling brightly was none other than Erwin.

“What does this mean?”

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t understand the situation, so my voice became sharp. They lock you up as much as you want and then suddenly give you back the equipment? It’s a situation I don’t understand.

“What do you mean? “What are your intentions?”

However, Erwin raised his eyebrows as if it was strange.

“There is no ulterior motive. Your brother will be here soon. “That’s it.”



At the moment of questioning, Erwin snapped his fingers hard enough to make a clicking sound. At the same time, the chains that bound his wrists and ankles were instantly released. Not just me, but Han So-young too.

My body, liberated in one fell swoop, was unable to adapt to the sudden freedom it regained and lost its balance, but I managed to straighten my posture.

“I don’t have time to talk at length anyway, and since he’s a smart guy, this is probably enough to understand. Then, get dressed quickly and come out.”

“for a moment… !”

“Ah, you understand that I can’t release the restraints yet, right?”

“… … .”

After saying that, Erwin turned and disappeared through the entrance. Soyoung Han and I looked at each other blankly for a while, then came to our senses when we heard the sound of the demon touching the equipment. I don’t know what the situation was, but I felt like I had to get dressed quickly and get out. In the end, unable to overcome the unspoken pressure, she slowly stretched out her arms.

The equipment was unexpectedly cleanly preserved. In addition, not only the gloves, but also all the weapons, including the sword and Victoria’s Glory, were handed over. Except for one thing: Excalibur.

Anyway, putting aside the restraints, there was definitely no awkward feeling wearing the equipment with magical power tied to it. Still, thanks to the Shirt of Hope, I was able to move around without much trouble, so I put it on and came out to the entrance, where Erwin was waiting in the hallway. Erwin glanced at me and started walking without saying anything.

I reflexively stretched out my hand towards the rapidly moving away, but simply withdrew it. There were a lot of things I wanted to ask, but I thought it would be better to watch quietly for now. It’s not like I don’t have any guesses.

And, how much time has passed?

The space we were in was the top floor, the Temple of Promise.

The only thing I could hear until I went down the stairs and out of the maze was the footsteps of Erwin, me and Han Soyoung, and the demons following us as if watching us.

Then suddenly.

“… … .”

A strange feeling of déjà vu came over me.

weird. This must be my first time experiencing this situation, but why does it feel like I’ve experienced it before?

“It’s a good day to die… .”

At that time, the sound of me muttering to myself suddenly flowed quietly. The moment I looked forward in surprise, someone gently pushed my back from behind.


At the same time, I let out a weak sigh. Not because I was pushed on my back, but because a bright light suddenly poured into my field of vision.

The sunlight, which I hadn’t seen in a while, was so hot and dazzling that it made me squint. At the same time, instead of the heavy and humid air, the clear and cool air that pierced her chest was pushed into her nose. Although my field of vision was still white, I realized with my intuition that I had come to the center of a wide platform.

The Temple of Promise is a huge building made up of three tiers. At the top is a church building with a connected arched roof, in the middle is a temple with an entrance surrounded by pillars, and at the bottom is a tall, thick platform with long stairs on both sides, solidly supporting the two buildings.

Of these, I would be between the lower and middle areas.

Eventually, I barely got used to the light and my vision gradually recovered.

“… … !”

The moment I looked down in confusion, I almost felt shocked at the pressure pressing down on my entire body.

On the ground below the platform, countless beings were neatly lined up in rows and rows. Of course, there are demons, users from the southern continent, users from the western continent, and fairies. Everyone was looking up at the podium, bathed in brilliant sunlight, under a sky full of white clouds.

How can one not be surprised when one sees at a glance the enormous army that fills this vast land? Even though we killed that many, there are still a lot of them left.

This wasn’t the only thing.

If there’s one thing I felt while watching, it’s that there was a strangely tense atmosphere flowing everywhere. If my guess is correct, this would be a meeting place to exchange zero codes with me.

However, there was a more ominous cloud of war than was necessary, enough to make one’s throat burn. Unless I feel wrong.

By the way, why is Thanatos not visible? Where is it?

“Where is Kim Yu-hyeon coming from?”

Just as I was trying to find Thanatos, I heard Erwin’s voice. I think he probably changed his way of speaking because he was conscious of the fairy, but no matter how many times I listen to it, I still can’t get used to it.

“I heard you just passed through the gate. Reconnaissance report… . “Oh, you’re here at the right time.”

Astaroth, who was sitting on the edge of the platform, nonchalantly pointed to the stairs on the left. Coincidentally, a demon hurriedly ran up the stairs and prostrated so roughly that a thud was heard.

“I will report to you. “We have confirmed the enemy’s approach.”

Access confirmation. At this point, I have no choice but to believe it. Actually, I was skeptical, but my brother was really coming.

“I heard you passed the gate.”

“yes. “I’ll probably arrive in about twenty minutes.”

“How many people?”

“There are still about 4,000 people. This is the same number of people who came out through the warp gate installed by Melinus. Since coming here, it has neither decreased nor increased.”

“and… .”

“We launched a reconnaissance mission and searched a radius of ten kilometers, but we did not find anything unusual. Let alone reinforcements, there were no troops secretly following or bypassing. Melinus closed the warp gate a long time ago.”

While Erwin was listening to the report, Astaroth quietly looked back and grumbled.

“That’s right. I wonder if it was a good decision to just let them pass through the gate… .”

Erwin defeated the demon with a wave of his hand and then nodded.

“It can’t be helped. Unless that guy is crazy, there’s no way he could have come here alone, right? “It may not be considered a small number, but about 4,000 people are within the acceptable range of escort troops.”

“Isn’t that why you continued to release reconnaissance because you felt uncomfortable?”

“That’s true, but I don’t think it’s possible to do a trick in such an open grassland. In the end, it’s one of two things. Either that is the current force, or they were brought in as escorts.”

“… Do it. “If only they had wings like us.”

After saying that, Astaroth chuckled to himself. It wasn’t a joke at all, but Erwin’s thoughts were almost similar to mine.

It was clearly said that there were four thousand people. Although the force is not that small, it is difficult to believe that they will actually fight that much. Erwin offered two possibilities, but he is probably weighing the latter. Me too.

In other words, my brother ultimately chose to exchange.

When I thought about that, a part of my heart suddenly felt dizzy.

Of course, I understood my brother’s desire to save me, and I also had a desire to live. However, when I thought about giving up the zero code, an inexplicable feeling of futility came over me. I can’t explain it, but for some reason I don’t think it should be like that… .

But there is no way.

“… … .”

really… .

Is it really going to end like this?

“Whoa…” .”

For a moment, I couldn’t overcome the feeling of discomfort and let out a long breath. The area was extremely quiet except for the occasional sound of conversation. Perhaps that was why the sighs were unusually loud. It was then.

Buzz, buzz, buzz!


Suddenly, someone’s exclamation and a loud noise were suddenly heard from afar,

“… “Hey, he’s coming.”

Starting with Astaroth’s voice, a turbulent air current began to spread like a wave in all directions without realizing it.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Kim Yu-hyeon: Hahahahahaha

Satan: Why are you laughing? To the subject who only brought 4,000 people.

Mar, Ansol: Hahahahahaha

Satan: Oh, we have Thanatos who has regained his strength… .

Crab XX, Su X: Hahahahahaha

Satan: … Oh f*uck. no way. This isn’t real.

Kim Soo-hyun: Hahahahahaha

Satan: Don’t laugh. Nothing has been confirmed yet.

Yoojin Ro: Hahahahahaha

사탄 : 아니 개새끼야. What should I do if you laugh too?


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not work with dark mode