MEMORIZE Chapter 946

00946 If You Change, One. ————————————————– ———————-=

Clang, clank!

Perhaps due to the intense movement, the noise of the chains clashing against one another echoed throughout the otherwise quiet space. Even though she doesn’t want to hear it, Han So-young chews her lip to the point where blood comes out as Cheol-seong scratches her ear.

So far, I have never heard a single moan from the man. The only noise that can be heard is the sound of chains crashing without stopping and the intermittent moans of a woman.

In fact, if I were to focus on the annoying feeling, I’m more concerned about the groaning sound than the chain. Despite this, Han So-young does not open her eyes.

Because the man asked me not to look. And she really felt how he felt when he said those words.

Actually, I wanted to run right now. I wanted to run and hug the man tightly and whisper that it was okay and not to overdo it.

But I can’t even do that with my wrists tied. And even if she were to go out on her own, it was doubtful whether Lilith would react, and if she made a mistake, her man’s sacrifice could be in vain.

In the end, there is nothing Han So-young can do. She felt as if she wanted to close not only her eyes, but also her ears, and block out all of her senses. However, the extra sense continues to provide information so faithfully that it seems to be more than necessary.

In the end, I had no choice but to grit my teeth and endure being left alone for a long time without knowing how long it had been. It was then.

“Ugh… . Ugh… .”

The moan that seemed like a whimper just a moment ago suddenly turned into a crying sound.

Clang, clank!

The sound of the chains also continues.

Rather than gradually subsiding, the noise was increasing in intensity as time passed. The woman’s sounds are soon drowned out by her noisy chains, but the thought that something is strange about her creeps in. It was a really bad feeling, or even a very ominous feeling.

Although there was some conflict for a moment, the time of worry did not last long.

Han So-young slightly strained her eyes and slowly opened them.

“… … .”

The first thing I saw was a dark figure lying face down about a meter in front of me.

I’ve had my eyes closed for so long that my vision is extremely blurry. With the heated air flowing and the strong scent of chestnut flowers in the air, Han So-young tried to recover her vision. Then, after a long time, the surroundings gradually begin to become clearer.

After a while, when Han So-young finally confirmed the identity of the figure, she couldn’t believe her eyes.

It took a lot longer than I thought to be sure it was Lilith. That’s because the great devil, who had been so confident that she was the queen of the night, was nowhere to be seen, and all that was visible was a poor woman covered in her tears, snot, and semen.

Their eyes are completely screwed up, they don’t know where they are looking, and their limbs are shaking like a doll whose strings have been cut. It’s almost like looking at a drunk person, but sometimes it also seems like they’re shaking their head with difficulty and begging for someone to stop or save their life. When I think back to when I first came in, it was a very incongruous sight.

And above Lilith, someone was moving their waist mechanically with their back turned.

“ah… !”

The moment she finally confirmed Kim Soo-hyun, Han So-young sighed without even realizing it.

Kim Soo-hyun, with his head down, was crushing the fallen Lilith as if putting pressure on her. He seemed completely absorbed, without a single break from the beginning to the present.

okay. On the surface, it seems so.

“Mmm, mercantile… .”

However, Han So-young is different from Han So-young.

The emotion I felt upon seeing the relationship between the two men and women was not jealousy. I don’t even feel sorry for it. It is difficult to even consider the scene before our eyes as s*x anymore. Lilith aside, it was at least like that for Kim Soo-hyun.

To be more precise, the emotion that spread like a spider’s web across Han So-young’s face was closer to fear.

What should I say?

Sadness is suffering,

Suffering becomes resignation,

Resignation turns to pessimism,

Pessimism is self-loathing,

Self-hatred turns to despair,

Despair turns to madness,


Madness is nothingness… .

All kinds of negative emotions are overflowing inside Kim Soo-hyun. In this sea of ​​immeasurable emotions that made her feel as if she would burst into tears without knowing why, Han So-young suddenly sensed Kim Soo-hyun’s collapse. Something that I had barely been able to hold on until now was disappearing by the minute. So, so infinitely vain.

If the action he is doing now ends and the emotions filling inside him disappear, what will happen to Kim Soo-hyun then?

The moment I realized that,

“Merchionary Lord!”

For the first time, Soyoung Han screamed out of instinct. More than anything else, all she could think about was that she had to stop.

“Merchionary Lord! Mercenary Lord!”

“User, user Kim Soo-hyun!”

“Kim Soo-hyeon!”

“… hey!”

I was in such a hurry that I suddenly spoke informally.

But was it that effective?

After calling and calling several times, a shout finally reached me. The proof was that her constantly moving waist stopped twitching.

However, Ji-sung must have already flown to the other side, and Kim Soo-hyun looked around with an extremely expressionless face. The two cold, sunken eyes are giving off a chill that is enough to make anyone who sees it shiver.

“stop… . Stop it now… . please… .”

However, when he spoke in a pleading voice, a strange light flashed across his face. And the moment I finally looked back at Han So-young, I was half dumbfounded by her blank, mesmerized face. Just before I reached the edge of the cliff, my senses returned, even if just for a moment.

“Hey, Istantel… .”

A similar question as if he wasn’t sure what he was doing.

However, Han So-young threw away any attempt at understanding and just shook her head like crazy. Above all, seeing Han So-young’s tears for the second time was quite a shock to Kim Soo-hyun.

“Huh… . Hehehe… .”

While Kim Soo-hyun was recovering from the shock, Lilith was shaking her hands and moving her body based on instinct, even while she was shaking frantically. He barely manages to get his upper body up and he begins to run away. When Kim Soo-hyun’s actions stopped, his body reacted instinctively. He told me to run away because he couldn’t hold on any longer.

The sight of him stumbling helplessly several times on the way and seeing wads of s*m*n flowing from his va**na embroidered on the floor like threads was an extremely miserable sight. Still, Lilith still had the will to live, so she desperately crawled away and disappeared.

So, the two of them were left alone again, and the clanking noise disappeared, and silence returned to the space.

Han So-young took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

“Merchionary Road.”

After speaking while breathing heavily, he stared at Kim Soo-hyun with a face that did not know whether he was smiling or crying.

“Well, I… .”

Kim Soo-hyun stuttered.

“are you okay. “It’s all over, it’s okay now.”

Han So-young repeatedly said it was okay, as if to calm down, but Kim Soo-hyun still looked confused. As if I don’t know what to do now.

In fact, that was also the case for Han So-young. I just speak based on emotion, not reason.

So, without knowing what to do, I just opened my mouth as it came out.

“to me… . “Could you come closer to me?”

“Yes, yes?”

“Please come this way. please.”

“… … .”

Kim Soo-hyun was trembling and uncharacteristically anxious, but Han So-young’s voice contained an undeniable urgency.

The chains were still tied to Kim Soo-hyun’s limbs, but unlike the first time, they were considerably looser. This is because Lilith stretched it out quite a bit to make the relationship easier. Of course, it wasn’t enough to travel back and forth through space, but it was at least enough distance to reach Han So-young.

In the end, when he hesitated and approached cautiously, Soyoung Han quickly brought her knees together as if telling her to lie down here.

Then did he think it was Kim who had just kicked him out, or was he still out of his mind? Or did he want to lean on someone? Although he hesitated for a moment, Kim Soo-hyun obediently laid her head on Han So-young’s thigh. And then she let out a long sigh that she had been holding back.

“… thank you. And I’m sorry.”

Han So-young also knew that if Kim Soo-hyun had not followed Lilith’s words, she could have been in trouble. Although her thanks came from the bottom of her heart, Kim Soo-hyun’s response did not come out for a long time. He just curled up on Han So-young’s thighs and quietly closed his eyes.

The only thing that changed was that the light of the ring, which had been shining brighter than ever, gradually began to fade.

While the awkward silence continued, Han So-young opened her mouth countless times. And she, for the first time, truly resented herself. She desperately wanted to say something comforting, but her mind was completely confused. She said she had never really tried to comfort her before, so it was natural that she was speechless.

It would be nice if I could at least give you a hug.

That was the moment I thought about it.

“… Clan Lord.”

Kim Soo-hyun, who I thought was asleep, suddenly opened his mouth.


Soyoung Han felt two emotions at the same time as she reflexively answered.

One is relief. The voice heard was noticeably calmer than before, and the excitement seemed to have calmed down a little.

But at the same time, I felt a strange sense of déjà vu. It was always called Istantel Low Road, but it was strange to suddenly call it Clan Road. And for some reason, it felt like I had experienced something similar to this once before.

“A long time ago.”

However, Kim Soo-hyun did not care at all and continued speaking with his eyes closed.

“A long ago… . “It was probably about fifteen years ago.”

“Fifteen years ago?”

“yes. “I’m currently in my fifth year, so it’s probably around that time.”

“… … .”

At that moment, Han Soyoung was silent.

“There was a man in Hyundai. The man was a soldier. “I finished my two years of military service, completed my discharge report, and boarded the train home in an exhilarated mood.”

It didn’t feel like it was a bit unexpected, but I have to say that I had a gut feeling that it was going to be something important. A thought crossed my mind that maybe it was just a story I was trying to tell earlier.

The light voice continued.

“But maybe it’s because I drank too much the day before? At that time, I was extremely drunk. I got drunk after just one glass of beer, so on the day I was discharged from the military, I was called by the military officer early in the morning, and the two of us ate chicken and drank plenty of beer. Maybe that’s why I fell asleep as soon as I sat down in my seat. … But that’s it.”

“… I am?”

“I slept happily and opened my eyes… . “It wasn’t Seoul Station, but it was lying in some strange space called the Summoning Room.”

“… … !”


Meanwhile, in the northern continent… .

The sky at dawn was clear and clear without a single cloud, but for some reason Atlanta was in turmoil from the morning.

It was strange. Should I say something doesn’t fit? The atmosphere of the city, which had been somber until last night, changed completely overnight. Of course, it is difficult to say that it was bright and hopeful, but at least there was definitely an energy that could be called lively.

“This method… . “It’s really ingenious.”

At that time, Go Yeon-ju, who was staring at the source of the commotion, burst out in amazement as if it were absurd.

“me too. “It was so taboo that I couldn’t even think about it.”

Lee Yu-jeong, who was standing next to him, shook his head. However, there is a very faint, knowing smile on the corner of his mouth.

I’ll say it again, this is really strange. How did the atmosphere change so much in just one day? What on earth happened?

“It’s all thanks to you all.”

The man’s low voice responds to the two women’s exclamation. It was Kim Yu-hyeon’s voice. She continued her words calmly, tying the string on her robe tightly as if she were about to leave somewhere.

“All I did was come up with a plan. User Lee Yu-jeong further strengthened the plan, and user Go Yeon-ju took the lead in realizing the plan. So, I guess it’s me who should be thankful.”

Surprisingly, Lee Yoo-jeong’s body twisted at the praise that followed.

“Oh, no… . I just… . I’m just telling you because I remembered something I did before… .”

Go Yeon-ju also smiles and narrows her eyes.

“Ho Ho. It’s not just me. Da-eun and Mar also participated.”

Kim Yu-hyeon also laughed lightly at the light joke. As she did so, she thought.

‘okay… . Soon… .’

After staring into the distance for a while, I looked at the two women again.

“then… . “I would like to ask you for the rest.”

Go Yeon-ju slightly clenched his fist.

“yes. Don’t worry about the rest. “Everything will be ready by the time you return.”

Kim Yu-hyeon calmly nodded her head at the incredibly trustworthy answer.

And after a while, without hesitation, he turned his back and started walking quickly.

To the Steel Mountains.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

really… . I was very busy today.

To make matters worse, one thing happens and another thing happens.

If I do something wrong this week, I think I’ll be busy all the time.

It would be nice if it was handled a little faster… . ^^;

Oh, and the illustrations of Kim Soo-hyun and Hwa-jeong are gradually being completed.

I’ll probably be able to show it to you soon.

Hwa-jung is very pretty, but personally, I like Kim Soo-hyun more.

He came out very handsome(?). 🙂


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not work with dark mode