MEMORIZE Chapter 940

00940 If You Change, One. ————————————————– ———————-=

Chain sound?

The moment I looked back with difficulty raising my gaze, my eyes suddenly gained strength. As my blurry vision gradually became clearer, I was able to understand the situation, albeit only slightly.

Both arms are stretched upward, and a very thick chain is wrapped around each wrist. I guess that’s why I felt like it was forcibly erected earlier.

So does that mean I am now incarcerated?

“You’re awake.”

As I was looking up endlessly, a low voice suddenly rang out in the quiet space. As I turned my eyes around, I saw a dark figure stepping on the side five meters away.


I reflexively tried to increase my vision, but strangely, my magic did not move. No matter how hard she tried, she remained motionless, as if she were frozen in a circuit.

“It won’t help. Not only are their limbs restrained, but they are also filled with magic restraint devices.”

Then he continued to tell me that he knew what I was trying to do, but that I should not put in any effort.

wait for a sec.

The voice just… ?

“Istantel Low Road?”

My voice trembled as I thought, “No way.”

“… yes.”

The reply came back a little late, perhaps because he sensed my feelings.

Uh, what happened? Why is Soyoung Han here?

Could it be that he failed to escape and was captured?

As I twisted my body without realizing it, a series of annoying clanking sounds rang out.

“Do not worry. Lord Hamill and the Mercenary Clan must have escaped safely. maybe.”

Just as my doubts continued to grow, a calm voice calmed my agitation a little. Of course, some anxiety still remains.

First, let’s calm down. There is absolutely no benefit to going crazy now. They said that even if you are bitten by a tiger, you will survive as long as you come to your senses.

I took a deep breath, suppressing my rising suspicions. As she continued to catch her breath, her pounding heart quickly calmed, perhaps thanks to her mind’s eye.

Looking at the situation, I wonder how I am alive and that I am being held captive somewhere. Other than that I don’t know anything.

Since my mind is very complicated, it would be best to solve the questions one by one.

for now… .

“Istantel Low Road, why are you here?”

According to my memory, Han So-young was definitely there. But I didn’t understand why she was caught alone.

“I missed the time to break away because I was trying to block the chase team.”

A quiet voice continued, as if reading my thoughts.

When I gently looked to the side, my eyes must have gotten used to the darkness, and I could vaguely see Han So-young’s shape. Unlike me, she was sitting on her knees with only her arms tightly tied to her chains. She seemed pretty tired, so rather than fussing, I calmly waited for her to continue.

After a while.

“ah… .”

After listening to Han So-young’s explanation, a gloomy feeling came over me. She felt so far away that if it weren’t for the chains tightly tied around her legs, she would have felt like sitting down.

In fact, when I first heard that he had secretly returned to the battlefield, I felt a sense of absurdity bordering on anger.

But when I thought about it, I wasn’t in a position to get angry. Just as I returned to the battlefield to save the Mercenary Clan, Soyoung Han is the same. Who can blame a clan lord when he says he will save his comrades?

Above all, Han So-young seems to have succeeded in gathering quite a few allies while traveling around the battlefield. Who knows, maybe if he hadn’t gone over to the warp gate with that group and surprised the rear of the continental siege, his brother might have been captured as well.

As a result, my brother and the Mercenary Clan were able to escape thanks to Han So-young, so I couldn’t bear to raise my head.


Nevertheless, Han So-young apologized. I don’t know why I’m apologizing. The person who really needs to ask for forgiveness is me.

“Don’t blame yourself. I definitely could have escaped, but that was an opportunity created by Mercenary Lord. And I made the choice. “I don’t regret the decision I made back then.”

Han So-young’s voice was so soft, as if she was comforting me.

Thanks to that voice, I could barely speak.

“I lost my mind… . “How many days has it been?”

“Four days.”

Han Soyoung said simply. I missed the opportunity to be surprised by the extremely monotonous answer. It wasn’t that it was longer than I thought, quite the opposite.

short. Even if it’s short, it’s too short.

In the past, it would take a week for him to wake up, but he woke up in just four days? According to common sense, this makes no sense.

In the end, it means something happened right after I fell.

It’s an unusual thing that doesn’t seem like a good thing at all.

It’s not just this.

No matter how restrained I am, something has always felt awkward. In fact, it was a strange sensation that I felt from the moment I came to my senses. Do I really have to say that I feel like my body is not mine?

shit. I’m dizzy. First, let’s get the obvious things out of the way.

The war ended and four days passed. I was held captive by the devil, and his brother and companions seem to have escaped unharmed.

good. I understand up to this point.

So, the most important question remains here.

“Istantel Low Road.”


“Do you know how I survived?”

“… … .”

Then, unlike before, I felt a quiet silence.

Even though I waited quietly, there was no sign of me opening my mouth.

In other words, one of two things.

You don’t know. Or there’s something I can’t say.

“Every little bit is good. “How did I survive?”

When I asked again, a small sigh followed.

“that… . I don’t know either. I saw it right in front of me… . How to explain… .”

It seemed like he was speaking reluctantly, but I continued to listen.

“Anyway, I’ll just tell you what I saw… .”


It was then.

Suddenly, the sound of multiple footsteps shook the space along with a dull noise. The moment I turned to the direction the sound came from, I was able to confirm the space I was in.

The soft halo of light I saw earlier was a blue fire pit contained in a brazier bowl. I could also see an altar with a wide cup in the distance.

Even though I only checked two, I couldn’t help but be surprised. I thought it had an atmosphere similar to a summoning room, but it wasn’t, it was the place where the zero code was obtained. In other words, they are trapped in the depths of the Temple of Promise.

Three or four dim shadows quickly approached the zigzag arrangement of the brazier. I was worried that it might be going to Han So-young, but fortunately, all the shadows moved closer to me.

Eventually, the figure at the forefront walked forward, and the darkness slowly cleared away, revealing golden hair with a hint of blue. Rather than being beautiful, it was closer to blonde hair that had lost its shine due to severe bleaching.

(You really came to your senses. Just like she said.)

The words heard were a voice with a solemn soprano tone. Perhaps because it was said through translation magic, my ears rang loudly.

By the way, I heard that it was true. She said she did what she said. When I listened carefully, it seemed like someone had noticed that I was awake.


At that time, I suddenly felt a cool sensation in my neck accompanied by the wind.

Before I knew it, something that looked like a huge sword was poking at the back of my neck. It’s so dangerous that it feels like you’ll sink in if you move even a little.

(There are many people who have business for you, so I won’t talk too much. So answer the questions accurately. North Continent user Kim Soo-hyun.)

He doesn’t look like the devil, but he knows me. As I glanced up, the other person’s face finally came into view. Girlish yet neat features and dark, dead eyes that are difficult to meet.

Looking at it this way, it is quite similar to Eldora, but it seems to be a different user. Because the atmosphere is very different from the Eldora I remember… ?

“… … ?”

for a moment.

This sword is Excalibur.

So this girl is Eldora?

(What did you do to Excalibur?)

I wanted to observe it more closely, but at that moment my chin was tilted back with the back of a knife and I couldn’t breathe.

“what… . Called?”

After barely answering the question, Eldora gently lowered her sword again.

(I’m asking what you did after you took Excalibur from me.)

Although I was able to breathe, Eldora was still glaring at me as if she was going to chew me up. The blade that touched her neck was so sharp that it made the hair stand on end. Moreover, for some reason, I felt the energy of Thanatos strongly throughout my body.


Eldora repeated the same words over and over again and tightened her grip on the hilt of the sword. And then he opened his mouth.

(Why am I no longer recognized as the owner?)


(If I am still the master… why does Excalibur reject me!)

… What does this mean again?


Kim Yu-hyeon and the Mercantile Clan arrived at the gathering point about four days later and were finally able to reunite with their allies.

The first thing Kim Yu-hyun did there was to return to Atlanta. She asked her returned origin to activate her warp gate and she fell straight into the portal.

It was a slightly irresponsible action, but Go Yeon-ju didn’t really care. Because she knew that Kim Yu-hyun wasn’t doing this simply because she wanted to rest.

When Kim Soo-hyun was told that he was alive using the necklace as proof, Kim Yu-hyun, who had been dying, regained some of his life. We couldn’t talk to each other in detail after that, but it was clear that we at least had some kind of idea.

Thinking like that, Go Yeon-ju decided to leave Kim Yu-hyeon alone for a while and continued to carry out her duties. First, we deployed a small number of troops to the gathering area to continuously gather the surviving allies, and at the same time search for the whereabouts of Ansol, who had disappeared.

As a result, Ansol was alive.

To be more precise, Jegal Haesol contacted me first.

At that time, Zhuge Haesol, who had escaped with Ansol in tow, was astonished at Ansol’s condition. To put it bluntly, there was no sound anywhere on him from his shoulders to his toes.

Should I say that I was fortunate enough to have avoided hitting the head or a vital area?

Emergency treatment was urgently provided, but of course it was not enough in a situation where there was no priest.

In the end, all Jegal Haesol could count on was his hope that Ansol would endure and his warp ability.

As soon as the waiting time expired, I was able to activate my warp ability and move to the Forest of Sangvis, and go to Atlanta through the warp gate at the supply fortress to receive proper treatment.

It was truly a series of breathtaking moments. If Gehenna hadn’t improved her warp abilities, it would have taken her a few days longer. No one could have predicted what would have happened to Ansol in those few days.

Anyway, Ansol lived. Even though she has been in a coma all this time, wandering around the verge of death, the fact that her life is still alive makes Go Yeon-joo feel her heart sink.

Meanwhile, around that time.

Kim Yu-hyun, who arrived in Atlanta, started running as hard as she could as soon as she came out of the portal.

I returned to the cozy city of my dreams, but at the same time it felt awkward to see the once busy streets empty, but I didn’t care one bit and just kept running.

The place where the running and running finally stopped was none other than a magnificent temple built of white marble.

After a month, Kim Yu-hyeon climbed the stairs, ignored the priest’s instructions, and jumped into the portal to the summoning room.

Holding the zero code tightly in one hand.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

uh… . Is that really true?

As far as I know, NTR is s*xually intercepted by someone else’s spouse or lover.

Here, if Kim Soo-hyun were to have s*xual intercourse with someone in front of Han So-young (for example, Erwin, Eldora, Olivia, Thanatos, etc.), it could be seen as NTR from Han So-young’s perspective. Of course, they are not officially lovers, but their current relationship is comparable to that.

hmm. Thinking about this, I have a question for readers.

If the above content were to appear, would it be unpleasant to watch that scene?


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not work with dark mode