MEMORIZE Chapter 939

00939 If You Change, One. ————————————————– ———————-=

Let’s go back in time a little bit, and Kim Soo-hyun was just starting to get surrounded.

The Mercenary Clan, who was running north without a break, discovered a group of allies fighting fiercely surrounded by the Western Continent, as Kim Soo-hyun said, and immediately came to their aid.

But should we say it is a heavy burden?

Although my body was exhausted from holding out for eight hours, the number of enemies was almost dozens of times greater and was increasing by the minute.

No matter how great an individual’s skills are, there is no business in terms of volume. Without Go Yeon-ju’s Shadow Army and the Spirit of Mar, it would have been difficult to even maintain the square.

While they were struggling relentlessly, even though there was no end in sight, the enemy’s rear, which was in full force, suddenly began to become dizzy. Han So-young suddenly appeared from the portal where enemies constantly appeared. With dozens of battle maidens and up to five hundred friendly users soaring into the sky.

Go Yeon-ju did not miss that moment and concentrated all his power in one place, and thanks to this, he was able to barely open a path and escape from Eum.

An enraged Savnak tried to hurriedly chase after him, but was unable to do so because Han So-young desperately blocked his way.


Until then, the Mercenary Clan had completely believed Kim Soo-hyun’s words that he would immediately chase after saving his colleagues and brother.

But even before a few hours had passed, it turned out to be false.

Because among the reunited colleagues, I was able to see Kim Yu-hyun riding on Go Yeon-ju’s back.


Lee Yu-jeong burst into tears. As she ran she cried. No matter how much she didn’t like to think too deeply, there was no way she didn’t know why Kim Soo-hyun lied to her.

It was the same for Ahn Hyeon. The only difference is that it was currently being draped helplessly on Gong Chan-ho’s shoulder and swaying from side to side.

It’s not because you’re injured. As soon as he found out about the lie, he tried to go back to Kim Soo-hyun, but Gong Chan-ho hit him on the head unexpectedly and he passed out. Kim Soo-hyun, who was concerned about the situation in which the children would return without hesitation, requested this in advance.

“bad guy!”

In the end, Lee Yu-jeong desperately hoped and hoped in her heart as she continued to run away crying and eating mustard.

I hope Kim Soo-hyun returns safely.

As a result of our frantic escape, we were able to barely shake off the enemy’s persistent pursuit only when it was getting dark.

When the enemy seemed to have given up, Go Yeon-ju stopped and looked back.

There were about 200 users that were immediately visible. There were quite a few people who fell away because they were trying to force their way through the siege and were running only looking ahead. It was truly unfortunate, but it was also something that could not be helped. If I had embraced each and every one of them, I wouldn’t have come this far.

“Ugh… . Ugh… .”

Even though Mar was limping on his left leg, he managed to chase after me. It looks like Haeryu Ma was suddenly unsummoned and she fell and got hurt.

He limped to the place where Go Yeon-ju stopped, then suddenly fell down and started crying. She began to pour out the tears she had been holding back for so long. The sound was so pitiful, like a child crying, that people around had mixed expressions.

Go Yeon-ju was about to say something, but closed her mouth when she saw Shin Jae-ryong quietly reciting a healing spell and approaching her.

In fact, the future was vague for Ko Yeon-ju. Of course, Go Yeon-ju may not have wanted to go back immediately, but he knew better than anyone how foolish that was. And on the other hand, aside from the fact that Kim Soo-hyun lied, I thought I knew why he said that.

Thinking like that, Go Yeon-ju slapped his cheek with both hands as hard as he could. Since I didn’t know when the chase team would come after me, I couldn’t continue to hang around in this atmosphere.

The urgent priority was to escape the search range as quickly as possible and to repair our exhausted allies.


It was during the night of the next day that Kim Yu-hyeon opened his eyes.

I was passed out longer than expected. Although Kim Soo-hyun made a deliberate decision to hit it in succession, his body’s fatigue was at its peak from the beginning. Since I had been using my magic power for a long time without stopping, my mind naturally became tired.

“eww… .”

Perhaps because I had been unconscious for a long time, I naturally fell asleep.

Kim Yu-hyeon swallowed dry saliva and squinted. This was because her head felt fuzzy and she felt a strong sense of dizziness. Meanwhile, his hands kept groping the bed sheets as if he was trying to find something.

at that time.

‘okay. This is zero code. So you have to protect it well?’

The moment a familiar voice suddenly passes through my mind,


The two eyes, which had been very squinted, opened brightly.

Go Yeon-ju, who was walking around outside, was startled and took a step when she heard a crashing sound coming from a nearby tent. As I cautiously entered the entrance, I saw Kim Yu-hyun had fallen from the cot, her face distorted.


“Suuuuu… ! Tongue… !”

A cracking sound came out of my dry throat. However, Go Yeon-ju easily realized that he was calling Su-hyeon.

“calm down!”

Kim Yu-hyeon shouted in a pleading voice, but did not relent for a while. She instead crawled on the ground with her arms and hurriedly tried to get out of her tent.

Go Yeon-ju forcibly grabbed Kim Yu-hyeon and said,

“It’s already too late to go. Rest first. You need to rest… .”

But I couldn’t finish my sentence. The moment she said it was too late to go, Kim Yu-hyeon turned her head and shot her a scary shot.

The two glaring eyes were burning with a brighter light than ever before. It’s as if he won’t leave you alone if you talk any more.

Go Yeon-ju was equally upset, but deep down, she understood Kim Yu-hyeon. She had done this once during the previous trip to Atlanta, but the man in front of her had the personality to go to any lengths when it came to her younger brother.

“please… . Be cool. We haven’t completely given up on the chase yet, and there’s nothing we can do if we go now. Do you think Soo-hyeon will be happy if that happens?”

“… … .”

“I’m still in the process of sending in communications. Fortunately, there aren’t any allies that we can contact, so let’s go to the gathering point first. I will think about the next thing once I join. yes?”

“… … .”

Still, how much reason was left?

The movement that was constantly trying to shake off Go Yeon-ju suddenly stops. The power in his glaring eyes slowly faded, and the glow in his eyes went out.

How much time has passed?

Kim Yu-hyeon, who had been silent for a long time, sits down. Then she put her trembling hand into her bosom, took out a small, blue bead, and stared at it.

He continued to look at me endlessly, and his tightly closed mouth began to loosen little by little.

Go Yeon-ju considered moving Kim Yu-hyeon to the bed, but chose to just come out quietly.

After a while, a dull noise sounded as if something had been thrown, and the tent began to be quietly filled with whining sounds. Even though he seemed to be trying hard to hold back, in the end he couldn’t swallow, and low sobbing continued.

It has been said since ancient times that a woman’s tears are a weapon. However, the sound of her man crying mournfully is also very sad.

As I listened quietly, even Go Yeon-ju, who had forced himself to be strong, was about to become dull.

“You son of a bitch. “Just come back.”

After sincerely condescending, Go Yeon-ju let out a long sigh and lowered her head.

I tried to think about it carefully, but I still felt at a loss. Is it fortunate among misfortunes that I was able to contact the origin and confirm that it was coming here?

It was then.


Suddenly, something vaguely sparkling caught my eye. The jewel on the necklace around her neck was shining faintly.

“This… ?”

It was a necklace that Kim Soo-hyun bought me a long time ago when I went to the streets at night.

At that moment, Go Yeon-ju felt a shock as if her head had been hit hard. She hadn’t been paying attention at all, but then the efficacy of this necklace occurred to her.

“ah… !”

Go Yeon-ju hurriedly grabbed the necklace and lifted it up with an exclamation. And I observed the slightly shaking jewel with a careful eye. Black diamonds do not emit as beautiful and brilliant light as they used to.


“live… .”

Although it has lost its shine compared to before, the light is clearly alive. Deep below the jewel, a faint light appeared and disappeared repeatedly.

Go Yeon-ju muttered in a confused, yet slightly joyful voice.

“It was alive… !”


When I suddenly came to my senses, I felt a strange, indescribable feeling.

Should I say that I don’t feel anything? Even the body.

no. no.

I can feel it.

It’s just a feeling that the whole body is very heavy and the body can’t move as it should. It felt like someone was forcibly holding me up and restraining me.

What happened?

Did I live? Or is he dead?

“… … .”

I don’t know.

The last thing I remember is activating my chlorine ability and falling to the ground. If so, it is highly likely that he is dead.

… no. Something is strange.

If he had really died, it would have been impossible to even think like this.

Scorching is an ability that not only kills the body, but also takes away the soul and vitality. In other words, if it is a zero code, it means that it returns to nothingness, where even resurrection by wish is impossible.

As soon as I thought about it, I suddenly felt like I didn’t want to open my eyes. In my intuition, I felt like something strange had happened while I was unconscious.

Anyway, what happened to my brother?

Did you get out of it well? Also, Han So-young and the clan members… .

“Whoa…” .”

The moment a sigh naturally came out of my stuffy chest,

“… huh?”

I was startled without realizing it.

I could clearly hear breathing just now.

When I took another breath, this time I smelled extremely humid air.

no way… .

I slowly open my eyes, wondering if this is possible.

The first thing I noticed was that the vision was very blurry and it was very dark. And several small blue lights are blinking in the air in a shape that seems as if they will disappear. The atmosphere was similar to the summoning room.

It was that moment.

“… Pfft!”

When I tried to move my body slightly, a cold sensation suddenly hit both my arms, as if they were being twisted violently.

At the same time.

“… … ?”

A small, whimpering, moaning sound rose around them like ripples on a river.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Thank you for waiting.

After taking a day off, I definitely feel like my dull feelings are going away.

Why did I have so many random thoughts yesterday… . ^^;

By the way, there are still people on Memorize who are worried about NTR.

Of course, I fully understand the thought that this may be the case depending on the situation.

I also acknowledge that NTR, if used well, has the potential to be used as a great device within a novel.

However, as I promised several times in the past, NTR will not appear in Memorize.

To be precise, it targets the women around the main character. No, why do I keep making typos because I am saying too much? She rewrote it five times. Angry.

Anyway, of course, Han So-young is included among them.

Many readers have been waiting for me until now, saying they would not buy it until it is ripe, but I think it would be a betrayal of them to now turn Han So-young into NTR.

So, to be clear again, there will be no NTR about Han So-young.

I’m trying to go in a direction that doesn’t do that.

If there was anyone who had expectations, I would like to apologize. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode