MEMORIZE Chapter 938

00938 If You Change, One. ————————————————– ———————-=

Around that time.

Although it was not a disaster on the level of a natural disaster caused by Kim Soo-hyun, there was chaos at the warp gate that was some distance away.

Melinus was anxious when reinforcements did not arrive no matter how long he waited, and out of frustration, he headed directly to where Erwin was.


“… … !”

The steps across the battlefield came to a halt before even twenty minutes had passed.

The air was so hot that it burned my nostrils. She was making a simmering sound somewhere. Melinus’ mouth dropped open as he looked around her in a daze.

The meadow, which had been extremely noisy just five minutes ago, suddenly became quiet as if it had died.

no. Now it is difficult to even call it a grassland.

In one place, as if an asteroid had hit, the ground was torn to pieces, creating a large hole. At this level, you could almost believe it was a sinkhole.

In some places, liquid mixed with melted flesh and blood had accumulated like a puddle, and there were countless corpses with their upper and lower bodies cut in half, regardless of whether they were humans, fairies, or demons.

At that time, Lee Chae caught the eye of Melinus, who was looking at a loss for words.

“Keuuuu… .”

“Ah, Lord Astaroth!”

Astaroth lay seriously injured. In particular, the deep cuts on his chest and abdomen were still smoking and burning. Although he was not affected by the first and second attacks, he was unable to escape the bombardment of the thermal sword.

In fact, it was fortunate that I was able to escape the fourth attack thanks to the sudden collapse.

Eventually, when Astaroth opened his mouth with difficulty, Melinus hurriedly picked up Astaroth and ran to the place where the most bodies were piled up.

I hurriedly memorized the spell to turn it into nutrients and absorbed it, and only then was Astaroth able to breathe slightly.

“Whoa…” .”

“Are you okay?”

“… … .”

“What happened… .”

Melinus’ tone was very cautious, as he knew how strong Astaroth’s pride was.

But Astaroth did not answer. Instead of opening his mouth, he just lets out a deep breath and shows no reaction.

It’s not that Melinus didn’t feel the terrifying energy five minutes ago, but he just thought that Kim Soo-hyun’s resistance was too strong.

But looking at it like this, I was struck by the thought that even if something was wrong, it was definitely wrong.

I apologized and ran again, and it wasn’t long before I found Erwin.

Erwin was sitting on the ground, barely able to raise his upper body. There was a small hole in the middle of his chest, but it was not a serious injury.

Erwin seemed to have sensed Melinus’ presence and trembled. And then he said “oops” and slightly pushed Kim Soo-hyun, who was burying his face in his abdomen.


“buy… . Erwin. “Are you safe?”

Erwin stood up with difficulty and nodded. He was still dazed, but it wasn’t the time for him to be like this.

“Does not matter. “Anyway, what happened there?”

He asked right away, but Melinus could not get the words out easily. Although he was momentarily distracted by the unimaginable sight, he was at a loss for words when he returned to reality. All around her was filled with corpses and the groans of the injured, but she couldn’t stop talking.

Did I feel something strange because he kept showing signs of hesitation?

Erwin’s eyes immediately became droopy.

“What happened?”

“Thanks to Savnak’s quick action, we were able to surround the fleeing group.”

When asked again, Melinus hurriedly lowered his head. Now was not the time to consider the opinions of others.

“But their resistance was formidable, and about 30 new people appeared and suddenly attacked the rear… .”

“Yes, there are less than 300 people, right? Even if there were shadows or spirits, there would be no way the six thousand people on the Western Continent would have missed it.”

“That’s actually… . “While we were sending troops through the portal, we were attacked unexpectedly.”


“yes. While I was distracted, he pretended to be an ally and ran towards me, and as soon as he got close, he suddenly attacked. At first, it seemed like he was trying to steal the Memoria Stone, but when I managed to protect it, he went right into the portal.”


“so… . Because the number is not small… . I quickly requested support… .”

“… … .”

As Melinus spoke again, Erwin chewed his lips. I thought it couldn’t be possible, but something really happened. Although he managed to surround them, a strange feeling of anxiety welled up.

Erwin quickly looked away. He was in complete disarray, but even if there was a delay, he had to get his troops together as quickly as possible and move on. It was then.

Suddenly, a group of people was heard rushing from one side.

Melinus’ face, who was looking away without thinking, momentarily distorted. The group of people running towards us, panting, were clearly Western Continent users. They should be in the middle of a fight right now, but the fact that they came here was as obvious as seeing it.

“Wow, we’re in big trouble!”

And as soon as I heard the following cry,

“I missed it!”

My heart sank.


The source of the shouting was not Melinus but Erwin. The man, who was just trying to catch his breath, hiccuped momentarily at the sharp shout.

“Let go. I hit it. all. go.”

As he faced Erwin’s cold, glaring eyes, the man felt his entire body freeze. What would it be like if she jumped with her bare body into the cold frost? She felt like a rat facing a snake.

“Well, that! “I’m giving chase!”

Erwin said, widening his eyes at the man’s gibberish.

“upright. “Speak.”

The beautiful voice suddenly became lower and took on an evil tone. This was proof that Satan was extremely angry.

In the end, the man, unable to withstand the momentum, suddenly and hurriedly pulled someone forward.

“It’s because of this bitch!”

The woman thrown forward next was none other than Han So-young.

The long, straight hair that was always neat was very matted, and there were several deep scars here and there, but it was clearly Han So-young.

Even though he was finally caught, his expression was as emotionless as always. As if I won’t give in to the likes of you.

“This bitch suddenly came through the warp gate… !”

The man continued talking while pointing a finger at Han So-young, but Erwin was no longer listening. Should I say that I don’t listen to what she says?

There was no sight of him collapsing with his legs loose, but his shoulders, which had been upright just a moment ago, were slightly slumped. And I just stared endlessly in the direction where the warp gate was.

Eventually, he quietly closes his eyes as if he is lost in thought.

It was natural for me to lose strength. Starting with waking up Thanatos, I took all kinds of risks and put in all my effort, looking only at this one moment, but it all ended in vain.

In this way, even if the war is won, it is not won. Looking at it calmly, this war was also a defeat for the devil camp.

In the end, Daegye’s prophecy was correct.

After a while.

As Melinus continued to shout, Soyoung Han calmly looked around. As long as he wasn’t dead, he was thinking of catching a glimpse.


“… … ?”

Not long after, Kim Soo-hyun was found lying on the ground. Han So-young’s eyes, which had been expressionless, widened in surprise.

“Musher… .”

Open your mouth reflexively, then close it for a moment. Because something was strange.

Han So-young moved both arms without realizing it and dragged her body towards Kim Soo-hyun.

“Merchantery… .”

I called in a very hoarse voice, but there was no reply. Let alone an answer, there was not even a slight movement.

Han So-young stretched out her hand and carefully swept away the blood-soaked hair that stuck to her cheek. Then, her eyes were finally revealed, comfortably closed.

“Merchantery… . road… ?”

Only then was Han So-young able to face reality. Although she couldn’t accept it yet.

Breathing becomes rough. Han So-young’s fluttering eyelids and Kim Soo-hyun’s face slowly become closer. Black crystal eyes that waver mercilessly stare at the other person.

I can’t believe I’m lying on the ground like that. It feels like he’s going to stand up at any moment as if to tell me to come out.

However, Han So-young’s extra senses had been relaying information about the target in detail.

My breath has already stopped. What spark of life remains is fading quickly.

After staring at him in confusion for a while, he gently presses his cheek to Kim Soo-hyun’s face. The flesh was still lukewarm, but it was cooling down quickly.

“you… .”

At that moment, Han So-young could not overcome her emotions and hugged Kim Soo-hyun’s head. Her slightly opened mouth slowly opened and said, “Black.” Her lower lip was chewed tightly as she made a sound. At the same time, a stream of clear tears burst out silently, running down her cheeks and down her chin.

At that time, a sudden kick struck Han So-young’s back hard enough to make a loud sound.

“It’s because of this bitch! This bitch ruined everything! You bitch! “You bitch!”

The man cursed harshly and kicked him with all his might. Moreover, she didn’t stop at just one hit, she was beaten mercilessly on her head, face, back, and legs, but Han So-young didn’t even shed a moan. She just sobbed and hugged Kim Soo-hyun with all her might.

How much time has passed?

The kicking, which seemed to continue incessantly, suddenly stopped.

A strange look appeared on Han So-young’s face as she raised her squinted eyes. The man who had kicked her and the old man with the white beard were looking in one direction with slightly perplexed faces.

There, before we knew it, a fairy had opened her eyes and was staring at Han So-young.

The moment their gazes became entangled, Han So-young felt an eerie feeling for no apparent reason.

Erwin has an extremely restrained look on his face. However, the other person’s emotions, as indicated by his extra senses, were swirling so violently that it would be an understatement to say that he was going crazy.

Eventually, Erwin glanced away,

“Yes, yes!”

Even though I hadn’t called him yet, the man automatically stood at attention.

“I’m sure this isn’t the only prisoner.”

“Well, that…” .”

“From now on, don’t kill anyone, but bring everyone. Right Now.”

“Sure, I will!”

Since he already wanted to leave, the man quickly disappeared.

Erwin continued.



“Whether it’s a user or a fairy, bring the one with the best healing ability.”

“… All right.”

Melinus also walked quickly without saying anything. Of course, he had no idea why he was giving this order, but he thought there must be some kind of meaning.

Because it’s Satan. Because I took it from the verge of giving up to the verge of success.

okay. Satan has not given up yet.

Erwin’s gaze, slowly looking back at his son-in-law, stopped on the right. When he came back, Thanatos was sitting on the ground with a slightly lethargic look on his face.



As soon as his name was called, Thanatos spoke firmly. As if he knew what he was going to say.

However, Erwin spoke calmly without any sign of offense.

“Isn’t it like in Eldora?”

“It’s not that it’s impossible, it’s that it’s impossible. Even if the body dies, it is not difficult to revive the soul as long as it is alive. But that case is completely different. “It burned not only the body and soul, but also the very roots of one’s existence.”

“Is there really no way?”

“Is that so? “Now all that’s left is for that guy to disappear from existence and return to nothingness.”

Thanatos spoke longer than usual, which was rare, and then looked at Kim Soo-hyun and clicked his tongue.

“In the first place, it is ridiculous for a human to control a deity of the level of Hwajeong. Since you don’t know that, you don’t know that your life is being eaten away at every moment. “You idiot.”

After saying that, Thanatos turned his head.

no. To be more precise, just as I was about to do that, I suddenly frowned. This was because Erwin was still not looking away. Her silent gaze seemed to tell me to find something even if there was no way.

Thanatos got irritated and stood up.

“no. It is possible if my strength is intact. All you have to do is forcefully replenish your vitality. However, due to the failure of the last plan, only three pieces were recovered, and even those were used to revive Eldora. “What are you asking me to do now?”

Although he complained a lot, he eventually walked forward and placed his hand on Kim Soo-hyun’s chest.

Han Soyoung had already followed her instinct and retreated. She didn’t understand what was being said, but the atmosphere made her think that Kim Soo-hyun could be revived.

But before I could get any hope, my expectations disappeared like bubbles. This is because Thanatos, who had been holding his hand for a while, sighed and shook his head.

“also. no. This is impossible in my current state… .”

It was then.

“… what?”

Thanatos, who was about to take his hand away, suddenly opened his eyes.

“this… . Wait, wait… .”

The look on his face that was clearly showing annoyance suddenly changed to interest.

Eventually, he moved his hand to where the heart was and gently pressed it,

“under? “Look at this?”

A mysterious smile appeared on his lips along with an exclamation of fun.

“Control… . Wasn’t it?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

In this review, I will try to answer the questions raised in Episode 2 about how I developed the content. Before we get into the Q&A, I would like to say one thing: you don’t have to assume that my thoughts are correct. There can be many different paths to any situation, and I don’t necessarily think any one is the right answer. So, as I said before, this review is ‘I’m right.’ Rather, ‘I wrote this because I thought so.’ I would appreciate it if you could focus on this. (However, I will exclude cases where you skipped the content of the question and read it.) So let’s get started. (Below are the ones I selected after reading the comments on the most recent 10 episodes.)

Q 1. Wasn’t it all over if you just got the zero code?

Sol) No. The Zero Code is not complete upon acquisition; it can only be activated through the Angel by returning to the Summoning Room. That’s why Kim Soo-hyun installed a warp gate around the law area. As soon as you come out, you can go back to the city right away.

Q 2. Why was the devil able to come to the North Continent in such a short time?

Sol ) The background of the current story is the Central Continent, not the North Continent. And in the central continent, this is where the Temple of Promise is located. Just in case I misunderstood the question (I thought this because it was a comment about blocking the group of Kim Yu-hyun who escaped), the devil sniped at Ansol during the first surprise attack, but succeeded in escaping to Jegal Haesol’s base. do. And Satan gives chase instructions to Sabnak, one of the 14 demon lords. That’s why Savnak was able to leave the battlefield and be on the outskirts.

Q 3. Wasn’t it right for Kim Soo-hyun to deal with the devil first in the first place?

Sol) Kim Soo-hyun also tried to do that. To be precise, we were trying to monitor the devil’s movements while attacking the Temple of Promise. At that time, the only advantageous situation for the devil was to attack the place where the main force was missing (of course, Kim Soo-hyun responded with the same warp gate), or to target right after the North Continent acquired the zero code. However, an unexpected variable arises here for Kim Soo-hyun. In the first episode, the law that was impervious no matter what they did reacted as soon as Kim Soo-hyun and the four women entered the altar. If Kim Soo-hyun had known that, he wouldn’t have gone so close to the altar.

Q 4. I don’t understand why Kim Soo-hyun returns to the battlefield alone.

Sol ) If you are a reader who has been reading Memorize from the beginning, you will probably feel that the Kim Soo-hyun of the early days has changed a lot from the current Kim Soo-hyun. At first, as soon as I saw Go Yeon-ju and Yoo Hyeon-ah, I thought, ‘I have to kill them.’ If you used to suffer from OCD, a lot has changed now. In fact, over the course of over 900 episodes, the character Kim Soo-hyun’s state of mind changed, knowingly or unknowingly, and there was a mental conflict before and after the recent scene of obtaining the zero code and the meeting with his older brother after leaving the court. One thing is clear, Kim Soo-hyun had a chance in this war. He had a chance to escape with his brother and Han So-young, even if by force. In other words, he had the option of leaving with his brother and Han So-young, or joining forces with his brother and Han So-young and returning to the battlefield, but Kim Soo-hyun chose neither of them. Even though he wanted to get his brother out of the battlefield, he couldn’t abandon his comrades. So, at the end of the conflict, only half of each option is chosen. This means that clan members who were initially treated only as a means to an end rose to a level similar to Kim Yu-hyun and Han So-young over time.

And suddenly another comment came to mind (although the question has a different focus): I think it would be difficult to compare the current situation to before Gehenna. At that time, Kim Soo-hyun was with many colleagues, there was Wonho, who was actually healed with elixirs and various spells, and more than anything, his opponent was Gehenna alone. However, when Kim Soo-hyun appears, Satan gives up everything and focuses all his forces on catching only Kim Soo-hyun. As a result, I was alone surrounded by over 10,000 enemies, and instead of protecting someone like before, I had to prevent reinforcements from getting there. However, it is true that Kim Soo-hyun has changed. If you felt sorry for that part, I think that is something that any reader can personally feel.

Q 5. I don’t understand how the Northern Continent collapsed so easily. Isn’t the story being too forced to create a dramatic situation at the end?

Sol ) I will explain accurately the current power of the North Continent. The total number of troops is close to 20,000, of which about 5,000 are the most elite, about 10,000 users can be considered veterans, and the remaining 5,000 are made up of users with 2 to 3 years of experience (participating in the Central Continent Expedition during the work). There was talk of greatly expanding the conditions.) Afterwards, Kim Soo-hyun and the four women were eliminated. On the other hand, the enemy’s strength was Thanatos, four anti-demons, about 12,000 demon warriors, about 15,000 including the southern continent survivors and western continent users right after the battle on the eastern continent, and about 30,000 fairies and spirits. In this situation, he puts Ansol out of action by sniping and gains the upper hand with a surprise attack taking advantage of the fog. So, rather than saying that it collapsed easily during the eight hours that Kim Soo-hyun was gone, wouldn’t it be possible to say that it collapsed after holding on against an enemy with relatively superior power?

Q 6. Even though you activated the chlorine ability, why did you only capture the subordinates and not the commander?

Sol ) After hearing the news that Kim Soo-hyun was released from the law, Satan takes two actions. One is to send the Western Continent to blockade the group of emperors that Kim Soo-hyun escaped. And the other one gives up the enemy’s remaining troops and devotes all of the remaining troops to capturing Kim Soo-hyun. Because zero code was the most important. Of course, this also applies to Kim Soo-hyun, but there is one more thing. While Kim Soo-hyun did not lose the Zero Code, he also had to think about the safety of his brother, Han So-young (at the time, Kim Soo-hyun was unaware of Han So-young’s departure), and the clan members who went in the same direction. If, by any chance, Satan had succeeded in sending reinforcements, the worst situation I could ever imagine would have unfolded. Therefore, the dispatch of reinforcements had to be prevented at all costs, and the only option available was to initiate flaming. In other words, Kim Soo-hyun couldn’t just focus on the devil. His body was already seriously injured, and only 300 seconds were allowed for chlorination. Of course, if you deal with the Archdemon, you can gain the additional benefit of destroying the demons under his command, but while chasing and dealing with each of the four Archdemons, he was afraid that he would miss out on any of the Southern Continent users or fairies. As expected, there is a commander-level character there, and we also had to keep in mind the possibility that enemies fleeing in all directions could become reinforcements. So he used big techniques one after another, hitting the opposing team evenly. I deliberately caught the fleeing enemies and inflicted as much damage as possible. They slightly deviated from the goal of destroying the devil, and chose a method of causing confusion and fear based on overwhelming force, with the goal of preventing anyone from going.

… I thought about it this way and wrote it down, but as readers have said, there seems to be some parts that are definitely unclear. There were some words that made me nod as I read the comments. As a result, we had to set up a situation that readers could understand, but we seem to have failed to do so.

Therefore, we will definitely edit this part after completion. Currently, a total of two amendments have been proposed. I thought about just revising it right away, but I felt like I would have to fix several parts to do that, so I thought it would be better to do it after it was completed. The most important thing to me right now is serialization, and I made this decision because I didn’t want to waste time on remaking parts of it until it was completed, so I ask for your understanding.

The review is longer than I thought.

I hope this was a sufficient answer, and have a happy Sunday to all readers! 🙂


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not work with dark mode