MEMORIZE Chapter 929

00929 A Poisoned Chalice, Two. ————————————————– ———————-=

The final gateway.

The final gateway refers to the long mountain fortress that demarcates the sacred area and the next area. In other words, it is called the final gateway because once you cross the border, you will find the Temple of Promise.

“and… . “It’s really long.”

“The height is high, but the length is no problem. How far will it extend?”

Nam Da-eun and Go Yeon-joo exclaimed one after another.

As in the past, the final gateway is a structure that arouses admiration every time you see it. I don’t know what it’s made of, but the surface is made of large gray bricks stacked one on top of the other and fitting neatly together. It is at least ten meters high and over four meters thick.

Above all, as Go Yeon-ju said, the sight of a vast ocean-like field stretching out in a single shape without limit is nothing short of spectacular. Should I say that it feels like seeing the Great Wall of China?

Unless you can fly, crossing that gate is impossible based on common sense. However, there is one place you can pass by on foot. When viewed from the perspective of the fortress as a whole, it is nothing more than a small hole, but from our perspective, it would be correct to view it as a passage without a door.

Anyway, I remembered this place clearly, so I walked along in my head and was able to find the way and pass through the castle gate early in the morning.

As soon as I passed the final gate, the sight that came to me was quite different from the area I had passed through so far. If the four zones were empty plains where you couldn’t find any scenery even if you looked hard, this was a very large space with white buildings everywhere you looked, and it was like seeing a lonely ancient ruin covered in white snow.

However, most of the buildings were old and crumbling due to the passage of time, and it was so quiet and desolate that it did not have the desolate feel of the turn of the century.

At this point, you may wonder, ‘What kind of place is this?’ That should definitely come out. Or ‘Where should I go now?’ Or something.

However, the four women had been silent from earlier. She glanced behind her slightly and saw that she was looking up at the sky with her mouth slightly open and her mesmerized face.

At that time, Han So-young made eye contact with me and said, “Hap.” Close her mouth. And she looked angry for no reason. She had no idea what she had done wrong, but she followed her instinct and quickly looked forward again.

As I slowly raised my gaze to the front, I saw a huge building that at first glance resembled a palace standing out in a landscape that looked like Ground Zero.

Although it was far away, it was so huge that it could be seen clearly even from here. Moreover, a holy and mysterious beauty was felt in the light flowing on the pale white surface.

“… … .”


It is the temple of promise.

After walking for about twenty minutes, we arrived right in front of the Temple of Promise.

It was amazing when seen from afar, but it was even more amazing when seen up close.

The thickness of the rectangular platform supported at the bottom is so large and grand that it takes your breath away just by looking at it. Above it, pillars reminiscent of the Parthenon are neatly erected, and at the top, a structure identical to that of a baroque church is connected to the pillars. In addition, the top is beautifully finished with an old-fashioned arched roof.

Since it is a three-tiered temple, it is so incredibly tall that it cannot be measured.


Someone suddenly exhaled, and the sound of exhaling the breath they had been holding continued twice more. Perhaps he was overwhelmed by the majesty of the building without even realizing it. I guess I did that too when I first saw it.

I smiled to myself and looked left and right alternately. This is because there is no road in front, and if you turn to the left or right, you will find stairs that lead you up to the platform.

After all, I’ve come this far, so why should I worry or hesitate any more? With that in mind, I calmly walked closer.

After a while, we walked up the long and wide stairs and finally climbed onto the huge platform and stood in front of the temple.

“… under.”

It is a feeling that cannot be expressed in words. Seeing the white door with an unknown pattern on it gave me a new feeling. The moment I open this door and go up to the top floor, I will be holding the zero code for the second time. Feeling relieved, I stretched out my hand to open the door in front of me.

“The Mercenary Road is.”

It was then.

“I guess you’re not that surprised.”

Suddenly, I heard a calm voice and my hands stopped without me realizing it.

“He seems like someone who has been here before.”

“… yes?”

I barely managed to question it, but for a moment my heart sank. When I turned her body in a daze, I saw Soyoung Han looking at me with deep, profound eyes. Why, no. How did you find out?

“Come to think of it… . Don’t you know the road too well? “It’s so wide, you might get lost, right?”

Go Yeon-ju also pretended to think and asked while supporting his chin with his index finger. From the way he smiled softly, it seemed like he was asking jokingly, but his eyes were looking straight at me.

I hastily managed my facial expression. I don’t know why he suddenly said something like that, but it would be better to just ignore it here.

“It can’t be. Maybe you’re just lucky. haha.”

As he shrugged his shoulders and joked, Go Yeon-ju opened his eyes and slightly stuck out his lower lip. However, at that moment, Han Soyoung’s head tilted ever so slightly forward. For a moment, I thought, oh no. She failed to keep Suyoung Han’s extrasensory senses in mind. If it was a mistake, it was a mistake.

The next moment, I felt staring eyes on me, but I forced myself to clear my throat and turned around. Then she hurriedly opened the door and was pushed inside.

So, although it was the first time in five years that I entered the temple of promise, I was no longer in a position to savor the comfortable feelings of gratitude. This was because it felt like unspoken pressure was constantly stabbing me in the back.

I knew the path, so I was walking reflexively, but in fact, my body was shaking, my heart was pounding, and I was sweating. I’ve hidden it well until now… .

But as I walked and thought about it for a while, I suddenly wondered, what does it matter anymore? Isn’t the situation over anyway if you get the zero code and go back? Of course, it’s not a story to bring up easily, but there’s no need to hide it as the end is approaching.

When I first came to my senses, I was climbing a dark staircase.

Have we come this far before we know it? I was so preoccupied for a while that I couldn’t even pay attention to the internal organs, let alone the internal organs. No, seeing that we got here safely, it seems like something has changed.

When I glance back, Nam Da-eun and Mar are constantly looking around at the wall next to the stairs. And the other two women were busy talking with serious faces. Ko Yeon-joo mainly speaks and Han So-young occasionally nods, which makes me feel like she’s talking about me.

“Now that I think about it, he’s always been sneaky… . huh?”


Then, as if he felt my gaze, he stopped talking and looked at me at the same time. Afterwards, they both glanced at each other mischievously, and then the two men sat close together and started whispering even more intently. It’s almost like he’s asking me to look at him. what. whatever.

Coincidentally, as I reached the end of the stairs, I quenched my appetite and opened the door leading to the upper floor.

In that split second, a severe conflict arose.

Currently, for some reason, guardians do not appear in the Temple of Promise and traps are not activated. I’m not sure, but it felt like they were letting us through, like in a zone. Then the problem is the way to get there, and I understand that a fairly complicated maze appears from the upper floors.

Should I show up wandering, or should I take the path I know?

The decision was made quicker than I thought.

To not hide it.

As soon as I made up my mind and opened the door, as expected.

A huge space with long, winding walls appeared. At first glance, it looked so disorganized that you couldn’t tell where it was. But I walked without hesitation into the maze.

As expected, the guardian was nowhere to be seen throughout the trip. Traps and path-changing machinery were not activated even once. I passed through the maze in an instant, went straight up the stairs, and cleared the next floor in one go.

It takes about ten minutes to conquer one floor. As a result of climbing the temple at high speed, I was able to reach the highest level in less than an hour.

The top floor was a tunnel-like hallway surrounded by soft blue light. And at the end of this hallway, there is a passage that can accommodate one person. A passage filled with nothing but darkness, with nothing visible.

I stopped walking when I reached the end of the hallway. With the passage in front of me, I took a deep breath to control my pounding heart.

I got zero code in this.

“Suhyeon~. “What kind of space is this?”

Go Yeon-ju pointed to the inside of the passage and asked as if she was very curious. It seemed like he was being a bit picky, as if he thought I knew. He opened his mouth grumpily, promising that he would massage her breasts later.



“Because you can’t see inside. So Istantel Low Road. “Why don’t you turn on the lights?”

“… … .”

However, no matter how long he waited, there was no response from Han So-young. He just looked at me blankly and blinked once.

“… … .”

I don’t know what to do. Then, for some reason, I felt angry, so I decided to stay silent and just blink. Let’s give it a try.


… Flash?

Blink, blink!

… Blinking?

Finally, just as I was about to blink my eyes three times,

“… after. ────. ────.”

Han So-young sighs softly and begins to quietly recite a spell. For a moment, she felt like she had won even though she had won, but she tried to look ahead as if nothing had happened. And she regretted it. I should have just gone in.


However, Han So-young had already finished the spell, and a sphere emitting bright light was created. I calmly stepped inside, following the orb of light advancing down the passage.

“hmm. “Are you here now?”

… huh? Who just said that?

“Well, anyway.”

No, didn’t you hear it earlier?

“How does it feel to reach the top for the second time? “The summit of the past.”

It was that moment.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

The real name Jeongsang (頂上) has a special effect that Kim Soo-hyun is not aware of.


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not work with dark mode