MEMORIZE Chapter 926

00926 A Poisoned Chalice, Two. ————————————————– ———————-=


“… … ?”

what? I think the shaking sound came from somewhere. No, was it a sound made when magic power flowed?

It definitely felt like my eardrums were slightly vibrating. However, looking back and forth, left and right, I don’t see anything strange. There was still a thick fog flowing everywhere, and the users were just talking without showing anything unusual.

weird. Did I hear wrong?

“Huh… .”

It was that moment.

The moment I tilted my head and tried to walk,


A louder sound than before rang out once more. I heard clearly this time.

“huh? what?”

“Where does that sound come from?”

It seems like I’m not the only one who heard it. The people who had been whispering just now were all looking around with wide eyes.

“Pillar! “This pillar is strange!”

At that time, someone shouted sharply and pointed to one of the four pillars.


At the same time, the pillar standing in the upper left corner suddenly made a loud roar.

A phenomenon that occurred quite suddenly. And before I can say anything, the pillar begins to flash black lights.

In an instant, the son-in-law darkened and brightened several times,

Whoosh, whoosh!

Whoosh, whoosh!

As many as two additional pillars shake, powerfully spreading the noise. The light turns on and off repeatedly, as if in resonance with the first pillar.

“uh? “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!”

At that moment, the woman who had screamed earlier suddenly screams and hits her butt. Her eyes are wide and staring straight ahead at her.

Instead of standing there was the worn-out pillar I had seen earlier, there was a pillar painted black as if black paint had been poured on it. With a black energy flowing out that I can’t tell if it’s a shadow or a shadow.

In addition, the pillar in the upper right corner buzzes and emits a shimmering blue light, and then sprays a sharp energy that is so sharp that it hurts one’s skin. It is extremely sharp, like a well-forged sword.

Is that all?

In the midst of my hesitation, suddenly a cold smell mixed with the smell of iron and blood pierced my nose.

“this… .”

When I turned around without realizing it, I saw that the pillar in the lower left corner had also suddenly turned dark blue and dark red.

“what… .”

In a split second, countless changes occurred. While the users were startled and took a step back, I calmed my pounding heart with my eyes and observed the phenomenon calmly.

Let’s start by clearing up the situation. I have no idea what happened, but currently there are three pillars that suddenly reacted. That is, out of a total of four, only the pillar at the bottom right.

Whoosh, whoosh!

As soon as you think about it, even the fourth pillar has changed.


At first, it flickered and gave off light like the previous three pillars. However, a dazzling white light is emitted from the surface.

I just stared blankly at the four pillars showing various changes.

How on earth did this happen?

I thought it would be the same as the first episode.

I thought nothing would happen like that time.

This situation has not entered my mind. No, I never even thought something like this would happen in the first place.


The final result is a brilliant explosion of light. The four pillars emit colorful rays of light from the top.

The launched beam of light initially rose vertically with the momentum to penetrate the sky. However, suddenly, like the spiral pattern of a conch shell, they spun and came together, converging into one point at an unprecedented speed, and bursting with tremendous light.


The whole world became brightly lit. The finally completed scene is like seeing two suns coexist in the sky.

But even for a moment.


There was no warning, and I felt no foreboding. It happened so suddenly.

“ah… .”

When I closed my eyes and opened them, a black pillar of light had already come down from the sky. It didn’t fall in an empty space, but landed squarely on the top of someone’s head.

Not to anyone else, but to Go Yeon-ju.


Was it an attack that even the Shadow Queen wasn’t aware of?

“Soo, Su-hyeon!”

A scream broke out later.

“Go play!”

I reflexively stretched out my hand, but it was too late.

Oops, for a moment, Go Yeon-ju was instantly swallowed up by black light. And with no time to do anything, she was sucked into the sanctuary. Even though she had just seen it before her eyes, she still couldn’t believe it. Am I dreaming now?



At that moment, another high-pitched scream erupted from the other side.

When I hurriedly looked away, I saw that Nam Da-eun, who had just taken a step toward the altar, had been hit directly by a blue light. And before I could even turn my body, I was engulfed in light and was sucked into the legal area, just like a moment ago.

I feel like my mind is turning white. Two people disappeared in less than five seconds. As it is… !

“Area declared!”

As soon as the territory declaration was shouted, a pillar fell from the sky again. This time, it was a mixture of dark blue and dark red.


Woojijik, woozijijik!


The scene that followed felt like a lie and not truly reality.

One second.

I couldn’t last even a single second. The area based on the power of Hwajeong was torn apart like a piece of paper. And the third ray, as if it were natural to do so, breaks the membrane leisurely and rushes in.

Below him stood Han So-young, looking up with blank eyes.

There is no time to think anymore.

I imbue the orb with as much magical energy as I can,

“Istantel Low Road!”

Immediately, he activated Lee Hyung-hwan’s position, moved to Han So-young’s side, and hugged her tightly.

“mom… ! “Huh, Mercenary Lord?”

“Still… !”

The fact that the light came right in front of me and I hugged Soyoung Han happened almost at the same time.



The pushing and pushing noise bothers my ears. When she opens her eyes, the vision in front of her depicts ripples as if a rock was thrown into calm water.

Perhaps because it certainly had the defense power of a sky fortress, Gehenna’s guardian fortress seemed to block the light rays to some extent.

However, it didn’t take long to realize that it was an illusion. This is because I suddenly felt the beads I had placed in her arms tremble. In other words, the bead could not withstand the power of that ray.

How, what should I do? Magic power is being consumed more severely than ever before and is already reaching its lowest point… ?

Blah blah, blah blah!

The moment I thought that, even the red membrane that was barely holding on began to crack. Are you saying that even a defense-focused attack can’t withstand it?

Meanwhile, the sound of the pillar descending for the fourth time was heard.

“Ah, father… !”

Then a white light exploded and someone called me in a faint voice.

I don’t know who else it was, but I didn’t even have time to turn around. This is because rays of light were leaking in through cracks like eggshells. The protective shield is almost broken… . no.

Kwaja Jajajak!

It’s broken.

“Oh, no… !”

The next moment, the beam of light surged like a tidal wave and hit us.

I hugged Han Soyoung tightly and closed my eyes. All my magic power was gone, and there was nothing more I could do.

“… … !”

Unexpectedly, I didn’t feel any pain at all. Or is it more accurate to say that I didn’t feel anything?

My ears were deafening, and the feeling of being endlessly sucked into somewhere quickly engulfed my entire body.


How much time has passed?

I didn’t open my eyes for a while. However, at some point, when the son-in-law felt that it was quiet, a strange breathing sound tickled his throat. It’s probably not my breathing, so is it Han So-young’s breathing?

As I calmly moved my hands, I felt a strong back with my left hand and smooth hair with my right hand. Above all, the soft yet elastic breasts that press against my chest… . No, no. Anyway, I felt Han Soyoung in my arms.

I cautiously opened my eyes and slowly looked away. And I felt dumbfounded.


“Go Yeon-ju?”

“… Baduk!”

“Nam Da-eun.”

“… joy.”


“… “Black.”

This is because the two women who disappeared earlier were glaring at me fiercely from two directions. And why is Marr visible to me, and why is she crying with her sad face?


While she was slowly organizing her thoughts, Go Yeon-ju quietly opened her mouth. It was a tone full of thorns.

“How long are you going to hug me?”


As I looked down, I saw Han So-young with her face buried in my collarbone. She is shaking like a little girl with her hands clasped together. Moreover, her face is so red that she looks like a ripe persimmon.


I pretended to remember now and hastily backed away. Actually, I knew it from before, but it felt so good… .


“Oh, no. rather… .”


“Thank you again for protecting me… . Also, for liking my body… .”

For some reason, unlike her usual Han So-young, she stutters a lot. Wait, I think I just heard something strange.

“Hi… . It’s very warm, isn’t it? why? “Would you mind leaving my seat for a moment?”

Go Yeon-ju’s angry voice was heard. I deliberately didn’t look away. Because my heart ached.

“Really, I heard there’s no one I can trust. Da-eun. “I’m really sad, sister.”

“me too. “I’m really, really sad.”

“How can people do that? “Some people desperately protect you by hugging you, while others just extend their hands and that’s it?”

“sister. I didn’t even extend my hand. … “I get angry thinking about it.”

The two women take turns attacking me.

“brother. “Let’s talk.”

Nam Da-eun sat down on his back and hit the ground across from him so hard that it made a loud sound.

“father… . You didn’t even look at me… .”

Marr took another drink and was looking at me with wide eyes. It feels like I’m going to shed tears at any moment. I felt like someone was vaguely calling me earlier, but it seemed to be Marr.

“To Mar… . is it so. “Let’s hear something.”

Cold sweat runs down my back.

“why? Aren’t you going to sit down? Are you really going to do this? “Is it because you want to see me angry?”

Yes, absolutely killing it. Kill it.

“Stop it!”

at that time.

“You don’t know how urgent the situation is, do you?”

Suddenly, a sharp voice was heard, and Han So-young suddenly came between me and the three women.


“under? Look what you’re saying. Are outsiders excluded?”

“Does it matter if I’m an outsider or not? “I just don’t understand why you’re pushing Mercenary Road like this.”

“oh. “I guess our Sanghyeol Queen felt good about being hugged by her trusty man?”

“What are you saying? “I just told you to do it in moderation.”

Han So-young, Han So-young is protecting me. As I looked at her back, covering me and hitting me instead, I felt somewhat touched.

“And as a person, when you are pushed into an extreme situation, your natural nature… .”

no. But please don’t pour oil on a burning house.

It was then.

As I was hiding behind Han So-young and observing the situation, the surrounding scene suddenly caught my eye. All around was an empty plain with nothing in it. And it was also a place in my memory.

The first gateway, the shadow zone.

When I think about it, it’s strange. In the first episode, this place was revealed as soon as the law was broken, and at the same time, a huge shadow burst out and swept in all directions. But why is it so quiet now? And how did we get in here?


At that moment, a mumbling noise began to be heard from somewhere. At the same time, I also noticed something writhing in the distance.

It’s not a mistake. Shapes like blurry silhouettes were coming towards us from all directions. The sight of the empty plain turning black and creeping waves was truly terrifying.


I shouted as loud as I could and looked back. Is it fortunate among misfortunes? There was a law that dropped shining powder as seen from the outside,


Even if you hit it with all your might, it won’t budge. It was the same even if I cut it with a sword or used the power of Hwajeong. Let alone a retreat, all directions were blocked.

Meanwhile, the silhouette had approached within fifty meters.

At this point, it seems like the four women also recognized the situation. They suddenly stopped arguing and looked around with bewildered faces, and then each took out a weapon or chanted a spell. Then they slowly take a step back and turn their backs to each other.

“Everyone to my side!”

I gathered up all my remaining magic power and activated the protective fortress once more. I don’t know how long I will last, and I don’t know what to do. In the first place, this situation itself was beyond calculation.

Soon, the silhouette that was invading from the front suddenly rose up without a sound. Then they clung to each other and clustered together, and before long, they formed a large shape that looked like a hand.

I remember seeing that too. It probably embodies a part of the shadow giant, which was the most infamous in the area.

After a while, the shadow closed its hands tightly and quickly got closer to where we were.

His wrist is even slightly tilted back, as if he wants to hit it as soon as it arrives. I gritted my teeth and prepared for shock. Putting aside this situation, I have no intention of being treated obediently. Hold on for now. Hold on and see opportunities.

The moment I thought so,


The shadow hand, which was over two meters long, finally came close.

“Everyone be careful… !”



“… … .”


“… … ?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Satan’s arrangement has not been broken.

Rather, it is not Satan who is dangerous. Of course, it’s not Kim Soo-hyun.

If you read the previous episode and the previous episode, Reminiscence, I think you will get the idea.

thank you Have a restful night. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode