MEMORIZE Chapter 925

00925 A Poisoned Chalice, Two. ————————————————– ———————-=

< Reminiscence >

The wind blew.

The wind was strong enough to make the blue skirt woven with metal threads flutter, which was not entirely cool.

Eldora looked ahead blankly, tucking the hair that tickled her eyes behind her ear. Although the dark-filled eyes have lost their former color, they no longer look helpless. It’s just like a black hole with no end, making the viewer feel inexplicably sad.

“here is… .”

“It is a space that protects the center of the central continent.”

Erwin quietly approached Eldora, who quietly opened her mouth. And he continued speaking.

“And the invisible barrier over there is called the law zone.”


Eldora asked back without any sign of surprise.

“yes. It is an abbreviation for the area protected by laws declared by God. In short, legal domain.”

“What kind of god is that and what are the contents of the laws?”

The tone was filled with curiosity, but Erwin shook his head. As if you don’t know that much.

Then Eldora turned her eyes forward again, walked as far as she could reach, and began to calmly look inside. Erwin observed Eldora quietly for a long time. However, as time passes, the unexplained disappointment seems to become clearer in both eyes.

“I guess you weren’t expecting it?”

At that time, someone spoke innocently next to Erwin. Thanatos walked forward with great strides and clicked his tongue as he saw Eldora standing still in the distance.

“Then it would be better to wake up from the dream? That kid probably lost his shit the moment he woke up. “It’s not because I accept pieces of myself, but because I can no longer see myself as a human being.”

“I know that much.”

Erwin sighed lightly and nodded.

“And even if Eldora is king… . Unfortunately, the queen is nowhere to be seen. She just wanted to know if she could.”

Thanatos made an awkward expression as he looked at the fairy smiling and speaking. We once shared a body, but seeing him talk so cutely made me feel uncomfortable. However, I still had to pay attention to the opinions of those around me, so I lifted his shoulder thinking that there was nothing I could do.

“Anyway, what are we going to do now?”


“It’s good that we gathered our strength, and it’s good that we arrived first… . I will tell you in advance that in my current state, I will never be able to defeat Kim Soo-hyun. No, even if I could hold out really well, it would be a few dozen minutes?”

“… … .”

Erwin was silent. Thanatos’ words were not harsh words. In the first place, it is difficult to believe that the god who holds the distant title of the god of death is acting harshly. In other words, Kim Soo-hyun is such a great opponent that Thanatos puts aside his pride and says.

“How about trying a strategy at least once? It may be difficult for you, but wouldn’t it be possible to touch the humans over there?”

Thanatos looked around and grinned. There was silence everywhere, but it felt strangely noisy as there were immeasurable figures wandering around.

“It’s probably not a bad way.”

Although his attitude was not even remotely serious, Erwin did not immediately deny it.

“But rather than a mere human being, I think it would be better to rely on a being that can fight against that law… .”

And when he gave a coy look, Thanatos burst into laughter.

“no. “No matter how powerful a country is, it can’t do something about such a powerful law in a short period of time.”

“is that so?”

“In the first place, Zero Code was another god born from the Ten Thousand. But, he wants me to forcefully invade the territory maintained by that power? Do not joke. What if the strength and authority come back? Before that, it was absurd.”

“Then what if you have fully recovered?”

Erwin asked back with a still smile on his face. Thanatos looked thoughtful for a moment and then gently licked his lips.

“well? Still, you can’t guarantee zero code, right? Actually, I’ve never seen it before, so everything is vague. Well, some resistance may be possible, but… . “Maybe I won’t be able to endure it in the end?”

“okay. Then there is nothing we can do. “We have no choice but to proceed as originally planned.”

After saying that, Erwin turned around without hesitation.


But before I could even walk a few steps,

“I haven’t heard an answer to my question yet.”

Thanatos’ voice stopped me from walking.

“Are you sure you still believe in that pun about the great world’s prophecy?”

“… … .”

“Or are you saying that they are hiding and waiting for the opponent’s strength to be relieved?”

“… … .”

Since his back is turned, Erwin cannot see what kind of face Thanatos is or what kind of expression he is making.

“If you’re really thinking such a lame thought… .”


“You better be prepared, right? “Because I will destroy you before Kim Soo-hyun.”

The voice coming from behind me is quieter than before.

It’s not a joke, it’s serious.

Erwin, sensing Thanatos’ intentions, leisurely looked back.

“Do not worry. “It won’t work out as you said.”

Thanatos’s eyes widened at the unexpectedly refreshing answer.

Erwin continued speaking with half-moon shaped eyes.

“It will be fun. clearly.”



The moment we arrived at the place the man reported, my brother let out a weak exclamation. It was simply said to be a place with tombstones and an altar, but it may have been because its size was larger than expected.

In fact, the square space made of gray stone alone is over two hundred meters in diameter, and the various huge pillars installed at each corner are truly impressive. Well, I was quite surprised when I first saw it.

My brother continued to exclaim and couldn’t hide his admiration, but to be honest, I’m not very impressed right now. As I walked slowly, the users who had gathered loudly naturally made way for me. I walked, forcefully dragging my brother who kept trying to go somewhere.

As I exited into a slightly wider space, I saw the monument I mentioned earlier standing in front. As if it had not withstood the passage of time, there are clear traces of weather damage here and there. Seonyul was clinging to the tombstone and looking at it closely, but judging by her frowning face, it seemed difficult to interpret.

good. Well then, let’s start by interpreting that tombstone. Here, more than me… .

… huh? weird. Why can’t I suddenly remember?

“Someone call him.”

“huh? who?”

“There he is, he.”

“So who? “You have to say it to find out.”

“Who was it? “He’s kind of stupid and stupid.”

“Kick! “Are there just one or two kids like that?”

“Oh right. He was a kid who summoned demonic beasts. “What was your name?”

“… what?”

It sounded a little angry. I thought something was strange, so I looked to the side and saw Vivien looking at me with glazed eyes. He blinks a couple of times, then his chin flutters and his breathing becomes heavy.

“you you… . Just saw me… . No, my name is… .”

It took a considerable amount of time to calm Vivien, who was furious and jumping up and down. In fact, he seemed to think that this was the right time, and he continued to criticize me, saying, ‘If you don’t interpret that tombstone quickly, I won’t pay any attention to your butt from now on.’ He declared, and his mouth twitched, but he reluctantly walked away.

After a while.

“oh. “It came and came.”

“huh? “Who are you?”

“You’re a resident. Of that Mercenary Clan… .”

“iced coffee. “I see.”

The noisy surroundings became quiet, and expectant eyes turned towards Vivien as she approached the tombstone. It was no secret that residents were much better at interpreting archaic words than users.


Vivien, who had been constantly gossiping, looked embarrassed by the unexpected attention. But soon he seemed to understand the situation and his neck and back straightened. And he holds on to his weight and stares stiffly at the tombstone.

“Adventure adventure… . Ah, it’s a very old text.”

“… … .”

“Let’s take a look… . “Are you those who have come in search of God’s promise?”

“Speak a little louder. “So you can hear everything.”

Then Vivien screamed with a look on her face that seemed like she was in labor.

“Oh, there are so many things I wish for!”


“I got it! Well, what word is this again? Ten thousand? “I command you in the name of ten thousand people!”

“… … .”

Vivien shouted like that and suddenly spread her arms wide.

“Go back!”

… What on earth is that performance? And why is the shame my responsibility?

“Surely this may be what you have been longing for, but it is not for you that God’s promise awaits!”

Noisy! Buzz, buzz!

hmm. Vivien’s actions are problematic, but the crowd responding to her seems to be problematic as well.

“Only those who are qualified will receive the welcome promise.”

“Infinite power awaits four and one.”

“So, look for it!”

“What’s going on here again? “Suddenly, it feels like I’m watching a fanatic rally.”

The last words were not Vivian’s, but Go Yeon-ju’s voice. I don’t know when it came, but I shrugged my shoulders and hastily covered my mouth. Because I felt like yawning. I wish it would end sooner.

“He who hides in the shadows!”

“He who sings of swords!”

“He who surpasses steel and blood!”

“Zaaaa born from a holy and noble blessing!”

I don’t know who erected that monument, but if you were looking at it now, you would probably feel very embarrassed. It probably wasn’t set up to be read like that.

“And one king who encompasses these four beings!”

“The day these five beings set foot, the path to that place will naturally open!”

Vivian, who said that, tilted her head back high, and ended up laughing like a witch about to summon a demon. It’s over now. Of course, nothing happened after that.

“Is it over? “What does that mean?”

“So what do we do now?”

Pressure was applied from all over to show results quickly, but there was nothing Vivian could do. I thought I could just say I didn’t know, but he hesitated for a while and finally said, “Ah! restroom! “My stomach hurts!” For some unknown reason, I ran away. In the end, it got noisy again.

I sighed and scratched my head. I wanted to shout out not to waste time, but there are so many eyes watching. No matter how much I think about it, I think, ‘No matter how much we search this altar, we won’t find anything, so let’s hurry and destroy the law!’ I can’t think of anything to say.

okay. It might be a good idea to show off your research for a day or so. My brother is already investigating the pillar, and he also has to think about Han So-young’s extra senses. If you make a mistake, you are likely to be suspected.

Thinking like that, I took a step toward where the tombstone was.

It was that moment.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

These days, I always feel a pang in my heart.

What the hell is this rough and ferocious

A man named Ro Yu-jin who is like a bear in the wild.

For some reason, the reader is ridiculed and ridiculed because she is a woman.

Is it going to take this much effort?

My heart is truly sad.

Episode 2 has now reached the arm ridge,

The completion of Memorize is approaching, but

This is a huge problem because the reader misunderstands the writer’s gender.

Readers should recognize the writer’s gender as soon as possible

Apologizing for past ridicule is the only way to erase past mistakes.

If you think the author will admit it someday just because you keep giving him ridiculous nicknames.

That would truly be a huge mistake.

If this phenomenon continues,

At some point, the text will be flooded with content related to BL and queer.

The individual reader who read this statement

If you still think it’s Royu(Jin)mi and not Royujin.

And if you didn’t do anything wrong but don’t know why you need to apologize

The writer who humiliatedly surrendered without being able to endure even a day during the first and second wars.

How unfair must it have been to fight the third war on its own?

You should think about it at least once.

The reader must carefully consider whether the current comment is justified.

I quickly changed my mind and deepened my friendship with the author.

We will have to return to the innocent and innocent comments we had before.

Royu ‘Jin’ always respects his readers… .

『2015. 7. 14 Proclamation on the establishment of the anti-Russian-American alliance』


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not work with dark mode