MEMORIZE Chapter 924

00924 A Poisoned Chalice, Two. ————————————————– ———————-=

< Reminiscence >

Suddenly, a silent light burst from somewhere, illuminating the thick shadows.

The height is three or four meters, and the diameter is about one meter. The light halo, which is slightly elongated and round, has a light blue color. The calm color of the sea makes you feel refreshed just by looking at it.

At that time, the entire round surface repeatedly emits bright light. Then, after three or four light rippling movements, a slender calf suddenly burst through the light.

Strong thighs, a waist as thin as a willow branch, a towering chest, and long, pointed ears… . Eventually, the woman who appeared completely through her portal was very beautiful, like a fairy that only appears in novels.

After a while, the woman walks briskly, slowly looking around at the nearby scenery. But it didn’t take long for her to stop walking. Because in the direction I was going, an old man was standing with his head bowed respectfully. As if she had been waiting.

“Have you finally come back? “My lord.”

Then the woman staring blankly, Satan… . no. Erwin laughs quietly and slightly. She had a very pretty smile, but she also had an eerie look that she couldn’t hide.

“They included Olivia among the escapees. Thanks to you, I was able to come from Ragnarok comfortably. Good work. “Melinus.”

“It’s the way everyone could have thought of it. Rather, Sabnak… . No, Olivia had a hard time.”

Melinus humbly responded to the admirable words. Erwin immediately stopped laughing. And as she quickly passed by her, Melinus quickly raised her head and followed behind her.

Satan and Belial.

It was indeed a long time since they had reunited, but their attitudes were extremely stiff. To be precise, we should say that the line is clearly drawn.

That is the original race of demons. A master may praise his subordinates, but he is a servant who does not have the affection to embrace each other and resolve issues.

After a while, Erwin and Melinus entered the wide open space.

“It’s empty.”

Melinus bowed his head again at the words of Erwin, who was looking around.

“I’m sorry. At that time, the aftermath of defeat was still… .”

“What about demons?”

“… “The families of Baal and Beelzebub have been completely destroyed.”

“Baal, Beelzebub… .”

Erwin’s straight forehead was wrinkled. What Melinus said means that all the demon warriors who were summoned as high-ranking sacrifices called angels have disappeared.

It’s something that can’t be helped. The reason demons are called creatures in the first place is because they are creatures derived from demons. In other words, since the Creator disappeared, it was natural for the creation to disappear. That’s why Kim Soo-hyun tried to catch the great devil.

However, Erwin frowned at Ami for a slightly different reason.

“That’s strange. I heard that Lucifer was also captured. Does this mean that there are still descendants of fallen angels left?”

“Most of them have disappeared. However, there are some surviving descendants. “It’s only about ten or so.”

“About ten… . So, even though they are almost on the verge of extinction, they are still alive.”

“… … .”

Melinus suddenly closed his mouth. It’s not that he didn’t have any guesses, but he didn’t think it was a matter to talk about lightly.

“Hmm… .”

Erwin let out a long sigh as if he was not sure,

“done. Oh, how’s everything else going? “Isn’t five months enough time to see results?”

Suddenly, the topic changed. The voice was similar to before, but it also contained a bit of reproach. Melina hurriedly opened her mouth.

“If you are talking about that place, the stage of clearing the road has been completed. After recovering its power by nourishing the user and residents, it moves to the vicinity of Ragnarok. And right away.”

“Just state the conclusion. “What happened to the portal?”

“It’s the same. “We succeeded in acquiring a large number of Memoria Stones from the eastern continent, and are currently located fifteen kilometers away from the legal area.”

“Melinus. There’s a lot to talk about today. “Not like you.”

Erwin’s eyes narrowed as soon as he heard the cold voice. Melinus, interrupted twice, swallowed her dry saliva. This is because she hit the nail on the head.

“Say it again. Why isn’t the central continent where I came from? “Why are you still staying here?”

“… … .”

“There’s a problem.”

“… … .”

Melinus, who was constantly silent, eventually nodded cautiously.

“actually… . The state of Eldora, which must lead the southern continent… .”

Melinus, whose words were slurred, walked quietly.

A short time passed, and a look caught Erwin’s eyes as he followed along. In the direction of the two people, a blonde woman was sitting alone and helpless. Moreover, the fact that her head is hung low makes her look like a ruined person who has lost the meaning of her life.

“Why are you doing that?”

“I’ve been like that ever since I came back to life thanks to the power of Thanatos. “It seems like the shock of defeat in the war was quite big.”


“Actually, I don’t understand, but if you think about it from that person’s perspective, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to not be able to accept it. “I had been running on the road to success, but for the first time, I encountered a wall that I couldn’t overcome.”

“… … .”

“Of course, it’s not just this. Excalibur, which she thought of as her alter ego, was taken away from her, she was treated like a toy by Kim Soo-hyun, and on top of that, she was saddened by the loss of her colleague… . Well, it’s a lot better than the first time.”

Erwin clicked his tongue in his mouth. And after staring for a while, he calmly cleared his throat and walked on. Even though they are so close that they can touch each other if they just stretch out their hands, Eldora does not show any movement.


However, the moment the beautiful voice was heard, Eldora’s shoulders trembled.

“Eldora. “It’s me.”

When I call it one more time, my stiff body begins to move slowly.

No matter how you look at Eldora’s appearance with difficulty, she was no more or less than a homeless person. Her fair blonde hair looked like it had lost its shine and had been severely bleached, and her face was covered in dirty marks here and there.

Above all, the two eyes were so blurry that one could doubt whether they were actually Eldora, who had once shined with confidence on the terrace of the Blue Palace.

“to… . Erwin… ?”

His voice was very hoarse.

After a while, I looked at Erwin with a soft smile, and a little bit of light came on in my helpless eyes.

“Erwin… ?”

“yes. “Eldora.”

“to… . to… . to… . Erwin… !”

“Yes, Eldora. is it so… .”

Erwin gently embraced the girl who was like a child looking for her mother. Then, black water slowly formed in Eldora’s eyes, and she burst into tears, pouring out the previously black liquid.

“crying… . Ugh… .”

“Eldora. Do not cry.”

“because of me… . If it weren’t for me… .”

“no. I heard it all too. “It is absolutely, absolutely not Eldora’s fault.”

How much time has passed like that?

Erwin comforted her for a while, and her sad cries were about to subside into sobs. Eldora, who was in her arms, suddenly looked up at Erwin with a blank expression on her face.

“however… . how… ?”

“I heard that Eldora is having a hard time.”

Erwin gently brushed Eldora’s dirty blonde hair.

“I came with the fairies. sorry. “You came too late.”

“fairy… ?”

It was said that reinforcements had been brought. Eldora’s face was anything but hopeful. Rather than being happy, she looks more scared and horrified.

‘Has it been this bad?’

Erwin, noticing the revealed light, raised his voice with some force.


“… … ?”

“Do you want to give up and go back to Eldora?”

“that… !”

That moment,


For the first time, my voice grew louder. A fierce and poisonous malice that had never been seen before flashed through his widened eyes. Even though he screamed for a moment, it shows that he was sincere when he said no.

It’s just that there isn’t enough power. If possible, I wanted to avenge my dead colleague right away.

… okay. If only I could.

“no… . It’s not… .”

Just as Eldora’s face was about to turn sour again amidst the gap between her fearful instinct and her desire for revenge,

“Then why did Eldora start this war?”

A sudden question arose.

“Why did you decide to go against the angel, despite all the opposition?”

Erwin gave one more hint.


Eldora repeated the words like a parrot.

“why… . why… .”

And then I start repeating softly.

“For humans… .”

Yes. The one word that has supported Eldora so far. A reasonable belief in breaking away from being puppets of angels and establishing independence. In fact, it was a terrible self-justification, but there was no time to think about it at the moment.

Erwin didn’t miss a word just now.

“is it so. Eldora. “It’s not over yet.”

At those words, Eldora raised her eyes and slowly turned around.

Before we knew it, several beings had gathered around and were watching Eldora with worried eyes. She saw people she was seeing for the first time as well as familiar colleagues. She has a devil looking at her with her arms crossed, and a fairy looking at her with an awkward look.

Eldora took a breath without realizing it.

“There are still people who believe in you, follow you, and give you this much strength, right?”

Erwin whispered softly into her trembling ear.

It was that moment.

Eldora’s eyes, which seemed to be filled with fog, suddenly sparkled with light. Then, not even a second later, her eyes, which had seemed so alive as if they would go out, were completely extinguished like a lamp in the wind. As if sinking into a dark sea, it quickly turns to black.

“I am… .”

At the same time, a black spot appeared and disappeared on Eldora’s neck for a moment, but it was literally a split second and most people did not see it.

“I am… !”



Thanatos, who was lying down on a tree branch and watching the situation, let out a small exclamation. Seeing Eldora standing up shakily, she slowly raised her hand. On the back of her hand, the same spot that had just appeared on Eldora’s neck appeared, glowing yo-yo.

Thanatos looked at the black pattern with interest and laughed.

“I won. “Once you wake up, it’s too late.”

Meanwhile, at the same time.


Kim Soo-hyun, who had just left the Iron Blood Forest, suddenly stopped walking. And with a puzzled look on his face, he lifted up Excalibur, tapping it and even swinging it around.

“her… . what?”

“Brother? What’s wrong?”

“I feel like something just broke… . what. “Suddenly the reaction disappeared.”


Ansol tilted his head and asked, but Kim Soo-hyun just kept mumbling to himself and touched Excalibur.

But did he remember that he was still marching?

“No, no.”

After putting the sword back, he let out a short sigh and resumed his march.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

… … .


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not work with dark mode