MEMORIZE Chapter 921

00921 A Poisoned Chalice, Two. ————————————————– ———————-=

My childhood dream was to discover ‘God’s promise’.

Of course, that still remains the case.

When I was young, people around me just laughed and passed it off.

Even after I became an adult, I still clung to my dreams and used them evilly.

Just do it in moderation.

Are you still being dragged around by that nonsense?

Do it.

Neither a myth nor a legend

It was a baseless rumor that was passed down knowingly from somewhere.

It must have been quite frustrating.

I too have been searching for over ten years.

There were not once or twice did I feel like giving up.

Still, I didn’t give up in the end

Isn’t it because I can’t escape the charm of the promise of everything in the world, something that every human being can dream of at least once?

It is said that if sincerity is utmost, even heaven will be moved.

On the ten-year, fifteen-year, and twenty-year anniversary,

I finally succeeded in finding a clue.

In fact, the clues were only a few lines of words engraved on the tombstone.

I was very happy that all my efforts so far were not in vain.


The clue is not compensation for the hardships suffered so far.

The sky felt sorry for me

Until I came to the conclusion that he was sending a message telling me to give up.

It didn’t take that long.

It was an amazing thing.

How I felt when I interpreted the words on the tombstone

‘Go back.’ How did you feel when you read the first word out loud?

Even when I think about it now, after so many years have passed,

I can’t describe it in words.

It was really, really shocking

Even after that, I didn’t give up.

In order to meet that ‘qualification’

I invested twice as much as I had endured until then.

Fifty years later.

I received the undeserved title and title of being the kingdom’s archmage and great sage.

However, there was no progress at all regarding ‘God’s promise’.

No, I realized one thing.

Should I say that my thoughts have changed recently?

Maybe I,

No, wasn’t I trying to achieve something that was impossible in the first place?

For decades I had been thinking that ‘God’s promise’ had been rejecting me.

In a way, it is not wrong.

But I am sure.

1. ‘God’s promise’ is definitely real in this world.

2. It is not an area that humans cannot pass through, but a place that we can reach whenever we put our mind to it.

If these two propositions are not wrong.

That promise is not mine

More earnest, more desperate

In the distant future, waiting for someone else who has already been promised.

In other words, it’s not about just blindly defeating them.

i don’t know

Only that promise knows

Isn’t this a reasonable rejection? .

『Ragnarok Central Library ‘The Day I Forgot My Promise’』



When the powerful sound of magical power was heard, the cluttered hall quickly calmed down. In the center of the plaza, the space beyond the white stairs begins to fluctuate, and soon a sea-green cluster of lights explodes, expanding in size in a circle. I put out the half-burned cigarette and looked straight ahead.

This morning, I received a call from my brother informing me that the location of the warp gate would be relocated. Rather than saying there is an important reason, I just want to move to a place with better accessibility. It wasn’t something that would take a long time anyway, and since my brother was the leader of the Hamill Expedition, it wasn’t my place to argue.

In any case, the fact that a new portal had just been created was a sign that the warp gate transfer work was completed and the connection was successfully completed. I looked at the portal that was almost taking shape, and then slowly looked around for a moment.

The square was filled with thousands of people participating in the expedition.

The South City Expeditionary Force has only 4,500 people, the smallest number among the four expeditionary forces, but it can by no means be considered low in strength. Not to mention our Mercenary clan, there are several prominent clans such as Rebirth and Magic Tower.

This may be a similar reason why a confident expression appears wherever you look.

“It’s done!”

At that time, one of the users standing on the stairs raised his hand and shouted. At that moment, my heart suddenly starts beating and then suddenly sinks.

After a while.

I responded by lightly raising my hand, and then,

“I’m going in.”

He spoke softly and climbed the stairs first. As always, our mercenaries were at the forefront of this expedition.

As I climb the stairs, a wave of blue light about five meters ahead fills my vision.

I don’t know what to say since I’ve come this far, but with each step I took, and as the light got closer, the unexpected excitement grew stronger. No, not as loud as before, but my heart is still pounding.

Well, why?

Of course, we keep in mind that it’s not over yet. Also, I know everything that will happen in the future, such as the strategy route, where and how to do it, and I am not hoping for something special to happen.

Nevertheless, when I buried myself in the portal, I even felt relieved.

In the end, without knowing the identity of this feeling, I quietly closed my eyes, unable to overcome the continuous beams of light.


As soon as the light disappeared, what caught my eye was the weather that was completely opposite to the clear sky of Atlanta.

The first place we met was a place where tree branches stretched out long enough to cover the sky, thick like a net. Moreover, the color of the bushes has a strong ominous and gloomy aura, perhaps because it is a mix of steel-like dark blue and red at first glance.

“oh? Where is this again?”

“Oh, what is it? “I can’t get used to it.”

Suddenly, I heard Ahn Hyeon’s exclamation and Lee Yu-jeong’s grumbling behind me. Although I felt awkward at the sudden change in scenery, I quickly escaped to the front. Even now, users are pouring in like a flood, and if we hesitate, it will become crowded.

However, contrary to concerns, there was enough space. Perhaps the purpose of relocating the warp gate was to secure a place for us to exit, but after only a few steps, a wide open space appeared in front of us. Only then did I discover dozens or hundreds of pairs of eyes circling around the clearing.

A man with an ugly dent in his right shoulder, a woman wearing a dirty white gown covered in blood, a one-eyed man sitting down looking at us, a woman holding the man and yelling at him to quickly return to the casualty management center, etc. Still, it hasn’t been an easy road, and most of them don’t look very good.

However, rather than looking miserable, the atmosphere was rather generous. One woman was even seriously injured, but she was even smiling brightly at us. Perhaps because she thinks she can rest now that she’s done her work, she seems a little over-welcoming.

“Tsk. Look how happy they are that it’s over. “I’m so angry, I’m so angry!”

“Hey… ! I’m asking you to please be quiet. Or did you know something about it? “I’m really embarrassed to death.”

“why? What’s wrong with that? “Is this a phrase I’ve often used since I was in middle school?”

“Yoojeong. My sister is asking this seriously. “Has she often gambled since she was a student?”

Jin Soo-hyeon and Jeong Ha-yeon took turns scolding her, but Yu-jeong Lee kept getting excited because she was so upset about it.

However, there is no reason to blame the attitude of the Hamill Expedition. In fact, they performed their assigned missions well, and wasn’t the reason they divided the expedition corps in the first place to enjoy the benefits of rotating them?

“Wow, did they jump over right after activating the warp gate?”

The moment I thought that, a familiar voice struck my ears. His older brother was coming towards where I was, wading through the thick bushes. I grinned.

“I thought it looked like it was going to be very difficult. “I came right over to quickly change the job.”

“indeed. “I was curious why the mood suddenly changed. Was it because of this?”

Ssuk, ssssssuk!

It was then. As soon as his brother finished speaking, the bush whimpered and struggled violently, and then someone came out with a slightly frowning face. The moment I saw the small girl, I smiled without knowing.


When the name was called, Geunwon quickly returned to an expressionless face and bowed his head. Actually, I feel very sorry for Geunwon. She knows how to activate warp gates, because she had to go on all expeditions by herself.

“Good job. “Isn’t it very difficult?”



“The process of carrying out the mission was not difficult at all. “I would rather say it was fun.”

These words were said with some sincerity, but Geunwon denied them without a moment of hesitation. Moreover, it was an unexpected answer to say that it was fun. No, have you ever said something like this before? This guy just says what he feels.

“fun… . “There was one?”

“That’s right. Especially when I participated in the Istantel Row Expedition, ah.”

However, before he spoke, his eyes widened and he suddenly turned to look at his older brother. And he said, ‘What should I do?’ He blinked his eyes a couple of times with that expression on his face, then looked back at me.

“When I think about it, I think I had the most fun when I was with the Hamill Expedition. Istantel Row was also pretty good.”

“Are you happy?”

“That’s right. I’m sure. In particular, user Kim Yu-hyeon, Lord Hamill and Mercenary Lord’s older brother, was very kind to Gewon. “It was incomparable to that of Istantel Low Road and user Han So-young.”

“… “Yeah, really?”

It feels like he’s an unknown actor who hastily revised the script and read it, but let’s just say it’s his mood.

My brother was nodding with a very satisfied face, but naturally calmed down as soon as I saw him. And he spoke naturally.

“Ah, then what do we do now? Are you leaving today?”

I’ve felt this before too, but I feel like my brother is a step above me when it comes to subtly passing over topics.

“of course. “We’ll finish crossing over first, and then we’ll leave as soon as we finish checking the personnel.”

“But why don’t you stay for a day? It might be awkward to suddenly come to the target area after being in the city. “I want to get acquainted with the atmosphere here.”

“no. I aimed to sharpen my momentum as much as possible for today, but if I rest, my morale becomes dull. “It would be better to just go right away.”

“… Well, I guess you can handle it well. “But I hope you don’t do it too hastily.”

As if he didn’t expect me to listen in the first place, he just gave up and walked away.

Afterwards, I had a few more words with my brother about the expedition, but there was nothing particularly noteworthy. I had already heard most of the content through dozens of previous communications, but I was still in the dark about the devil.

After finishing the conversation, I turned around and saw that the surroundings had become quite noisy. Based on rough estimates, it seems that the number of expedition members was about one-fifth. I calculated the date by alternately checking the personnel and the surrounding scenery.

Of course, you have to go there to find out, but I think you’ll probably be able to get out of this unpleasant forest within a day or two.

Once we leave this forest, another area will be waiting for us. That is the zone that the Mercenary Expedition must pass through. And when we leave that area, it is safe to say that the legal area that protects the ‘Temple of Promise’ is just around the corner.

“There are ten.”

“huh? W, ten?”

Actually, it was a bit surprising. Considering his brother’s cautious nature, he thought he wouldn’t be able to clear much of the road, but the progress was greater than expected.

“In return for using me, Lord Istantel Low offered me five records of magic that I did not know about. “Lord Hamill said he would give me twice that amount, so that’s exactly ten.”

“But ten pages is too much.”

“Are you saying you won’t keep your promise?”

“That’s not it. “You’re the one who didn’t fully fulfill the conditions in the first place.”

While I was finishing the calculations in my mind, Geunwon and my brother were quietly talking without hesitation from earlier.

“I had a hard time with the user Han So-young because she was mean to me, but the user Kim Yu-hyeon was really nice to me. “I wanted you to say this.”

“I couldn’t bear to say that since I had received two tickets as an advance deposit… .”

My brother is so amazing. It must have been difficult to become friends with Geunwon due to his indifferent personality.

“Well, I understand. But now you know why ten is too much, right? “How about just six clean sheets?”

“… Accept.”

I’m not sure what they’re talking about, but it seems like they also taught trading concepts.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I think we’ll probably arrive at the area where the Temple of Promise is at the end of the next episode.

Currently, the expedition process (battles with monsters, camping, etc.) is being intentionally reduced to a minimum.

I previously said that there would be no more content close to dungeon exploration.

This is because the process experienced during the expedition does not fit the main plot of Episode 2.

… I’m thinking this as I write, but there are some parts that bother me a little.

Is recent progress fast, slow, or appropriate?

If readers tell us what they feel, I think we can use it as a reference for future writing.

I hope this wasn’t too much of a request, but this fierce wild male bear, who was wandering around all day long, will now go into hibernation.

Have a happy day, all readers!



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not work with dark mode