MEMORIZE Chapter 917

00917 A Poisoned Chalice, Two. ————————————————– ———————-=

Turn back time, three days after the Battle of the Eastern Continent ended.

When Eldora opened her eyes, what came into her blurry vision was the landscape of a green forest. It’s so blurry that I can’t see an inch in front of me, as if I’m underwater, but every time I blink my eyes based on my instinct, the fluttering comes back into focus little by little.

When I woke up, I heard the noise of my son-in-law whispering, and at the same time, I felt an intense feeling of dizziness that felt like my head was going to explode.

“Ugh… .”

Eldora frowned but tried to move her body somehow. However, only her dry moans came out, and she felt no strength in her whole body.

No, I should say I have no feelings. It seemed like he was tossing and turning for some reason, but he didn’t even know he was moving. In the end, he closed his eyes tightly again.

How much time has passed?

When the dizziness that felt like my forehead was tearing subsided and my body regained some of its senses.

During that time, Eldora thought of the questions she should have, one after another.

Where is this place?

Where are your colleagues?

What happened to the war?

Also, how did he survive?

Nothing is certain. Eldora gently opened her eyes and felt the ground as was her habit. However, Excalibur could not be caught, so she struggled to raise her upper body and looked around.

Even though there was a forest all around, it was muggy. Moreover, the fishy odor was so strong that it stung my nose.

Eldora then realized that she was not alone here. And under the dark sky, the groaning users scattered all over the place began to be stepped on one by one.

The first thing I saw was a man lying dead and not moving. What’s unusual is that the abdomen has been cut into chunks of flesh. She seemed to have received treatment and her bleeding had stopped, but her organs were clearly visible.

Next to him, a woman was sobbing silently, covering her eyes with one hand. With her free hand, she stirs the air, almost as if she is seeing a blind person.

Eldora, who was staring blankly, suddenly felt suffocated.

However, the reality I finally faced was only the tip of the iceberg. Because not just that one place, but the entire neighborhood was in a similar situation. The injured user was continuously sobbing in pain, and the user who was still healthy was looking down with a sad look on his face.

After a while, Eldora’s eyes suddenly widened as she looked away in confusion.

On one side of the forest bathed in soft moonlight, a familiar giant sits down like a lost person. I’ve been seeing you for years and there’s no way I don’t know who it is. It was Edward, the ‘Knight of Judgment’.

However, one of the two arms is not visible. To be more precise, it is cut cleanly from the left shoulder.

“Ed… ?”

Eldora was so choked up that she could not continue speaking. Do I want to believe that the scene before my eyes is a dream? Her eyes closed tightly, then opened, then closed again, then opened again. But reality does not change.

I still don’t know what happened, but I still have an idea. Even if you don’t have to listen, you can guess the end of the war based on the depressed and gloomy atmosphere.


The southern continent lost the war.

The moment she thought that, Eldora felt indescribable despair and crushing guilt.

Natalie’s limbs being cruelly torn off, a scene where she is mercilessly trampled by a group of knights that suddenly appear, etc.

Memories I didn’t want to think about flashed through my mind. I felt like I wanted to cry out loud if I had the strength to cry.

“Oh, are you awake?”

At that time, a clattering sound came from some distance away. A sturdy devil with horns sprouting from the top of his head was walking. It was Astaroth.

“I thought so, but did he really live? Hey, don’t you think that guy is really the god of death for no reason?”

I don’t know what you’re talking about. However, as Astaroth approached, Eldora suddenly felt her anger rising to the point where she could not control it. The way she walked and grinned awkwardly made me feel like I was being ridiculed.

“So how does it feel to be reborn…” . Wow! “What are you doing?”

The relaxed voice quickly became murky. I don’t know where that strength came from, but Eldora, who had been sitting still, suddenly rushed up and grabbed me by the collar.

“How dare you bastard… .”

For a split second, Astaroth’s eyes sparkled with a deep flame.


However, Eldora lifted her opponent with even more strength,


The moment he screamed once more, Astaroth’s eyes slowly softened.

“You had soldiers too! I told you there are over ten thousand demon warriors! “But why, why didn’t you help me!”

Eldora was even shedding tears.

“Huh, really… .”

Astaroth sighed as if he was dumbfounded.

“Because they had separate things to do. Anyway, why don’t you come to your senses first?”


“Don’t glare. Because you are not the only ones who have suffered. “Do you even know what we went through when we ran away with you, who was almost dead?”

“almost… ? Dead… ?”

It was that moment.


Eldora, who had been repeating the words without even realizing it, was suddenly startled and said, “Hi!” I hiccuped.


Then, he slaps his butt as if his legs have lost their strength.

“hey? hey! what’s the matter?”

Astaroth’s shout continued. However, rather than reacting, Eldora crossed her hands and grabbed her arm tightly, and soon began to tremble like an aspen. Her confused face suddenly looks frightened.

Because it finally occurred to me.

The last moments of the battlefield that you remember.

And above all, the man from the Northern Continent who was constantly toying with him.

It was an opponent I had never experienced before. Their strength is similar, their swordsmanship is unrivaled, and their speed is much faster than mine. In particular, the feeling of Excalibur shrinking every time the swords collide gives me goosebumps even now.

Yes, it was completely broken. At first, he lost his temper and rushed in after Natalie’s death, but he never took the initiative after that. I only swung my sword at the right time and was overwhelmingly pushed back throughout the battle.

‘El Doradooooooooo!’

Is that all? The ability he had invested his entire life into was easily destroyed with a flaming sword, and he was even treated as a toy.

I cannot forget the humiliation of having my equipment forcibly removed one by one, crying and begging for forgiveness, saying I was wrong.

In the end, he couldn’t take revenge and was chased away. It was a humiliation and a wound that Eldora, who had always been on a roll since becoming a user, could never bear.

Moreover, with the added responsibility and guilt I had felt earlier, it was not unreasonable for me to be driven to the brink of madness in no time. She may look strong on the outside, but she was a tough girl on the inside.

“Hi… ! Hehe… !”

As the memory becomes clearer, the eyeballs become bloodshot and the hiccups become more intense. The eyes have become so large that they can no longer be magnified, and the mouth is wide open and the accumulated saliva is dripping. The sight of the person curled up and shaking fearfully resembles a mental patient locked in a ward.

The moment I remembered the terrible feeling of being stripped naked and molested like that, and finally having a knife stuck in my back and my insides exploding,


Eldora pulled her hair torn with both hands. It was then.


The sound of rushing and a calm voice overlapped. Then, strangely enough, Eldora’s state, which was on the verge of explosion, suddenly stopped, and her tremors subsided in an instant.

“Mel… . Melinus… ?”

Eldora muttered in a very wet voice.

After a while, an old man with a flowing white beard came closer and sighed in relief.

“You’ve finally woken up. “I’m really, really glad.”

“Melinus… . Melinus… !”

When Eldora stretched out her arms like a child looking for her parents, Melinus gently squeezed her hands as if to comfort her. Soon, dark tears begin to quietly flow down my cold cheeks. Although he doesn’t seem to notice it himself.

“Well, because of me… .”

“No, no. It’s absolutely not Eldora’s fault. “If there is a mistake, it is all our fault.”

“but… . I, I… .”

“it’s okay. Eldora? Don’t think about anything now. Now, this way… .”

Melinus walked somewhere while supporting the sobbing Eldora. Astaroth could not take his eyes off the woman who was slowly moving away from him for a while.

Of course, there is no way that the Archdemon would feel sorry. I’m just interested in seeing the dark tears and dark, dead eyes that shed earlier.

“The more I look at humans, the more fascinating they become.”

At that time, someone grinned in a clear voice.

Astaroth looked to the side in surprise, then shrugged his shoulders when he saw Thanatos there.

“Well, right… . yo. this. I was so ruined after losing just once, yo. “It’s pathetic.”

“Let’s get rid of the clumsy politeness. … Anyway, yes. Didn’t you choose the wrong ally? I should have done it with him instead. “Who did you say you were?”

“Kim Soohyun. If we could, we would have joined hands with him, right? But what’s funny about him is that he seems to want to kill us and even deal with angels. Tsk.”


When Astaroth immediately stopped talking and clicked his tongue, Thanatos laughed out loud. After giggling for a while, he stretched out as hard as he could and continued his words.

“Anyway, what are you going to do now?”


“huh? This is not it. “Do you know that this is a very serious situation right now?”

“… … .”

“The great prophecy… . Oh, I don’t know. Anyway, I only found three out of six pieces. Of the six of you, half have failed. Not to mention the demon lord. And the southern continent~. … As you can see, it’s like that.”

“well. “I don’t know.”

Thanatos glanced to the side at the simple and calm voice. Astaroth had his arms hanging down and his head down.

“For that matter, you seem quite relaxed. “Why don’t you just tell me?”

“You said you didn’t know. Because Lucifer was the one who knew the plan best in the first place. He didn’t think he would get hit, but he can’t do anything unless he’s there. “I’ll just have to wait.”

“Hey~. ah! Last time I heard it, they told me to clear a path. “Do you mean to wait for that?”

“iced coffee… . That’s it, there’s actually something else to wait for. Probably by now… .”

After saying that, Astaroth slightly raised his head and looked at the sky.

“No, soon.”

He paused for a moment, and then one corner of his mouth rose leisurely.


Suddenly a cool wind blew.

Soon, the pupils of the ‘Demon of Anger’ are torn horizontally, and the black eyes emit a ferocious light.

In that state, Astaroth continued speaking.

“Because Satan will come.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=


First of all, the illustration was completed this morning.

But an unexpected problem arose.

The most accessible space for readers is to post in notices.

Strangely, every time I post it in an announcement, the illustration becomes broken or quite blurry.

The illustrator changed the file and changed the size several times, but the clarity of the original was not restored.

If you know how to solve the problem, please leave a comment. _(__)_

Ah, this illustration came out really pretty… . ㅜ.ㅠ


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not work with dark mode